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Venting Talking to nonshort normies about height causes brain damage



feminae stultae sunt | 5'3 goblin-manlet
May 19, 2018
I recently had to go to my aunts wedding and I decided to talk to some people there just to pass some time. I eventually started talking about clothes and how I find it hard to find clothes that fit me at my size since I'm so short. Its honestly really annoying though, its really hard to find clothes that fit me because they never make the legs or sleeves long enough. I even mentioned it when I was talking about it at the party, I remember specifically saying that they didn't make clothes in my size. I even talked about how I can't get clothes I like a lot since they physically do not make that piece of clothing in my size and I would have to get it tailored if I got it. These dumb fucking normies (even after pointing out THEY DO NOT MAKE THEM IN MY SIZE) say "why don't you just try getting smaller clothes hahaha just get smaller clothes". Just what??? I literally mentioned them not existing but stupid fucking average height normies can't even comprehend that not all clothes you find at stores come in all sizes. Its so infuriating. I hate how normies say retard fucking comments like that and then they will think they are some genius problem solvers. Like they legit think it didn't cross my mind to just look for it in a small and not a medium jfl. They're annoying about all aspects of height tbh, but they are especially nerve racking when it comes to clothing and height. I also mentioned tailoring and these dumb faggots were like "why would you use tailoring? Just go get a size that fits you" as if I didn't just say THOSE CLOTHES DO NOT EXISTTTTTTTTTTTT. So stupid. Normies legit drive me to drink. Thank god I was drinkmaxxing at the party last night since if I was sober I would have blown my brains out (or the normies brains out ) if I had to listen to them make retard comments, especially about height. Honestly interacting with people at this point is suicide fuel since being a short male is hell and makes you a low ranking male by default. Of course non-manlets don't care. Though I have to say that at least extreme tall fags can usually relate to me on this one since they run into the same problem with stores never carrying their size. If you are out of the average range you are fucked when it comes to clothes.
I've had the same problem as my gramps, the fashion industry didn't he and I's sizes existed.
Dude just grow few inches haha
Bro why don't you get clothes that fit
In their defense, you don't seem to have explained it very well. From this story it seems like all you said was "The size doesn't exist" and just expected them to take your word for it. Baby clothes exist. So unless you explain the idiosyncrasies of clothes sizes to people, they're gonna be like "How can they not make clothes small enough for you when they make clothes for kids?"

What you should've explained was, if you bought, say, a smaller pant size, they might be... let's say, long enough, but they'd be too tight. Or too wide. Because it's about proportions and stuff. Most pants, whatever size they come in, come in certain cuts and fits based on certain bodily proportions that manlets don't have. And THAT is why we have to go to special manlet stores to get our clothes.
In their defense, you don't seem to have explained it very well. From this story it seems like all you said was "The size doesn't exist" and just expected them to take your word for it. Baby clothes exist. So unless you explain the idiosyncrasies of clothes sizes to people, they're gonna be like "How can they not make clothes small enough for you when they make clothes for kids?"

What you should've explained was, if you bought, say, a smaller pant size, they might be... let's say, long enough, but they'd be too tight. Or too wide. Because it's about proportions and stuff. Most pants, whatever size they come in, come in certain cuts and fits based on certain bodily proportions that manlets don't have. And THAT is why we have to go to special manlet stores to get our clothes.

Oh trust me I explained it better in person. I've been drinking and smoking tonight so trying to explain myself is kind of a struggle. I should have mentioned that I was talking about specific outfits/clothes that the store did not sell in smaller sizes or in a childs size. I'm also a terrible height/size since I'm too big for kids clothes but too small for adult clothes because of proportions.
i don't talk to people about height, but i just hate how i'm taken less seriously by foids

also pls use paragraphs
Infuriating. How tall are you OP?
Tbh I've encountered normies in those situations that say way more retarded shit than that. At least they gave you advise relevant to the topic albeit shitty advise.
Height and weight OP?
Dude just grow few inches haha
Bro why don't you get clothes that fit
“Omg it’s 2018 and gyms exist.. there’s literally no reason for a guy to be below 6’ in 2018.. like rly short guys?”

^^^ actual foid quote
Don’t talk to normies.
I hate how normies say retard fucking comments like that and then they will think they are some genius problem solvers. Like they legit think it didn't cross my mind to just look for it in a small and not a medium jfl.

I have the same problem tbh. I bet you anything they wouldn’t be spewing the same BS if other people were around, or for white knights, specifically females.

They just use it as a way to seem intelligent and “alpha” to an extent. It’s like talking to a brick wall, there’s no point.
should've gone ER on them
fuck normies
It’s like talking to a brick wall, there’s no point.
“Omg it’s 2018 and gyms exist.. there’s literally no reason for a guy to be below 6’ in 2018.. like rly short guys?”

^^^ actual foid quote
Jesus foids are retarded. I hope that was a joke and that the foid isn't that dumb but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was though.

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