Can you at least give me a tl;dr so I can decide if its worth listening to, or where to skip to start listening to?
I like molymeme but holy fucking hell does he take a long time to get to a point.
Well basically this is a guy that has a mother that wanted to stab him to death when she found out that he had pre-marital sex.
Because all the craziness he moved away in to the prairie, he had a dog at home(the guy really likes dogs), it died, his mother poisoned it out of revenge most likely.
He got involved with a black woman - that has a family that is SJW - anti white racist. When he first time met her family the women in the family set him down for 4 hours and lectured him how to behave around people of color, how not to be racist, what is acceptable for him to do.
This black girl/woman that he is seeing had 70000 dollars debt for her collage stuff. Which she owed to her parrents (who are rich as fuck by the way) - now he has been "forced" to pay her debt back to her parrents as reparation for his white privilege! (btw. they are in Canada)
Her family always attacks/berates him. and she is always on her families side. And she calls him racist.
Btw. the guy is in IT he is a team lead and a CTO O_O - so he has a really fucking good job-money, he described him self as athletic and about an 8 or 9 out of 10.
He tried to give job to her younger brother, but he started calling him a racist too!
Her black girlfriend made him get dogs (which he actually liked) to try out how it would be to have kids, to see if she wants any. But she became abusive and beat the dogs that he loved really really much, and he just stood there and watched crying like a little bitch!
She is phisically abusive against him as well.
Oh yea and the guy works like 60 to 70 hours a week, to pay her debt and all the loans for the huge house that she made him buy. But she hates that he is so much away working and one time when she did not want him to go and he still decided to go she went crazy and said that she wants the aircraft to crashes with him and that he dies a painful death burning in the wreckage.
This about sums it up - its a long post but it is a long ass video. - There is a bunch of stuff that I left out here.