I just feel like if you are going to go ER. You should become a bio-engineer and engineer an airborne virus, with 2 week incubation period, mail it to all of the biggest cities/airports in the world. Hope to wipe something 40-66% of the world's population. And to be completely honest, you would be doing humanity and the world a huge favor.
After such a catastrophe, so much of the current fabric would be shaken up, humanity would be united in an effort to fight off the virus, this event would open up a window for things to change drastically as far as infrastructure/politics/relations go. So many borders and boundaries would be opened up.
To me going on a ER crusade just seems pointless and pathetic, even if you ER 200-300 normies, it still means nothing.
And I don't really think there's a completely realistic way to wipe humanity off the face of the earth as a whole. But the virus, that's achievable even for a single individual if you just dedicate yourself, and tbh, on the side you could be doing research on senescence, so we can cure aging for ourselves, and become immortal overlords. We could become the ruling elite of the new world, incelliminati. Controlling the flow of human race from the shadows, as unaging, immortal demigods.
Getting old and dying is the ultimate and highest form of getting cucked, it's when nature herself cucks you.