Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Suicide / depression threads are popping up all over the internet on places that would formerly ban you for even mentioning men have problems



Dec 28, 2017
I give to you hacker news, the most leftist, women worshipping google cock sucking shithole I've ever come across. reddit on steroids but 100 times worse.
The smuggest of smug assholes who sniff their own farts.

You don't have to read much of it. I'll summarize it:

"I'm lonely and work all the time"
"I'm lonely and can't even find a job"

But 99% of their problems boil down to not being good looking then lying about the real reason they're lonely.

My work stress level is basically maxed out and has been for a long time. I'm not coping with it.

I can't sleep well, and at night my thoughts are filled with ideas of suicide. The thought of putting a gun to my head is calming, like I'd finally be able to relax. I imagine a lot of elaborate and violent ways to go, and these thoughts seem to be the only things that relax me enough to fall asleep.

There's no point to anything I'm doing, to any of the money I'm making, my future looks just like my past, I'm going to work until I die anyway, and I hate working, so why even keep going? I have literally nothing to look forward to. I think the only thing keeping me alive is the fear of actually going through with it.

I wonder why you're lonely pal. Let me guess, you're average looking or ugly in an area where men vastly outnumber women.

sad-throwaway 1 hour ago [-]

No... but I'm not sure what to do about it
I spoke with a therapist, but it hasn't helped me much; he basically admitted he didn't know what to suggest. Maybe I'm weird, and need to find the right therapist, which is what people suggest when I tell them this hasn't been that useful

What else can I do, HN?

I feel so lonely all the time. I don't have any close friends and people only talk to me at work about work. I do try to make an effort to talk to people about their lives and such - but they never reciprocate

I'm afraid that if I try to kill myself, I might make a mistake and could end up crippled. Alive, just with an even lower quality of life. That fear is about the only thing keeping me alive at the moment

I'm so tired of being alive. I just feel unwanted and unloved all the time

"I just feel unwanted and unloved all the time"

cicciop 52 minutes ago [-]

No, I'm not OK. Throwaway for obvious reasons.
Last year I lost my job and my marriage. I have since survived on occasional self-employment and burning my life savings; this month I lost the car, chances are I'll be broke by Christmas and will lose the house. My CV is atypical and hard to sell, too old for junior jobs and not good enough for senior ones, and I'm crap at selling and networking, but what else am I going to do?

I have not had a sexual relationship for several years now, to the point I'm considering paying for it

This guy is definitely going to blow his brains out if he can even afford a gun.
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nobody cares about men's life so why would they care about their suicide?
nobody cares about men's life so why would they care about their suicide?

You shouldn't. These are ultra leftist cucked normies. They shit all over "incels"

I hope their suffering is painful and long as possible
Hahahahaha, get fucked failed normalfaggots.
So many men rot in despair that would otherwise be happy productive members of society with stable employment and families of their own if they were only lucky enough to be born 100 years ago instead of living in the current age era. On one hand, I despise cucks but on the other I always have a soft spot for fellow lonely men no matter how cuckish they are. Oftentimes, it's not really their fault. Usually they only wanted to do the right thing but the society and shitty life circumstances molded them into cucks.
So many men rot in despair that would otherwise be happy productive members of society with stable employment

even if hypergamy disappeared overnight and men got their looks matches, they're still going to get anally raped by lack of income / jobs in the upcoming recession
The world is full of masive bluepill stuff. So there are lots of copers. The culture is fucked in the ass with this ideas and its fucking suicidefuel
Noticed it too
Thanks for the post
Good, they reap what they sow
I couldn't care less about these pathetic losers, only blackpilled incels registered here deserve respect, bluepilled ones must suffer
"Huh, I keep trying my best but somehow I end up thinking about giving up and suicide all the time.

It's almost like the whole world is ordered to generate as little dopamine inside male brains as possible.

Crazy shit."
They have to learn.. even if the learning kills them. I don't care. Who does at this point, even for a nanosecond care about the endless suffering going on across the world.. countless deaths of Men committing suicide it might as well be a Femistazi State Enforced Genocide.
It is truly over for many (most?) men. Even the married guy who got divorced...he is losing everything. Home, car, life savings. He is correct, what is the point of living? Even if u do ascend, and marry, the foid will just take everything u have. They will destroy you.

And remember, HN Y combination are the elite. These guys are the elite. They are earning 6 figures at top tech companies and even they cannot make it. What about normal guys? And of course, the lower class guys are finished.

So even the 1% of income earners are having problems. It is over, unless you are like multi-millionaire or very, very lucky.
It is truly over for many (most?) men. Even the married guy who got divorced...he is losing everything. Home, car, life savings. He is correct, what is the point of living? Even if u do ascend, and marry, the foid will just take everything u have. They will destroy you.

And remember, HN Y combination are the elite. These guys are the elite. They are earning 6 figures at top tech companies and even they cannot make it. What about normal guys? And of course, the lower class guys are finished.

So even the 1% of income earners are having problems. It is over, unless you are like multi-millionaire or very, very lucky.
This is what most don’t understand with Hypergamy. It’s not constant and evolved with time. It’s getting so bad that all Gen X and boomers can comprehend how bad it is for their sons. They didn’t grow up with social media and online dating.
''I spoke with a therapist, but it hasn't helped me much; he basically admitted he didn't know what to suggest. Maybe I'm weird, and need to find the right therapist, which is what people suggest when I tell them this hasn't been that useful''

Finding the right therapist... Oh man...

It's almost like the whole world is ordered to generate as little dopamine inside male brains as possible.

I have been saying this for quite a while but I am actually really convinced of it. This world wants to destroy any kind of manly energy.
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People don't care about truly depressed men.
once i shared my problems on bluepill problems and they told its all in my head just lol
''I spoke with a therapist, but it hasn't helped me much; he basically admitted he didn't know what to suggest. Maybe I'm weird, and need to find the right therapist, which is what people suggest when I tell them this hasn't been that useful''

Finding the right therapist... Oh man...

I have been saying this for quite a while but I am actually really convinced of it. This world wants to destroy any kind of manly energy.
it's the end result of everyone taking what they want for themselves, unsexy men have less leverage and end up at the bottom, no dopamine for them aside from destroying their bodies with gluttony and drugs
I always have a soft spot for fellow lonely men no matter how cuckish they are. Oftentimes, it's not really their fault. Usually they only wanted to do the right thing but the society and shitty life circumstances molded them into cucks.
Agreed, let's not forget that cucks use their support of leftist ideas as a sort of sexual strategy. They realize that they cannot offer foids anything in terms of looks so they believe that perhaps if they support the same ideology as foids, they'll get a whiff of the pussy.
Essentially, cucks are just incels with less self-respect.

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