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Blackpill sub8 law is legit but not in a way that you think

Total Imbecile

Total Imbecile

Honorary ethnic
Dec 19, 2017
Its not over if youre sub8, you can still get laid and have a gf, however if youre sub8 you will never experience a girl genuinely being in love with you and desiring you sexually

From my time spent on various asexual forums this much is clear to me, if youre sub8 women dont think about you sexually at all and this is why so many of them question if they are asexual, especially gray asexuals who can experience sexual attraction but which is "rare or reliant on specific conditions" (aka him being a good looking 8+/10 chad)

You will often even find posts from girls saying how they used to be sexual with their ex who cheated on them, but theyre no longer and asking how to break it to their new cuck boyfriends that they dont want to have sex ever again. Most women see sex with sub8 men as a chore, something you must do occasionally to keep your bf happy even though you dont enjoy it at all, but with 8+/10 guys their pussies actually get wet and they crave something to fill their hole
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6/10 normies get laid all the time
sub8 theory is cope. A lot of us just don’t want to believe that we are the gutter trash of society and that normies are like us too
Seconding this. I've said this for a while. The way I phrase it: Sub-8s can get irregular and non-monogamous sex, while monogamous regular sex is reserved for 8+ in 2019. If you're like me, a traditional Christian who cannot have sex outside of marriage, you're basically doomed as a sub-8. If your some gnostic trash, then yes you can likely get some extremely irregular or non-monogamous sex with some women if you're 4or5+. Honestly, sex ain't worth it if it's not with a spouse, so extramarital sex is cope anyway, thereby justifying the validity of sub-8 rule.

>Most women see sex with sub8 men as a chore

Betabuxing isn't free. They have to fool the man into thinking they like them.

6/10 normies get laid all the time
sub8 theory is cope. A lot of us just don’t want to believe that we are the gutter trash of society and that normies are like us too
You clearly didn't read the post. The first line reads:

Its not over if youre sub8, you can still get laid and have a gf

Few here will properly deny that sub-8s are purely incel, most agree with me and OP. The 4 or 5 men you see being "successful" are having sex with literal whores and getting said sex so irregularly that it barely constitutes as worthwhile. Part of the sexual experience is accepting a partner fuilly, and it's very hard to do this outside a religious context, or just simply being very good looking. These 4s and 5s are not sexual accepted even remotely.
From my time spent on various asexual forums this much is clear to me, if youre sub8 women dont think about you sexually at all and this is why so many of them question if they are asexual, especially gray asexuals who can experience sexual attraction but which is "rare or reliant on specific conditions" (aka him being a good looking 8+/10 chad)
An forum for selectively asexual foids are not indicative of the majority of foids. They are simply an outlier and should be treated as such. Sub8 theory will always be a delusional cope
sub8 theory is cope. A lot of us just don’t want to believe that we are the gutter trash of society and that normies are like us too
tbh, you don't need to be incel for it to be over
I agree with your sentiment, unfortunately, low iq brainlets will flood in and say "muh sub8 theory is bs cope". Which it isn't in the terms you've described it. I've made a similar thread and got attacked for it in the past.
Its not over if youre sub8, you can still get laid and have a gf, however if youre sub8 you will never experience a girl genuinely being in love with you and desiring you sexually

No, even then it's still cope and it should stay in retarded autistic places like lookism.

I agree with your sentiment, unfortunately, low iq brainlets will flood in and say "muh sub8 theory is bs cope". Which it isn't in the terms you've described it. I've made a similar thread and got attacked for it in the past.

Go back to lookism to spew your retarded theories.
6/10 normies get laid all the time
sub8 theory is cope. A lot of us just don’t want to believe that we are the gutter trash of society and that normies are like us too
You're right bro.
No, even then it's still cope and it should stay in retarded autistic places like lookism.

Go back to lookism to spew your retarded theories.

You're right bro.
Is it really that retarded, though? You and others make it seem like it's such an outlandish claim in the realms of modern-day dating apps, hypergamy, and degeneracy. At no other time in recorded history have women become so powerful in the sexual market. Especially now most make as much if not more money than men, they're able to choose any swinging dick within a hundred miles as they please. A sub 8 man is not going to be truly lusted and "loved" with the menu foids have. How retarded is this, really?
Is it really that retarded, though? You and others make it seem like it's such an outlandish claim in the realms of modern-day dating apps, hypergamy, and degeneracy. At no other time in recorded history have women become so powerful in the sexual market. Especially now most make as much if not more money than men, they're able to choose any swinging dick within a hundred miles as they please. A sub 8 man is not going to be truly lusted and "loved" with the menu foids have. How retarded is this, really?

You're saying a 7/10 (Francisco Lachowski) is incapable of genuinely being loved and desired sexually. You know that it's bullshit.
I agree with your sentiment, unfortunately, low iq brainlets will flood in and say "muh sub8 theory is bs cope". Which it isn't in the terms you've described it. I've made a similar thread and got attacked for it in the past.

Yeah, its completely different from what it used to mean on lookism but I guess some people just cant look past the name, we should come up with a new name for it I guess
You're saying a 7/10 (Francisco Lachowski) is incapable of genuinely being loved and desired sexually. You know that it's bullshit.

Are you calling Lachowski a 7? That is the real bullshit here
You're saying a 7/10 (Francisco Lachowski) is incapable of genuinely being loved and desired sexually. You know that it's bullshit.
That rating is highly subjective...Of course it's BS. I would even lean more towards it being the "sub7" theory. Whatever you want to call it, you get the point. Of course, Lachowski can be truly desired. Even then, a lot of good looking men get cheated on and left for all the damn time...Seemingly no one is safe from branch swinging. I think OP's point that sub8 men eventually lose that sexual attraction their partner feels is spot on. If you aren't the cream of the crop in your area, well good luck in establishing a meaningful, faithful relationship is all I can say.
sub8 is still law though, because sub8 might have been true in 2000s-2010(or whenever Tinder was realased) but after that sub8 law is not be 8+ to get gf or get fucked
That rating is highly subjective...Of course it's BS. I would even lean more towards it being the "sub7" theory. Whatever you want to call it, you get the point. Of course, Lachowski can be truly desired. Even then, a lot of good looking men get cheated on and left for all the damn time...Seemingly no one is safe from branch swinging. I think OP's point that sub8 men eventually lose that sexual attraction their partner feels is spot on. If you aren't the cream of the crop in your area, well good luck in establishing a meaningful, faithful relationship is all I can say.

I think there needs to be another name and description for this. Something like, "sub-Chad law" which says that you will not be genuinely lusted after unless you're Chad? Because there's a lot of average men in relationships and they do get genuinely loved. I think the focus should be on lust, then I can at least agree with it, and it makes a lot of sense, too.
6/10 normies get laid all the time
sub8 theory is cope. A lot of us just don’t want to believe that we are the gutter trash of society and that normies are like us too
Is it really that retarded, though? You and others make it seem like it's such an outlandish claim in the realms of modern-day dating apps, hypergamy, and degeneracy. At no other time in recorded history have women become so powerful in the sexual market. Especially now most make as much if not more money than men, they're able to choose any swinging dick within a hundred miles as they please. A sub 8 man is not going to be truly lusted and "loved" with the menu foids have. How retarded is this, really?
As you said they are low iq brainlets. Dont waste your time, just thank fuck they're incel and wont reproduce
You're saying a 7/10 (Francisco Lachowski) is incapable of genuinely being loved and desired sexually. You know that it's bullshit.

Low IQ incel... He is not 7/10. Your perception of reality is trash.
just make a dating profile with a 6/10 normie to see how hopeless it is.
Exactly, as has been said many times before, sub8 theory simply means you’re not desirable to foids.

You’ll still get laid if you’re above a 4, but you’ll need to try very hard and be a cuck. The foid will never respect or love you.

JFL at how low IQ so many incels are that they can’t understand this basic concept.
tbh, you don't need to be incel for it to be over

This is the high IQ reply. The poster is more or less correct, the reality is men in the 6-7 range, chadlites or high tier normies, experience a bit of bleeding, but they are still sexually desirable and can (keyword here, it's not a guarantee) experience true love.

However, at about the 3-6.25 level, basically mid tier to lower tier normie, you can experience true love only if your girl is significantly uglier than you. If you get lucky with your looksmatch, trust me, she will have a lot of power in the relationship, and often times treat you like a woman.
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If you're like me, a traditional Christian who cannot have sex outside of marriage
You don’t even imagine how over it is for christiancels who are truly religious and respectful of their tradition.

Christiancels are blamed for things they cannot even do, they are filled wit guilt complexes about sins they - as incels - cannot commit. And meanwhile, “Christian gamers” (yes, they exist) are saying that if you don’t “man up” you basically are a genetic trash, a waste of oxygen, and you should kill yourself for being such a worthless creature incapable of finding a good valuable Christian wife (usually Christian foids remained unmarried are they themself genetic trash).
Cope harder. He's 7/10, go back to lookism.

LOL...... you gotta be fucking kidding me... You just have to get banned from these forums dude, I can't even believe I put up arguing with you about height the other day.

Francisco Lachowski is UBER CHAD TIER.

dude, your'e the biggest fucking moron, he is also 6'3", 27 years old, and has a 5 year old son...
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You're saying a 7/10 (Francisco Lachowski) is incapable of genuinely being loved and desired sexually. You know that it's bullshit.
Lachowski is a 1 in an million 10
6/10 normies get laid all the time
sub8 theory is cope. A lot of us just don’t want to believe that we are the gutter trash of society and that normies are like us too
Cope harder. He's 7/10, go back to lookism.

Just out of curiosity, what is a 9/10 or 10/10 by your standards?

I am just upset at myself for even arguing with you the other day, you're clueless dude. The internet has mindfucked you because you just rarely go outside. Maybe you are a truecel then.
LOL...... you gotta be fucking kidding me... You just have to get banned from these forums dude, I can't even believe I put up arguing with you about height the other day.

Francisco Lachowski is UBER CHAD TIER.

dude, your'e the biggest fucking moron, he is also 6'3", 27 years old, and has a 5 year old son...
U mad, lookism cuck? He's a 7/10, if you want to be a Uber faggot go ahead. :lul:

Just out of curiosity, what is a 9/10 or 10/10 by your standards?

I am just upset at myself for even arguing with you the other day, you're clueless dude. The internet has mindfucked you because you just rarely go outside. Maybe you are a truecel then.

10s don't exist, but since you asked normally, I'll answer. I'd rate Tom Welling and Colton Haynes an 8-8.5. I go outside often and I see tons of good looking guys here in Western Europe. Maybe seeing so many gl people on a daily basis has warped my view, explains why I'm stricter than most. @RageAgainstTDL and I had an argument about my ratings before, but then he understood why I rate so harshly.
Lachowski is a 1 in an million 10
He's not a 10. Just less than an hour ago, I saw a guy who easily mogged Francisco into oblivion. Fuaaark I felt super ugly in his presence.
10s don't exist, but since you asked normally, I'll answer. I'd rate Tom Welling and Colton Haynes an 8-8.5. I go outside often and I see tons of good looking guys here in Western Europe. Maybe seeing so many gl people on a daily basis has warped my view, explains why I'm stricter than most. @RageAgainstTDL and I had an argument about my ratings before, but then he understood why I rate so harshly.

He's not a 10. Just less than an hour ago, I saw a guy who easily mogged Francisco into oblivion. Fuaaark I felt super ugly in his presence.

It doesn't mean I don't think you're retarded. Just because you live in a country full of 9/10s doesn't mean they're not still 9/10. Based on your retarded rating systems, I'm fully convinced you're an average looking guy or above who just needs a nosejob at most. 5/10=average. 9-9.9/10 top tier male model. Fill in the blanks evenly between.
You're saying a 7/10 (Francisco Lachowski) is incapable of genuinely being loved and desired sexually. You know that it's bullshit.
Lachowski a 7/10 LMFAO. No wonder you are a sub 8 denier then. When you rate everyone 2 points lower then sub8 law of course suddenly becomes sub6 law.
U mad, lookism cuck? He's a 7/10, if you want to be a Uber faggot go ahead. :lul:

10s don't exist, but since you asked normally, I'll answer. I'd rate Tom Welling and Colton Haynes an 8-8.5. I go outside often and I see tons of good looking guys here in Western Europe. Maybe seeing so many gl people on a daily basis has warped my view, explains why I'm stricter than most. @RageAgainstTDL and I had an argument about my ratings before, but then he understood why I rate so harshly.

He's not a 10. Just less than an hour ago, I saw a guy who easily mogged Francisco into oblivion. Fuaaark I felt super ugly in his presence.

You need medication, or just take a break from the internet.

Francisco is a 10/10. What else does a man have to do really? He has the perfect height at 6'3" with a perfect face along with a youthful look. Had kids at 22, basically an outlier these days, posts a pic on instagram and gets 90k likes. This is not the story of a Chadlite. Francisco mogs the other two.

Francisco > Tom Welling > Colton Haynes.

Tom Welling, is a Chad too, but he has a fathery cuck type of look.

Colton Haynes is at the Chad border IMO, he is also 5'9", and has a gay vibe coming off him.

Please stop being so stupid, take some meds maybe that might help.
Lachowski a 7/10 LMFAO. No wonder you are a sub 8 denier then. When you rate everyone 2 points lower then sub8 law of course suddenly becomes sub6 law.

He's very low IQ, best to not bother with him. He's just been cucked by the internet.
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It doesn't mean I don't think you're retarded. Just because you live in a country full of 9/10s doesn't mean they're not still 9/10. Based on your retarded rating systems, I'm fully convinced you're an average looking guy or above who just needs a nosejob at most. 5/10=average. 9-9.9/10 top tier male model. Fill in the blanks evenly between.
U mad? You'd kill yourself if you were here, I guarantee it. But how can I be average at all if I got a terrible nose? By default I'm below average.

You need medication, or just take a break from the internet.

Francisco is a 10/10. What else does a man have to do really? He has the perfect height at 6'3" with a perfect face along with a youthful look. Had kids at 22, basically an outlier these days, posts a pic on instagram and gets 90k likes. This is not the story of a Chadlite. Francisco mogs the other two.

Francisco > Tom Welling > Colton Haynes.

Tom Welling, is a Chad too, but he has a fathery cuck type of look.

Colton Haynes is at the Chad border IMO, he is also 5'9", and has a gay vibe coming off him.

Please stop being so stupid, take some meds maybe that might help.

He's very low IQ, best to not bother with him. He's just been cucked by the internet.
Just lol at thinking a feminine betabuxxer mogs Tom Welling and Colton Haynes :lul::lul: Lookism fags are cancer.

Lachowski a 7/10 LMFAO. No wonder you are a sub 8 denier then. When you rate everyone 2 points lower then sub8 law of course suddenly becomes sub6 law.
If anything, it should be sub 4.5 law tbh.
Just lol at thinking a feminine betabuxxer mogs Tom Welling and Colton Haynes :lul::lul: Lookism fags are cancer.

You really need to get off this site. The things you say are just inaccurate.

Feminine betabuxxer? Feminine at 6'3"? Betabuxxer? Impossible. He could have selected literally anybody from the thousands of girls who wanted him. Impossible for him to be a betabuxxxer... Why are you so dumb, holy fucking shit?

Meanwhile, Colton Haynes, the guy you rate higher than Francisco, is actually gay. I didn't even know this when I said he gives off a gay vibe. You should leave this site.

Quoting his wikipedia page -
"He later publicly came out as gay in an interview in Entertainment Weekly in May 2016.[35] "

Please leave this forum. Incels CANNOT be this low IQ. You're embarrassing.
U mad? You'd kill yourself if you were here, I guarantee it. But how can I be average at all if I got a terrible nose? By default I'm below average.

Just lol at thinking a feminine betabuxxer mogs Tom Welling and Colton Haynes :lul::lul: Lookism fags are cancer.

If anything, it should be sub 4.5 law tbh.

Tell you what? I'm going to block you, over half my messages were in reply to you, and you're a fucking waste of my time.
You really need to get off this site. The things you say are just inaccurate.

Feminine betabuxxer? Feminine at 6'3"? Betabuxxer? Impossible. He could have selected literally anybody from the thousands of girls who wanted him. Impossible for him to be a betabuxxxer... Why are you so dumb, holy fucking shit?

Meanwhile, Colton Haynes, the guy you rate higher than Francisco, is actually gay. I didn't even know this when I said he gives off a gay vibe. You should leave this site.

Quoting his wikipedia page -
"He later publicly came out as gay in an interview in Entertainment Weekly in May 2016.[35] "

Please leave this forum. Incels CANNOT be this low IQ. You're embarrassing.

Tell you what? I'm going to block you, over half my messages were in reply to you, and you're a fucking waste of my time.
Just fucking lol at claiming somebody is masculine because of 6'3" height. I see plenty of gl women who are over 6 ft tall. Stop coping, you're not unwanted because of height but because of face.

Height copers, when will they learn? :lul:
Foids frequently have "a headache" for sub-8 men.
6/10 normies get laid all the time
sub8 theory is cope. A lot of us just don’t want to believe that we are the gutter trash of society and that normies are like us too

6/10s are not ugly, obviously they won't get any attention like 8/10s but they can get some pussies, also 8/10s are not very common, they are rare. Most people are 5/10~6/10 range (definition of average) therefore if a whore wants to fuck something their easy/natrual option is 5~6. Simple mathematical fact.

We are basically sub5, we are on the other side of the bell curve.
13069F1E 4294 43FD A52E E383844535D7
Foids frequently have "a headache" for sub-8 men.
Damn, this is so fucking true.

I knew one curry couple and the husband was 5'5" extremely lanky anorexic, the wife was 2-3 points above him and she used to have constant headache whenever she sees her husband, and they used to have continuous fighting, he got divorce raped at the end though.
6/10 normies get laid all the time
sub8 theory is cope. A lot of us just don’t want to believe that we are the gutter trash of society and that normies are like us too

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