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LifeFuel SUAF



Ultimate Virgin Deluxe
Apr 26, 2022
I have 4 words for all you reading to script. Stand Up A Fight. SUAF. Ill tell you why.

Trades: Unless your a richcell, your most likely in your parents house. Unless you got shit parrents. Ask if they can get you into drivers ed and get you a drivers license. Itll be a great gateway into trades. There is not such thing as get rich quick. But there is a thing call get middle class quick. Plumbing, HVAC, Automotive( if your high-ish IQ) or pipe fiting, can get you better money then fast food giving custumers Mcbullshit. If you got a aprentiship, youll make money sooner but will need to stick to the job for about 5 years or more. If your parrents arent shit parrents, ask to borrow money for trade school. Dont go for trades in college its a scam. Do reaserch, take some time and look up trade schools. College will force calculus up your ass, and other non related courses, wich will be literally 10 times more expensive then trade school. And will keep you stuck for a decade. After school when your in the trades, youll make money and not deal with huge fucking debt of college. And job hunts will be easier then college based courses because trades are mostly ocupyed by old people who are close to retirement.

Gathering: No shit were not happy with how the world is. Especially with the Foids out of controll. So why dont we gather and make conventions for us alone? Make plans to better our lives? Take a advantage for once instead of calling out a foid for the nasty shit there up to. IDK whag we can do about women privlege but I'm sure one of a fuck load of us have a idea that'll work.

Health: I'll admit, I much prefer fast food or anything unhealthy, but once in a wile, have a thing of veggies. It may taste like shit. But it'll give you health benefits that can help you out in life. You dont need to do it everyday but at least once a week. Have some veggies for vitamins.

Controll: remember when I mentioned the trades? They can be a double edge sword if you own your own car or in much more rare occasions, a house. Co sidering were incels we most dont likely own a house. But times will come were shit deosnt work. I remember when my dad gave me his old psp I wanted to play around. And the L botton wont work. So I learned how to replace cable robbons and now it works. Costed me 6$. Most people though would have issues with laptops or smartphones. And they go to electronic repair stores wich cost alot of money. Other expample is if yout car runs like shit. Most take it to a auto place. Both these ideas are extremly expensive. And will go for parts made by the origonal company of that product. Thing is though if you can reserch what the misfuntion of what product you own is. You can figure it out and use the internet to fix that product on your own. Case in point I dealt with a shit load of issues on my vehicle malfunctioning, instead of taking it to a automotive place to fix it. I just youtube the malfuntions, figured em out, and then fix those malfuntions. Saved me hundreds of dollars compared to taking the damn car and having a group of car people solve it for you. Same thing with many other things. If you got a problem with house heating or water backing up. Knowing what to do and how to solve em can be alot cheaper then having somone solve your issues for you.

Energy: you dont need to spend as much time at the gym as a gigachad, or even go to the gym at all. Once a week, do like 5 pushups or 20 crunches. Get your blood flowing. Do just a bit of exercise. Itll help your body out.

SUAF: These were things I kinda learned from the past 4 years. But it never proccesed to me until my brain kinda went to over drive. But I make this post in hope that we Incels can assend to somthing more powerfull and successful that what we are. And possibly make a difference in this world fucked up by normies and foids and chads alike. I say Stand Up And Fight

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