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stupid redditors want to hide the blackpill



my name is Max
Jul 19, 2023
they get mad when people become blackpilled and especially teenagers. I think it's good that more people are being blackpilled and know the truth about society. I became blackpilled around 16 and my life was bad before then anyway but joining here made me feel less lonely.

why do these normies want to hide the truth so much????????
how did you become blackpilled at 16 ?
I hide my blackpills by SWALLOWING TGEM!!!!
I found this website and lurked
crazy ngl. How do you youngcels even find this obscure middle of nowhere site? When i was your age this place didnt even exist, i had to deal with my inceldom all by myself without having a community of likeminded people to relate to
I remember making reddit threads nearly a decade ago at 17, saying that i feel left out and behind because i havent had a relationship yet while my peers did, everyone all called me an "entitled loser" and some even told me to hang myself. This was a 17 year old they were saying that to

i knew it was over back then
I remember making reddit threads nearly a decade ago at 17, saying that i feel left out and behind because i havent had a relationship yet while my peers did, everyone all called me an "entitled loser" and some even told me to hang myself. This was a 17 year old they were saying that to

i knew it was over back then
Wtf they are evil. Redditors are bullies and want to lie to you. At least you post here now with smarter people brocel
Wtf they are evil. Redditors are bullies and want to lie to you. At least you post here now with smarter people brocel
Definitely, redditors are truly evil scum
It seems that acknowledging the truth hurts them deeply. They idealize a life in a world where they are completely happy, like in a Disney movie, where everyone is content, singing in a forest and living happily ever after. When you question this view, they become incredibly angry and want to lash out. It’s like telling a child that Santa doesn't exist.
The foids on Reddit are all pretty black pilled without knowing it. Just read what they say about ugly undesirable low status autistic or disabled men in subs like TwoX, IT and PurpplePillDebate or any of the dating subs. the only reason they hate the black pill is because it’s associated with us and they hate us and just want us to shut the fuck up and wage slave and not complain while they fuck Chad.
I becomed blackpilled at the same age

We were always intellectually ahead of our generation.
how did you become blackpilled at 16 ?
I became black pill too at 15-17 from browsing the misc and puahate and just by life in general. Back then I still had some hope though now I’m almost 30 and I have no hope.
I remember making reddit threads nearly a decade ago at 17, saying that i feel left out and behind because i havent had a relationship yet while my peers did, everyone all called me an "entitled loser" and some even told me to hang myself. This was a 17 year old they were saying that to

i knew it was over back then
Yeah, I remember in my early 20s back when the incel subs were still up and I would get dms telling me the same thing mostly all from foids too. I remember they made fun of my autism and my writing style and called me retarted and told me I was evil and I deserved to die alone. I legit cried over those messages too especially since they were coming from women. I was already pretty black pilled before but that was one of the final nails in the coffin for me.
The foids on Reddit are all pretty black pilled without knowing it. Just read what they say about ugly undesirable low status autistic or disabled men in subs like TwoX, IT and PurpplePillDebate or any of the dating subs. the only reason they hate the black pill is because it’s associated with us and they hate us and just want us to shut the fuck up and wage slave and not complain while they fuck Chad.
Reddit foids are not blackpill aware though. They do hate ugly men and they want to keep doing it, but at the same time they don't want anybody to acknowledge it lol. It's usual foid "all the rights, none of the responsibilities" bullshit
They can't accept the truth
25126   SoyBooru
They're normie betabuxes so they need to constantly gaslight themselves into believing the girl they were with that'd only fuck them every blue moon was actually attracted to them. "uh women don't care about sex as much :soy: not everything is about sex!"
When you start again hard truths it threatens their copium as others have already said.

They're also obviously brainless simps. Just gender swap any rant written by a woman and post it on a venting subreddit to see for yourself.
I remember making reddit threads nearly a decade ago at 17, saying that i feel left out and behind because i havent had a relationship yet while my peers did, everyone all called me an "entitled loser" and some even told me to hang myself. This was a 17 year old they were saying that to

i knew it was over back then
Redditors hate other men and are desperate for any excuse to put them. Femoid redditors are misandrist radicals.
The foids on Reddit are all pretty black pilled without knowing it. Just read what they say about ugly undesirable low status autistic or disabled men in subs like TwoX, IT and PurpplePillDebate or any of the dating subs. the only reason they hate the black pill is because it’s associated with us and they hate us and just want us to shut the fuck up and wage slave and not complain while they fuck Chad.
you're right. but on reddit those posts are allowed since it is an anti-male website. mean posts about women are deleted INSTANTLY
you're right. but on reddit those posts are allowed since it is an anti-male website. mean posts about women are deleted INSTANTLY
Yep and the posts don’t even have to be mean either just anything slightly criticizing women gets taken down or downvoted into oblivion and gets responses like “found the incel!” :soy: :foidSoy: Were as the former man hating posts gets over a hundred upvotes plus awards and responses like you “go girl! and “slay queen”!:foidSoy::soy: Not to mention those piece of shit subs I mentioned along with FDS all get to stay on Reddit were based subs like r/Trucells,r/Incels,r/Braincels and r/Incelwithouthate an plenty of others get banned
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Yeah, I remember in my early 20s back when the incel subs were still up and I would get dms telling me the same thing mostly all from foids too. I remember they made fun of my autism and my writing style and called me retarted and told me I was evil and I deserved to die alone. I legit cried over those messages too especially since they were coming from women. I was already pretty black pilled before but that was one of the final nails in the coffin for me.
Thats very brutal brocel, and the worst thing is that we're painted as the villains
Redditors hate other men and are desperate for any excuse to put them. Femoid redditors are misandrist radicals.
Pretty much this
I want to understand how these people's minds work, how they can deny these things.
and the worst thing is that we're painted as the villains
yep and that just goes to show you how soyciety and especially foids really feel about low value/no value men they hate us and just want us to kill ourselves and they use but “muh misogyny”! :soy: :foidSoy: as and excuse to bully us
why do these normies want to hide the truth so much????????
They must keep incels in false hope so their slave class have energy to get up from their beds and do the cheapest and dirtiest labor instead of becoming neets. Without bluepill women would lose their modern privileges and an ability to be control freaks.
crazy ngl. How do you youngcels even find this obscure middle of nowhere site? When i was your age this place didnt even exist, i had to deal with my inceldom all by myself without having a community of likeminded people to relate to
I found it just before I turned 19. Idk how you can even be blackpilled so young really. Finding this site isn’t easy and usually takes gigarotting in blackpilled YouTube channels for ages. Even finding blackpill YouTube channels like Rehab Room is hard.

Btw, even tho rehab is kinda shadow banned to suppress the message, one of his buds showed right up in my recommended after watching redpill shit for YEARS. It was an act of mercy by YouTube itself. The relief I felt after that first video was unreal because of how relatable it was, and the fact I no longer blamed myself
i wish i was blackpilled sooner. like around 11 years old.
No you don’t man. Trust me, you fucking don’t. Unless you had one of the worst childhoods imaginable where you were ruthlessly bullied and had zero good things, then it wouldn’t have been good to know this that early. I myself had a good childhood luckily. Many other users did too and knowing this shit that early would have spoiled the childhood innocence and happiness. That’s part of why I’m so nostalgic for my childhood. I was so unaware of harsher realities and my soul was essentially “fresher” and less tainted with negativity.

I found out at basically age 19 and would say it was the right time. 16 is already kinda young tbh. Any earlier would have been bad imo. I’m all seriousness, I wonder who the youngest user here is? Could there be legit 14 year olds or younger here? Crazy to think about that
I remember making reddit threads nearly a decade ago at 17, saying that i feel left out and behind because i havent had a relationship yet while my peers did, everyone all called me an "entitled loser" and some even told me to hang myself. This was a 17 year old they were saying that to

i knew it was over back then
May i ask brocel was reddit less gayer and less restrictive with shit back then? Because ever since post 2021 i’ve been finding it hard to enjoy that site/app
The brutal part of this post is that because i am baldcel, fatcel, glassescel and also use a strange beard, I really look like some of the memes above :feelsrope:
It seems that acknowledging the truth hurts them deeply. They idealize a life in a world where they are completely happy, like in a Disney movie, where everyone is content, singing in a forest and living happily ever after. When you question this view, they become incredibly angry and want to lash out. It’s like telling a child that Santa doesn't exist.
Exactly :feelsthink::bigbrain:
It might be good for society but it is definitely not good for incels. More blackpilled people means more looksmaxxing means higher competition.
they get mad when people become blackpilled and especially teenagers. I think it's good that more people are being blackpilled and know the truth about society. I became blackpilled around 16 and my life was bad before then anyway but joining here made me feel less lonely.

why do these normies want to hide the truth so much????????
Because it spreads muh "NEGATIVITY :soy:" as if there's anything good about this kiked, bitch ass clown world :feelskek:
Because it spreads muh "NEGATIVITY :soy:" as if there's anything good about this kiked, bitch ass clown world :feelskek:
Being brutally honest is hated by normgroids because we live in a shitass gynocentric soyciety where if you want to keep your status you have to suck dick all day long (excluding us Untermenschen of course)
crazy ngl. How do you youngcels even find this obscure middle of nowhere site? When i was your age this place didnt even exist, i had to deal with my inceldom all by myself without having a community of likeminded people to relate to
Shit I found this place years ago at 14 :feelskek: ovER before my balls dropped
You need to remember that most NPCs are very bluepilled.

They hate seeing blackpills discussed, because they want the blackpill to not exist, because the blackpill brings bad news that they really really don't want to hear.

And they are also completely captured by group-think. The reason they ALL talk about "entitlement" is because that's rote programming that the soyosphere has primed them with.

They simply aren't capable of nuanced thought like "is this person really saying he is entitled to sex, love and validation? Or is he just saying he regrets that he seems to be locked out of these things?" They just stick to the script, because that's all they have. Living in Windhelm is great, I get to see Ulfric up close.
Shit I found this place years ago at 14 :feelskek: ovER before my balls dropped

How can a pre-pubescent child know it's over for him?

Don't you need to have at least been in the market for a little while, and struck out completely?

Real talk.

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