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SuicideFuel Stumbled upon a video of this truecel South Indian looking pajeet interviewing a ultra-rich looksmaxed metrosexual faggot & the mog is catastrophic!



Sep 11, 2022
The questions this lookalike pajeet is asking is proof that they both live in different planes of existence. The mog is incomprehensively brutal because here's a looksmaxxed whitemaxxed ultra-rich metrosexual curry with post accent and opposite to him is a very basic ugly pajeet doing YouTube finance just to get by.

The entire video of the finance jeet touring the metrosexual faggot's luxurious house and interviewing him with starry eyes is a degrading masturbatory act of simping. Even during their talk, the astronomical difference in brainwaves between the two are so clear. The looking jeet asked the most basic low IQ elementary questions while the metrosexual richfag responded with deep insights and enlightened wisdom, so the mog wasn't just based on looks and physiognomy but also intelligence.

Hierarchies are soo brutal mang! :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msILzrCHYOE
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I dont think the first one is ugly. He mogs me into oblivion.
Both are actually at the same looks level by bones. Skin bleaching and fake contacts, looks uncanny like shit
How is he truecel nigga? Especially in India.
The rich guy looks like a movie villain, like jafar from Aladdin

Walt Disney Animation Studios Laugh GIF by Disney
Other guy mogs him but that beard is goofy as fuck.
Bro WTF is this cope mang? Get real!
You are coping. The first one is not fuking ugly.
Of course he have some physical flaws, but he also have physical adavantages - just like most people do.
He is at least normie, not even fuking close to incel or trucel.
Better eye area as well. His overall facial development is far better.
True. But not by that much. Keep in mind one is probably fully looksmaxxed and surgerymaxxed, while other isn't at all
You are coping. The first one is not fuking ugly.
Of course he have some physical flaws, but he also have physical adavantages - just like most people do.
He is at least normie, not even fuking close to incel or trucel.
I'm between both of them 5-6/10 face but 5'5. Do you think I could ascend in Poland?
I'm between both of them 5-6/10 face but 5'5. Do you think I could ascend in Poland?
Yes, Polish women love everything that has colors - Indian, Arab, African doesn't fucking matter.

Be a person of color and you'll find a random Polish girl who will be thrilled to show off her boyfriend of color on social media.
Let's see what he will reply
You don't have the slightest of chance, what kind of cope is this? You're short, you're dark, your eye area is bad, your pheno is bad. You can't ascend in an ethnonationalist White country like Poland. Are you stupid?
Yes, Polish women love everything that has colors - Indian, Arab, African doesn't fucking matter.

Be a person of color and you'll find a random Polish girl who will be thrilled to show off her boyfriend of color on social media.
:lul: Rest of your opinions have no validity then. You're a Polish troll like @AsakangaHalo
You don't have the slightest of chance, what kind of cope is this? You're short, you're dark, your eye area is bad, your pheno is bad. You can't ascend in an ethnonationalist White country like Poland. Are you stupid?
That's the point
:lul: Rest of your opinions have no validity then. You're a Polish troll like @AsakangaHalo
I know coming to Poland is a lot of work, nothing to be ashamed of if you dont want to do it.
But I had to tell you the truth - Polish women crave color cocks.
Hundred thousands of Indians and Africans are coming to our country every year and get free sex.
Its best sex tourism direction for people of color.

I know coming to Poland is a lot of work, nothing to be ashamed of if you dont want to do it.
But I had to tell you the truth - Polish women crave color cocks.
Hundred thousands of Indians and Africans are coming to our country every year and get free sex.
Its best sex tourism direction for people of color.

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Cherrypicking :lul: No way :feelsseriously: @starystulejarz @PolskiKartofel
I know coming to Poland is a lot of work, nothing to be ashamed of if you dont want to do it.
But I had to tell you the truth - Polish women crave color cocks.
Hundred thousands of Indians and Africans are coming to our country every year and get free sex.
Its best sex tourism direction for people of color.

View attachment 1361604
You wanna explain this comment real quick?
I saw videos where curry foids are jumping to the front of train. They prefer to die instead be in relationships with us.
with incels aka with us.
You know that's not the implication of "us." If you truly are from Poland, curry foids are not and were never in your dating pool because they are not and were never in your proximity
couldnt watch without subtitles
That beard is catastrophic and I don't believe even for a millisecond that women genuinely find him attractive
Cherrypicking :lul: No way :feelsseriously: @starystulejarz @PolskiKartofel
Imigracja polska
46k indians and 7k pakistanis got working permits in just 2023 alone so nothing stops them from breeding polish foids
The beard looks fucking retarded. In the pics where he is shaved/stubble way better and mogs to hell and back,brutal
Cherrypicking :lul: No way :feelsseriously: @starystulejarz @PolskiKartofel
Idk, but hindu and generally indian citizens have higher chances to ascend with youngER foids than average local village dweller
Idk, but hindu and generally indian citizens have higher chances to ascend with youngER foids than average local village dweller
How come? :feelswhat: Curries are way shorter and uglier than average Pollack
How come? :feelswhat: Curries are way shorter and uglier than average Pollack
But pajeets aren't common here like even in US, let alone UK or other westERn europe
But pajeets aren't common here like even in US, let alone UK or other westERn europe
You really think exotic halo can overcome manletism and deformed faces of curries?
The rich guy looks like a failed experiment. But foids are so shallow that they'd probably prefer him regardless because of height and jaw.
But aren't Poles the most racist towards curries?
Doesn't matter jews let them come and they will breed our hypergamous whore foids. Our men are becoming weaker and weaker and laws are passed protecting curries and punishing slavs for being racists.
Doesn't matter jews let them come and they will breed our hypergamous whore foids. Our men are becoming weaker and weaker and laws are passed protecting curries and punishing slavs for being racists.
:feelsbadman::feelsbadman: Don't let that happen. Protect Slavlands from roaches

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