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JFL Study finds sexhavers more likely to hate women than incels



Nov 19, 2017

This study explored the relationship between incel-related predictors, including loneliness, rejection, attractiveness, number of sexual and romantic partners, gaming, and right-wing authoritarianism and hostility towards women among men in a more general population in the UK. Based on previous research, we postulated seven hypotheses outlining our expected findings. The results showed that right-wing authoritarianism was the strongest predictor, with a significant positive relationship with hostility towards women supporting Hypothesis 6. As expected, the squared version of attractiveness significantly and positively predicted hostility towards women, supporting a convex curvilinear relationship postulated in Hypothesis 4. A significant curvilinear relationship was also found between sexual partners and hostility towards women, but with another shape (concave) than we expected, thus not supporting Hypothesis 5, as men with some sexual partners were more hostile towards women than those with few or many partners. Surprisingly, loneliness, rejection, and romantic partners did not significantly predict hostility towards women. Hence, hypotheses 1, 2, and 3 were not supported. Additionally, the results provided varied support for the relationship between gaming and hostility towards women: only gaming addiction significantly predicted hostility towards women in the adjusted model, with a weak relationship with misogyny and the non-hostile sexism subscale. Thus, our findings do not lend convincing support for Hypothesis 7.

Kek, IT won't touch this :feelskek:

It's probably bullshit though, "self-reported sex partners" as if anyone is gonna tell the truth :feelshaha:
This correlates with the experiences I've seen. Chadlite "friends" I had in school always spoke poorly of women and hated being around them. They were always the most blackpilled.

Tbh, it wouldn't really surprise me. A lot of the guys here are more misanthropic than misogynic anyway. There's already a study on both benevolent and hostile sexism being associated with sexual success cited in the incels wiki, and I've already seen tradcuck rightwingers praising benevolent sexism because women prefer benevolently sexist men and rank relationships with them as the best:feelswhat::feelsseriously:.

Of course, many violent and misogynistic men have no issue with getting woman and having sex, this may be common knowledge to us but it's truly laughable how normies actually believe that only "good" men will succeed. I would take a good guess the most guys on this forum including myself have never actually been violent or mean towards a woman in real life, most incels are truly harmless lets be real.

Same goes for the whole hygiene meme, incels are always labelled as unwashed neckbeards but literally go on reddit and you will find countless stories of woman complaining that their boyfriends are disgusting slobs.

Men that hurt woman aren't posting on incel forums, but as always we are to blame. :feelsjuice:
One of the strangest things about male/female relationships is that there has to be a certain amount of hatred for one another in order for the relationship to last. If things are too perfect, women get bored and leave because they don't actually want a husband who is nice and agreeable. I look around me at the married couples like my parents and my parents' friends, and the wives in each situation actually hate their husband and their personality/behavior, but they still remain married to them.

In other words, it never even began for agreeablecels.
This doesn't shock me
From the study:

We found a strong positive relationship between right-wing authoritarianism and hostility towards women, as well as a strong convex curvilinear relationship between attractiveness and hostility towards women.

*Google convex curvilinear relationship*

*This comes up*


So, basically, both incels and Chads hate women while normies are "meh"?

Weren't there some of those Epic Handshake memes where it was Chads and incels agreeing on hating women, seems like it would fit this study:feelshaha:.
Surprisingly, loneliness, rejection, and romantic partners did not significantly predict hostility towards women.
This isn't surprising at all. Why would a touch-starved man adopt a hatred for women? It would be like a starving man adopting a hatred for food. Incels might resent women for rejecting them, but we cannot possibly hate them like a sexually active man can. An incel would value a relationship far more than a promiscuous Chad ever will. We think a relationship has the power to save us. A Chad is far more likely to devalue women and show genuine contempt for them.

You see this reflected in crime statistics. Women are far more likely to be hurt by their husbands, boyfriends and sexual partners. Not only do these sexually active men have an increased access to women, an incel's frustration is more likely to manifest in misanthropy or self-hatred. He is far more likely to hurt himself than others. This attempt to connect inceldom to extremism and misogyny is nothing short of ableism and misandry.
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yeah i hate this misogynist virgin stereotype. the internet treats virgin men that way nowadays (and sometimes people in real life, especially woke people).
Chads : Rapes and abuses women on daily basis.
Incels : Never felt the touch of a women. Doesn't even interact with women.

Guess who women hate the most.
Foid hate us cause we can't rape or abuse them. But they love chad, violent migrants, pitbull.
Good find confirms the fact that Sexhavers commit the most violence towards foids and commits the most rape towards foids but "Muh incels are bad" :foidSoy:
It's interesting yet not surprising that the groups that are less aggressive are incels and normies who have a lot of sex partners if this is accurate.
I'm legit surprised this wasn't pinned when it got posted. Legit one of the most interesting studies we've had here lately, a literal proof that both incels and Chads hate women more than normies, yet coincidentally, there's no "ChadTears:waitwhat:".
Misogynist are the biggest sexmaxxers simply because they treat women as object, women respecters by default cannot sexmaxxers and at most get pity beta starfish sex once a year
I'm legit surprised this wasn't pinned when it got posted. Legit one of the most interesting studies we've had here lately, a literal proof that both incels and Chads hate women more than normies, yet coincidentally, there's no "ChadTears:waitwhat:".
Pin it :feelsree: @Fat Link
yess i don't actually hate women, i'm merely INDIFFERENT. i actually don't hate people in general i'm not a misanthrope i'm INDIFFERENT.

people are people i accept it and it's just their nature.

i feel like my realizations and conclusions of this have made me sagacious in a sort of way. like i accept everyone for who they are even though i've encountered some nasty and mean motherfuckers in my lifetime.

it is what it is and i'm above them
One of the strangest things about male/female relationships is that there has to be a certain amount of hatred for one another in order for the relationship to last. If things are too perfect, women get bored and leave because they don't actually want a husband who is nice and agreeable. I look around me at the married couples like my parents and my parents' friends, and the wives in each situation actually hate their husband and their personality/behavior, but they still remain married to them.

In other words, it never even began for agreeablecels.

10000% this. absolutely true ive seen it many times IRL. you can NEVER be too agreeable with foids or they will run all over you and lose respect quickly.
One of the strangest things about male/female relationships is that there has to be a certain amount of hatred for one another in order for the relationship to last. If things are too perfect, women get bored and leave because they don't actually want a husband who is nice and agreeable. I look around me at the married couples like my parents and my parents' friends, and the wives in each situation actually hate their husband and their personality/behavior, but they still remain married to them.

In other words, it never even began for agreeablecels.
That's cope. Sexist boomers got divorce-raped the fuck out. Disagreeable men tend to get divorced faster. Look at le sexist right wing chad Steven Crowder. A lot of right wing guys are getting divorced lately.
Of course, because many incels still idealize women. If we didn't care about women then we could just ignore our inceldom and it wouldn't be a big deal to us.

Meanwhile Chad treats women like trash, beats them, pumps and dumps them and disrespects them openly. Yet women still fall madly in love with Chads.

Whoda thunk?
Chads have the most experience with them, also they get to see a lot of behind the closed doors type of shit, sides of foids that they only show to chad because they lose control/get emotional with him. So if chads tend to hate foids that definitely says something.
Someone who's deprived of a certain thing will place it on a much higher pedestal. Hence simps always being incels-in-denial or oofy doofy cucks in open relationships. The few times you do see a decent-to-good looking male feminist, he's either a grifter like Hasan Piker or a literal predator who caters to foids he wants to creep on (which is kinda based tbh).

High-tier guys who fuck a new girl every day, other day, or week aren't going to place much value on them. For these men, women are easy to get and easy to replace, so why the fuck would they respect them?
That's cope. Sexist boomers got divorce-raped the fuck out. Disagreeable men tend to get divorced faster. Look at le sexist right wing chad Steven Crowder. A lot of right wing guys are getting divorced lately.

My source: numerous real life experiences.
Your source: something that happened to some right wing grifter retard on the internet
My source: numerous real life experiences.
Your source: something that happened to some right wing grifter retard on the internet
You're salty beyond belief. Divorce rate was insanely high in the 90s. All the boomers thought they were alphas and shit blowing their money on hookers and strippers only to be taken to cleaners by their wives later.
Someone who's deprived of a certain thing will place it on a much higher pedestal. Hence simps always being incels-in-denial or oofy doofy cucks in open relationships. The few times you do see a decent-to-good looking male feminist, he's either a grifter like Hasan Piker or a literal predator who caters to foids he wants to creep on (which is kinda based tbh).

High-tier guys who fuck a new girl every day, other day, or week aren't going to place much value on them. For these men, women are easy to get and easy to replace, so why the fuck would they respect them?
yep, which is why the whores on IT day that if we had sex then we would see that it’s not a big deal. To us it’s a big deal because we never had it but to whores it’s the equivalent of breathing air.
It's like I said before. Chad's negative behavior is put on ugly men while his positive behavior is only applied to chad
It's like I said before. Chad's negative behavior is put on ugly men while his positive behavior is only applied to chad
Simply this. Facts don't matter for normies, they make up excuses to get incels in trouble.
In short, men who experience an average amount of sexual experiences exhibit more hostility toward women than those with lesser or greater amounts. The virgins and the Chads are united in their auspicious feminism.

The lesser virile men humbly reconcile with the disappointment seldom coitus suffices as while those of a greater prowess bask in the ecstasy of coitus to its superlative frequency.
Domestic abuse, terrorism, mass shootings, serial killers, etc.; 99.9% of it all has been done by sex-havers, family men, etc. IT are pussies and won’t admit it, but it’s true. Normies are much more vile creatures in history compared to the so-called “scary misogynistic incel” that faggots on Reddit like to claim.
Its because they live with women and see them day to day, so they'll get tired of them. Inkwells put them on a pedestal
This is what i've been preaching for a long time.
We all hold over-romanticized; over-idealized image of women.
They far more insufferable than one would think.
10000% this. absolutely true ive seen it many times IRL. you can NEVER be too agreeable with foids or they will run all over you and lose respect quickly.
Yep. One big thing I noticed in relationships is don’t let her tell you what you can and can’t do. If she tells you that you can’t go cruising in your car or you can’t go fishing, do it regardless. If you give in to her, she’s gonna resent you for being weak instead of valuing you agreeing with her.
yep, which is why the whores on IT day that if we had sex then we would see that it’s not a big deal. To us it’s a big deal because we never had it but to whores it’s the equivalent of breathing air.
Just like with eating, if you regularly eat enough, it means little to you and it’s just normal life, but if you are starving, food is all you can think about really and you can’t change that unless your needs are fulfilled. Easy to say something’s not important when you never went without it
Yep. One big thing I noticed in relationships is don’t let her tell you what you can and can’t do. If she tells you that you can’t go cruising in your car or you can’t go fishing, do it regardless. If you give in to her, she’s gonna resent you for being weak instead of valuing you agreeing with her.
100%. not like im ever going to be in that spot really, but its still very valueable to know when dealing with foids in the workplace etc
100%. not like im ever going to be in that spot really, but its still very valueable to know when dealing with foids in the workplace etc
Yep. I just hate interacting with them man. It’s so ridiculous how they get away with so much entitlement and hostility towards men
Yep. One big thing I noticed in relationships is don’t let her tell you what you can and can’t do. If she tells you that you can’t go cruising in your car or you can’t go fishing, do it regardless. If you give in to her, she’s gonna resent you for being weak instead of valuing you agreeing with her.
That advice should not only be followed in relationships. Men should never listen to women in general. You have a female teacher? Ignore her. A female colleague tells you to help her with homework or some shit? REFUSE
That advice should not only be followed in relationships. Men should never listen to women in general. You have a female teacher? Ignore her. A female colleague tells you to help her with homework or some shit? REFUSE
This is surprising. I am very surprised. What a surprise.
Man, we just keep winning, but in all of the wrong ways.

The black pill remains undefeated.
they hate us because of our looks
This isn't surprising at all. Why would a touch-starved man adopt a hatred for women? It would be like a starving man adopting a hatred for food. Incels might resent women for rejecting them, but we cannot possibly hate them like a sexually active man can. An incel would value a relationship far more than a promiscuous Chad ever will. We think a relationship has the power to save us. A Chad is far more likely to devalue women and show genuine contempt for them.

You see this reflected in crime statistics. Women are far more likely to be hurt by their husbands, boyfriends and sexual partners. Not only do these sexually active men have an increased access to women, an incel's frustration is more likely to manifest in misanthropy or self-hatred. He is far more likely to hurt himself than others. This attempt to connect inceldom to extremism and misogyny is nothing short of ableism and misandry.
The hate incels feel towards females is fake. Deep down it is a hate to soothe the loneliness, despair and longing, the intense craving. Despite the "objective" criteria in which incels do analyse females, as soon as if they actually got to feel and have what most have in regards to affection and sexual validation, they would melt.

Not the case with sexhavers. Their world is different, they are entitled by default and women to them have no special meaning. It is easier for them to hate them. Their constant dose of pleasure and intimacy is just the ordinary.
Someone make a throwaway account there and DM it to them
I wish I could hate them and still fuck them, I would punish them in doggystyle and would cheat on them, they deserve it for being so horrible.

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