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Blackpill [Study] Dominant Looking Teen boys Have Sex More (even more than merely "attractive" boys)

  • Thread starter Deleted member 5861
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Deleted member 5861

Deleted member 5861

Blackpill Scientist
Apr 18, 2018
coitus: sexual intercourse

in order to understand the graph (somewhat) you will need to read this
A heavy petting variable is defined as the sum of six items asking how often the subject has had these experiences: touching breasts over clothes, touching breasts under or without clothes, girl touching penis over clothes, girl touching penis under or without clothes, touching girl’s “sex organs” over clothes, and touching girl’s sex organs under or without clothes. The value of each item ranges from 0 (never experienced) to 4 (experienced more than 10 times). Such questions are conventionally used but of unknown validity.
Two coitus variables are defined, one as a dichotomy (whether or not the boy ever had coitus), and one as a cumulative experience ranging from 0 (never experienced) to 4 (experienced more than 10 times). By the final round of data collection, 43% of the boys had intercourse at least once.
Pubertal development is indexed by a factor score based on subjects’ self-ratings of eight items: Tanner stage of pubic hair, Tanner stage of genital growth (Tanner 1962), presence/patterns of facial hair, density of facial hair, density/texture of axillary hair, density/texture of leg hair, growth in penis size, and voice deepening.

On each of these measures, the most sexually active boys are those who are more dominant looking, more attractive, and more pubertally developed.
Comparison of these three-variable models suggests that dominance is a better predictor of sexual activity than is attractiveness.
There was a stronger correlation between having a dominant face and having sex/heavy petting than merely "attractive" and having sex. You are still more likely to have sex when attractive and pubertally developed, though. Obviously.

@chudur-budur here is another one taken care of.
Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0162309594900191
JFL ive been called cute and baby faced before
Brute looking chads are universally the biggest slayers. They trigger the "fuck right now" mechanism in women's brains.
Women would fuck gorillas over other humans if they had access to them. These guys got the most sex because they forced themselves and beat the most women. The most hated bully in my school was pulling 3somes when he was 13 with the hottest girls (my crush).
Yeah i've always noticed that masculine + chad beats normal chad any day of the week.
soyboys on suicide watch
I thought Pretty boys got the most JB pussy?
I thought Pretty boys got the most JB pussy?

Totally false. Until high school, it's all about who hit puberty first and well (no acnecels allowed). JB never wanted 4'8" pretty boy in middle school they wanted 6 foot ape normie.
Alpha fuxx, beta buxx
Wtf is a dominant face? An attractive face, I'm assuming. Hence, retarded.
Wtf is a dominant face? An attractive face, I'm assuming. Hence, retarded.

Justin Bieber has an attractive face, but not a dominant one, for example.
Dominant = highly dimorphic, square jaw, hunter eyes...
Wtf is a dominant face? An attractive face, I'm assuming. Hence, retarded.
A face that signals high testosterone, like this

has huge lower third, high cheekbones, etc. The type of face that makes you think they are tougher and scarier. Of course the example I showed you is an example of attractive + dominant. What this study showed is that a dominant looking face is more important than merely looking good but not being dominant. Like this

attractive, but lacking high T look. So the guy above would have at least double the smv since he has both attractiveness and dominance.

An ogre may still be screwed, but he is still better than a ugly guy who is full on beta looking.
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A face that signals high testosterone, like this

has huge lower third, high cheekbones, etc. The type of face that makes you think they are tougher and scarier. Of course the example I showed you is an example of attractive + dominant. What this study showed is that a dominant looking face is more important than merely looking good but not being dominant. Like this
attractive, but lacking high T look. So the guy above would have at least double the smv since he has both attractiveness and dominance.

An ogre may still be screwed, but he is still better than a ugly guy who is full on beta looking.
highest iq blackpill right here
Justin Bieber has an attractive face, but not a dominant one, for example.
Dominant = highly dimorphic, square jaw, hunter eyes...

But they're just different types of attractive. A dominant face is attractive but an attractive face is not dominant.
But they're just different types of attractive. A dominant face is attractive but an attractive face is not dominant.
a dominant face doesn't have to be attractive. It could have some acne, for example.
highest iq blackpill right here

Full lips are "dominant"?

Correlation =/= causation. Dominant-faced dudes probably have more testosterone and pursue women more, get respect from guys, more confiduhhhhhnce, etc.
Full lips are "dominant"?

Correlation =/= causation. Dominant-faced dudes probably have more testosterone and pursue women more, get respect from guys, more confiduhhhhhnce, etc.
lmao this sounds alot like IT trying to "debunk" our studies.

1) They did factor out variables in another graph but it is very complicated to read so I didn't post it.
2) dominant-faced dudes are also positively discriminated for higher positions in careers, despite not always being the most competent or most deserving.
3) it makes sense. Dominant face = signals physical superiority = better for survival = better genes = more attractive.
Full lips are "dominant"?

Correlation =/= causation. Dominant-faced dudes probably have more testosterone and pursue women more, get respect from guys, more confiduhhhhhnce, etc.
full lips are dominant, thin lips are just unattractive in general anyway even if thats not the case, either way the point is its way better to have full lips than thin lips
A face that signals high testosterone, like this

has huge lower third, high cheekbones, etc. The type of face that makes you think they are tougher and scarier. Of course the example I showed you is an example of attractive + dominant. What this study showed is that a dominant looking face is more important than merely looking good but not being dominant. Like this

attractive, but lacking high T look. So the guy above would have at least double the smv since he has both attractiveness and dominance.

An ogre may still be screwed, but he is still better than a ugly guy who is full on beta looking.
Over for Knajjdcels
so old dudes like me are fucked. oh well, laws are spooks anyways. I live in the U.S. which is controlled by Zion so laws are meaningless since they serve two masters. you CANNOT serve two masters.
They say there’s a correlation with good looks and intelligence in men but I don’t really think there’s a connection with domineering men and intelligence. In my observations, I’ve noticed the men some people refer to as betas (kinder and less domineering, and more booksmart. Think Reddit’s male user base lol) tend to be more intelligent.

But those guys that are macho and impulsive and fearless.. I’m pretty sure they’re less intelligent. No offense. But if you see a guy that has no interest in academic stuff and only wants to shoot guns and wrestle than that tells me something about their general Iq. I’m not saying they’re stupid. They’re just not Einstein smart or even above average.
Having glasses is a death sentence it looks like.
The biggest slayers in school were all large framed and brick skulled not the low t prettyboys.
I dont think dominance is the whole picture though, you need to be good looking on top of that, mix of feminine + masculine traits is the best
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full lips are dominant, thin lips are just unattractive in general anyway even if thats not the case, either way the point is its way better to have full lips than thin lips

Lmao, major cope. Full lips only works on females, absolute death sentence on males.
I accept that being attractive + dominant-looking (not in terms of being tall, hairy or bulky, but rather in terms of having a chiseled jawline, squarish skull, hunter eyes, etc) is better than merely being attractive. But being attractive in a feminine way is still a thousand times better than being ugly, regardless of being masculine or not.

Dominant and attractive > attractive >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ugly, regardless of dominant or not.

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