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JFL Streamer mistreats his girlfriend live



Jul 23, 2018
edit: a certain cuck brought to my attention that she wasn't actually beat, so I'm editing this post
This literally just happened. Some streamer fag in my country threatened to beat his girlfriend with a Big Mac on stream lmao

"Have you warmed it up?"
"Hope it's not too hot. If it is, you're gonna get it!"
"It's super hot, ffs…"
throws food on the ground

He has a truly beautiful personality. The few comments there are are, obviously, white knighting the girl.
Don't get me wrong, ofc the guy is a retard, but it's weird how the girl is never at fault for choosing to date said retard.
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I wonder how my Portuguese grandparents will reacts too this
He didn't smack her you blind faggot, he threw the food right in front of her, just near her. Had she been smacked she'd have moved her body or shake in some manner, she didn't.
Report for what exactly?
Thats considered beating her? He should have gave her a few punches
Absolute mong IQ thread, I sometimes wonder whether or not some of you have severe retardation.
He didn't smack her you blind faggot, he threw the food right in front of her, just near her. Had she been smacked she'd have moved her body or shake in some manner, she didn't.
Report for what exactly?
first, you're a faggot
go eat shit;
second, it looked like he smacked her with it and that's what people are saying so I assumed it's true
Absolute mong IQ thread, I sometimes wonder whether or not some of you have severe retardation.
get fucked
I was expecting something more brutal considering the thread title
it looks like he threw food on the ground man
first, you're a faggot
go eat shit;
second, it looked like he smacked her with it and that's what people are saying so I assumed it's true

get fucked
You realized what you did here right? You gave a platform for falsely reporting and accusing a streamer of something he didn't do.
That's how BASED you are. Mong.
Based Chad is based
You realized what you did here right? You gave a platform for falsely reporting and accusing a streamer of something he didn't do.
That's how BASED you are. Mong.
Where did I claim to be "based". And people have already reported him regardless, and he's already been doxxed I think. He still mistreated her anyway.
Seriously, if you had corrected me respectfully I'd have deleted the thread or changed the title. But you didn't, so, once again:
get fucked
Most girls date assholes so not surprised.
Where did I claim to be "based". And people have already reported him regardless, and he's already been doxxed I think. He still mistreated her anyway.
Seriously, if you had corrected me respectfully I'd have deleted the thread or changed the title. But you didn't, so, once again:
get fucked
Well then! Join the party, CUCK WARSSSSSSS
dont give a fuck, i hate them both
didnt look like he hit her but still its a dickmove to throw food on the ground. well he has a good personality that makes up for it so its ok
I liked the part where she shot her titty milk on his sandwich causing him to spit it out on her face and forcing her to eat his salivated food chunks
she probably got turned on
JFL at kiketears still saying “iTs yOuR tOxIc pErSoNaLiTy”
Holy shit, thats the streotype.
He has low trust eyes.
You guys are delusional if you think he is a Chad. He's normie tier, low tier normie. Probably not even his girlfriend- probably one of his female relatives.
Such a warm, glowing personality.
Based, more women need to be hit.

But yet again, water is wet, this just proves, again, that personality DOES NOT matter.
Mistreatment, where?
Mistreatment, where?
He threatened to throw it at her/beat her with it, in "Espero bem que não esteja muito quente, senão vais levar com ele.".
I know most users won't consider that "mistreatment" but it is still a threat that he almost followed through with, and the authorities have already been warned. I think it's a crime here. He might be fucked, because lately all the news talks about is domestic violence and similar shit.
Females want Chad to beat them within an inch of their lives before allowing every drop of cum from his balls to be inside her.
Everyone that streams csgo is a 6+ European.
You can tell he has a great personality
95+% of people here wouldn't have treated her like this, yet we can't find a girl because of our awful personality :feelsugh:
If our personalities are so bad, why aren't codependent foids flocking to us? Checkmate, cucktears

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