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Story Story of how i got falsely accused of being a scoo shooter



I just wanna hold a girls hand
Jul 4, 2023
This story took place back in 2021 when I was still a junior in high scoo. However to give some context of how my reputation was in scoo before this event I must first tell you how I ended up being known as a racist and as someone who is against faggotry. So basically all the way back in 2019 when I was in middle scoo, a discord server I was in where I made a bunch of racist, anti kike and anti faggot jokes got leaked. The screenshots were sent to people and my reputation was hurt. I'm not gonna go into detail about the consequences in this post but to sum it up I was now known as a racist by some people. When I entered into high scoo the next year many people from my middle scoo went to my high scoo and so my reputation still followed me. During this time period tho my reputation really wasn't all that bad and people really didn't hate me much and I didn't notice any effects directly other than one fag disliking me. At the end of freshman year I ended up defending some girls anti faggot posts on Instagram in the hopes of me maybe pulling her. This ended up really hurting my reputation with everyone and it also then got leaked again that I said the word nigger. Fast forward to junior year when I arrived in scoo I really started to notice the effects of my bad reputation that I worsened for myself over time. For one I wore a siege mask on the first day and that got me in trouble since people actually knew what it was. Also I would not wear a mask all the time and it pissed people off. So the part of this story where I ended up falsely being accused of being a scoo shooter went like this. One day I was outside the scoo eating pizza during lunch. And some kike girl who I knew hated me started to talk to me. At some point during the convo I showed her and her friends my Instagram that had videos or me shooting guns on it. They didn't react crazily to it, BUT a week after that I am sitting in class and then I am told that I need to go to the deans office. I walk over to the deans office and then another room in there and the guy closes the door behind us. We then both sit down and he asks me how I'm doing etc. Then he tells me "you have been posting videos of guns on your social media and we were told that you said that you wanted to "shoot in school" " when I was told this I was actually suprised that someone would make this up about me, I knew people hated me because of my reputation but this was pretty far. I then tell him no and he then asks to see my social media. After he looks at my Instagram he said that people said I said something about Black people, I also deny this accusation. After the Convo i walked out of the office and removed the girl who was one of the people who accused me falsely from my Instagram followers so that way she couldn't see my posts. I was then pissed for the rest of the day and was even clenching my fist when I was in class thinking about it. Was so pissed off at these degens.
To sum it up. I showed some foids my Instagram where I had videos of me shooting guns on it, a week later they lied and said that I said I wanted to shoot up the school, they did this because everyone knew I was anti kike and was a nationalist. I didn't get in trouble because there was no evidence because it didn't happen
Try spacing out your sentences next time to seperate the different parts of the story to make it easier to read
I was known as a scoo shooter by everyone for the rest of high scoo since people actually believed the accusation. People actually started to treat me better out of fear. There was one girl who'd mock me when she saw me and then after this she was extra nice
Moonman intensifies
I thought it was a copypasta at first, this guy is serious isn't he :dafuckfeels:
I am serious. There was other stuff that happened to me where I got pulled into the deans office but I'll tell those stories some other time
im just gonna dnr the next one if u cant space it properly lol :feelshaha:
To sum it up. I showed some foids my Instagram where I had videos of me shooting guns on it, a week later they lied and said that I said I wanted to shoot up the school, they did this because everyone knew I was anti kike and was a nationalist. I didn't get in trouble because there was no evidence because it didn't happen
Brutal incel pov
happened to me too but i got sent to the hospital for it. they didnt break me though
Maybe I'll edit this one tomorrow. Won't rn since it's late
I think there is only 30 minutes to edit a post and thats it.
Man that's brutal. How did it happen?
i was venting to a "friend" online and sent some stuff that was mostly threatening to myself, said i was gonna kill myself basically but mentioned the method being with a 12 gauge in the house, i said i had thoughts to shoot up my school when i was younger but didnt anymore (authorities would ignore this). he sends them to my school, next day sheriff and like 3 cop cars pull up to my house, search my room (found a journal i wrote and drew in sometimes that said nothing besides personal cel stuff) and placed me under mental arrest. took me to the local mental ward where i endured 3 days of torture in the waiting room as this gorilla black bitch threw physically violent tantrums and others did the same. i would just thousand yard stare in the waiting room, nothing breaking it besides sleep. gorilla bitch even looked at me in fear at one point. i got put in the ward for a week after and was suspended from school until october, this event happening in april.
i was venting to a "friend" online and sent some stuff that was mostly threatening to myself, said i was gonna kill myself basically but mentioned the method being with a 12 gauge in the house, i said i had thoughts to shoot up my school when i was younger but didnt anymore (authorities would ignore this). he sends them to my school, next day sheriff and like 3 cop cars pull up to my house, search my room (found a journal i wrote and drew in sometimes that said nothing besides personal cel stuff) and placed me under mental arrest. took me to the local mental ward where i endured 3 days of torture in the waiting room as this gorilla black bitch threw physically violent tantrums and others did the same. i would just thousand yard stare in the waiting room, nothing breaking it besides sleep. gorilla bitch even looked at me in fear at one point. i got put in the ward for a week after and was suspended from school until october, this event happening in april.
Wow dude that sucks. That's a long suspension. Surprised they didn't just kick you out
Wow dude that sucks. That's a long suspension. Surprised they didn't just kick you out
same but luckily my lib school had a tolerant mental case policy. they took in tons of them all the time. i have alot of stories from the ward itself if you wanna hear em
Ok I read the whole the thing and hearing about this kike girl reporting you is fucking ragefuel :lasereyes:
It was ragefuel for me at the time and it still is. I was absolutely seething with hate over the kike girls reporting me. Their whole friend group was kikes
Fakecel trait why would you not want to hide your face
I was redpilled at the time and also felt like I was better looking than I was since I had gains at the time. I know today that gains really don't matter much
Paragraphs son
And some kike girl who I knew hated me started to talk to me. At some point during the convo I showed her and her friends my Instagram that had videos or me shooting guns on it
Mogs me
Were the guns real? I suppose you are from the US.
I was told I look like one in school, I took it positively
You should stab her eyes out so once she's permanently blind she cannot ever see your posts.
Pretty shity thing. That's why I don't share most of my thing on the internet by my name
Try spacing out your sentences next time to seperate the different parts of the story to make it easier to read
Was getting ready to type this. I would have actually read the post if this was the case
:foidSoy:"Did you hear anon doesn't worship niggers?"
:soy:"OMG we wtf he must be planning to kill us all"
Niggercattle aren't human, they are domestically bred animals.
Why is it always a kike who makes false accusations? Alfred Rosenberg was right when he said the Jew is the embodiment of the lie.
There was nothing you could have done to prevent this situation and you handled it well. Welcome to the world of normie relational aggression. My friend back in highschool got falsely accused of the same thing for posting an airsoftgun on one of his social medias. Normies crave power and also want to attack incels without consequences. If they don't have any evidence they will often make stuff up.

My advice would be to forget about it given you had 0 control over the situation. The foid isn't like you or I as egalitarians like to brainwash us to believe rather shes a selfish immoral being running on the lowest levels of Kohlberg's theory of moral development. Don't take it too personally and just keep it in the back of your mind when trusting/interacting with people.
There was nothing you could have done to prevent this situation and you handled it well. Welcome to the world of normie relational aggression. My friend back in highschool got falsely accused of the same thing for posting an airsoftgun on one of his social medias. Normies crave power and also want to attack incels without consequences. If they don't have any evidence they will often make stuff up.

My advice would be to forget about it given you had 0 control over the situation. The foid isn't like you or I as egalitarians like to brainwash us to believe rather shes a selfish immoral being running on the lowest levels of Kohlberg's theory of moral development. Don't take it too personally and just keep it in the back of your mind when trusting/interacting with people.
Mr P Love GIF by @ICT_MrP
A small price to pay for people not attempting to double cross you, I didn't fight my way to the top in school like a hungry wolf unfortunately.

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