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SuicideFuel Story about asian male white female couple.



Aug 9, 2018
I went to university with this girl who ended up dating an Asian who is a legit 4/10 at best. He's not tall and his body is shit. He's the literal definition of betabux though, he has a 6 figure income at an investment bank. She's a becky (almost a stacy but not quite). They're engaged now.

On her facebook, there's only 1 photo of them together, relationship info isn't shown, and she hides as much of the relationship as possible.

On his facebook - long ass statuses (love letters) to her, hundreds of photos, always talking about her and tagging her in things.

With the becky's chad ex, she would flaunt the relationship all over facebook, smiling ear to ear with him, always writing things about him. She's ashamed of being in a relationship with this ricecel. She knows that everyone is thinking "you can do better" so she simply hides as much of the relationship as possible.
The divorce lawyers are keeping a sharp eye on them.
betabux = betacux. remember that kids!
I went to university with this girl who ended up dating an Asian who is a legit 4/10 at best. He's not tall and his body is shit. He's the literal definition of betabux though, he has a 6 figure income at an investment bank. She's a becky (almost a stacy but not quite). They're engaged now.

On her facebook, there's only 1 photo of them together, relationship info isn't shown, and she hides as much of the relationship as possible.

On his facebook - long ass statuses (love letters) to her, hundreds of photos, always talking about her and tagging her in things.

With the becky's chad ex, she would flaunt the relationship all over facebook, smiling ear to ear with him, always writing things about him. She's ashamed of being in a relationship with this ricecel. She knows that everyone is thinking "you can do better" so she simply hides as much of the relationship as possible.
So she's using the guy, not a surprise. When she takes his money she'll move on to the next orbiter.
I went to university with this girl who ended up dating an Asian who is a legit 4/10 at best. He's not tall and his body is shit. He's the literal definition of betabux though, he has a 6 figure income at an investment bank. She's a becky (almost a stacy but not quite). They're engaged now.

On her facebook, there's only 1 photo of them together, relationship info isn't shown, and she hides as much of the relationship as possible.

On his facebook - long ass statuses (love letters) to her, hundreds of photos, always talking about her and tagging her in things.

With the becky's chad ex, she would flaunt the relationship all over facebook, smiling ear to ear with him, always writing things about him. She's ashamed of being in a relationship with this ricecel. She knows that everyone is thinking "you can do better" so she simply hides as much of the relationship as possible.
He deserves everything that will happen to him.
I went to university with this girl who ended up dating an Asian who is a legit 4/10 at best. He's not tall and his body is shit. He's the literal definition of betabux though, he has a 6 figure income at an investment bank. She's a becky (almost a stacy but not quite). They're engaged now.

On her facebook, there's only 1 photo of them together, relationship info isn't shown, and she hides as much of the relationship as possible.

On his facebook - long ass statuses (love letters) to her, hundreds of photos, always talking about her and tagging her in things.

With the becky's chad ex, she would flaunt the relationship all over facebook, smiling ear to ear with him, always writing things about him. She's ashamed of being in a relationship with this ricecel. She knows that everyone is thinking "you can do better" so she simply hides as much of the relationship as possible.

I literally feel his future pain. I hope that bitch just dies, he will suffer less over her death rather than seeing her run off with his money to marry and fuck a 9/10 chad. Fuck this bitch honestly
I literally feel his future pain. I hope that bitch just dies, he will suffer less over her death rather than seeing her run off with his money to marry and fuck a 9/10 chad. Fuck this bitch honestly

I definitely feel sorry for him. He's super super bluepilled. In all their photos together she just has this neutral stare about her. I can't comprehend how he doesn't realize what's going on. She's definitely fucking chads on the side now too. I doubt she's not cheating.
I went to university with this girl who ended up dating an Asian who is a legit 4/10 at best. He's not tall and his body is shit. He's the literal definition of betabux though, he has a 6 figure income at an investment bank. She's a becky (almost a stacy but not quite). They're engaged now.

On her facebook, there's only 1 photo of them together, relationship info isn't shown, and she hides as much of the relationship as possible.

On his facebook - long ass statuses (love letters) to her, hundreds of photos, always talking about her and tagging her in things.

With the becky's chad ex, she would flaunt the relationship all over facebook, smiling ear to ear with him, always writing things about him. She's ashamed of being in a relationship with this ricecel. She knows that everyone is thinking "you can do better" so she simply hides as much of the relationship as possible.

I bet she cucks him with her Chad ex.

Also, when you say 'Asian' do you mean Indian? Seeing that you're a londoncel and Brits call curries as "Asians"...
She just gonna divorce him and he will end up paying alimony and loans for a house that bitch will stay in. Fucking ricecels never learn.
That femoid is a sheaboo...they have ricefever.
prob going to divorce rape him
Women hiding their relationship status on social media is a clear sign that they like to keep their options open for a higher tier male, or they are already fucking a Chad on the side who doesn't want to commit.
Even if she didn't hide the relationship that's no indication that she wouldn't leave him. Knew this one ricecel betabux who was dating a high NT ginger Stacy. She posted lots of pics of them together and stuff and used "I'm in a relationship" (only with ugly guys that hit on her of course) yet still she pretty much admitted behind his back that she was mainly just with him for his money. I'm sure you know where this is going: Ended up cheating a bunch of course and eventually dumping him.
You gotta" put yourself in his position. He found a girl he's in mad love with and she may even suck his dick off. Practically every betabux falls for this. Nobody is immune from this, not even our ugly asses. Betabuxs is legal prostitution without a chance of being arrested on the side of a road 3 AM in the morning. Of course nobody will argue betabuxing does not have it's draw backs. With a prostitute once the deal is done, there's no future issues (well maybe hiv). Betabux means long life servitude for temporary sex.

The thing is between being FA or betabuxing most guys would pick betabuxing in a heart beat. I know there are people here who say they would never do it but it's all bull shit. It's like a normie saying he would never smash an ugly ass whale.
You gotta" put yourself in his position. He found a girl he's in mad love with and she may even suck his dick off. Practically every betabux falls for this. Nobody is immune from this, not even our ugly asses. Betabuxs is legal prostitution without a chance of being arrested on the side of a road 3 AM in the morning. Of course nobody will argue betabuxing does not have it's draw backs. With a prostitute once the deal is done, there's no future issues (well maybe hiv). Betabux means long life servitude for temporary sex.

The thing is between being FA or betabuxing most guys would pick betabuxing in a heart beat. I know there are people here who say they would never do it but it's all bull shit. It's like a normie saying he would never smash an ugly ass whale.

If you go into betabuxing actually knowing what's up, as in being blackpilled, I think you could at least manage it. You would know not to let yourself get to attached. You would be more demanding of sex before opening up your wallet. You could probably manage your finances creatively to better protect yourself when the inevitable divorce comes around.

The problem is guys want to believe in the bluepill and so they let themselves fall head over heels for any girl who shows them the least bit of attention.
She is doing her time. Just needs one hapa and she can secure over half of his shit and get paid the rest of her life.

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