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Serious Stormfront is pretty much correct on most things tbh



Sep 18, 2018
I use to ridicule stormfrontcels on this forum (and to be honest I still think many of them are fucking retards) but after discovering the redpill and then the blackpill I have spent some time browsing through stormfront while reading about race. I even bought this book called "race, evolution and behavior" which I am about half way through. And to be honest, stormfronters are almost (almost) nothing like what they are depicted as in popular culture. Rather than being merely a large collection of sub-90 IQ rednecks they (for the most part) mostly appear to just be normal dudes who have been redpilled about race and have actual real science and data to back up their claims. Granted that there is still a portion of stormfronters that do live up to the stereotype of of the braindead neo-nazi punk, but most of them don't. Many of them aren't even hateful towards all the other races but rather are selective depending on the race, as many do not hate Asians for example because they see them as cultured just like white people. Realizing this basically feels like a second redpilling, similar to how when you discover that the official narrative about women and dating/marriage is all horseshit, except about race.

To be honest I was actually sort of aware that racial equality was probably bullshit even before this happened, but I still use to agree that stormfronters/WN are basically all just idiots just as the official narrative says. Well they aren't. I guess this is just another case of normie culture being a giant piece of delusional coping bullshit that wants nothing to do with reality.

On the bright side, the mass immigration of africans and other such groups into the west is probably going to redpill them after a while. It's just a shame most of the west will probably be destroyed in the process.
You did a complete 180 pretty quick.
Stop trying to play both sides like a Jew.
It's over for stormfrontcels
All you need is study saying what heritability of IQ is and that's it. We already know blacks have low iq, but people pretend it's poverty
I use to ridicule stormfrontcels on this forum (and to be honest I still think many of them are fucking retards) but after discovering the redpill and then the blackpill I have spent some time browsing through stormfront while reading about race. I even bought this book called "race, evolution and behavior" which I am about half way through. And to be honest, stormfronters are almost (almost) nothing like what they are depicted as in popular culture. Rather than being merely a large collection of sub-90 IQ rednecks they (for the most part) mostly appear to just be normal dudes who have been redpilled about race and have actual real science and data to back up their claims. Granted that there is still a portion of stormfronters that do live up to the stereotype of of the braindead neo-nazi punk, but most of them don't. Many of them aren't even hateful towards all the other races but rather are selective depending on the race, as many do not hate Asians for example because they see them as cultured just like white people. Realizing this basically feels like a second redpilling, similar to how when you discover that the official narrative about women and dating/marriage is all horseshit, except about race.

To be honest I was actually sort of aware that racial equality was probably bullshit even before this happened, but I still use to agree that stormfronters/WN are basically all just idiots just as the official narrative says. Well they aren't. I guess this is just another case of normie culture being a giant piece of delusional coping bullshit that wants nothing to do with reality.

On the bright side, the mass immigration of africans and other such groups into the west is probably going to redpill them after a while. It's just a shame most of the west will probably be destroyed in the process.

The white race will die very soon. In the eyes of scociety the white man is guilty for everything. We can jerk off while tyrone and arab chad is banging the slutty white wymns. So they are a lot of mixed kids for which I have to pay taxes while tyrone chad is neetbuxing. I have to land a ugly 2/10 bitch who will cheat on me with chad and. My daughter will fuck a mixed boy and will destroy all superior prime genes of thousands of years in only three minutes. So tell me now Hitler wasn't right.
I do believe in IQ differences between racial groups, and that Europe shouldn't take the burden of low IQ mostly male migrants. IQ is the most important trait for living in modern society. High IQ people commit less crime, are more productive, and do make better soldiers in modern war, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_100,000.

White supremacists say we should value whites higher because they have higher mean IQ. The problem is this is only for group means. White supremacists will value a 80 IQ white person more than they value a 130 IQ ethnic, which I think is wrong. So, it's just identity politics in the end. White supremacists will kick out the low IQ ethnics out their ethnostate, but also kick out the high IQ asians & curry STEM people too. They won't kick out their low IQ white hillbillies though.
I do believe in IQ differences between racial groups, and that Europe shouldn't take the burden of low IQ mostly male migrants. IQ is the most important trait for living in modern society. High IQ people commit less crime, are more productive, and do make better soldiers in modern war, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_100,000.

White supremacists say we should value whites higher because they have higher mean IQ. The problem is this is only for group means. White supremacists will value a 80 IQ white person more than they value a 130 IQ ethnic, which I think is wrong. So, it's just identity politics in the end. White supremacists will kick out the low IQ ethnics out their ethnostate, but also kick out the high IQ asians & curry STEM people too. They won't kick out their low IQ white hillbillies though.
Objectivity is really important.
The white race will die very soon

I don't agree with this to be honest. Yes I agree that whole nations will be completely and utterly destroyed but there are still some that are actually starting to fight back that haven't yet reached the point of no return. And there is always the possibility that at some point the nations with the most immigration like France and Germany will go nazi on the immigrants. That may sound laughable now but don't underestimate how quickly people's opinions can change when they are scared and desperate enough. Don't forget that Hitler's nazy party had only single digit support for most of it's time outside of power but then once great depression happened it skyrocketed in just a few years.
My only problem with them is the whiteknighting and that ultra-purist attitude some have (basically only pure Germanic blonde and blue-eyed people are considered whites/Europeans).

But tbh we don't have any power to fight the demise of the white race as long as women are still free.
I don't agree with this to be honest. Yes I agree that whole nations will be completely and utterly destroyed but there are still some that are actually starting to fight back that haven't yet reached the point of no return. And there is always the possibility that at some point the nations with the most immigration like France and Germany will go nazi on the immigrants. That may sound laughable now but don't underestimate how quickly people's opinions can change when they are scared and desperate enough. Don't forget that Hitler's nazy party had only single digit support for most of it's time outside of power but then once great depression happened it skyrocketed in just a few years.

Who will fight back when white bitches are not birthing anymore? They are to busy for their "careers" (code word for fucking with chads while doing linguistic art studies). Have a look on german men. The only thing what they can handle is to open a beer.
Who will fight back when white bitches are not birthing anymore? They are to busy for their "careers" (code word for fucking with chads while doing linguistic art studies). Have a look on german men. The only thing what they can handle is to open a beer.

There are still plenty of white people and in fact even in spite of all the mass immigration whites are currently still the overwhelming majority in most European nations. The globalists screwed up by letting so many people into the continent in such a short period of time because it has redpilled too many people. I predict that in the next 12 or so years we are going to witness the total collapse of progressivism and globalism in Europe. Even white women are starting to turn on this bullshit because they are getting tired of getting raped all the time by the migrants.

Also don't forget that white people still have most all of the economic and political power since the migrants are all low IQ retards and this isn't likely to change.

All things considered I think the future will be extremely messy and bloody, but it probably won't lead to the end of the white race. Except maybe for the swedes because they are irredeemable soyboy cucks.
There are still plenty of white people and in fact even in spite of all the mass immigration whites are currently still the overwhelming majority in most European nations. The globalists screwed up by letting so many people into the continent in such a short period of time because it has redpilled too many people. I predict that in the next 12 or so years we are going to witness the total collapse of progressivism and globalism in Europe. Even white women are starting to turn on this bullshit because they are getting tired of getting raped all the time by the migrants.

Also don't forget that white people still have most all of the economic and political power since the migrants are all low IQ retards and this isn't likely to change.

All things considered I think the future will be extremely messy and bloody, but it probably won't lead to the end of the white race. Except maybe for the swedes because they are irredeemable soyboy cucks.

The IQ thing is my last hope. Ok let's say hypothetically white europe will come back to traditionalism nobody will give me my youth back, the lack of love and sexual interaction.
All of this was stolen by feminazis and I am sorted out for the rest of my life.
Stop trying to play both sides like a Jew.


also hating on redneck types and punks is basically classist af (I have commie economic views)
The axis loosing WW2 was one of the worst things to happen for white heterosexual men in Europe and the west
And now in schools young men are taught hitler was a bad man and taught to hate themselves and other white heterosexual men and taught to let themselves get cucked by niggers and spics and to believe mulatto pink chimp babies is okay. It's fucking disgusting
I opposed that back in the 90s. 1996-1997, said to my peers that in 20 or so years the tables would turn (most of the kids in my HS were Willybots). they laughed. little did I or they know, I was right.
it's over for spiccels and blackcels

not only are they ugly they are also low iq and inferior to whites and asians :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
White supremacists say we should value whites higher because they have higher mean IQ. The problem is this is only for group means. White supremacists will value a 80 IQ white person more than they value a 130 IQ ethnic, which I think is wrong. So, it's just identity politics in the end. White supremacists will kick out the low IQ ethnics out their ethnostate, but also kick out the high IQ asians & curry STEM people too. They won't kick out their low IQ white hillbillies though.

1. This is exactly why all this race allegiance thing is bullshit and coping. They are just using IQ as an excuse really to be racist, when I see them talking about a "fair purge", as in based on an IQ test you get assigned to certain areas, maybe then I would consider this thing legitimate because it would be grounded in logic, right now its really all just emotion BS under the veil of logic, citing studies about IQ when you know full well you'll keep that <80 IQ white hill billy around because he's white

2. Humans breeding ourselves into an unidentifiable mish mash of all races is inevitable so all the race obsessed idiots on this site (I'm looking at you @Disillusioned , 90% of your threads are race bait threads), and all over the world, need to give up, its gonna happen whether you want it to or not.
Stormfront is not correct on one matter, and this is the most crucial matter - women's rights. As long as women maintain their rights, white nationalism will never get off the ground, and white fertility will remain low. This is the key difference between white nationalists and religious believers like the Mormons or Jews. This is why white nationalists have been shrinking in number and losing for the last century while people such as the Mormons, Muslims or religious Jews have been rapidly growing.

There are still plenty of white people and in fact even in spite of all the mass immigration whites are currently still the overwhelming majority in most European nations. The globalists screwed up by letting so many people into the continent in such a short period of time because it has redpilled too many people. I predict that in the next 12 or so years we are going to witness the total collapse of progressivism and globalism in Europe. Even white women are starting to turn on this bullshit because they are getting tired of getting raped all the time by the migrants.

Also don't forget that white people still have most all of the economic and political power since the migrants are all low IQ retards and this isn't likely to change.

All things considered I think the future will be extremely messy and bloody, but it probably won't lead to the end of the white race. Except maybe for the swedes because they are irredeemable soyboy cucks.

Cope, whites will never wake up. If whites would wake up anywhere it would be in countries like South Africa or Zimbabwe where they have actually been murdered enmasse, but instead the whites there remain cucked. This is because whites have been cucked by Christianity and are for the most part non-confrontational. The old Viking Warrior spirit of whites is long dead, replaced by mewling Christian meekness.
Cope, whites will never wake up. If whites would wake up anywhere it would be in countries like South Africa or Zimbabwe where they have actually been murdered enmasse, but instead the whites there remain cucked. This is because whites have been cucked by Christianity and are for the most part non-confrontational. The old Viking Warrior spirit of whites is long dead, replaced by mewling Christian meekness.

Populist parties are already well on their way of obtaining 20+% support in many senates throughout Europe, and this in-spite of having a ethnic population in many cases of no more than 5-15%. The nations that are the most fucked are the ones who already accepted lots of immigrants more slowly over time like the USA and the UK. But there is plenty of evidence to suggest that many European nations will soon stop tolerating this garbage.
Populist parties are already well on their way of obtaining 20+% support in many senates throughout Europe, and this in-spite of having a ethnic population in many cases of no more than 5-15%. The nations that are the most fucked are the ones who already accepted lots of immigrants more slowly over time like the USA and the UK. But there is plenty of evidence to suggest that many European nations will soon stop tolerating this garbage.

Populist momentum in Europe is mostly carried by elderly whites who are voting at 3x the rate of young people. But due to their advanced age this group is dying off rapidly, and the momentum has already begun to weaken.

Regardless, even the populist parties are fairly cucked and they'll get gridlocked by more left-wing and centre-right parties in parliaments. Not to mention the importation of non-whites goes beyond politics and into commercial demands, since white countries have aging populations that are too large, and need young populations to work, pay tax and take care of the elderly. Since white countries, even populist parties, will never revoke women's rights, it means that population decline will continue and the continued importation of non-whites for commercial reasons will keep going, and probably increase. Even Japan has now been forced to look into taking in immigration to offset its large elderly population.
Race mixing is bad, everyone should stick to their own race.
Populist momentum in Europe is mostly carried by elderly whites who are voting at 3x the rate of young people. But due to their advanced age this group is dying off rapidly, and the momentum has already begun to weaken.

This is a dying trope. Polls show that white gen Z in the US for instance is more conservative than young people who came before them. The national front in France also has tons of youth support compared to the other parties. Young people are becoming more redpilled as things continue to get worse for whites.

EDIT: http://oxygenemag.com/frances-youth-are-turning-to-the-far-right-national-front/

"Polls throughout the campaign have shown that more young voters back the National Front than any other party. An Ifop survey last month indicated that 39 percent of voters between the ages of 18 and 24 back Le Pen."
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White supremacists will value a 80 IQ white person more than they value a 130 IQ ethnic
lol this is why I find it amusing that stormfrontcels think their views are objective and not purely prejudicial.
lol this is why I find it amusing that stormfrontcels think their views are objective and not purely prejudicial.

There are barely any white people with an IQ of 80 in the first place. Even the "dumber" portions of the white race have an IQ typically in 90's which while not very impressive is still perfectly good enough to function in society. Now compare this to blacks whom are pretty much natural born failures at life.
This is a dying trope. Polls show that white gen Z in the US for instance is more conservative than young people who came before them. The national front in France also has tons of youth support compared to the other parties. Young people are becoming more redpilled as things continue to get worse for whites.

EDIT: http://oxygenemag.com/frances-youth-are-turning-to-the-far-right-national-front/

"Polls throughout the campaign have shown that more young voters back the National Front than any other party. An Ifop survey last month indicated that 39 percent of voters between the ages of 18 and 24 back Le Pen."

There was a poll that said Gen Z was more conservative than previous generations, but it did not talk about race as far as I am aware. The implication seems to be that the increasing numbers of non-whites hold more conservative viewpoints, but still vote left-wing as it is in their interests to do so.

In Germany for example, the young still vote a lot more left-wing than the elderly. Actually, Germany used to be an exception where older people were more left-wing, while younger people were more centrist, now this has reversed with the older generations becoming more centrist/right-wing while the young have become left-wing.


These two statistics from the UK shows how young people are overwhelmingly more leftist than the elderly:



In these US studies, Gen Z were lumped in with millennials, but the trend still seems to be the same, young people are voting far more leftist.



France seems to be an exception with how a significant number of young people voted for Le Pen, but even then, 56% voted for Macron. You also have to remember that young people generally vote for more extreme parties (e.g far-left or far-right), and the election was between a far-right winger and a centrist, so many far-left wing young people did not vote at all as their candidate lost in the first round.

That said I do think whites are becoming more right-wing like you pointed out. For example most whites in America voted for Trump. But this is a slow process and it probably will not happen quickly enough to change the political landscape enough that immigration is banned.
OP keeps going back and forth between being a nazi and a sjw.

Commit to one side and put that racebait shit to racewars.com
There are barely any white people with an IQ of 80 in the first place. Even the "dumber" portions of the white race have an IQ typically in 90's which while not very impressive is still perfectly good enough to function in society. Now compare this to blacks whom are pretty much natural born failures at life.
i am a stormfrontcel to. thank you for pointing that out for others here.

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