Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.




Apr 17, 2018
Okay, so we all know that it's over and that is set in stone. As with all Incels there is "something" that has put us in our position, whether it be appearance, race , location , mental state, height etc. You can complain and make many excuses about why you are in the situation you are in.

But does any of that matter at this point? What is the point of crying and complaining anymore? Will the tears turn you into a 6'3" white chad? Will the anger and sadness, do anything but bring you more grief? Will the endless amount of coping destroy the constant feeling of failure and the feeling that maybe you could've done something different? Will you LDARing and going MGTOW stop the hordes of whores?

I remember the state of those feelings the feeling of quitting and giving up. Until the day I looked in the mirror at myself and finally understood the truth.
I was doomed from the start, No matter how hard I could try I knew I was different and I was was destined to follow in other's shadows. I looked at my weak and pathetic self in the mirror for 30 minutes just going over my life wondering where I went wrong, and how life is so unfair for me, until the tears stopped and the sadness turned into anger, my anger was multi leveled and aimed at many and I realized I needed to turn this anger towards something.
This anger was a driving force for me , I felt the power flowing through my veins and the black pill arising within me. I realized that quitting is as pointless as trying is. I knew right then and there that this is a "broken" world and that nothing is going to get better, the feelings will never leave me and that I am destined to walk a lonely path. There's only one thing in this world a man truly owns, and that is himself. I know now that all men walk different journeys and that there are many different paths that one may walk, there's no point in being afraid to reject your path and walking a new one. There's no point in being afraid to fail anymore as your whole life is a failure. Society and all the other pointless bullshit doesn't interest me anymore, I am my own man and I will decide my path. For many of us incels it's time to understand not all of us will ever feel love and connect with another human.

I am stronger than I've ever been, I am mentally a fortress, and the only joy in my life is watching my self become stronger and and become more knowledgeable. Learning and excelling at new skills, hitting a new pr, destroying all my opponents in MMA, it's small but huge things. In my enlightenment I have changed my mindset and I have returned to "nothingness" my mind is the unfettered one, one of happiness, I am happy and glad to be alive. When I look at normies,degenerates, and women I don't feel anger or hatred anymore, all I feel is pity like you'd feel for an injured animal. In my suffering I was reborn into a stronger, more intelligent, apathetic, and low inhib version of myself. When I walk into a room i'm not worried about being the biggest strongest guy there (Even thought I usually am) I am more worried about being the best version of myself.

If you're wondering why I posted this and what I am trying to convey is that I want to help my fellow brethren. I want those that claim to have swallowed the black pill to actually swallow it and flush it down with water. Stop hoping for a better life, stop expecting that perfect girl who loves you for you to come along. Start understanding that only YOU can change your mindset and only you can change your path through your journey of life. The cards we have been dealt have been a tragic one. But I beg you all through my newfound love and compassion to stop looking at the clock wasting away, letting the weeks pass by as if they were days. Please find your nirvana as only you can achieve what you strive for.

You can reject all of my thoughts and just say i'm coping. but the truth is when someone is living a shit life anything productive will be seen as cope. This is the final and eternal cope, the cope of personal Enlightenment the only cope where you can die happy.

Thanks to all that have took the time read my vent/personal take on the black pill, as even someone like me needs to collect his thoughts and get some stuff off his chest sometimes. I have seen way too many incels that are closer to blue pillers then black pillers and I just want you to have my take on the truth.
Okay, so we all know that it's over and that is set in stone. As with all Incels there is "something" that has put us in our position, whether it be appearance, race , location , mental state, height etc. You can complain and make many excuses about why you are in the situation you are in.

But does any of that matter at this point? What is the point of crying and complaining anymore? Will the tears turn you into a 6'3" white chad? Will the anger and sadness, do anything but bring you more grief? Will the endless amount of coping destroy the constant feeling of failure and the feeling that maybe you could've done something different? Will you LDARing and going MGTOW stop the hordes of whores?

I remember the state of those feelings the feeling of quitting and giving up. Until the day I looked in the mirror at myself and finally understood the truth.
I was doomed from the start, No matter how hard I could try I knew I was different and I was was destined to follow in other's shadows. I looked at my weak and pathetic self in the mirror for 30 minutes just going over my life wondering where I went wrong, and how life is so unfair for me, until the tears stopped and the sadness turned into anger, my anger was multi leveled and aimed at many and I realized I needed to turn this anger towards something.
This anger was a driving force for me , I felt the power flowing through my veins and the black pill arising within me. I realized that quitting is as pointless as trying is. I knew right then and there that this is a "broken" world and that nothing is going to get better, the feelings will never leave me and that I am destined to walk a lonely path. There's only one thing in this world a man truly owns, and that is himself. I know now that all men walk different journeys and that there are many different paths that one may walk, there's no point in being afraid to reject your path and walking a new one. There's no point in being afraid to fail anymore as your whole life is a failure. Society and all the other pointless bullshit doesn't interest me anymore, I am my own man and I will decide my path. For many of us incels it's time to understand not all of us will ever feel love and connect with another human.

I am stronger than I've ever been, I am mentally a fortress, and the only joy in my life is watching my self become stronger and and become more knowledgeable. Learning and excelling at new skills, hitting a new pr, destroying all my opponents in MMA, it's small but huge things. In my enlightenment I have changed my mindset and I have returned to "nothingness" my mind is the unfettered one, one of happiness, I am happy and glad to be alive. When I look at normies,degenerates, and women I don't feel anger or hatred anymore, all I feel is pity like you'd feel for an injured animal. In my suffering I was reborn into a stronger, more intelligent, apathetic, and low inhib version of myself. When I walk into a room i'm not worried about being the biggest strongest guy there (Even thought I usually am) I am more worried about being the best version of myself.

If you're wondering why I posted this and what I am trying to convey is that I want to help my fellow brethren. I want those that claim to have swallowed the black pill to actually swallow it and flush it down with water. Stop hoping for a better life, stop expecting that perfect girl who loves you for you to come along. Start understanding that only YOU can change your mindset and only you can change your path through your journey of life. The cards we have been dealt have been a tragic one. But I beg you all through my newfound love and compassion to stop looking at the clock wasting away, letting the weeks pass by as if they were days. Please find your nirvana as only you can achieve what you strive for.

You can reject all of my thoughts and just say i'm coping. but the truth is when someone is living a shit life anything productive will be seen as cope. This is the final and eternal cope, the cope of personal Enlightenment the only cope where you can die happy.

Thanks to all that have took the time read my vent/personal take on the black pill, as even someone like me needs to collect his thoughts and get some stuff off his chest sometimes. I have seen way too many incels that are closer to blue pillers then black pillers and I just want you to have my take on the truth.
Normie advice
you sound like a MGTOW fag.

reddit is that way ----->
It's incel tears not mgtow.
Dumb post is dumb. People here aren't expecting life to get magically better, they've just accepted that it never will get better. You're coping hard, your life currently is no better than it used to be. You're still genetic garbage, women you want are still getting filled by Chad, and most importantly nobody else gives a fuck about your achievements but you. If you had won an olympic medal or some shit I could understand, but breaking PRs means being happy about beating a genetic failure.
I agree with you, great post!
> joined april 17th
Hi normie
this isn't r/theredpill you faggot
This shit boosted my mood a little but then i realized that how fucked up I am mentally I will NEVER be able to reduce my anxiety.
Schizophreniacel checking in
Inb4 you rope while choking on this gigacope
you are worse than jordan peterson lmao
back to MGTOW buddy boyo
Actually, he's not coping at all..

I mean, he is. But he's coping the right way. He's asking us to stop the whining and complaining and be happy without female validation.

It's a hard and legit cope but it's a tough one. Most people here would rather rope than to really live their life without being loved...
OP's mindset is the red pill mindset which comes before the incel black pill. OP needs to up his game and ROT
I dunno, I'm really nihilistic so the only dependable sources of pleasure are sleeping, eating, and sex. When I die it's like sleeping forever. And hey since the dead can't be punished...

But until then I guess I'll keep fighting against nature - though I know it's unlikely to ever manifest into success. At least I got the big sleep to look forward to! ;-)
Dumb post is dumb. People here aren't expecting life to get magically better, they've just accepted that it never will get better. You're coping hard, your life currently is no better than it used to be. You're still genetic garbage, women you want are still getting filled by Chad, and most importantly nobody else gives a fuck about your achievements but you. If you had won an olympic medal or some shit I could understand, but breaking PRs means being happy about beating a genetic failure.
Ahahahaha i love when these motivational posts get shot down like this. TRUECELS ARE THE NEW MASTERRACE LOL.
Actually, he's not coping at all..

I mean, he is. But he's coping the right way. He's asking us to stop the whining and complaining and be happy without female validation.

It's a hard and legit cope but it's a tough one. Most people here would rather rope than to really live their life without being loved...
Fuck yes. If you arent loved you are meant to die as it means your genetic value is unworthy of being passed on to future generations of humans.
I dunno, I'm really nihilistic so the only dependable sources of pleasure are sleeping, eating, and sex. When I die it's like sleeping forever. And hey since the dead can't be punished...

But until then I guess I'll keep fighting against nature - though I know it's unlikely to ever manifest into success. At least I got the big sleep to look forward to! ;-)
This is every truecels mindset, but you still have a few mstow/trp copers popping up here and there.
Actually, he's not coping at all..

I mean, he is. But he's coping the right way. He's asking us to stop the whining and complaining and be happy without female validation.

It's a hard and legit cope but it's a tough one. Most people here would rather rope than to really live their life without being loved...

Yeah just live life without the #1 thing that we're biologically made for :feelstastyman:

I don't understand how people say "life without sex" or "life without a relationship". The whole point of "life" is to reproduce, if you can't do that you're not really living. You're just a walking piece of meat waiting to decay. If you think you can do something with that, well good luck. Be warned though, you will fail. Miserably.
Yeah just live life without the #1 thing that we're biologically made for :feelstastyman:
Yeah, I wish I could live a happy life without sex, but doin' it is a biological imperative. Through force of will I tried to live many years as an asexual, but it didn't take.

It brings to mind women complaining that men feel they are entitled to sex. I don't feel entitled - I feel want! I don't feel entitled to food, but I sure get ravenous without it. Just goes to show how little women know about male sexuality.

To steal a cryptically relevant metaphor, "it's a hungry dog that knocks over the trash bin."
Go back to TRP
Using my hatred and rage to ascend past normalfags

commenting so I can read later
Changing your mindset does not mean your quality of life will change I'm not even a black piller saying this. Whether you are positive or negative it makes no difference our life is based primarily on the position we were born into if others don't accept us it doesn't matter what we do.
being true blackpilled is not obsessing over women or sex.

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