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Starting College. Advice from older cels.



The world's a shady place
Jun 27, 2019
I am going to be starting college in a few weeks. I always see people talking about how they wish they could have done things or tried things when they still had the time. I am going to be 19 soon and I know it all goes to shit when I reach my mid 20s. I know its most likely over but I want to say that I have at least tried a bit in supposedly the last real time in your life to actually even attempt to ascend. I have bought nicer name brand clothes and I'm hoping to at least blend in with the normies and not make this as miserable of an experience as some people say its going to be for an incel. I have already decided to live at home for my duration since it would be hell to have to bunk with a chad and watch that everyday or deal with other peoples schedules and have to live with them. Older cels what advice would you give to someone starting university?
Socialize from the very first day. Come to any gatherings and join anything that expose you to girls. It'll be awkward if you start to do it after a couple of months since you're an active student there
Socialize from the very first day. Come to any gatherings and join anything that expose you to girls.
Tbh, something i didn’t do back since i did not want to mingle with them. But i’ve now been alienated and it’s not nice, but i don’t mind it. Unless you want to ascend, “put yourself out there :soy: ” as the IT cucks say. It might work or you’ll just be seen as a weirdo
Socialize from the very first day
This is the best advice. If you don't make friends the first day you never will.
This happened to me, when I was eating alone the first day I knew it was over. 4 years after and still zero friends, I havent even talked with one person.
If by the end of your first day you don't have a friend just give up.
Its a grEat opoRtunity to work on your personality :soy: ...

No, but ded srs, make friends and find a way to be popular that does'nt require much from you, this can be very hard.

I play the piano but i dont "put myself out there" because im socially retarded and it would'nt lead to any form of ascention.
And i surely mog every other musician in the U to hell so, why bother?.
Enjoy it, at least you don't have to wageslave now.
Nothing else to tell you except for the fact that it's absolute hell. Way worse than high school. I'm a year above you and college makes me suicidal. My first day there, I found used Magnum condom packaging on the ground, I shit you not. That itself was a fair warning that college is extremely openly sexual. Not to mention that my friend found an entire porn site of foids, specifically from the college I go to, getting pumped and dumped by Chads.

There has now started to become a point where I seriously don't give a shit about fucking any of these whores, because they're useless, lifeless holes who get pumped and dumped nightly. If I had the chance to put my dick into any of these Chad leftovers, I wouldn't take it. I feel like, if you live on a pretty sexual campus, that there's a point where you realize that these whores are so disgusting and grotesquely sexual that you would rather just back off than take the initiative, "ascend," and end up getting some mutated form of syphilis.

Not to mention, colleges are liberal shitholes. It doesn't matter what kind of an environment a college seeks to establish, because even if it seeks to be the most Christian, conservative place on Earth, the progressive brainwashing is still on a whole other level of obvious.

Good luck. I don't know about you, but I can barely tolerate this shit.
I’m leaving for college in less than three weeks. I had no friends on the first day of high school and never did all 4 years. I hope the same doesn’t happen for college.
There's a window of opportunity that lasts for a couple of weeks to a month. You have a week or two during freshers week, then another week or two to get to know people in your classes. After that your only hope is to join clubs, but everyone there is going to be a part of an existing social circle so you're probably going to find acquaintances, not friends. All bets are off by Christmas.

If that fails then it's over for you and you might as well just studymaxx.
Develop a social circle. Try to be extroverted even though you are introverted. Don’t ever try to be the nice guy who considers women’s feelings and is afraid to offend her. Sexualize conversations with foids. Go to parties especially ones with alcohol. Don’t have too high of standards. Looksmaxx. And remember if you are a truecel none of this is likely to work and you will remain a virgin forever.
College is about friends and networking. Grades dont matter unless it's a lower end college.

If it doesnt work out finish it up online.
Try to not stay in your comfort zone and talk with many people as you can. Since you are not a normie, let alone a Chad means you'd have to lead most interactions and other actions in order to stand out.
Don't start college.
From what I did advice would be to drop it
Depending on what you're going into, it's a hit or miss. That's all.
I would say to socialize and be as outgoing as possible but jfl I can't really preach what I don't follow. So basically good luck if you don't get anywhere by first two weeks it's truly over

Oh and connections are 1000% more important than grades
Make friends, this will lead to a social circle and meeting foids. DO NOT cold approach, it's social suicide.
Fuaerk i want to go to collage but need to study for it again:incel:
My advice to you: rope.
What everyone is saying here is the truth. You have to form a group of friends immediately. At my old uni, I never did. First week of freshman year, I saw everyone doing it like when they were walking to class. After a month it was basically just me walking to class alone for the rest of my time there. It doesn’t take long for everyone to get past that stage and to start focusing on their grades.
Don't be a mute and try to be as normal as you can so people don't think you're some oddball faggot
telling an ugly dude to just be confident is like putting sugar on shit and call it pancake

if you sell drugs and stuff sure show off and you get some of these fake ass friends , but other then that its just hierarchy game , who can mock the next one the most , who is chaddier , who runs status game

its all about domination in colleague and looks , just for lol trying to be an social butterfly as an incel, just give off the idc vibe but dont force yourself to be social or watever society expects from you
I am going to be starting college in a few weeks. I always see people talking about how they wish they could have done things or tried things when they still had the time. I am going to be 19 soon and I know it all goes to shit when I reach my mid 20s. I know its most likely over but I want to say that I have at least tried a bit in supposedly the last real time in your life to actually even attempt to ascend. I have bought nicer name brand clothes and I'm hoping to at least blend in with the normies and not make this as miserable of an experience as some people say its going to be for an incel. I have already decided to live at home for my duration since it would be hell to have to bunk with a chad and watch that everyday or deal with other peoples schedules and have to live with them. Older cels what advice would you give to someone starting university?
Don't start.

Really it depends if you can handle living in that environment. I guess it's different because you are living at home, but since most people probably live on campus, being on campus is like being immersed in the normie matrix. I don't go to school, but whenever I've been on a college campus I feel like I'm in a different world. It's all a big self contained culture, with a heirarchy that you're sure to be at the bottom of. Especially considering that you're posting here and you're not even 19 yet jfl.

It's going to be harder for you to make friends, because you won't have a roommate. You might want to try a club or something. In fact, you definitely will want to at least try it.
If you don't already, go to the gym. If you have any athletic inclination, you will be thankful that you did and it will help move you forward through your time in college. College gyms are usually free, and you won't ever find another free gym in your life after college. Not to mention that college gyms are much better than commercial gyms. Also, people are less likely to mess with someone who is strong.
Try the workout program called "strong lifts 5x5". It's simple for beginners, but also effective at building strength and muscle.

One other thing, this is a little more personal to you and it depends on your own ability to get things done: Make sure that you have a plan for your education. If you have a habit of procrastinating, or you weren't sure about the idea of college to begin with and are only going because your parents are making you, then make sure you have a plan for your education and that you stick to it.
Let me be honest with you, college can be suifuel. People are going to be fucking here more than ever, and it will be pretty blatant, and if you are living with them you will probably hear it at least once.
This is where chads reign and put their dark triad personalities to the test. College can be very socially competitive(just like highschool), because for those who have sex, so much can be gained and so much is at stake.
YOU need to have a strategy to handle these pressures. You're in school for an education/path to a career. Make sure that you get one before you leave.

Sorry in advance if this doesn't apply entirely to you. Hopefully any other youngcels will see this and learn something.

Also, if you really don't like that school in particular, remember that you can transfer to another school. It's better to transfer than to dropout.
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Talk to foreign students. You'll learn languages and cooking skills.
Become an exchange student and try to ascend
You perfectly know they would judge you on things you can't control.
Your face, your height, etc.
You can try to be nt and friendly and see the result by yourself.
What actually happens is nothing for an incel. You are there for studying instead of friends anyway. Only real positive is that you wont fail.
I’m leaving for college in less than three weeks. I had no friends on the first day of high school and never did all 4 years. I hope the same doesn’t happen for college.
It's over already. Don't go. Tell them that you want your money back
Shower and cold approach are the best advices I have
starting uni too.will try to at least make some friends,but we will probably lose contact right after studies,same thing happened with HS
Im going to university too soon. I realise if you don’t make friends in the first week during the inductions drop out and wait till next year or it’ll be a lonely 4 years. I’m just going to go for it. If I see anyone in nice clothes they probably like nice music boom I’m in cling onto them and make them bring me further connects.
I'm not in college yet but all I have to say is avoid everybody like the plague.
Be sure to have nice shoes..

And socializationmaxx
Socialize from day one is good advice.

Also, in your program find a professor doing something interesting and ask to get involved. It gives you good experience, it'll look good on a resume when you graduate and sets you up with a professional network.
Try joining a frat and do everything in your power to get in.

This will make sure you don’t graduate as a virgin. Your frat bros will make sure you get your dick wet, cuz your dick is there dick.
Also join co-Ed sports team or any sports team.

Don’t join nerdy clubs full of guys. They usually 20 guys for every 1 girl
First months are essential.

If you dont make friends/get popular in that time period; you're fucked.
If you're not socially inept, socialise.
Like everyone here said already... socialize right from the start. Join the student council if you can, they are usually a bunch of hyper active people that'll take your ugly ass with them into whatever plans they make.

Also, if you have the capability to be good at what you are studying, you should strive for it, it does pay off eventually. Unlike with women.... discipline and perseverance will actually take you further in your career.
- Save your money
- Study hard and get good grades
- Don’t waste any time or money with foids
- Find some incel friends you can hang with
That sounds pretty gay just from how you worded it at the end, hope you aren't gay boyo. :worryfeels::worryfeels::worryfeels::worryfeels:

It’s just bro culture bro, I don’t expect many incels to know about having friends
At risk of being accused of being a bluepilled cuck - my advice is just to try and go for it one last time. Get to the gym every day leanmaxxx get some lean toned muscle, try to get a decent haircut wear good clothes, look after your skin and just give it a shot. Yeah it's probably already over, but you're only 18, just try, it might be your last chance.

Try to be as sociable as you can, try to make friends, even if you only make friends with other ugly loser incels, it's better than complete isolation

Definitely socialisemaxxx even if it pains you to do it.
Don’t be alone. Join a group with subhumans who have similar interests. There has to be some video game or movie groups on campus.
if it seeks to be the most Christian, conservative place on Earth, the progressive brainwashing is still on a whole other level of obvious.
this, even the most conservative foid going to a conservative foid is bound to be a slut in some form or another, by tounguefucking(but teehee she is a virgin teehee good christian girl teehee even though she dresses like a sloot in public teehee)
Its over if youre ugly, theres no advice for your face
Living at home is a shitty decision man. I am 22 and living at home commuting. No social life at all. Now my life is completely over because I missed all the social experiences I should have had.

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