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Serious SSRI finally (temporarily) chemically castrated me. If I keep up with my doses, I am no longer aroused by the the stuff that typically arouses me.



Defeated by Fate | Contra Mundi Enemy of the World
Sep 11, 2022
I don't get aroused by sexual content which I know would arouse me had I not been on my daily dose of 20mg escitalopram 20 mg. I am also more mentally stable and not as depressed or sad, but I do feel empty as if my entire personality has been washed away. All of my passions, grievances, insights, realizations, all washed away leaving behind an NPC like hivemind.
All of my passions, grievances, insights, realizations, all washed away
how normies are made
I don't get aroused by sexual content which I know would arouse me had I not been on my daily dose of 20mg escitalopram 20 mg. I am also more mentally stable and not as depressed or sad, but I do feel empty as if my entire personality has been washed away. All of my passions, grievances, insights, realizations, all washed away leaving behind an NPC like hivemind.
Yeah I've experienced this before when I was on this medication for extended periods of time. Once the chemical builds up in my brain, it causes this kind of blandness of personality, making me feel like a plank of wood rather than a human being with desires.
Yeah I've experienced this before when I was on this medication for extended periods of time. Once the chemical builds up in my brain, it causes this kind of blandness of personality, making me feel like a plank of wood rather than a human being with desires.
Is it possible to stop taking these drugs?
Is it possible to stop taking these drugs?
Yes I've done it, and initially things stay ok for a while but then after month or two, anxiety and depression comes back.
Yes I've done it, and initially things stay ok for a while but then after month or two, anxiety and depression comes back.
But is it better to use those drugs or not? You know what the side effects are.
But is it better to use those drugs or not? You know what the side effects are.
I really need to be on these because otherwise I'm a mental wreck with crushing anxiety.
Yes but its temporary, only so long as I'm on the medication.
I see, so no more cooming for the time being? I wouldn't want that life.
brad pitt twelve monkeys GIF
brad pitt sleeping GIF
I've known a lot of people who have been on SSRIs, and most of them reported this same experience. It basically numbs you of everything, both good and bad.

While killing your libido is undoubtedly a good thing, the fact that it takes away passion, happiness, and motivation has to suck.

I could give many examples, but one that stands out was a truecel friend of mine from many years ago. Smart, talented and funny guy, just unfortunate looking facially (long midface, crooked nose, recessed chin, norwooding). He was clearly very depressed, but he also had many hobbies and was the creative type (he was pretty good at drawing, and he played the piano and guitar). Then he attempted suicide and got on an SSRI. After he got on SSRIs he completely changed. His sense of humor was gone. He became quiet and lost all interest in everything. He dropped out of uni because he lost all interest in his field of study as well as the motivation to study anything. He also got fat QUICK. Before SSRIs he was a gymcel and really lean, then in just a few months he became a fat guy who looked like he's never lifted in his life. He was just a shell of a man.

I don't think I have ever personally met a single person who took SSRIs and said they improved their life. Even Jordan Peterson who spent years shilling for SSRIs ended up in the loony bin because of them.

What's worse is the fact that so many people have these side effects years and years after they stopped. I probably would have tried them at some point if not for that. Frankly a lot of the time I think it would be better to just be completely numb, but to end up in that state potentially permanently sounds horrible. While for the most part I've lost interest in everything, every once in a while I'll enjoy something. Every once in a while something briefly takes my mind off of the shittiness of my life. Would it be worth it to give that up to also numb the pain? And what would even be the point of being alive if I'm just going to become a numb zombie with no interests? Just to continue to perform labor for a transnational megacorp and pay taxes to a government that doesn't give a fuck about people like me?
It basically numbs you of everything, both good and bad.
Yes this has been my experience every time I've been on SSRIs. It takes your soul away; robs you of your ability to feel, understand, think critically about anything and everything. The right to be human is lost. When I'm on these, I don't even blink as much JFL (yes I kept track).
While killing your libido is undoubtedly a good thing, the fact that it takes away passion, happiness, and motivation has to suck.
Tbh. The price to not be provoked by sexual stimulus is too high.
What's worse is the fact that so many people have these side effects years and years after they stopped.
Thankfully that's not been the case with me. All of my anxiety and libido returns once I stop.
And what would even be the point of being alive if I'm just going to become a numb zombie with no interests? Just to continue to perform labor for a transnational megacorp and pay taxes to a government that doesn't give a fuck about people like me?
tbh ngl
Thankfully that's not been the case with me. All of my anxiety and libido returns once I stop.
It might not be the case everytime and end up being permanent thats a risk you should know about

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