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Spreading Looks Blackpill will DESTROY female privilege.



Dec 2, 2017
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]The only way toward progress for men is to [/font][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]spread the Looks Blackpill outside the incel forums[/font][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif].  I'm 100% serious.  [/font][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]The very core of female power lies in the myth that they're "less visual" than men.[/font][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] The entire Gynocracy relies on it. Women need average looking men to think women can be sexually turned on by them if they make enough money, have the right "personality" or have enough "confidence", because otherwise women couldn't extract resources from them, marry a beta provider, get special favors, white nights, etc. [/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]If men woke up to the truth about looks, average looking guys wouldn't marry them, and would instead choose to stay single rather than marry some settling whore.  Women wouldn't be able to run their "implied promise of sex" gambit on plain looking guys to get favors, gifts, special treatment, etc, because the plain looking/ugly guy would see right through them. They'd lose most of their white knights. They'd have to ACTUALLY DELIVER on their implied promise of sex/companionship to get the same favors and gifts they enjoy now. Women KNOW how much they stand to lose if men collectively realized the true importance of looks. The entire Gynocracy would collapse like a house of cards, because[/font][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] it requires male ignorance about female sexuality in order to sustain itself.[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Get out there and start being proactive. DESTROY the "women are less visual" myth![/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]- Infiltrate MGTOW and seed their forums with looks blackpills. They're growing more and more each year. We need to wake them up.[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]- Go on YouTube and comment on all PUA videos, videos on sexless marriages, and any other videos that might be relevant to the looks issue.[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]- Join YahooAnswers and blackpill the shit out of the Dating and Relationships section.[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]- Comment on any news articles related to the looks issue.[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Look at the atheists. Ever notice how they're always injecting religion into practically every comment section? We should adopt the same strategy. Only difference would be, instead of a religion blackpill, it's a looks blackpill.  [/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]The point is, nobody's really accomplishing anything just posting on incel forums. We need to get the word out.  Women are just as visual as men and they damn well KNOW it! They KNOW they're being dishonest. They KNOW what they stand to lose if men collectively woke up about the looks issue. Let's make their fears a reality and DESTROY their "looks don't matter" safety net![/font]
Cope. Only certain kinds of men have a proclivity towards accepting and dissecting blackpill truths. Most men out there in the real world are conditioned to be simpering beta cucks who engage in endless self flagellation. You can present the blackpill to them if they are programmed to reject it outright.
/pol/cel said:
Cope. Only certain kinds of men have a proclivity towards accepting and dissecting blackpill truths. Most men out there in the real world are conditioned to be simpering beta cucks who engage in endless self flagellation. You can present the blackpill to them if they are programmed to reject it outright.

All it takes is a minority to create social change.  Look at what the queers accomplished, yet they're only 10% of people, if not less than that. I really don't give a shit about the 80-90% of people who'll dismiss it outright. Just another excuse to wallow in falilure.
my plan of action

1 grow in numbers

2 ally with mgtow

3 move to real life actions
JFL at the cope on this post. Female power has nothing to do with it. It’s because thy are the passive sex and men are the active one. This is unchangeable and an aspect of nature. Spreading the looks blackpill won’t change shit anyway because most people legitimately believe they are selecting based on personality, but it’s really looks because of halo.

Exposing lookism will do jackshit, it has to be abolished.
FuckShitPiss said:
All it takes is a minority to create social change.  Look at what the queers accomplished, yet they're only 10% of people, if not less than that. I really don't give a shit about the 80-90% of people who'll dismiss it outright. Just another excuse to wallow in falilure.
What have queers accomplished?

Getting gay marriage legalized, a topic which they "won" via annoying the common person enough that didn't give a shit either way.
nausea said:
my plan of action

1 grow in numbers

2 ally with mgtow

3 move to real life actions

Good plan. We should move our ideas around the internet
nausea said:
my plan of action

1 grow in numbers

2 ally with mgtow

3 move to real life actions

Allying with MGTOW should be the main priority. We need their numbers.  My advice, though, is DON'T let them know you're incel. They're really going out of their way these days to distance themselves from incels, especially after what happened to the incel reddit. For now, we inflitrate and subtly introduce blackpill ideas....SUBTLY!

Grotesque said:
What have queers accomplished?

Getting gay marriage legalized, a topic which they "won" via annoying the common person enough that didn't give a shit either way.

Try losing your job because of pro-faggot politically correct bullshit, then come back and ask me what they've accomplished.
All copes tbh. Men are too thirsty. Even if wome emitted poisonous gas they would still talk to them
We must amass a massive army of incels to go ER together and take over the US government by coup. Then we can finally establish the glorious utopian society of Incelistan.
Solitarian_Walker said:
We must amass a massive army of incels to go ER together and take over the US government by coup. Then we can finally establish the glorious utopian society of Incelistan.

Judging by most responses to the OP, I'd say that's more likely than the incel community ever coming up with an intelligent way to improve their situation. Fuck this "It's over. Just give up" shit.
nausea said:
my plan of action

1 grow in numbers

2 ally with mgtow

3 move to real life actions

What real life actions could be taken, though?
Melinda said:
What real life actions could be taken, though?

many things are on the table
Posting on here aint gonna do shit you need to make real content like @FACEandLMS
nausea said:
many things are on the table

Like what? I honestly can't think of anything we could do to convince women to be with us instead of Chad.
Melinda said:
nausea said:
many things are on the table
Like what? I honestly can't think of anything we could do to convince women to be with us instead of Chad.
society is the problem
nausea said:
society is the problem

Well yeah, but how can we change society? We can't just flip a switch and suddenly make women stop lusting after Chad. Even in conservative countries women are whores, they just don't act like it in public.
Melinda said:
nausea said:
society is the problem
Well yeah, but how can we change society? We can't just flip a switch and suddenly make women stop lusting after Chad. Even in conservative countries women are whores, they just don't act like it in public.
we shall take back the system our ancestors used
nausea said:
Tribes don't function in modern society, though. There's a reason they're only found in secluded jungles nowadays. We have too many people and too much technology. Anyways, hunting and gathering isn't a simple lifestyle.
Melinda said:
nausea said:
Tribes don't function in modern society, though. There's a reason they're only found in secluded jungles nowadays. We have too many people and too much technology. Anyways, hunting and gathering isn't a simple lifestyle.
what about bringing back their values?
nausea said:
what about bringing back their values?
Different tribes have different values. There are tribes in which polygamy is ok and Chad gets a harem. Which tribes are you talking about?
Melinda said:
nausea said:
what about bringing back their values?
Different tribes have different values. There are tribes in which polygamy is ok and Chad gets a harem.
will make a thread about the tribe thing latER
Cope. I'm not even reading this because it's obvious that NOTHING could get rid of female privilege.
FuckShitPiss said:
Try losing your job because of pro-faggot politically correct bullshit, then come back and ask me what they've accomplished.
Everything to do with political correctness originates from the Jew.

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