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Splat! Foid died after parachute fails on 1st skydiving attempt

hope it was slow and agonizing but i doubt it was
This nigga said splat
Grievous lack of LifeFuel tag
Wtf, this is a 18 year old, why does she look like a 30 year old woman? Talk about hitting the wall early.
200716130649 05 georgia teen dies skydiving trnd exlarge 169
One asphalt pancake comin’ right up! Haha. As a little kid O thought you’d just turn 2d like Flat Stanley or something if you feel from high up. Saw a vid of someone falling off a building in like 8th grade though. You more just kinda explode. Aftermath looks like a messy deep dish pizza
I can fly a Cessna
the parachute didn't fail, she's just a big bitch.
Talk about unlucky, first time's a charm for once :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
Wtf, this is a 18 year old, why does she look like a 30 year old woman? Talk about hitting the wall early.
View attachment 291270
Don't worry, she was probably already fucked by lots of chad and experienced things we never will.
She probably died happy, while we are living hell everyday. I would prefer to have a rich life and die at 18 years old than having my life until roping.
Nothing of value was lost.
Splat! And she’s dead now :D Major lifefuel.
Based parachute

tbh, I've seen a ton of paramotor videos where the dudes get fucked up. Apparently even if you're far away from a helicopter, they can fuck your shit up.
Not all are adrenaline junkies like in the video you post, dude just needs to clip a branch to be sent into the ground below. Stat wise, you are more likely to die from that. Most of the cases being they crash into something because lowiq.

But for the case of parachute failures, they're quite low, guess that's why this foid made the news. Especially for the "hur future".
Base jumpers/guys who use wing gliding suits are balls to the walls dumb, seen several death videos of normalfags doing that. Either their shute fails to open, or they slam into something.
Don't worry, she was probably already fucked by lots of chad and experienced things we never will.
She probably died happy, while we are living hell everyday. I would prefer to have a rich life and die at 18 years old than having my life until roping.
jfl made lol "splat!"
like an old cartoon

was there a whore shaped crater where she hit the Ground Batman?

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/hsznjn/incel_reaction_after_two_deaths/

U made it onto it

Jokes on It. I put splat in the title because I knew it would mention this thread if I did. They claim this is insensitive...As if they’re not insensitive to us.
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View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/hsznjn/incel_reaction_after_two_deaths/

U made it onto it

Jokes on It. I put splat in the title because I knew it would mention this thread if I did. They claim this is insensitive...As if they’re not insensitive to us.

Jfl amazing.

One time I made a post about how all men at least deserve respect from women because most men could kill and rape most women in a heartbeat.

Imagine living in a society of tigers and pigs. But the pigs constantly shit talk and disrespect the tigers. That's the power difference here.

After posting that I got featured too. On that other boomer site as well. Lol some cringy boomer made a video of him dramatically drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette holy lol these people are so cringy they have the self awareness of Barney the Barnacle.
After posting that I got featured too. On that other boomer site as well. Lol some cringy boomer made a video of him dramatically drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette holy lol these people are so cringy they have the self awareness of Barney the Barnacle.

Do you have a link to that video?
Brutal how they don’t talk about the skydiving instructor dude but only the foid. I feel bad for the guy because it was supposed to be a normal thing for him, but stupid foid was too heavy.
I want to see the aftermath
Splat! Here is your order of roast beef pancake my good sir.
ok so this is the website:

you can just search for your username to see if they have written anything about you:

This is the post and the video:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4L5_DdfaI0&feature=youtu.be

That vid was uploaded on March 8 though. Not anytime close to when this thread was made.
I guess you were saying you were posted to that boomer site when you made a similar statement to OP a few months ago?
That vid was uploaded on March 8 though. Not anytime close to when this thread was made.
I guess you were saying you were posted to that boomer site when you made a similar statement to OP a few months ago?

The video was linked in response to my post on this forum. However it was not specfically adressed at me, it was just selected in context.
Brutal how they don’t talk about the skydiving instructor dude but only the foid. I feel bad for the guy because it was supposed to be a normal thing for him, but stupid foid was too heavy.
Good riddance.
14,000 miles an hour.
196 mph you mean
She thought a simp will come to open the parachute for her

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