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Spergy rant (dnrcels DO NOT ENTER)



Calm before the storm… (SandNiggerKANG)
Feb 9, 2025
The deepest truths, poetry, lyrics and insights enter your heart only when your mind is silenced. This is receptivity. Receptivity to truth and reality. It hits you like a brick. This is the beginning of thinking originally. Cutting the bs. Untangling the clusterfuck knots, Jailbreaking your mind and starting from scratch. Letting go of your current ideology (the known) to discover what you don’t know (the unknown) because there is at least one thing that was hidden from you. This is open mindedness. This is the kinda shit that advances ideologies.

The blackpill would never be discovered if people’s minds were full of programmed copes. It took one guy to deprogram himself from all of that. Open mindedness will always be the meta. This nigga was curious and discovered an entire unchartered rabbit hole we know as the blackpill today.

The blackpill spread because it answered questions accurately that the bluepill and redpill failed to adequately answer. The blackpill is a special kind of lens because it has a brutal honesty and I think it uses less assumptions out of both of them. Those assumptions 99% of the time proven right.

Even if we do explore and stress test ideologies, they’re not as antifragile and reliable as blackpill when determining attraction. Blackpill has done a great job at refining and making accurate the ideas and concepts behind sexual attraction.

Ideologies are valid because they just speed up the process of reaching conclusions. Even if we all started from scratch, we will reach the same conclusions as blackpill eventually via trial and error and by experience. Your knowledge is more powerful when backed by numerous infallible experiences. All ideologies have their own logic system,

I’ll tell you the truth. Most governments and most people don’t give a shit about the rise in suicides and general air of nihilism about. The game has never changed. The stronger and more adaptive survive and pass on their genes. More people opting out of the game decreases competition not just talking of us sub5s talking about frustrated normies. The strong will never rope because who would want to rope when constantly reaping rewards and positive feedback from society? Perhaps governments are adding fuel to the fire to increase hopelessness like some sort of depopulation psyop so they don’t have to waste as much money on the surplus population.
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Tldr: if your brain isnt fried, if ur not in severe pain and if you can feel dopamine, don’t rope. Cope your way through it. Roping will just mean you waste the potential pleasure to be squeezed out of this existence. You don’t know who you will be next if the cards are reshuffled and the dice rerolled. Small chance it could be worse

Saying it’s over isn’t an idea it’s a feeling to the core. Men retreat away from society when there is no positive feedback. Hence hikikomoris, neets and shut ins. The dopamine and people of the internet feeling like a much better substitute compared to how you’re treated irl.
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Ye basicly when you stop the wishfull thinking and aknowledge that the truth might be dark and despairfuel, you can discorver the bp ig. It is not true because it is dark and suicidfuel it is true despite being horrible. An idea should not be judged as true or false based on the amount of despair it may generate, but on other objectiv criterias.
ig. It is not true because it is dark and suicidfuel it is true despite being horrible
Yea. The idea of it being dark and suicidefuel is just the human thoughts and feelings we project onto the objective facts after discovering it. Nature iz brutal

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