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SuicideFuel [SPERGCELS STAY OUT] I just compared two shows on Netflix: one about a boy with autism, and another about a boy with psychopathy

Atavistic Autist

Atavistic Autist

Intersectional autistic supremacy
May 28, 2018
The one about the boy with autism is called Atypical, and he miserably fails to get a girlfriend and lose his virginity. He falls in love with his female therapist a la @Grotesque and is brutally bullied in school, whereas his female autist counterparts have no comparable issues with getting relationships with males or being bullied. In fact, the autistic boy's sister falls in love with a sociopath who attempted to bully him, and his mother has the impulse to cheat on her betabuxx husband, which she probably ends up doing. The family appears to be Jewish as well, with the boy looking like Jared Kushner, and the betabuxx husband looking very Jewish himself.

Meanwhile, in the show about psychopathy, the psychopathic boy literally gets a girlfriend in the first episode and runs away from home with her!

How can we spergcels cope with this? I desperately feel a need to re-arrange society so that it is more restrictive and free radical psychopaths are put down, much like the animals they like to kill, and everything follows a consistent and logical paradigm (in The Sims).
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worst part is that society will never care about male autists no matter how much facts support that it is a literal death sentence for them
worst part is that society will never care about male autists no matter how much facts support that it is a literal death sentence for them
worst part is that society will never care about male autists no matter how much facts support that it is a literal death sentence for them
We must become the leaders of a revolutionary vanguard which overthrows capitalism, feminism, and the psychopathic parasites who prosper under such systems of oppression, and found a new ordER tbhnglfam (in a Paradox strategy game).
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worst part is that society will never care about male autists no matter how much facts support that it is a literal death sentence for them
You can only make a half decent life for yourself as an autistic male if you're attractive, have a wealthy family, grew up in a decent area with early intervention to go the extra mile teaching you social skills & normalisation by neurotypical parents, just so happen to have a vivid interest in something you can turn into a lucrative career or be a savant in something that gets you respect & acclaim.

If you have not even one of those things then forget about it.
We could assemble a great council of autistic savants to lead our struggle. Imagine Aspergers Justinian ruling with an iron fist while his Sperg Belisaurius crushed all military opposition. Aspie John the Cappadocian would oversee a new golden age of laws designed to prevent inceldom around the globe.
worst part is that society will never care about male autists no matter how much facts support that it is a literal death sentence for them
Women are attracted to evil itself
You can only make a half decent life for yourself as an autistic male if you're attractive, have a wealthy family, grew up in a decent area with early intervention to go the extra mile teaching you social skills & normalisation by neurotypical parents, just so happen to have a vivid interest in something you can turn into a lucrative career or be a savant in something that gets you respect & acclaim.

If you have not even one of those things then forget about it.
This soyciety has taken away autistic men's ways of being. There is no culturally hegemonic religion for verbal autists to enter into, of which they can learn the doctrine, debate it, and exert social influence through it.

There is no way we can exert an intellectual influence over politics either, which is now strictly in the domain of psychopaths and narcissists like Pete Butt and Drumpf.

The only way we are not left to rot is if we are considered economically useful to exploit by psychopathic capitalist billionaires (a certain percentage of Pythagorean, numerology autists qualify) or can jestermaxx and make fools of ourselves like Ice Poseidon or Asian/Arab Andy.

This is the greatest indignity and our non-NT ancestors are calling upon us to rise up.

We could assemble a great council of autistic savants to lead our struggle. Imagine Aspergers Justinian ruling with an iron fist while his Sperg Belisaurius crushed all military opposition. Aspie John the Cappadocian would oversee a new golden age of laws designed to prevent inceldom around the globe.
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Proof of how society views autists as feeble subhumans who better know their place or else. This is in part how dangerous spergs like ER are made btw. Needs to stop already.
This soyciety has taken away autistic men's ways of being. There is no culturally hegemonic religion for verbal autists to enter into, of which they can learn the doctrine, debate it, and exert social influence through it.

There is no way we can exert an intellectual influence over politics either, which is strictly in the domain of psychopaths and narcissists like Pete Butt and Drumpf.

The only way we are not left to rot is if we are economically useful to psychopathic capitalist billionaires (a certain percentage of Pythagorean, numerology autists) or jestermaxx and make fools of ourselves like Ice Poseidon or Asian/Arab Andy.

This is the greatest indignity and our non-NT ancestors are calling upon us to rise up.

I honestly believe men with Autism had a better quality of life pre women's rights movement, easier access to jobs, less complicated world, slower pace of life, there wasn't this rampant lookist society & there was more to go around.
Comparasion is valid, the problem is that youre doing it through netflix shows
It's messed up that psychopaths will end up at the top of the social ladder while autists stay at the bottom. Psychopaths and sociopaths, in every instance, are a detriment to society and everyone they come across yet they are the winners in the social game. Meanwhile autists, who are usually honest, upfront about their intentions and knowledgeable about certain subjects are never even given a chance.
This is in part how dangerous spergs like ER are made btw. Needs to stop already.
This is the greatest irony, because mass-shootings and serial killings were trends started by psychopaths.

Autists, who suffer their entire lives under the yoke of psychopathic bullies, psychopathic bosses, and psychopathic hegemony in general, are driven to mimic the lowest forms of psychopaths in order to achieve their perceived redemption -- with alienated, individual acts of violence.

No! This cannot continue. The autists and neurotics of the world must unite! I would go so far as to forgive the Jews if they finance our cause under the common banner of neurosis tbhngl. They must have compassion for their gentile, neurotic brothers who did not have the good fortune to be born into a social safety net.
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This is the greatest irony, because mass-shootings and serial killings were trends started by psychopaths.

Autists, who suffer their entire lives under the yoke of psychopathic bullies, psychopathic bosses, and psychopathic hegemony in general, are driven to mimic the lowest forms of psychopaths in order to achieve their perceived redemption -- with alienated, individual acts of violence.

No! This cannot continue. The autists and neurotics of the world must unite! I would go so far as to forgive the Jews if they finance our revolt under the common banner of neurosis tbhngl. They must have compassion for their gentile, neurotic brothers who lack a social safety net.
High iq except for the random JQ part.
This is the greatest irony, because mass-shootings and serial killings were trends started by psychopaths.

Autists, who suffer their entire lives under the yoke of psychopathic bullies, psychopathic bosses, and psychopathic hegemony in general, are driven to mimic the lowest forms of psychopaths in order to achieve their perceived redemption -- with alienated, individual acts of violence.

No! This cannot continue. The autists and neurotics of the world must unite! I would go so far as to forgive the Jews if they finance our cause under the common banner of neurosis tbhngl. They must have compassion for their gentile, neurotic brothers who did not have the good fortune to be born into a social safety net.
Mt. Everest IQ.

Autistic people are the OPPOSITE of psychopaths.
High iq except for the random JQ part.
Jews are neurotics who successfully penetrated the power structure through collective solidarity.

So I am pleading with them now to recognize our plight and raise us up along with them. I pledge that they will retain their position of power in the new ordER if they do, and will even enjoy a raise of prestige tbhngl. Unlike Machiavellian, NT goyim, us autists would never lie to them.

I know the goyim betrayed them during communism 1.0, but this time there will be no Stalins or populist egomaniacs to backstab them. The autistic intelligentsia will see to it.
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You'd need some kind of brain scanner system to detect psychopaths in order to remove them from the population since they are experts at human psychology and "pressing buttons" by nature and would just make themselves into the kind of person you ie the new person in power would have an incredible liking for.

People never seem to get that rarely do these fucks make what they are obvious ie they are not the monsterous Jason Vorhees or Michael Myers obvious archetype of the bloodthirsty large knife wielding maniac killer.

They are people that can create an incredibly believable air of likeability about themselves and it can be so well constructed and presented that even experts on them can be fooled by their bullshit conman fake good guy or good girl routine.

If you become a problem for a psychopath they don't even need to resort to killing you to "defeat you" they just psychologically "gaslight" you and use the surrounding community you both belong to, to demonize you and make you out to be the "crazy" or "bad" one.

The community will readily believe them too since they are so "enjoyable" and "likeable" to be around and plus "too fun" and "too kind" to ever be what you suggested that they are which is what they actually are ie the scum of the earth and bad news, etc, etc.
worst part is that society will never care about male autists no matter how much facts support that it is a literal death sentence for them
That kid wasn't a psychopath he was just tramatized from watching his mom commit suicide.
You'd need some kind of brain scanner system to detect psychopaths in order to remove them from the population since they are experts at human psychology and "pressing buttons" by nature and would just make themselves into the kind of person you ie the new person in power would have an incredible liking for.

Communists specialized in weeding out psychopaths and narcissists. It is pretty lifefuel to read about.

They would encourage all the social climbers to expose themselves through various ploys, and summarily execute them, while the cluser C types with anxiety would never draw attention to themselves under any circumstances and thus survive and thrive.
When the coping is too strong...

Autism wasn't a problem until childhood vaccinations became common. Dr. jew(s) caused this...

It doesn't take much research to find out the truth. It's time for all autists to chelatemaxx the Mercury out of your brains!
That kid wasn't a psychopath he was just tramatized from watching his mom commit suicide.
It is fictional, and not precise, but the description specifics psychopathy:

A budding teen psychopath and a rebel hungry for adventure embark on a star-crossed road trip in this darkly comic series based on a graphic novel.
Yeah but he's not an actual psychopath. He's just traumatized.
Nonetheless, that is his archetype, and the juxtaposition with autism remains brutal.

Because us autists are highly traumatized ourselves, but have no foids to complement us.
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eat shit (in pill form)
That's brutal tbh. The blackpill is dropped harsh and people will just ignore it.
It's messed up that psychopaths will end up at the top of the social ladder while autists stay at the bottom. Psychopaths and sociopaths, in every instance, are a detriment to society and everyone they come across yet they are the winners in the social game. Meanwhile autists, who are usually honest, upfront about their intentions and knowledgeable about certain subjects are never even given a chance.
Humans really are a trash species no?
Based and blackpilled show tbh. Wish all could show the blackpill as it should be.
Only way to be accepted as autistcel is jestermaxxing, but that requires living a life where all you’re good for is being laughed at. Suifuel but at least they dont hate you
Only way to be accepted as autistcel is jestermaxxing, but that requires living a life where all you’re good for is being laughed at. Suifuel but at least they dont hate you
Sounds like something cucks do.
The one about the boy with autism is called Atypical, and he miserably fails to get a girlfriend and lose his virginity.
I have seen that show, this is complete bullshit. Paige literally stalks him and begs to be his girlfriend, he makes out with multiple girls.
I have seen that show, this is complete bullshit. Paige literally stalks him and begs to be his girlfriend, he makes out with multiple girls.
I didn't watch that far, only the first few episodes, although I was sure that the show would become progressively bluepilled.

In reality, an "intellectual outcast" foid would stalk a bad boy skater type at the top of his own NT hierarchy, not a neurotic male and certainly not an autist.
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