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Songs that relate to you the most as incels



Jul 27, 2018
Here’s my personal favorite:

Du auf dem schulhof ich zum töten bereit
Und keiner hier weiss von meiner einsamkeit

(You in the schoolyard I am ready to kill
And no one here knows of my loneliness)

Rote striemen auf weisser haut
Ich tu dir weh und du jammerst laute

(Red welts on white skin
I hurt you and you cry loudly)

Jetzt hast du angst und ich bin soweit
Mein schwarzes blut versaut dir das kleid

(Now you are scared and I am ready
My black blood soils your dress)

Dein weisses fleisch erregt mich so
Ich bin doch nur ein Gigolo
Dein weisses fleisch erleuchtet mich

(Your white flesh excites me so
I am just a Gigolo
Your white flesh enlightens me)

Mein schwarzes blut un dein weisses fleisch
Ich werd immer geiler von deinem Gekreisch
Der Angstschweiss da auf deiner weissen Stirn
Hagelt in mein krankes gehirn

(My black blood and your white flesh
I will always become hornier from your screams
The cold sweat on your white forehead
Hails into my sick brain)

Dein weisses fleisch erregt mich so
Ich bin doch nur ein Gigolo
Mein vater war genau wie ich
Dein weisses fleisch erleuchtet mich

(Your white flesh excites me so
I am just a Gigolo
My father was exactly like me
Your white flesh enlightens me)

Jeztz hast du angst und ich bin soweit
Mein krankes dasein nach Erlösung schreit
Dein weisses fleisch wird mein schafott
In meinem himmel gibt es keinen gott

(Now you are scared and I am ready
My sick existence cries for redemption
Your white flesh becomes my scaffold
In my heaven there is no God)

Dein weisses fleisch erregt mich so
Ich bin doch nur ein Gigolo
Dein weisses fleisch erleuchtet mich
Mein vater war genau wie ich
Dein weisses fleisch erleuchtet mich so
Ich bin ein trauriger gigolo
Dein weisses fleisch erleuchtet mich

(Your white flesh excites me so
I am just a Gigolo
Your white flesh enlightens me
My father was exactly like me
Your white flesh excites me so
I am just a sad Gigolo
Your white flesh enlightens me)

Note that the reason why I’m sourcing this one for the correct translation is because there was this YouTube channel which is now deleted that had Rammstein lyrics in both German and English, and the last time I looked for the English translated lyrics, it looks like somebody put it through Google translator and that I wasn’t getting accurately translated lyrics that even form coherent sentences, so I had to narrow my search parameters by memory to find this. I know this is it because there’s this YouTube video embed to a video that’s no longer available, which I’m at least 95% sure is the one that I used to watch around 2012/13 before the YouTube shoah. So this is it, here are the accurately translated lyrics for Rammstein’s song Weisses fleisch (or “White Flesh” in English).

Video (Daily Motion since JewTube scrubbed their whole 1998 Live Aus Berlin concert from the website along with any other non-Vevo user uploads because of “copyright reasons” or some other bullshit):

Second song is a song that I’ve been looking for ever since I first heard it, because it relates to me and other incels so well (starts at the 5:00 mark):

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