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Serious Someone saw me browsing this website at my college



Jan 14, 2018
Was sitting in the corner of the library, I thought I was by myself. About 30 minutes after I sat down, I looked over my shoulder and saw that there was someone behind me. It was too late. As I was turning around, the guy very quickly shifted his eyes from my computer screen to me. I don’t even know how long he had been looking at my screen. I didn’t know what to say, so there was a few moments of silence before I said “h-hello.” He didn’t say anything back, and I could see the look of disgust on his face. This is how I knew that he knew what website I was on. I didn’t stay very long after that, maybe five minutes or so then I put my laptop in my bag and left. I don’t even want to go to classes tomorrow, because I think that he might tell other people or professors/authorites etc. So I’m left with a few options: Should I try and contact him and tell him it was a youtube prank/joke? Or that I’m not actually a part of this website and was curious about what it was? Or try and get him to swallow the blackpill? I don’t know what to do now. i feel like i’ve just committed social suicide and that it’s actually over this time.
punch him for invading your privacy
JFL, you acted like a cuck. Should've asked "The fuck you looking at?" That usually does the trick. Either they'll stay quiet, or throw in some snarky comment like "I can look, can't I?" (Had this happen to me IRL jfl).

punch him for invading your privacy

You should've told that faggot to fuck off, and taken extreme measures if he didn't get the message.
Act shocked and accuse him of being a creep who sneaks up on people
Maybe he was just playing hard to get.

Boys will be boys and all that.
Incels need to stop being high inhibition. Squint you eyes and give him a pestered/confused look. "What are you doing?" Go up to him. "What were staring at just now." Don't be afraid of confrontation. Library's have cameras.

i couldn’t even think straight from the moment i saw him looking at my screen. also, i have never confronted someone. i’ve been shit on and walked over for the majority of my life. it will never happen.
also, i have never confronted someone.

Giga cuck, some guy today didn't stop his car for me even though he's legally obliged to, made sure to stop in my tracks just to annoy the shit out of him, standing right in front of his car, keeping and maintaining eye contact. Then after a few seconds I let it go because I realized that faggot wasn't worth my time. Seemed like he wanted to get out but his wife said no or some shit kek.
WHY ARE YOU OKAY WITH THAT? How can you just accept failure?
because im a loser, and nothing will change even if i do attempt to stand up for myself. they will laugh at me because of my subhuman looks, and because im a weakling.
we aren't that well known, wtf
If you have to you can pretend you're an Cucktears member looking for content. Also i would make sure no incel content is on labtop if you think it might get searched. This is where an incel incognito mode would be nice.
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Did you make this up? Sounds like bored incel fiction
I like you because you show no fear. I hate fearcels because FagTears feed off that weak shit.

Thank you for the compliment, but I reckon it's a pretty dumb thing to do, in hindsight. But in the moment, I do not give a shit. If you piss me off, I'm going to show you. I used to have anger issues, so maybe that contributes to it. Seems like I still need to work on myself. What do you say? Work on myself, or stay this way, considering it's justified? I feel like I wasn't in the wrong at all.
you're omega as fuck
Did he see you posting or just browsing?
just browsing.
Well I dont think they call people down in college but if you get confronted just say you were browsing because you find incels fascinating and funnny, just go full IT.
tell that dude to mind his own business, what the fuck.

although who cares, what can he actually do to you?
Lol. Going on incel / PSL websites in public is awesome/
Ive been browsing here for hours every day at uni loll
What a fucking pussy you are. You deserve to be incel to be honest. Fuck you.
lol idk why you care so much, I browse this site wherever I go
He's gay for you, OP. Congrats, not incel anymore!
Damn why the hell is everyone ITT calling him a cuck? Some people just have high inhibition. Also I doubt anyone here would actually confront and act all tough and shit. Quit larping.
JFL, you acted like a cuck. Should've asked "The fuck you looking at?" That usually does the trick. Either they'll stay quiet, or throw in some snarky comment like "I can look, can't I?" (Had this happen to me IRL jfl).


you shouldve waited for hi mto get up and then pull his chair back as he sits down on it, haha
Damn why the hell is everyone ITT calling him a cuck? Some people just have high inhibition. Also I doubt anyone here would actually confront and act all tough and shit. Quit larping.

Incels need to stop being high inhibition. Squint you eyes and give him a pestered/confused look. "What are you doing?" Go up to him. "What were staring at just now." Don't be afraid of confrontation. Library's have cameras.

If we could do that we wouldnt be incel in the first place
Browsed incels on my phone on the bus with a 7/10 blonde stacy next to me. No fuarks given.
Do the same OP
Jfl im now in a full crowded metro scrolling incels.is
Well I dont think they call people down in college but if you get confronted just say you were browsing because you find incels fascinating and funnny, just go full IT.

Lmao you have nothing to worry about if you weren't posting. If you were posting white sharia shit, then it would be a different story.
Incels need to stop being high inhibition. Squint you eyes and give him a pestered/confused look. "What are you doing?" Go up to him. "What were staring at just now." Don't be afraid of confrontation. Library's have cameras.

Yeah, seriously. If somebody fucks with you, let them know you're pissed
just browsing.

You've got to deny. Just flat out deny you are involved with this site if anyone else becomes inquisitive as to what you were up to. Say you were just browsing. So long as you are in total denial, then that will work as your greatest defence against them. I doubt they could do much else if you just deny it.
Here where I live nobody even knows about these sites. So feels good imo.
I always browse this website at university on the computer in front of everyone.

What are they going to do about it? I will fuck any norman or roastie who comes at me up.
why the fuck do you care what that normie thinks?

who gives a fuck dude he aint going to do shit.
Scaredcels never get anywhere in life. Mr. Rogers was able to face his fears.


You gotta be pretty low-inhib to do that on public television.
I always browse this website at university on the computer in front of everyone.

What are they going to do about it? I will fuck any norman or roastie who comes at me up.
Slayer tbh.
I don't get it. Why don't people just study in the library and browse this place when they're alone if they're worried about people seeing them..
Damn why the hell is everyone ITT calling him a cuck? Some people just have high inhibition. Also I doubt anyone here would actually confront and act all tough and shit. Quit larping.
Keep your mind on your business, this won't change anything for you.
I also got caught looking at this website but I didn't give a shit
This is ridiculous. Anyone who has heard of this place is just as fucked as Incels are. No normie is going to have any idea what the term Incel even means.
pay more attention on your surroundings. also why the fuck should he tell anyone on which website you were. no one thinks, cares or gives a shit about you anyways dude.
Seriously who cares. Be low inhibition. Your don’t have to do anything

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