Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

JFL Someone made a video about our forum

Give me a timestamp if i’m in it
random normie nigger moment
wow. Comment section is full of bluepilled normie faggots. Pathetic fucks.
nooo im not in the video I'm gonna rope :feelsrope:
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the job market is fucked let this millenial faggot have his adsense.
"I'm a love and sex guru, I can totally figure out your problems!" is a common normie fantasy.

Don't forget to like and subscribe! :soy:
Dnw can’t stand these normalfags commenting on us and giving the classic advice / retarded reasonings for our inceldom.
The YouTuber has 300k subscribers

View: https://youtu.be/ZCe6KMrv5-M

TL;DW : "Foids and soyciety are always good and always right. Since foids and soyciety treat incels badly, this means incels are evil and deserve the harsh treatment they get. LOL. Have sex, incel". :soy:

Typical normscum social conformity bias: "If soyciety treats you like shit, it means it's your fault". :foidSoy:

It is funny when you ask them to apply the SAME LOGIC to Jews in the 3rd reich, or negroes in colonial america. :feelsthink:

They only shout and squirm. :feelskek:
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Thoughts, folks?
(last one is too big to read, typical texts from stupid toiletz).

@Fat Link @turbosperg @turbocuckcel_7000 @Pancakecel @Doomer Guy @InMemoriam @Stupid Clown @cripplecel @DespressedCurryCel1 (and many more, don't want to tag too much)
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jfl who cares them
Well good some youtuber with a fair number of views makes a video on us. I'm sure some people will see it look into it and join us.
That second foid is just doing the classic gaslighting / denial of blackpill truths. And why can’t these foids reply with something readable instead of a mini essay JFL :lul::lul::lul: it’s always foids who reply like that.
I’ve tried replying to comments on that video, the foids r retarded and reply with “FOUND THE INCEL” instead of replying to the truths I have told them.
why can’t these foids reply with something readable instead of a mini essay JFL
Jewtube should make a didn't read reaction at this point. Won't be implemented, however.
The best thing you can reply to a woman tryharding at big texts is simply: dnr.
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Thoughts, folks?
(last one is too big to read, typical texts from stupid toiletz).

@Fat Link @turbosperg @turbocuckcel_7000 @Pancakecel @Doomer Guy @InMemoriam @Stupid Clown @cripplecel @DespressedCurryCel1 (and many more, don't want to tag too much)
the men she was interacting with could have been successful womanizers..... but MUCH more likely they were just desperate men with no other options, and trying to make the best of their surroundings and opportunities to have a pleasant life, and moving on if they can't make it happen, because no one else will do anything to help them besides themselves, and they need to move on and soldier on in order to help themselves

thus it's really disgusting for a femoid to adopt a position of "awwww it's so disheaaaaaaaaartening that men don't want to me by frieeeeeeeeend awwwwwwwww" in the front of that simple and cruel reality
Meanwhile, all NAFO "fellas" and Reddit cucks are masturbating to Zelenskyy trip to the US.
i'm really tired of the strange group therapy session that these retarded cucks have on almost every platform
"ukraine will beat russia, dude, check out this drone grenade video" "yes bro it's all going to be alright, SLAVA UKRAINI"
State of soyciety. Meanwhile, all NAFO "fellas" and Reddit cucks are masturbating to Zelenskyy trip to the US.
They want to see his piano performance.
cuestar? i thought his channel died out already
i'm really tired of the strange group therapy session that these retarded cucks have on almost every platform
"ukraine will beat russia, dude, check out this drone grenade video" "yes bro it's all going to be alright, SLAVA UKRAINI"
They're coping. Banderafags are being slaughtered like cattle in the Donbass as we speak.
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Thoughts, folks?
(last one is too big to read, typical texts from stupid toiletz).

@Fat Link @turbosperg @turbocuckcel_7000 @Pancakecel @Doomer Guy @InMemoriam @Stupid Clown @cripplecel @DespressedCurryCel1 (and many more, don't want to tag too much)

Let's translate this message in foidspeak:
As a woman, it’s so disheartening to hear that a lot of men don’t want to be my friend unless I can provide them romantic feelings. This has happened to me so many times throughout my life. I have so much to offer in a friendship, but I’m only seen as important if they can get something out of me. I had plenty of guy friends growing up in high school, but it’s difficult making friends now as an adult, especially when I enjoy stereotypical nerdy things like Pokémon, video games, Harry Potter, lotr, etc. these hobbies tend to attract mean, gatekeeping people.
As a FOID, I habitually invade male spaces in order to get the satisfaction from drawing Chads' attention away from his friends and hobbies and towards me. Lately I haven't been as successful as I used to be when I was younger and still had viable eggs. These hobbyist Chads are not giving me (an old hag with no eggs) the attention I got when I was still a fertile foid in my prime. I resent the fact that these hobbyist Chads have plenty younger pussy to fuck so they are not pressed to downgrade and inject their alpha sperm into my old wrinkly dried-up useless womb as it used to happen when I still had viable eggs, but took tons of birth control pills in order to avoid the only non-harmful consequence of fucking Chads bareback, namely, pregnancy, whereas I took the brunt of all the harmful consequences --- the psychological damage and the STDs.
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as a woman, it’s so disheartening to hear that a lot of men... :foidSoy: :foidSoy:
.is also made it to r/TerrifyingAsFuck the other day and has a shitload of comments mostly of normies calling us monsters lol :soy:
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Thoughts, folks?
(last one is too big to read, typical texts from stupid toiletz).

@Fat Link @turbosperg @turbocuckcel_7000 @Pancakecel @Doomer Guy @InMemoriam @Stupid Clown @cripplecel @DespressedCurryCel1 (and many more, don't want to tag too much)

Let's translate this foidspeak message to human language:
1 day ago
No. As a woman, the problem with incels is not their want for a relationship, that is not my issue, that is reasonable. The problem isn’t that they are are sadly unable to have intimacy… the issue is that the community is actually built on extreme hate, self delusion, sexism, etc. they are the fake “nice guys” that think they are being avoided by women due to their looks, when I promise you that it is due to their personalities as we have seen time and time again that people who look every single way from conventionally attractive to unattractive find love and relationships. There really are women that will want you if you are a truly tolerably nice guy, even if you meet them online. I’m sick of excusing them because it’s sad that they have come to this place and clearly need therapy… it’s sad sure, they need help yes. But that doesn’t make them good people that have valid feelings when those valid feelings are built on invalid lies they tell themselves based on the misinterpretation of social cues in experiences that came from them having really entitled and misplaced intentions in every situation and believing it will go wrong before it does. If a man starts and interaction with me on a nervous and pessimistic state out of the fact that they assume I will never give them a chance and they hate me and think I owe them that chance and am horribly denying them of it, they will never get a chance. And they don’t deserve one. They need help first and to address their hate and stop making excuses for it and we need to stop making excuses for it just because it’s sad that they have low self worth when in reality they are raging narcissists that have extremely high opinions of themselves and are frustrated that they don’t have that one area that said narcissists usually exploit which is looks, and are notorious for being insecure about and having low self worth. Basically, low self worth is a symptom of narcissism that underpins the extreme sense of over confidence and importance and we don’t excuse them because it’s sad that they doubt themselves when they go around thinking they are still better than everyone and abusing them in reality explicitly or implicitly. This comment could not or did not give a super in depth or great look into everything there is to say but was just a quick thought in the middle of the night. I should mention I’m an educated and qualified professional that has actually done huge amounts of studying and researching this subject as well as treating and interacting with these people.
The being involuntary in-celibate part isn’t the problem or true underpinning of what makes these people identity this way or behave or live this way and it’s not even involuntary but as a result of their own predatory behaviours as a main factor. Basically, from everything I’ve seen in my long academic education journey and career and come to see from other colleagues in the field I’m in and others in related fields and experts from all around and the research, there is a very unfortunate conclusion to be made. As much as it’s sad that these men are clearly in need of help and feel lonely, the priority should be on still helping them, but it’s clear that women are safer and better off for not having any intimacy with these men. Basically, we need to protect the emotional and physical safety of women that has proven to be very much at risk from many of these men, as it’s clear from everything we know that we cannot and should not put another group at very real harm by encouraging these men to go anywhere near women to alleviate their pain while they are in their current mental state without lots of help and education around equality and women and how things really work societally. Sure, these men need positive relationships with women to see the reality, but they need to be platonic or professional with no expectation or intention of anything more. These men have on numerous occasions been notorious for using emotional manipulation, coercion and of guilt tripping women for their virgin status and more or less committing SA or harrassment because the reality is that women are generally actually nice and caring people that have a huge sense of obligation to men and are actually not much bothered by looks at all. Basically, these men are hating on women publicly and spreading this mindset often maliciously and intentionally for making them lonely while actually knowing completely well and using to their advantage the kind and actually quite receptive nature of women to men. They will play the nice guy game because sadly, “nice guys” don’t finish last in reality. Real nice guys win, and therefore fake ones do too. So they put on the act that they know will work in reality and that the looks are not the main factor at all, and then they use emotional manipulation and coercion to get what they want.
It’s a horrible cycle. I underhand the limitations and lack of total nuance on my comment and so on as I’m writing a quick comment and not a professional paper or speech or presentation or speaking in my professional capacity. It’s that which makes me feel odd making quick comments that aren’t very formal in writing style etc and are difficult to edit on a mobile and deal with autocorrect etc but I hope my message got across okay and that most will understand some of the givens not included and see what I’m saying and mean.

As a FOID, I believe I have a "personality detector" and that my habitual attraction to tall, good-looking, high-status, NT men is due to some characteristic of their "personalities" and definitely not the fact that FOIDS such as myself have evolved to be hypergamous and seek the most sexually dimorphic males' sperm to impregnate ourselves with, only to, in sequence, find a beta male provider to cuck in order to extract their resources. I can't explain the fact that these personality detectors have driven 32% of the foids to be currently in an abusive relationships with non-incels, or the fact that abusive men have a much higher foid count and breeding ability, or the fact that highly intelligent men are sexually less desirable for breeding than literal retards; but I'm definitely sure foids have some form of personality detector. Our foidish mating preferences have nothing to do with the pursuit of social status, as happen in all social animals, or sexually dimorphic traits as happens in all mammals, but definitely have something to do with some personality trait no foid could ever describe or invent an objective test for.

I also resent the fact that incels, whom I have no interest in directly interacting with, are not happily working themselves to an early grave as sexless drones in order to produce resources that I expect soyciety will allocate towards foids such as myself and the kids that we breed with Chads we chose. I resent the fact that these incels are aware of our foidish scam, namely: foids such as myself will never freely choose to interact with non-Alpha males unless compelled by economical or political factors, such as economic hardship driving us to seek non-Alpha males to interact with (preferrably by cucking them), but potentially risking getting bred by them in our desperate quest to extract resources to secure the survival of our genetic posterity.
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Thoughts, folks?
(last one is too big to read, typical texts from stupid toiletz).

@Fat Link @turbosperg @turbocuckcel_7000 @Pancakecel @Doomer Guy @InMemoriam @Stupid Clown @cripplecel @DespressedCurryCel1 (and many more, don't want to tag too much)
Both of them are full of shit.

Karina’s “logic” ends where her own selfish feelings begin. I’m sure if Henry Cavill or the Paul brothers ie Logan or Jake or whoever it is young broads find to be attractive giga Chads these days “just wanted to be friends“ with her, she wouldn‘t be able to emotionally handle it either becoming a tearful wreck or a hateful mess.

Tearful mess example 1.

Karina: Waaah! Why won’t Logan or Jake date meee??!!! Am I just not good enough for them?? What’s wrong with meeee??!!!!!

Hateful mess example 2.

Karina: Why does Henry Cavill show zero interest in my body when he comes over and why won’t he let me just suck on his cock for a literal while? I’m sure he’d enjoy it! What an asshole!! Must think he’s too good for me, as he only ever wants to play that stupid new Pokemon game when we’re together!!

Karina you should’ve learned at your age what Elliot Rodger brutally learned in his young adulthood which was that K-12 is generally the only time males and female can genuinely be just friends as after puberty that bullshit is largely out the window save for rare instances where vast differences between young and old exist or other ways that make one or both parties decrepit and unattractive to the other or one or both parties are very happily married that makes it so romantic/sexual attraction is completely out the window between them exists etc, etc.

As for Samantha?

She’d NEVER date my boys Grotesque, Frail or outherebrothers even though all three of those guys are funny as fuck and have excellent personali-teeheehees.

Samantha would take one look at them and her narcissism and hypergamy would tell her she deserves better.

That she deserves only Chad and nothing less.

Grots got fucked up looking teeth a large Jew nose and is possible Norwooding hard or just naturally thin ontop.

Outherebrothers is practically a dwarfcel with an admitted micro cock.

Frail- think he said before somewhere that he looks like an ogre.

So anyone seriously think Samantha would give a serious chance to any of these three after physically evaluating them???
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"muh ugly men bad"
I only watched a little bit of the video, but what a pathetic cuck. He has a shit voice too.
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Thoughts, folks?
(last one is too big to read, typical texts from stupid toiletz).

@Fat Link @turbosperg @turbocuckcel_7000 @Pancakecel @Doomer Guy @InMemoriam @Stupid Clown @cripplecel @DespressedCurryCel1 (and many more, don't want to tag too much)
another comment from this video:

To be in a truly happy and healthy relationship you have to be happy by yourself. You have to be actually happy on your own have a healthy expectation for yourself and others and be comfortable being alone

According to this foid, you have to be comfortable in solitary confinement, truly happy on your own before you get a chance to be together with other people. Basic social interaction won't make you happy, inkwell. Be happy by yourself in a solitary cell first.

Truly the empathetic gender.

Next episode on foidspeak: "before you can enjoy a peaceful banquet, you must first be comfortable and happy while starving and seeing other people drop dead from famine all around you in a besieged african village in the middle of a civil war. To demand food before you're happy with starvation is pure entitlement and evil inkwell behavior".
This same grifter keeps making videos about incels
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Thoughts, folks?
(last one is too big to read, typical texts from stupid toiletz).

@Fat Link @turbosperg @turbocuckcel_7000 @Pancakecel @Doomer Guy @InMemoriam @Stupid Clown @cripplecel @DespressedCurryCel1 (and many more, don't want to tag too much)
honestly couldn't give less of a fuck about this feminoid hurt ''feefees'' nor for the cucknights responding to her, repeating the same outdated bullshit about personaliteehee; while personalities are in fact nothing but traits inferencing of facial appearance.
its all about facial structure! (with the respect of clinical personalty disorders of course :forcedsmile: )

Understanding the Role of Faces in Person Perception: Increased Reliance on Facial Appearance When Judging Sociability [2020]


Faces play a central role in person perception. People spontaneously judge others’ personality based on their facial appearance and these impressions guide many consequential decisions. Under what conditions do people rely on facial appearance? Here, we test whether reliance on facial appearance depends on the goal of impression formation (i.e., on which trait dimension targets are evaluated). Trait impressions are, to a large extent, based on the resemblance of facial cues to emotion expressions. As emotional expressiveness is a central component of sociability, we hypothesized that people would more readily perceive sociability in faces. Across three preregistered studies (N = 1,436), we find that facial appearance is indeed seen as more indicative of a person’s sociability than their morality or competence. We find the same pattern when examining the influence of facial cues on judgment and decision-making. People are more confident in the accuracy of their trait impressions when judging sociability (vs. morality or competence; Study 1, n = 527), they value information on the facial appearance of job candidates more when looking for a sociable (vs. moral or competent) employee (Study 2, n = 390), and they view reliance on facial appearance when making hiring decisions as more appropriate and more effective when looking for a sociable (vs. moral or competent) employee (Study 3, n = 519). Together, our results provide converging evidence that people view facial appearance as especially relevant for judging a person’s sociability.


The personality assessment is in high demand in various fields and is becoming increasingly more important in practice. In recent years, with the rapid development of machine learning technology, the integration research of machine learning and psychology has become a new trend. In addition, the technology of automatic personality identification based on facial analysis has become the most advanced research direction in large-scale personality identification technology. This study proposes a method to automatically identify the Big Five personality traits by analyzing the facial movement in ordinary videos. In this study, we collected a total of 82 sample data. First, through the correlation analysis between facial features and personality scores, we found that the points from the right jawline to the chin contour showed a significant negative correlation with agreeableness. Simultaneously, we found that the movements of the left cheek's outer contour points in the high openness group were significantly higher than those in the low openness group. This study used a variety of machine learning algorithms to build the identification model on 70 key points of the face. Among them, the CatBoost regression algorithm has the best performance in the five dimensions, and the correlation coefficients between the model prediction results and the scale evaluation results are about medium correlation (0.37–0.42). Simultaneously, we executed the Split-Half reliability test, and the results showed that the reliability of the experimental method reached a high-reliability standard (0.75–0.96). The experimental results further verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the automatic assessment method of Big Five personality traits based on individual facial video analysis.


Personality refers to the internal tendency and psychological characteristics of an individual's behavior in social adaptation to people, things, and themselves. Personality affects various aspects such as individual consumption habits, performance ability, interpersonal communication, mental health, and even political stance. Personality assessment has a variety of applications in different fields. Researchers have undertaken a substantial amount of studies on personality, and these studies have covered a variety of areas, such as the relationship with emotional expression identification (1); personality, affective and cultural aspects (2); healthy behavioral patterns prediction of depression and anxiety (3); prediction of leader performance (4); prediction of compulsive shopping (5); sales prediction of performance (6); achievement motivation (7); and the prediction of political attitudes (8). In addition, it has also been used in a variety of industries such as tourism (9), medicine (10), education (11), and finance (12). However, those studies on personality measurement were primarily based on scales [such as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), the Cattell's 16 Personality Factors Test (16PF), the Edwards Personality Preference Schedule (EPPS), the Five-Factor Personality Inventory (FFPI), and the Big Five Inventory (BFI), et al.]. Although traditional personality scales have the characteristics of high accuracy, scale measurement costs more resources (people and time) and is hard to implement on a large scale. Therefore, this study attempts to find a more efficient, effective, and large-scale test of personality identification method than traditional personality scales.
Sounds like a faggot. These normies have no souls. They are incapable of introspection or deeper thought. They hear a controversial opinion, and their first reaction isn't to seek evidence, or even argue against the opinion being made but they instead just use societally approved mocks and insults.
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Thoughts, folks?
(last one is too big to read, typical texts from stupid toiletz).

@Fat Link @turbosperg @turbocuckcel_7000 @Pancakecel @Doomer Guy @InMemoriam @Stupid Clown @cripplecel @DespressedCurryCel1 (and many more, don't want to tag too much)
The first one is the kinda girl who states she has a vagina along with a picture of herself doing the hobby whenever she's talking about the "hobby" online. The second one doesn't understand we hate ourselves due to bullying and treatment not because we're narcissists. Also I don't trust an "educated" foids judgement. She's just as likely to misunderstand what she's reading and mistranslate to push a narrative, although another thing I'll say is college as a whole is wack when it comes to degrees. Also where's women's personality detector with Chad?
another comment from this video:

According to this foid, you have to be comfortable in solitary confinement, truly happy on your own before you get a chance to be together with other people. Basic social interaction won't make you happy, inkwell. Be happy by yourself in a solitary cell first.

Truly the empathetic gender.

Next episode on foidspeak: "before you can enjoy a peaceful banquet, you must first be comfortable and happy while starving and seeing other people drop dead from famine all around you in a besieged african village in the middle of a civil war. To demand food before you're happy with starvation is pure entitlement and evil inkwell behavior".
Both of them are full of shit.

Karina’s “logic” ends where her own selfish feelings begin. I’m sure if Henry Cavill or the Paul brothers ie Logan or Jake or whoever it is young broads find to be attractive giga Chads these days “just wanted to be friends“ with her, she wouldn‘t be able to emotionally handle it either becoming a tearful wreck or a hateful mess.

Tearful mess example 1.

Karina: Waaah! Why won’t Logan or Jake date meee??!!! Am I just not good enough for them?? What’s wrong with meeee??!!!!!

Hateful mess example 2.

Karina: Why does Henry Cavill show zero interest in my body when he comes over and why won’t he let me just suck on his cock for a literal while? I’m sure he’d enjoy it! What an asshole!! Must think he’s too good for me, as he only ever wants to play that stupid new Pokemon game when we’re together!!

Karina you should’ve learned at your age what Elliot Rodger brutally learned in his young adulthood which was that K-12 is generally the only time males and female can genuinely be just friends as after puberty that bullshit is largely out the window save for rare instances where vast differences between young and old exist or other ways that make one or both parties decrepit and unattractive to the other or one or both parties are very happily married that makes it so romantic/sexual attraction is completely out the window between them exists etc, etc.

As for Samantha?

She’d NEVER date my boys Grotesque, Frail or outherebrothers even though all three of those guys are funny as fuck and have excellent personali-teeheehees.

Samantha would take one look at them and her narcissism and hypergamy would tell her she deserves better.

That she deserves only Chad and nothing less.

Grots got fucked up looking teeth a large Jew nose and is possible Norwooding hard or just naturally thin ontop.

Outherebrothers is practically a dwarfcel with an admitted micro cock.

Frail- think he said before somewhere that he looks like an ogre.

So anyone seriously think Samantha would give a serious chance to any of these three after physically evaluating them???

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