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Some of you are taking the "women want bad boys/assholes" thing too far



Jan 22, 2018
Yes, I know hybristophillia is a thing; there are women attracted to legit criminals. The key is that you actually have to be 'bout that life. You can't fake it. Just acting like as asshole or pretending to be a thug doesn't cut it because women will see right through it.

A cope I've been seeing on here lately is thinking that simply acting like an asshole will get you laid even if you're ugly and that being nice will make you incel even if you're good looking which is just wrong. A lot of you are confusing the cause and effect. A lot of these guys that act like asshole do it because girls already like them and they can get away with doing whatever they want.

BRB incel because I'm too nice

Women are evil whores who want to torture kind and good men for their own amusement.
personality is irrelevant
There's an inch of truth to this, it really doesn't matter how you act if you're GL. But you have to make sure you keep her ego low enough so that she won't think she can get anyone better.

You have to make sure she thinks 24/7 that you're the best she can get.
not really, every normie relationship i've seen involves the guy treating the girl like shit, well not necessarily like shit, but being very ignorant of her needs, not calling her back, etc, etc. that's how this guy i know who's 6-6.5/10 in looks btw finally got laid. Just lol at women honestly. He had to literally lie that he wasn't a virgin and that he had many girlfriends before.
not really, every normie relationship i've seen involves the guy treating the girl like shit, well not necessarily like shit, but being very ignorant of her needs, not calling her back, etc, etc. that's how this guy i know who's 6-6.5/10 in looks btw finally got laid. Just lol at women honestly. He had to literally lie that he wasn't a virgin and that he had many girlfriends before.

That's being aloof, not being an asshole

Being aloof is legit because it shows the woman you're not needy can possibly attract other women
Ignoring women, acting like they don't exist or matter, not paying them any mind, silently telling them they're inferior stupid women, and you're a man, through body language.

If you're average or below, I think this is more likely to attract women, like co-workers, than actively showing interest, excitement, emotion, or verbose speech.
every normie relationship i've seen involves the guy treating the girl like shit, well not necessarily like shit, but being very ignorant of her needs, not calling her back, etc, etc. that's how this guy i know who's 6-6.5/10 in looks btw finally got laid

Oh boy can't wait to treat foids like shit and see where that gets me. I'm sure I'll be slaying in no time, just like your anecdote buddy.
not really, every normie relationship i've seen involves the guy treating the girl like shit, well not necessarily like shit, but being very ignorant of her needs, not calling her back, etc, etc. that's how this guy i know who's 6-6.5/10 in looks btw finally got laid. Just lol at women honestly. He had to literally lie that he wasn't a virgin and that he had many girlfriends before.
tbh, abusive relationships are usually more successful. Females need to be kept in line and trained like dogs.
Good thread. For the average guy being a criminal or just a general prick is going to lower your SMV if anything. There's still a lot of PUA/TRP thinking going on in this place.
That's being aloof, not being an asshole

Being aloof is legit because it shows the woman you're not needy can possibly attract other women

yeah that's what i meant.
Oh boy can't wait to treat foids like shit and see where that gets me. I'm sure I'll be slaying in no time, just like your anecdote buddy.

Hey I thought you were leaving, fuckwad? Found your sweet and innocent GF yet who will never leave you? LOL
Good thread. For the average guy being a criminal or just a general prick is going to lower your SMV if anything. There's still a lot of PUA/TRP thinking going on in this place.

Legit. PUA has corrupted so many young male minds. I'm probably one of the only millenial men who has never fallen for PUA at one point. I always thought it was stupid.
Quick test to see if you're an incel or someone a girl is attracted to: if she is judging, bitchy and controlling, then she is in fact repulsed by you or just feels pity
People with average looks become more attractive to women if they are alcohol-guzzling "pump and dump" degenerates. Don't even deny it.

Women are repulsed when guys show affection for them "too soon".
Hey I thought you were leaving, fuckwad? Found your sweet and innocent GF yet who will never leave you? LOL

I thought I was leaving too, but it seems that the mods are more interested in having me here, that's why they deleted my farewell post. So I'm here to stay.

Don't know what you're telling about GFs, but if you've payed attention, you would've known by now that it's not the sort of shit I'm peddling.
Ignoring women, acting like they don't exist or matter, not paying them any mind, silently telling them they're inferior stupid women, and you're a man, through body language.

If you're average or below, I think this is more likely to attract women, like co-workers, than actively showing interest, excitement, emotion, or verbose speech.
If your below average this tactic does nothing. But it works for a good while during the initial stages of attraction
Women are repulsed when guys show affection for them "too soon".
Only if she's not into him to begin with. If Chad shows affection "too soon" she won't mind.
Only if she's not into him to begin with. If Chad shows affection "too soon" she won't mind.
Chad is a myth. Only like .0001% of the male population fits into the true "Chad" category talked about on here.

Or if they do show attention, it better be as a "fuck and chuck" or an "FWB". Women are always repulsed when men show GENUINE ROMANTIC INTEREST too soon. It makes them look weak and desperate, in the eyes of the femoid species.
According Lookism Central and South American men should be extinct, but the opposite is true. Most are short, brown, and ugly, but they are multiplying like rats.
According Lookism Central and South American men should be extinct, but the opposite is true. Most are short, brown, and ugly, but they are multiplying like rats.

Yeah that's because they're 3rd world countries. Big shock.
Anyone thinking 'bad boys' shit is relevant needs another blackpill lesson.

Legit. I think it's because too many guys have internalised the Nice Guy vs Bad Boy meme too much.
We all know that it's a man's LOOKS that matter to women only.
Yes, I know hybristophillia is a thing; there are women attracted to legit criminals. The key is that you actually have to be 'bout that life. You can't fake it. Just acting like as asshole or pretending to be a thug doesn't cut it because women will see right through it.

A cope I've been seeing on here lately is thinking that simply acting like an asshole will get you laid even if you're ugly and that being nice will make you incel even if you're good looking which is just wrong. A lot of you are confusing the cause and effect. A lot of these guys that act like asshole do it because girls already like them and they can get away with doing whatever they want.

BRB incel because I'm too nice

At the end if the day, it all comes down to looks
well, women are more inclined to seek chad, whether he is a bad boy/ asshole or not. Sure, women prefer just a chad who isnt an arsehole, but the point is, is that a lot of these females dont realise these chads are assholes because they are so stuck with how "good looking they are teehee" until its too late. Not saying all chads are arseholes, but a lot of them are, and women continue to date chads and they will never learn, because thats a part of how females are. They are biologically wired to seek the most attractive man to get impregnated by.
Nothings going to help you if you're ugly, especially when you're acting like an idiot. I'd call it mental illness rather than cope.
Hmm, possibly. I have always been a dick to women so I suppose it appears genuine.
what are you talking about women want evil since they are evil themselves its the second most important behind looks
Honestly with the way technology is and the wide spread of digital information it's hard to be a legit criminal, bad boy/asshole, without being in trouble for it either by girls spreading rumors, other guys, other people or by the police. I see guys who look like so called be bad boys tats on their bodies etc, but they seem like posers that probably work some 9-5 job like everyone else who are legit afraid to get in contact with cops because they know they would be fucked, they could get away with being a real bad boy like 10+ years ago but before social media, texting, and internet etc was popular nowadays people can't really behave badly without someone notifying the other girls, community, the police, and they would be get in trouble for it..

Nowadays women are all about beauty and looks and that should be guys focus too, to look like a hot guy with a regular normie personality, so the criminal, badboy/asshole thing is outdated now.
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It's redpill cope bs. LOOKS>BEHAVIOR
Adjusted for looks, women will prefer the jerk over the nice guy every time.
they don't want bad boys they wan't attractive boys
I think women are just hypergamous. They hunt protection, defense and status without beeing independent. They want a strong man who is able protect their babies, not a nice guy meme like her girlfriends.

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