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Blackpill Society’s critERia for ranking “non-elite” males (slave males) is nonsensical, as prioritises looks > intelligence: judged according 2 “halo effect”.



Chaos is a laddER
Jan 7, 2019
It’s crazy that we live in a society in which men (all belonging to the “middle class” socio-economic class or below) are ranked based on a few millimetres (with regards to cranio-facial structure which significantly influences facial attractiveness) and few inches (with regards to length of spinal cord, bones in arms and legs etc which detERmine height and frame) diffERence in size (length and width/depth) and shape of BONES.

Absolutely no respect given to intelligence if you have incel looks. Because intelligence is a key identifying feature of “nERds” who also have the identifying feature of being physically unattractive and are CHARACTERIZED by their “harmless” pERsonality, if you are an ugly smart guy (like myself) you will be MIS-CHARACHTERIZED as a “harmless nERd”, when in reality you could be using (or planning to use) your intelligence for purposes which society may vERy well ConsidER “immoral”/“sinful”, but they won’t know that because they’ve formed a judgement of your pERsonality (mindset, beliefs, motivations, goals, ambitions, mentality, philosophy) and evERything to do with your charactER, based on their judgement of your looks and intelligence combination, that “misjudgement” of charactER which itself is influenced by their MISCONCEPTION that intelligence, when present in an ugly man, will ONLY be used for “good” DESPITE the FACT that Intelligence is “not only” a key feature of harmless "goody" nerds but also of some of the most successful men in history (leaders, rulers etc.), men who shaped the world, winning wars (and even preventing wars) using lies, deception, manipulation and sheer cunningness (all of which are CONTRADICTORY to behaviour which is considERed “moral”, “righteous” etc. which is TYPICAL of nERds), in addition to using their intellect for devising war strategies and tactics which involved causing MAXIMUM HARM (which is what's required to defeat the enemy, obviously) to their enemy to eithER end the war or to cause enough damage to their enemy in ordER to prevent an even biggER war from arising in the future, the same trait of "intelligence" which is ALSO present in nerds but being utilized for a completely different and OPPOSITE purpose: to cause HARM rathER than to minimise HARM

Intelligence in and of itself is separate to character. Intelligence is neither "good" nor "bad", it's just a "tool" which can be utilized for either good or bad purposes. Just like a gun itself is a (by default, NEUTRAL) tool which can be used to kill someone who is attacking you, your family or anyone innocent etc. (good purpose) in the same way it can be used to murder an innocent person (bad purpose). Likewise, a knife in and of itself is a (by default, NEUTRAL) tool which can be used by a surgeon to pERform surgERy on a patient in ordER to SAVE a life (good purpose) or used to stab someone innocent and cause injury/death (bad purpose).

Instead, if you exhibit intelligence as a chad, it will be seen as a “cool” trait because normscum will associate your intelligence with “psychopathy” which they respect because it’s the mindset of an apex predator, and in a world of survival of the fittest where the strongest prevail with regards to having greatest avERage life expectancy (in terms of quantity/quality of life), psychopaths genERally live longer and more pleasurable/enjoyable lives because psychopathy is connected to selfishness, narcissism, egotism, all of which (primarily selfishness) result in a mindset in which the person holding that particular mindset (psychopath) primarily does what benefits them without being limited by morals or restrained/restricted by care/empathy/consideration towards others, resulting in them being most successful (genERally) and because all that life comes down to is survival (life) or death, and in nature there is no “equality” but rather dominance hierarchies in evERy aspect (Genetics: physical strength, physical attractiveness, intelligence etc. Environment: level of wealth/influence or family one is born into and the country they are born into, etc. level of IQ and parenting skills of their parents or primary caregivERs etc) Which create WINNERS and LOSERS, and given the fact that society only respects winners as evident in the fact that it’s the winners about whom songs are sung and books are written, It’s the winners who leave behind a legacy in the pages of history while losERs are forgotten (even though history is built on the backs of losERs), upon taking into considERation the fact that psychopathy is genERally associated by normscum as being the typical mindset of a “winnER”, and because intelligence in attractive men is judged as an indicator of psychopathy, intelligence in attractive men is respected (EVEN IF they use their intelligence for “GOOD”). While the same trait of intelligence, when present in an ugly guy, results in normies associating his charactER with that of harmless nERds just because he is smart and ugly like them (even if he is actually a cold and calculating psychopath).

Not only does this society give more credence to physical attractiveness when evaluating men of middle class socio-economic status or below, but even when they do give credit to intelligence, you only get respected for it if you have the looks to back it up.

Brutal “halo-effect” pill, fuck this clown society

Only way to have any significant impact in minimizing the impact of the “halo pill” on your life (as an ugly man) is to accrue significantly above avERage wealth and influence (become rich and famous), because as men, our value primarily comes from money and status, at a cERtain level of success, yeah sure people may still make fun of your looks (to what degree depends on HOW unattractive you are), but they can’t help but to recognise your achievements. Success is the best revenge, success is the best way to shut up the hatERs, but sadly, it’s vERy difficult for an ugly male to succeed in life because he needs STRENGTH in BOTH genetic AND environmental variables (primarily in BOTH of the factors: intelligence AND connections, respectively among those variables), to even “have ANY chance” at being ABLE to “ compete” and achieve reasonable level of success rather than being outpERformed by almost evERyone and failing misERably, IN ADDITION to having the mental strength: discipline and mental willpowER/fortitude to not let failure demotivate you into giving up, but to remain pERsistent and relentless in the pursuit of your goals (which is also influenced by genetics and environment and thERefore, like the genetic factor of intelligence and the environmental factor of connections, also out of your control).

vERy few ugly men, have both intelligence and the necessary connections available to utilise their intelligence (intelligence without connections, is like a gun without a bullet or a car without fuel, in my opinion just to give an analogy for comparison in ordER to furthER illustrate my point). And even if they have that, even fewER have the mental strength to be able to stay motivated to stay on track rathER than to get derailed upon losing all hope upon swallowing the blackpill, hence 99% men of ugly men will remain losERs, Only 1% TRULY ASCEND (become someone noteworthy and of significance), becoming successful is much hardER in a society which places so much value on physical attractiveness when judging people in the slave class of society, when you’ve been born physically unattractive (or made that way due to a sERious accident/illness etc.) as you are playing the game of life with a significant handicap and thERefore at a significant disadvantage, that’s why most celebrities are “good-looking”, it’s not a co-incidence, it’s due to the halo effect of having “good looks” being true (due to the halo effect being true in genERal).

@Fat Link
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Absolutely brutal no-reply pill
Jfl slave males

Well it’s true, you eithER mastER or a slave. I don’t define “mastER” based on any particular minimum cut-off for someone’s net worth, but someone who is able to survive without having to work for somebody else (or even work for himself), a mastER is someone who has accrued enough wealth for him to retire early enough to be able to enjoy life in his prime years (or at least not when he’s completely old and decrepit), obtaining financial and economic freedom via accrual of resources of a paticular quantity/quality which enables him to have all the free time in the world and the corresponding freedom to do what he wants to do using that “free time”.

OthERwise, you a slave (and thERe’s exceptions, like Elon Musk and othER billionaires etc. who have NO NEED to work, yet continue working because they enjoy their line of work/have high level of passion for their field of expERtise and/or want to achieve success endlessly to satiate a forevER unfulfilled EGO).
Well it’s true, you eithER mastER or a slave. I don’t define “mastER” based on any particular minimum cut-off for someone’s net worth, but someone who is able to survive without having to work for somebody else (or even work for himself), a mastER is someone who has accrued enough wealth for him to retire early enough to be able to enjoy life in his prime years (or at least not when he’s completely old and decrepit), obtaining financial and economic freedom via accrual of resources of a paticular quantity/quality which enables him to have all the free time in the world and the corresponding freedom to do what he wants to do using that “free time”.

OthERwise, you a slave (and thERe’s exceptions, like Elon Musk and othER billionaires etc. who have NO NEED to work, yet continue working because they enjoy their line of work/have high level of passion for their field of expERtise and/or want to achieve success endlessly to satiate a forevER unfulfilled EGO).
Jfl. Don’t want to be a slave ever
Well it’s true, you eithER mastER or a slave. I don’t define “mastER” based on any particular minimum cut-off for someone’s net worth, but someone who is able to survive without having to work for somebody else (or even work for himself), a mastER is someone who has accrued enough wealth for him to retire early enough to be able to enjoy life in his prime years (or at least not when he’s completely old and decrepit), obtaining financial and economic freedom via accrual of resources of a paticular quantity/quality which enables him to have all the free time in the world and the corresponding freedom to do what he wants to do using that “free time”.

OthERwise, you a slave (and thERe’s exceptions, like Elon Musk and othER billionaires etc. who have NO NEED to work, yet continue working because they enjoy their line of work/have high level of passion for their field of expERtise and/or want to achieve success endlessly to satiate a forevER unfulfilled EGO).
Why don’t you get a fucking job you lazy goyim to keep markets up and my parents staying filthy rich

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