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RageFuel society disregard of the mental problems of school shooters is ABSURD



Its not over - its just never began
Aug 13, 2018
i just watched on tv some adam lanza (rip) docu.
during the all thing (it was like fucking 90 minutes) they dont give a fuck about him. about his childhood. his strong mental health problems. the miserable life that he had. why he did it.
they just talk about him like he's so evil.

HE'S NOT like a terrorist that bomb a school cuz the sake of his religion or stupid belifes. adam and the rest of the ER's crew did it cuz of MENTAL PROBLEMS caused by society.
instead of talking about it, about helping people like that - they just talk about them like they are pure evil. just acting like they were born like that!
the only part in the movie where they talked about his mental problems were in some anti-guns propaganda scene ("how someone like him can get a gun" etc etc.)

this low iq apes society doesnt understand that in that way there will alot more ER's. because society TARGET people like that (for example, jokes about "school shooting" toward quiet kids in school.) instead of trying to help them.

instead of being busy on preventing the next potential ER to want to ER, society is focusing on just hating them, like there is no solution, like they are different creatures. but hey, at least we can curse them online. tehehehe.

just for that, they deserve everything tbh.
Yep, I agree with everything you said in this thread. :feelsokman:
They want defective people to go out quietly. Nothing they think or have issues with mentally matters, only what they do matters. That's all they are to the average person, same with you, which is why women and bluepilled cuck men will tell you bullshit that will obviously harm you in the long run to keep you quiet and passive.
They want defective people to go out quietly. Nothing they think or have issues with mentally matters, only what they do matters. That's all they are to the average person, same with you, which is why women and bluepilled cuck men will tell you bullshit that will obviously harm you in the long run to keep you quiet and passive.
It’s easier to just blame guns or call the shooter “crazy” than acknowledge the real issues with society. People are more comfortable with their heads buried in the sand.
Instead of wanting to fix the root of these problems, normies wants to preserve the status quo by not doing anything and spam "ban evil guns" despite vehicle attacks being more if not mor effective (see French truck attack).

AL had autism and bad looks, the both major CRIPPING factors of a person's life. His bad looks disgusts people, his autism makes it basically impossible to relate to most. His bad looks make it even worse for a autist. Imagine having to climb a 20ft wall. Now you have to climb a 40ft wall without anything because fuck you that's why.

AL by his late age was a lonely, quiet and shutin man who hid in his room to post in forums (I think it was a forum about shooters) like any of us. Listening, seeing, watching happy couples walk by and partying probably makes him more angry and angry. Why can't I be like that? Why can't I just be loved? What the hell is wrong with you people?

The later era where he has constructed a thought that children has to be freed of this terrible fate of which AL had lived (not too sure about this one) and one day AL snapped, shot his mom and drove to his school and wrecked havoc.

As the police arrives, AL shot himself rather quickly. He doesn't want to be touched, doesn't want to be confronted by police, doesn't want to lose control of what power he is having - the ultimate fatemaker of life and death. Control is what he desired, even if it is for a few minutes. That few minutes are enough for him to enjoy, which is more stimulating than anything he had in his life.

AL's life is simply one of the many autists, daily, ostracized, lonely, and in the dark. Autists are the ultimate downtrodden social underclass, forgotten forever...

Until they snap, that is.
It’s easier to just blame guns or call the shooter “crazy” than acknowledge the real issues with society. People are more comfortable with their heads buried in the sand.
Yep, I agree with everything you said in this thread. :feelsokman:

Extremely insightful and brings out another perspective on the subject that people tend to ignore. Well done, OP.
aren't most school shooters raised by single mothers
It’s easier to just blame guns or call the shooter “crazy” than acknowledge the real issues with society. People are more comfortable with their heads buried in the sand.
aren't most school shooters raised by single mothers
Yes. A lot of dictators also had dads who died early or had very bad relationships with them, or both. Hitler's father is one example, Stalin's father was a drunkard who beat him and ended up leaving his family due to alcoholism, Lukashenko (modern example) was raised without a father from birth. There's something about not having a present father figure (so being raised by a woman) that turns men into fuckups who will give other people hell if given a gun or a position of power. Single motherhood is the easiest and most widely-used method for creating neurotic, maladjusted men there is.

Most high school dropouts are also raised by single mothers. Drug users, murderers, burglars, men in loony bins and rapists are also much more likely to have been raised by single mothers than the general population.
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Of course they don't want to fix the problem.
They love making fun of people. They need it. If they wanted to fix the problem, they would have to stop doing what they are doing.
And really, they don't want to get killed by someone they made fun of - they want him to die alone without anyone knowing.
Yes. A lot of dictators also had dads who died early or had very bad relationships with them, or both. Hitler's father is one example, Stalin's father was a drunkard who beat him and ended up leaving his family due to alcoholism, Lukashenko (modern example) was raised without a father from birth. There's something about not having a present father figure (so being raised by a woman) that turns men into fuckups who will give other people hell if given a gun or a position of power. Single motherhood is the easiest and most widely-used method for creating neurotic, maladjusted men there is.

No it's le toxic masculinity sweetie :soy:
Yes. A lot of dictators also had dads who died early or had very bad relationships with them, or both. Hitler's father is one example, Stalin's father was a drunkard who beat him and ended up leaving his family due to alcoholism, Lukashenko (modern example) was raised without a father from birth. There's something about not having a present father figure (so being raised by a woman) that turns men into fuckups who will give other people hell if given a gun or a position of power.
Father figure offers discipline and stability that a mother simply can’t. Mothers are great for nurturing and showing love but you need a father to mould a boy into a man. Single mothers create disillusioned and troubled boys who never quite grow up.
If you do a bad thing , people pretend that you exist in a vacuum and circumstances and your environment do not affect you at all

Unless you’re black or Muslim or one of a group of victims the left loves to much , then you’re just an empty NPC vessel entirely shaped and controlled by your surroundings, a victim of circumstance and your actions are the result of bad people who exist in vacuums that shaped your environment to be what it is

No matter what, the vacuum people get the blame. This is the same as just saying “we don’t know why it happened , it’s magic, it’s bad, it needs to go” and u get foid psychologists pretending to understand shit and “unpacking” you trying to understand your brain when the answers are all obvious, predictable and quantifiable.
Because admitting that society breeds mass killers is tantamount to admitting that the individualistic and hedonist Liberal society we have now is a flawed one.
They will rather treat men(especially subhumans) as evil garbage because they know very well that the men won't fight back.They make the perfect black sheep
they want him to die alone without anyone knowing.
That's why I feel a sense of justice when I hear the news of a shooting. When a place is shot up they usually got what was coming to them.
Society: children with thug parents doesnt mean they will also be thugs
Also society: school shooters were born evil
If you do a bad thing , people pretend that you exist in a vacuum and circumstances and your environment do not affect you at all

Unless you’re black or Muslim or one of a group of victims the left loves to much , then you’re just an empty NPC vessel entirely shaped and controlled by your surroundings.
The only systematic opression we have in our society is the opression against men supported by the ruling elite and foid-controlled democracy
No it's le toxic masculinity sweetie :soy:
The toxic masculinity meme is quite funny actually. One of the most tolerable women I have ever encountered lost her mother when she was very young and was raised by only her father. If you go outside and look for people who are behaving toxically masculine, they're all niggers and white underclass chav/bogan/whatever-your-term-is-for-them scumbags who were raised by (no surprise) single mothers. You know the people who do drugs to look badass well into their 20s, who beat the shit out of people on the street and steal their belongings (always in groups like pussies), who challenge you to a fight at the train station because you looked at them funny and they're itching for one, who steal, who blare trashy American rap music about treating women as sex objects (teehee), being a "gangster" and hurting people? So many of them are raised by single mothers it's not funny. It's nuts, toxic masculinity is actually just an absence of positive masculinity in the lives of people with XY chromosomes, which is something that feminists caused on a massive scale and continue to support.
Reminder that "Adam" Lanza isn't real.
Father figure offers discipline and stability that a mother simply can’t. Mothers are great for nurturing and showing love but you need a father to mould a boy into a man. Single mothers create disillusioned and troubled boys who never quite grow up.
The single mothers where I live aren't even good for that. They are fat, disgusting shebeasts that exist only for alcoholism, casual sex while their spawn isn't around, social media, drug abuse, television, food and shitty relationships with women just like them where they pretend to be friends but are actually all just cunts. Women mostly do good things because if they don't there are consequences, generally social shaming. In the Western World women aren't even shamed for being horrible cunts that don't raise their children, so they don't bother. The government will give them free money for having kids anyway. Did you know that, in Australia, the top 10% of women on child support payments receive more than $45,000 a year or so? That's on welfare, jobless and more money than any of the chinks who pick fruit in the countryside for visas receive, coming straight from the wallets of cuck taxpayers and a cuck government. We are insanely cucked. Australia also has a huge lack of public housing compared to European welfare states, but all those shitty public houses in shit neighbourhoods are of course prioritised for single mothers. These single mothers all get to vote in elections for the leftist party with the most gibs to offer them. The sexual market is so skewed that decent working-class men (by Anglo standards) will often willingly step in and betabux for these stupid cows. Nothing about their behaviour needs to change for them to feel tingles constantly, so nothing will change. They will continue this for the forseeable future and beyond, leaving a trail of 90 IQ atomised little "gangsters" with drug addictions, government income assistance money and retail jobs in their wake.

In a just world single mothers would be lynched along with the more irredeemable of their children (if you can even call them "their" children, given the amount of effort single mothers put into their spawn).
I have already been told that I would shoot the school at some point, and look that in Brazil without contact with the traffic it is difficult to find a high bureaucracy weapon. The last case was a likely incel that set fire to a nursery in the north of my state, hugging the children in flames.
A silver lining I know will happen someday is backlash against single motherhood. The statistics concerning them cannot be hidden forever. It's the biggest epidemic today.
Instead of wanting to fix the root of these problems, normies wants to preserve the status quo by not doing anything and spam "ban evil guns" despite vehicle attacks being more if not mor effective (see French truck attack).

AL had autism and bad looks, the both major CRIPPING factors of a person's life. His bad looks disgusts people, his autism makes it basically impossible to relate to most. His bad looks make it even worse for a autist. Imagine having to climb a 20ft wall. Now you have to climb a 40ft wall without anything because fuck you that's why.

AL by his late age was a lonely, quiet and shutin man who hid in his room to post in forums (I think it was a forum about shooters) like any of us. Listening, seeing, watching happy couples walk by and partying probably makes him more angry and angry. Why can't I be like that? Why can't I just be loved? What the hell is wrong with you people?

The later era where he has constructed a thought that children has to be freed of this terrible fate of which AL had lived (not too sure about this one) and one day AL snapped, shot his mom and drove to his school and wrecked havoc.

As the police arrives, AL shot himself rather quickly. He doesn't want to be touched, doesn't want to be confronted by police, doesn't want to lose control of what power he is having - the ultimate fatemaker of life and death. Control is what he desired, even if it is for a few minutes. That few minutes are enough for him to enjoy, which is more stimulating than anything he had in his life.

AL's life is simply one of the many autists, daily, ostracized, lonely, and in the dark. Autists are the ultimate downtrodden social underclass, forgotten forever...

Until they snap, that is.
Such high iq man, couldn't have wrote this better myself
It's akin to normies obsession with serial killers and how that somehow makes them dark and mysterious.

They all need an enemy, so they can play hero. Then, when they get a hERo, they throw their hands up and wonder how it could ever happen.

But fuck it. These kinds of docs make the problem worse, but they didn't start the problem. It's always existed. I blame society AND myself for pretty much everything, so it's a neverending vicious cycle.
The media will never admit society's own involvement in stuff like this....until the time comes when it becomes too obvious to ignore, and they stand to lose more by hiding the truth instead of pushing the narrative.
The media will never admit society's own involvement in stuff like this....until the time comes when it becomes too obvious to ignore, and they stand to lose more by hiding the truth instead of pushing the narrative.
Lanza was super high IQ. He was centuries ahead of his time.
Lanza was super high IQ. He was centuries ahead of his time.
high iq + mental problems = tons of dead
Put two guye, mental Ill low IQ guy and high IQ guy
A low IQ or average IQ person may simply rope himself at his house, seeing as their are no hope, because of his low IQ he may even think people will feel sorry for him
A low IQ shooter will screw things up, expose themselves on the internet (lots of these cases) then get arrested

A high IQ person will realize no one will actually feel sorry for himself, and see that going havoc is much better way to spread their message or make a name for themself.

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