That story never happened, nobody says that shit outside of the internet
i can give more context of what happened in short
1. nigga bullied me through HS, kick me in balls, punch shoulder and tons of other shit
2. eventually stopped talking to me for one year and spread rumors about me to entire school
3. starts talking to me again, but for some reason starts thinking im a serial killer now
potential reasons
- i was becoming jew pilled at this point and reading up on shit like allied war crimes in ww2. Gave him books on it to check out
- i showed him shitty drawings I did in online whiteboard community, of a foid getting her titties nailed to a piece of wood
- told him I browse 4chan
4. final conversation was him literally shitting on me and I send him that info-graphic of "catalog of anti-male shaming tactics."
He then said, you need therapy and that was our last conversation.
He was half polish, his dad was from former east germany.
He specialized in fucking chinese girls for a while but finally manged to pipe and bed this... atrocity of a creature.
She lived with her divorced lesbian mom in this 2 story house. She had a room downstairs, the mom lived upstairs.
I will not give more details on this shit, but it actually happened. I also had people call me a nazi, rapist, quasimodo, tell me for years I stink for no reason, I had people make fun of my fucked walk and body which I had no say in, and a 1000 other things that normies would not believe happened if I told them.
Even now, that I have to go to larp shit like therapy and talk to social workers weekly to stay on neetbux, they dont believe the shit I tell them.
Like for example, I had people honk at me in public and scream at me from car window multiple times.
I had car crashes where the car did a front flip and landed on roof and my parents said I did that on purpose to spite them and shit.
Like schizo level delusions just to hate on me.
One time the guy I mentioned bullied me and ripped apart my clothes and my entire backpack until it was fucking confetti.
I came home lke that and my parents said, I bullied myself to fuck with them.
Suffice to say, i have very low trust in average person that watched this and worse shit happen to me my entire life, without once intervening or even just asking me if I was ok. Fuck this country. Oh and if the mossad is reading this, fuck you too (you just know they are reading this, they are neurotic bitchmade nigger just like women).