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Social circle pill takes no survivors



Saw my reflection and cried
Aug 16, 2021
Every single day I see your average and below average normie talking to females. They all have mixed friend groups and some might ascend due to ntness and exposure theory. I’ve come to realise that my inceldom is not merely a byproduct of my looks but also upbringing. From a young age my parents never let me play with friends, never let me do sports because they thought I’d get hurt. I hate looking at childhood pics of myself and thinking of that time because I realise just how much I missed out on. My parents still cope with muh you got good grades, like who the fuck cares about your elementary school grades.

Things got somewhat better as i got older but my friend groups have always been male only and incel tier. Not to mention the choices that I’ve made in terms of education mean that I will never experience uni life which is the last chance to ascend before relationships become purely transactional

@Broly @incelerated @Gaz DaJous
Social interactions are super hard for me, so that always fucked my life.
i cant be in a social circle, having female friends without benefits is cucked, plus my cocks too small so hook ups are out of the question :feelsrope:
my friend groups have always been male only and incel tier.
don't take things for granted, some of us here don't have even a male friend.
There’s no way for an incel to get a gf without having a social circle.
There was a time in my life when I was very social and was part of a social circle.
It didn't change anything because my looks were always holding me back. And I'm not talking hygiene, weight, clothes, style, I always had that, I'm talking height and face, which are the two things I can't change.
Without looks, social circles are worthless. You'll always be the third wheel.
The ugly guys you see takling to girls ... they don't get laid.
Remember, in every social group there always has to be a bottom. The guys there are the ones who look like they belong, but the reality is that these guys are only the third wheel of the group. They don't get to smash, they don't get to make decisions, they're merely bystanders.
Don't ask me how I know ....
don't take things for granted, some of us here don't have even a male friend.
I'm not, I understand that things could be worse and I'm gratefuel for whatever little friendship I have with them
The ugly guys you see takling to girls ... they don't get laid.
Remember, in every social group there always has to be a bottom. The guys there are the ones who look like they belong, but the reality is that these guys are only the third wheel of the group. They don't get to smash, they don't get to make decisions, they're merely bystanders.
Don't ask me how I know ....
Fair enough, there's no way to tell if they actually have sex but I've seen normies and even below average guys holding hands with girls, walking with them, laughing together etc. Its possible that they're just friends but we don't even have that
Hmm thats ehy you're short
No it isn't. I've seen examples who did even less sports than me and are still taller. It doesn't really matter why I'm short theres no point in obsessing over things I cannot change
There was a time in my life when I was very social and was part of a social circle.
It didn't change anything because my looks were always holding me back. And I'm not talking hygiene, weight, clothes, style, I always had that, I'm talking height and face, which are the two things I can't change.
Without looks, social circles are worthless. You'll always be the third wheel.
do you still fashionmaxx ?
i used to long ago, but since the day i knew only looks matter I no longer go after expensive clothes nor use cologne.
i don't smell since i shower, i just wear the same 2 untucked shirts the whole winter and same tshirt as previous years for summer.

only buying new clothes if the old ones are torn

I'm not, I understand that things could be worse and I'm gratefuel for whatever little friendship I have with them
you still live in afghanistan ?
do you still fashionmaxx ?
i used to long ago, but since the day i knew only looks matter I no longer go after expensive clothes nor use cologne.
i don't smell since i shower, i just wear the same 2 untucked shirts the whole winter and same tshirt as previous years for summer.
Yes, I maxx so I can pretend to be better than the normies. So I can say in my head "your fault for dating this loser instead of me".
I know it's a huge cope, but I couldn't walk the streets without maxxing because I would feel even more like a loser than I already do.
Yes, I maxx so I can pretend to be better than the normies. So I can say in my head "your fault for dating this loser instead of me".
I know it's a huge cope, but I couldn't walk the streets without maxxing because I would feel even more like a loser than I already do.
whatever floats your cope, i guess.
i don't know how you still have the energy to fashionmaxx, maybe i am too demoralized.

I’m not afghan, you must be confusing me for someone else
sorry i confused you with another cel.
Very accurate.
Unless you're sub-4 social circle is the most important factor.

I have only recently realized this.
There are too many things I have realized too late unfortunately.
Mogs me having social groups of any form
i was very low inhib as a child until i got fat and they put me in my place, people are often cruel, i dont feel like i miss anything, even with exposure im still the guy that got bullied
i was very low inhib as a child until i got fat and they put me in my place, people are often cruel, i dont feel like i miss anything, even with exposure im still the guy that got bullied
I relate to you man, I was fat for most of my life as well
for me it’s just my looks. Wish I was more NT to help in other aspects of life however it wouldn’t help me with girls at all.
How is this bluepill exactly? He's right.
Give him time, he's new to the blackpill. I was probably the biggest autist at one point of time when it came to height. After a while you stop giving a shit
Every single day I see your average and below average normie talking to females. They all have mixed friend groups and some might ascend due to ntness and exposure theory. I’ve come to realise that my inceldom is not merely a byproduct of my looks but also upbringing.
my parents fucked me by their apathy and not forcing me to do normie things like play a sport, learn an instrument, make friends etc.
Things got somewhat better as i got older but my friend groups have always been male only and incel tier. Not to mention the choices that I’ve made in terms of education mean that I will never experience uni life which is the last chance to ascend before relationships become purely transactional
it's too late for me to make new friends and the old ones don't care about me. i can't believe i wasted at least 2/3 of my youth on things like video games and cooming and now i have only 5 more years before i can stop being considered young
my parents fucked me by their apathy and not forcing me to do normie things like play a sport, learn an instrument, make friends etc.

it's too late for me to make new friends and the old ones don't care about me. i can't believe i wasted at least 2/3 of my youth on things like video games and cooming and now i have only 5 more years before i can stop being considered young
Better late than never. 30 is still considered young irl it’s only on basket weaving forums that you’ll be called old at 30 or even 35. In a way it was good that you became aware of this because I was going down the same path as you and your posts really opened my eyes to the fact that I wasted the past 2 years doing nothing of value
Better late than never. 30 is still considered young irl it’s only on basket weaving forums that you’ll be called old at 30 or even 35. In a way it was good that you became aware of this because I was going down the same path as you and your posts really opened my eyes to the fact that I wasted the past 2 years doing nothing of value
how old are you? you are like 19 right? i don't have anything to gain from this, but learn from my mistakes. let others make mistakes for you. at 25, even if i get my shit together, the best i can hope for is to betabuxx for worthless piece of meat when i am in my late 30s or 40s.
I wasted the past 2 years doing nothing of value
only 2 yyears jfl. i have wasted for the most part of the 7 years since i left school. at least 7 years. and if i take into account all the later years of high school when everyone is already planning for their life ahead, then it becomes more like 10 years
like what
That I should've studied an IT related field.
That I should've tried my best to get a gf in uni.
That I should've gotten a job as soon as I could.
That there's no fucking god.
That I should try as hard as I can to be like others.
how old are you? you are like 19 right? i don't have anything to gain from this, but learn from my mistakes. let others make mistakes for you. at 25, even if i get my shit together, the best i can hope for is to betabuxx for worthless piece of meat when i am in my late 30s or 40s.
The alternative is to do nothing and die a bitter old man. Wagecucking, wife and children will give you some sort of a goal in life. Neeting is fun for a while but it eats away your will to live
The alternative is to do nothing and die a bitter old man. Wagecucking, wife and children will give you some sort of a goal in life. Neeting is fun for a while but it eats away your will to live
wagecucking in and for itself is not a life worth living. neeting is pretty miserable when you get older and you see everyone flying past you. i think people who go neet for long periods of time lack sentience.
wagecucking in and for itself is not a life worth living. neeting is pretty miserable when you get older and you see everyone flying past you. i think people who go neet for long periods of time lack sentience.
Friends and family is what makes life living tolerable. Other than that its full of suffering and pain, you have to work a job you don’t like, you can get chronic diseases, you will almost inevitably die in a hospital bed with syringes sticking in your body, barely conscious and scared of what is coming next. I know this sounds pretentious and normie but it’s the little things in life that truly matter. Relationships or lack thereof is all you will think about on your deathbed

All of this dawned upon me when I was laying in a hospital bed having nearly died earlier this year
You would've been an incel even if you were NT and social as fuck. Only good-looking guys get to 'smash' part, others are just being used for money and get friendzoned.
You would've been an incel even if you were NT and social as fuck. Only good-looking guys get to 'smash' part, others are just being used for money and get friendzoned.
You don’t get it, do you? If I had experinced this I could’ve at least told myself I tried and failed and it wasn’t my fault anymore. It’s the uncertainty and the constant fantasising about what could have been that kills me everyday and I have to live with that for the rest of my life
You don’t get it, do you? If I had experinced this I could’ve at least told myself I tried and failed and it wasn’t my fault anymore. It’s the uncertainty and the constant fantasising about what could have been that kills me everyday and I have to live with that for the rest of my life
Having hope as an incel is retarded
Having hope as an incel is retarded
Nigga what does hope have to do with what I said? I can’t change the past no matter how much hope I have for the future (which is very little)
Every single day I see your average and below average normie talking to females. They all have mixed friend groups and some might ascend due to ntness and exposure theory. I’ve come to realise that my inceldom is not merely a byproduct of my looks but also upbringing. From a young age my parents never let me play with friends, never let me do sports because they thought I’d get hurt. I hate looking at childhood pics of myself and thinking of that time because I realise just how much I missed out on. My parents still cope with muh you got good grades, like who the fuck cares about your elementary school grades.

Things got somewhat better as i got older but my friend groups have always been male only and incel tier. Not to mention the choices that I’ve made in terms of education mean that I will never experience uni life which is the last chance to ascend before relationships become purely transactional

@Broly @incelerated @Gaz DaJous
Lmfao, I was just unliked by most people and didn't have any real friends growing up. No friends to go out with and run around, some kids from my class who weren't even that popular would tell me that on modern warfare xbox live, I would say how boring it sounds when they talk about their last night experiences playing tag in the neighborhood and woods, and they go

"(my name) you just have nobody to do that with"
and it was true. the fucks are basically admittting they purposely dont invite me knowing im a loner, they have NO EMPATHY for me, noone ever did.
that's why they should die? Idk... I don't wanna hurt anyone I leave it to GOD I pray for them so they repent and turn to GOD.
Nigga what does hope have to do with what I said? I can’t change the past no matter how much hope I have for the future (which is very little)
Then why you are fantasising about what could've been. It was over for you the day you were born with shit genes
Fair enough, there's no way to tell if they actually have sex but I've seen normies and even below average guys holding hands with girls, walking with them, laughing together etc. Its possible that they're just friends but we don't even have that
Whats worse. I was one day at my job working as a sound asssitant, preparing an event, while I a saw couple holding hands and kissing. The girl was decent looking, but the guy was an ugly neckbeard. I moged him in looks and height yet he still moged me in sex life.

I was screaming inside in anger.


My only good cope now is alcohol.
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I hate my parents but for different reason

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