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So it's been a month since I reached 10% body fat (Leanmaxxers take note)



Buff Auschwitz Escapee
Jan 17, 2018
I've managed to maintain it pretty well. In fact, my waist has shrunk slightly, so I'm even leaner now than I was when I finished my diet last month, if only by a small amount. Some of you might be surprised to hear I don't count calories or macros, or even weigh my food that often. I do follow a structured meal plan that I developed based on target calorie and macro ranges, which isn't nearly as difficult and is the same strategy I used to get this lean to begin with. The law of diminishing returns applies to the effort you put into tracking your food, as since it's impossible to know your exact calorie input or output, it's also impossible to micromanage your diet effectively, so trying to do so will just give you unnecessary stress.

Some things I've noticed about being 10% body fat:

  • It's not the magic number for aesthetics some people purport it to be. The difference between 10% and 12% is rather small physique-wise. Even the one between 10% and 14% isn't mind-blowing. We're talking a few pounds', a couple kilograms' difference. Although it is true that I look more muscular and fit without a shirt, I still looked decently muscular and fit when I started at 14% body fat. There is virtually no difference once the shirt comes on.
  • Most adult-size shirts are loose around my waist, even small ones. If I want a shirt off the rack that fits my waistline, I need to go to the children's section. Keep in mind I live in the United States, where vanity sizing has dominated clothing racks everywhere, so an adult's small where I'm from might be different from an adult's small where you are. I have a BMI of around 24, so I'm not a small person by any means.
  • Facial improvements have been marginal, if there at all. I've always had a sort of "cancer patient" look due mainly to my hairstyle and generally tired, haggard appearance, something getting my face leaner has only exacerbated.
  • I don't tolerate hunger as well. I'm more prone to getting "hangry" now than when I was fatter. By the time I get out of bed, I'm ravenously hungry.
  • I don't tolerate cold as well, either. What's warm to most people is slightly chilly to me.
  • Cardio is slightly easier, especially cardio where my body weight is a major component, like running or plyometrics.
  • My recovery between weightlifting sets and sessions is better.
Overall, I would recommend being 10% body fat at least once in your life. It's not a panacea, but it is a unique experience and an achievement hardly anybody ever reaches, and you will absolutely look and feel better even if there are some drawbacks like the ones I listed.
Fuck I need to lose weight
I'm skinny but suspect my body fat is high. It's obvious just gleaning over my diet, lifestyle, and kind of bloated face. I see my high school photo and i was so lean i looked like a different person. I dunno if 10 percent is what i want to go to for aesthetics considering iam alrdy toothpick skinny and itll just make me look like a haulocaust victim but i need to get back into shape and reduce bloat.
Nope, gonna gain strenght instead, and not be twink faggot
Ever try showing women your shirtless body? Even in your tinder profile. If your face is your worst part, hide most of it. Probably you would get likes if you just have a decent jaw.
Upper body proportions?
30 inch waist, 41 inch chest.

Ever try showing women your shirtless body? Even in your tinder profile. If your face is your worst part, hide most of it. Probably you would get likes if you just have a decent jaw.
I put a shirtless pic on my Tinder profile. Still no matches. My jaw is well-defined but weak-ish. I have been out shirtless in public to go running (this was at ~14% fat) with mixed results.
30 inch waist, 41 inch chest.

I put a shirtless pic on my Tinder profile. Still no matches. My jaw is well-defined but weak-ish. I have been out shirtless in public to go running (this was at ~14% fat) with mixed results.
Type in your profile that you are 6'2 or something bro
Might try it for the lols
Facial improvements have been marginal, if there at all. I've always had a sort of "cancer patient" look due mainly to my hairstyle and generally tired, haggard appearance, something getting my face leaner has only exacerbated.
FUCK, I first read it as "facial improvements have been magical"
Overall, I would recommend being 10% body fat at least once in your life
I am aiming for this, thanks for fuel. At about 17% now
I've managed to maintain it pretty well. In fact, my waist has shrunk slightly, so I'm even leaner now than I was when I finished my diet last month, if only by a small amount. Some of you might be surprised to hear I don't count calories or macros, or even weigh my food that often. I do follow a structured meal plan that I developed based on target calorie and macro ranges, which isn't nearly as difficult and is the same strategy I used to get this lean to begin with. The law of diminishing returns applies to the effort you put into tracking your food, as since it's impossible to know your exact calorie input or output, it's also impossible to micromanage your diet effectively, so trying to do so will just give you unnecessary stress.

Some things I've noticed about being 10% body fat:

  • It's not the magic number for aesthetics some people purport it to be. The difference between 10% and 12% is rather small physique-wise. Even the one between 10% and 14% isn't mind-blowing. We're talking a few pounds', a couple kilograms' difference. Although it is true that I look more muscular and fit without a shirt, I still looked decently muscular and fit when I started at 14% body fat. There is virtually no difference once the shirt comes on.
  • Most adult-size shirts are loose around my waist, even small ones. If I want a shirt off the rack that fits my waistline, I need to go to the children's section. Keep in mind I live in the United States, where vanity sizing has dominated clothing racks everywhere, so an adult's small where I'm from might be different from an adult's small where you are. I have a BMI of around 24, so I'm not a small person by any means.
  • Facial improvements have been marginal, if there at all. I've always had a sort of "cancer patient" look due mainly to my hairstyle and generally tired, haggard appearance, something getting my face leaner has only exacerbated.
  • I don't tolerate hunger as well. I'm more prone to getting "hangry" now than when I was fatter. By the time I get out of bed, I'm ravenously hungry.
  • I don't tolerate cold as well, either. What's warm to most people is slightly chilly to me.
  • Cardio is slightly easier, especially cardio where my body weight is a major component, like running or plyometrics.
  • My recovery between weightlifting sets and sessions is better.
Overall, I would recommend being 10% body fat at least once in your life. It's not a panacea, but it is a unique experience and an achievement hardly anybody ever reaches, and you will absolutely look and feel better even if there are some drawbacks like the ones I listed.
I'm interested in your meal plan. Can you expand on that or just send me it if you can.
I'd had some look away with flustered looks on their faces, others giggle to themselves, but most didn't seem to care. I live near a military base, so there are a lot of men here with fit bodies. This was before getting to 10% body fat, which happened early last month, but as I said before, the difference between 14% and 10% isn't mind-blowing.

I'm interested in your meal plan. Can you expand on that or just send me it if you can.
What you should eat in a day is personal to you and dependent on your current goals, lifestyle, and physical condition. I would imagine if most people here ate exactly what I eat in a day, they'd get fat since they don't have the muscle or activity levels to justify it.
I've managed to maintain it pretty well. In fact, my waist has shrunk slightly, so I'm even leaner now than I was when I finished my diet last month, if only by a small amount. Some of you might be surprised to hear I don't count calories or macros, or even weigh my food that often. I do follow a structured meal plan that I developed based on target calorie and macro ranges, which isn't nearly as difficult and is the same strategy I used to get this lean to begin with. The law of diminishing returns applies to the effort you put into tracking your food, as since it's impossible to know your exact calorie input or output, it's also impossible to micromanage your diet effectively, so trying to do so will just give you unnecessary stress.

Some things I've noticed about being 10% body fat:

  • It's not the magic number for aesthetics some people purport it to be. The difference between 10% and 12% is rather small physique-wise. Even the one between 10% and 14% isn't mind-blowing. We're talking a few pounds', a couple kilograms' difference. Although it is true that I look more muscular and fit without a shirt, I still looked decently muscular and fit when I started at 14% body fat. There is virtually no difference once the shirt comes on.
  • Most adult-size shirts are loose around my waist, even small ones. If I want a shirt off the rack that fits my waistline, I need to go to the children's section. Keep in mind I live in the United States, where vanity sizing has dominated clothing racks everywhere, so an adult's small where I'm from might be different from an adult's small where you are. I have a BMI of around 24, so I'm not a small person by any means.
  • Facial improvements have been marginal, if there at all. I've always had a sort of "cancer patient" look due mainly to my hairstyle and generally tired, haggard appearance, something getting my face leaner has only exacerbated.
  • I don't tolerate hunger as well. I'm more prone to getting "hangry" now than when I was fatter. By the time I get out of bed, I'm ravenously hungry.
  • I don't tolerate cold as well, either. What's warm to most people is slightly chilly to me.
  • Cardio is slightly easier, especially cardio where my body weight is a major component, like running or plyometrics.
  • My recovery between weightlifting sets and sessions is better.
Overall, I would recommend being 10% body fat at least once in your life. It's not a panacea, but it is a unique experience and an achievement hardly anybody ever reaches, and you will absolutely look and feel better even if there are some drawbacks like the ones I listed.
thanks i will be aiming to do this over 6-12 months. rn i am around 24% bf. will be losing 1.5 pounds a week(5900 calorie deficit from TDEE *7(16,800)). Am currently at 5'5 165 lbs.
The question is, is 10% body fat sustainable year round?
Everyone always talks about getting there, but no one ever mentions how to stay there.

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