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It's Over So it's a requirement to have a social media enslavement account now.



Feb 28, 2018
(((They))) want to know everything about you.

Sites like Facebook were created for mass surveillance. That’s the entire intention.
Anon fucked it up at "I only use anonymous websites like reddit".
(((They))) want to know everything about you.

Sites like Facebook were created for mass surveillance. That’s the entire intention.
Ultimate goal: population reduction.
HR are a fucking joke, i remenber my father worked as manager on a pharmacy
and had to deal with this, he just get rid of them and started giving jobs to the girls with biggest tits, the profits increased for some reason
Reason #8675327 that I feel no guilt collecting NEETbux.
I don’t have a Facebook profile because it got disabled.
I am not on any social media except linkedin (only for job hunting purposes), I never had any problem getting job, except one time. There was some FOB ricecel in a hiring department who tried to profile me before hiring (asked for fb, twitter etc.) and this was my reply:

"I am not on any social media, simply for the fact that I don't have any time for such lame shit. If you want to do background check for any criminal record, I can sign a consent form. But I am not going to give you my social media even if I had. If this is your requirement, then I am not willing to work in your retarded company. I am actually kind of flabbergasted by your hiring department now, either you fuckers have too much free time or crap load of money. Have a fucking life, you pathetic fucks."

I said all without censoring anything. I did not get the job and most probably they blacklisted me.
Who in their right minds admit to posting on cuckit? Even most anons look down on them. I would have done the same if someone said that. Feels like tryhard trying to say "I'm a special sheeple different from other social media using sheeple".
I am not on any social media except linkedin (only for job hunting purposes), I never had any problem getting job, except one time. There was some FOB ricecel in a hiring department who tried to profile me before hiring (asked for fb, twitter etc.) and this was my reply:

"I am not on any social media, simply for the fact that I don't have any time for such lame shit. If you want to do background check for any criminal record, I can sign a consent form. But I am not going to give you my social media even if I had. If this is your requirement, then I am not willing to work in your retarded company. I am actually kind of flabbergasted by your hiring department now, either you fuckers have too much free time or crap load of money. Have a fucking life, you pathetic fucks."

I said all without censoring anything. I did not get the job and most probably they blacklisted me.
i would of hired you, because im not a fucking normalfag
The smart thing to say is, "Actually I've read a lot of articles lately that too much social media use is not really good for you. I think people spend too much time on their computers and phones already. When you walk in a room, it seems like half the people are staring at their phones. So I have tried to cut down my social media use as much as possible. I like to build as much of personal relationships as I can. Like this, face to face. Because I think that's more real. Someone can have 500 friends on Facebook yet still feel alone. There's always something human and natural about actually being with people, and also being present in the moment - not being distracted by constant notifications in your pocket. It's something I've been trying out lately and I've actually been enjoying it a lot, so I think I'll continue."

Said with a smile and enthusiasm as if you are really gung ho about humanity.

Most of interviews and life in general is about how you spin shit. Not the reality behind it. It's not the facts that matter (ie. no social media). It's how you sell it.
I have social media accounts but not under my name. When I went for a job interview back in 2010, I was asked if I had a Facebook account. After thinking about it, I told the interviewer that I didn’t and he looked at me like I had two heads. Can’t imagine now in 2019 how that would go, TPTB want to have you enslaved before work and after work with social media being another tether. Could I have spun it to explain the absence of social media, sure, but this guy was a manlet baldcel who wanted me to work weekends sometimes, fuck that shit.
i would say that social media is for little kids, and that i don't have time for that useless stuff
idk I've noticed a lot of normies go private when applying for jobs
This is something that has worried me for quite a while. There was some survey done a couple years ago that turned up that a disturbingly high number of employers in Europe believed that it was "suspicious" for an applicant to lack social media accounts.

Not only do I not have any social media accounts (other than anonymous forum stuff), but I have never had any. I completely skipped all of that. I was in highschool when myspace first became popular and kicked the whole thing off, it rubbed me the wrong way, and I never bothered with it. When I graduated, I decided that there wasn't a single god damned person in the world I gave a fuck about or wished to keep in touch with, so facebook and the like just never appealed to me or seemed capable of solving any problem I had. Am I going to get sent to a fucking concentration camp if I don't use social media in the future?
Perhaps you can get away with it by claiming that you have a philosophical objection to social media and that it has harmed human relationships?
I only use my facebook account, which is under a pseudonym btw, to spy on roastie and her normie collaborators
I almost didn't get my last job because I have no social media. One of the managers (not the one who hired me) said it was "suspicious" that I didn't have one.
i still have a cuckbook with a picture from like 2014. i don't have any of the newer social media tho.
pure ragefuel, if ur not popular on social media u cant even get a job these days holy shit this world needs a good nuking
Am I going to get sent to a fucking concentration camp if I don't use social media in the future?

On a serious note, it's not inconceivable that Facebook or other social media will become mandated by law and people will be punished for not having them. It would probably be done in a similar manner to how health care was mandated, by labeling it as a "tax."

Although the current situation is fucked up enough as it is. So many jobs require social media now that it's probably already more harmful than having to pay a fine to the government for not having it.
On a serious note, it's not inconceivable that Facebook or other social media will become mandated by law and people will be punished for not having them. It would probably be done in a similar manner to how health care was mandated, by labeling it as a "tax."

Although the current situation is fucked up enough as it is. So many jobs require social media now that it's probably already more harmful than having to pay a fine to the government for not having it.
I think society will collapse just like Uncle Ted said before that happens. The day I am required to make a social media account by my employer is the day I become a hunter-gatherer in the wilderness.
Wtf type of jobs are you applying for? I haven't been asked for a social media account in any of my interviews.
I got a Facebook account in 2016. Before getting it I decided I would neither ask for nor accept friend links and never "like" or whatever any post. Those are what is used to create truly frighteningly accurate personal profiles of users. I also limit groups I'll ask to join to those specific to a few interests of mine, and avoid the political / social groups like the plague.
Ohh... This is why I got once declined for an apprenticeship place, because I told him I have no cell phone, which is the truth. Perhaps I need to buy myself one of it.
Ohh... This is why I got once declined for an apprenticeship place, because I told him I have no cell phone, which is the truth. Perhaps I need to buy myself one of it.
ive said this for months, its over for no cellphonecels. Not having a smartphone basically means youve given up on society and that society hates your guts.

which is why im going to throw mine out soon. and replace it with an old style keypad phone
Am I going to get sent to a fucking concentration camp if I don't use social media in the future?

Yes, you will have really tough time getting an accommodation in many places in the US (specially in cuckfornia) if you are not on any social media.
ive said this for months, its over for no cellphonecels. Not having a smartphone basically means youve given up on society and that society hates your guts.

which is why im going to throw mine out soon. and replace it with an old style keypad phone

Kek, I don't have any smartphone either, I use a Motorola c113.


The only cell-phone for truecels.
ive said this for months, its over for no cellphonecels. Not having a smartphone basically means youve given up on society and that society hates your guts.

Being honest in an interview is not good. It will lead to nowhere. I really need to buy myself a cell phone. I cannot dodge it. Being unemployed for years now and it sucks.
I wish I had Instagram.. but I don’t have enough hair to make an acct
If there are laws that protect people from being discriminated against as far as getting housing and employment there should be laws that protect people who aren't into normie fags shit like social media. Not everyone is a normie, not everyone wants to be one.

I swear people like us are the most discriminated against in the history of earth.

Normiefags want people around them who are like them. If you are not plugged into normiefagdom you will be excluded from a lot of things including jobs.

This is why we are living in the worst time periods in human history, you get discriminated against for shit like not having social media.
I got a Facebook account in 2016. Before getting it I decided I would neither ask for nor accept friend links and never "like" or whatever any post. Those are what is used to create truly frighteningly accurate personal profiles of users. I also limit groups I'll ask to join to those specific to a few interests of mine, and avoid the political / social groups like the plague.

That's a good idea, and very high quotient on your part. Best way to do it in all honesty.
Social media.. where stacy can fraud and make more money than you will ever make.
SO. just have facebook theory is confirmed?
What is the point having Facebook when I have few friends, don't have much of a life and hate seeing everyone else having a much better life than me pure suifuel
This is legit. A bunch of companies go through their candidates' social media. If you don't have one, you will be perceive as some kind of maniac. 100x if you are ugly.
The smart thing to say is, "Actually I've read a lot of articles lately that too much social media use is not really good for you. I think people spend too much time on their computers and phones already. When you walk in a room, it seems like half the people are staring at their phones. So I have tried to cut down my social media use as much as possible. I like to build as much of personal relationships as I can. Like this, face to face. Because I think that's more real. Someone can have 500 friends on Facebook yet still feel alone. There's always something human and natural about actually being with people, and also being present in the moment - not being distracted by constant notifications in your pocket. It's something I've been trying out lately and I've actually been enjoying it a lot, so I think I'll continue."

Said with a smile and enthusiasm as if you are really gung ho about humanity.

Most of interviews and life in general is about how you spin shit. Not the reality behind it. It's not the facts that matter (ie. no social media). It's how you sell it.
High IQ tbh
I'd say that I used to have one, but for personal reasons, I had to delete it. Lots of normies delete their profiles due to drama/scandals, and come back with new profiles.

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