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Blackpill So I was reading ER manifesto...



May 3, 2018
Everyone saw his youtube videos where he calls himself the supreme gentelman and all that stuff, in some parts he seemes like a joke but today I had a sudden interest in reading his manifesto.
And god, his manifesto is art, the ultimate blackpill...I don't know whats that pressure/feeling of hate in my chest but his manifesto makes so much sense the ultimate BlackPill.
He describes his childhood, his tries to approach women and how he was rejected and all that suffering made him cry and have weird behavior, quoting from his final days :
"I am not part of the human race. Humanity has rejected me. The females of the human species have never wanted to mate with me, so how could I possibly consider myself part of humanity? Humanity has never accepted me among them, and now I know why. I am more than human. I am superior to them all. I am Elliot Rodger... Magnificent, glorious, supreme, eminent... Divine! I am the closest thing there is to a living god. Humanity is a disgusting, depraved, and evil species. It is my purpose to punish them all. I will purify the world of everything that is wrong with it. On the Day of Retribution, I will truly be a powerful god, punishing everyone I deem to be impure and depraved. "

I finally understand him now, how he was the founding father of this movement, he is truly a GOD ascended from humanity.


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The best vanilla latte drinker:(:feelsrope:
If i was in HS i would have recommended his manifesto for the reading session
I want to spill some kikebucks latte on some femoid or couple
I read it back in June 2014 and apart from a few boring parts where he just discusses some mundane details about his life it was a truly good read. I want to reread it soon but my attention span is nonexistent these days, Im afraid Im not gonna be able to do it
I finally understand him now, how he was the founding father of this movement, he is truly a GOD ascended from humanity.
I read it back in June 2014 and apart from a few boring parts where he just discusses some mundane details about his life it was a truly good read. I want to reread it soon but my attention span is nonexistent these days, Im afraid Im not gonna be able to do it
Do it! Do it!
elliot rodger getting the respect he deserves
ER was a faggot retardcel deludedcel. He could have had success if he wasn't such a mentalcel hell bent on a 10/10 gf. Lmao he got rip roaring drunk and went to a party he knew no one at hoping to get a gf and instead got the shit beat out of him because he was so stupid and a weakling.

@13k is right, ER is a meme.
>I am superior to them all. I am Elliot Rodger... Magnificent, glorious, supreme, eminent... Divine! I am the closest thing there is to a living god.

what a delusional idiot lmao

>I will purify the world of everything that is wrong with it. On the Day of Retribution, I will truly be a powerful god, punishing everyone I deem to be impure and depraved.

rofl, couldn't even get past a door. what a god.

ER is famous because he has become a meme.
This just proves you are a fakecel, if you had ever tried to read his manifesto and you were a truecel it would be impossible for you not to relate to anything he wrote, he basically translated the incel suffering into words. Parts of his book made me remember how shitty my life is and keep me sane instead of a delusional idiot who will only suffer if tries to relate with normal people.
He is not a GOD because of his failures but because of his actions and intentions...
Absolutely disgusted by the heretics disparaging the Supreme Gentleman, on the eve of Retribution Day, no less.
He describes his childhood, his tries to approach women and how he was rejected and all that suffering made him cry
I read his manifesto and I didn't see one time where he mention that he ever approach any girl the only thing that he came close is when a Blonde girl on beach smiled and said "Hi" to him and that idiot never took advantage of that and that other time we're he bought $500 of lotto tickets and get pissed off that he didn't win LOL
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I read his manifesto and I didn't see one time he where he mention that he ever approach any girl the only thing that he came close is when a girl on beach smiled and said "Hi" at him and that idiot never take advantage of that. SMH
Page 88:
I was walking across the huge bridge that connected the two campuses, I passed
by a girl I thought was pretty and said “Hi” as we neared each other. She kept on walking and didn’t
even have the grace to respond to me. How dare she! That foul bitch. I felt so humiliated that I went to
one of the school bathrooms, locked myself in a toilet stall, and cried for an hour."

Read once again fakecel
ITT mentalcels. Elliot Rodger wasn’t even an incel, more of a meme than anything. Just a rich kid who had mental issues
ER's issue was that he wanted to fuck Chad's girlfriend. Chinless entitled manlet like him was only ever going to be brutally rejected by Alpha Phi-grade 10 Stacies. WTF did he expect. He could have easily bagged himself a 5 or 6 and been happy but his narcissism was his undoing.
Yes he was.
So 5/10 Asians are incels now? Lol this is why this place is going to shit.

Everyone new sees the ER meme and applies it to everything. It gets really old and is super unoriginal.
I was cracking up when I was reading that part.

He unironically entered a random house party, expecting hotties to approach him because he is sooo superior. When people didnt approach him he insulted one couple and got his ass handed to him.

what a clueless moron. He had shit looks and autism.
He shoulda gone for 4/10 ethnic girls. His looksmatch

I am truer incel than elliot rodger ever was. He was an aspie standardcel.

I could relate to parts of his manifesto where he got bullied, or how he got ridiculed by his sister. And that's about it. Rest of it was delusional ramblings on how superior and godly he is.

he was a huge standardcel, he wanted 9/10 hotties to approach him when his DNA was a beggar.
he didnt even approach EVEN the girls he wanted. He wanted THEM to approach him.

ER is mostly a meme.
Other time where he went to Arizona from California to buy $500 of lotto tickets and get pissed off that he didn't win that part was fucking hilarious.
I was cracking up when I was reading that part.

He unironically entered a random house party, expecting hotties to approach him because he is sooo superior. When people didnt approach him he insulted one couple and got his ass handed to him.

what a clueless moron. He had shit looks and autism.
He shoulda gone for 4/10 ethnic girls. His looksmatch

I am truer incel than elliot rodger ever was. He was an aspie standardcel.

I could relate to parts of his manifesto where he got bullied, or how he got ridiculed by his sister. And that's about it. Rest of it was delusional ramblings on how superior and godly he is.

he was a huge standardcel, he wanted 9/10 hotties to approach him when his DNA was a beggar.
he didnt even approach EVEN the girls he wanted. He wanted THEM to approach him.

ER is mostly a meme.
The story of him breaking his ankle at the party proved he was a mentalcel if anything. He posted on PUAhate he had nothing to do with inceldom.

Only people who don’t realize ER is mostly a meme are mentalcels
So 5/10 Asians are incels now? Lol this is why this place is going to shit.

Everyone new sees the ER meme and applies it to everything. It gets really old and is super unoriginal.
First of all he was half Asian, second he was a 4-3/10 at least, also he is technically an Incel since he was a KHHV at 22.
First of all he was half Asian, second he was a 4-3/10 at least, also he is technically an Incel since he was a KHHV at 22.
There are plenty of virgins who aren’t incel. You don’t know what you’re talking about friendo.
He was whiny and entitled. Just lol at calling yourself the closest thing to being a god only to stab 3 ricecels and a low number of normies. :lul:
His rage after knowing that a black/half black guy was able to have sex with a blond woman is priceless.
He was whiny and entitled. Just lol at calling yourself the closest thing to being a god only to stab 3 ricecels and a low number of normies. :lul:
He was a richcel who could have gone full Stephen paddock if he wanted to, full armory of guns etc

What does he do instead? Drive around some trendy California neighborhood and shoot at a Starbucks, too scared to even leave the comfort of his BMW.

At least worship someone with a good count.
"How could an inferior, ugly black boy be able to get a white girl and not me? I am beautiful, and I am half white myself. I am descended from British aristocracy. He is descended from slaves. I deserve it more." :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul: ITS OVER FOR BLACKCELS:lul::lul::lul::lul:
Oh god 124 guests I really did the triggering now :heart::heart::heart::cool::cool::cool::fire::fire::fire::fire::flex::flex::flex::flex::flex:
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My favorite part was when he talked about his sister getting railed by a guy in the next room.

The guy was a nutcase. He wasn't that bad looking. He had rich parents and a drove a fucking BMW. As someone said, he could've had a girlfriend if he tried, just not STACY.
MTW is an interesting and good read, but Elliot coped a lot. Some of his plans were ridiculous(beheading a bunch of people like a fucking warlord and dumping their heads in the street, assuming he was speaking literally about that), and he thought he was superior rather than effectively inferior to everyone else. Also, he was unironically entitled. He assumed that he was on the side of “justice” when in reality he just lost at genetic recombination. But all in all good read and great target for the shooting, if he planned things out more he could have had 20+ kills, all high quality if he got into the sorority house.
and another fact: Elliot rodger would look down on most of the posters here.

Would insult ricecels and others trying to look superior
I bet he'd post shit like

"well, it is very normal for women not to like you, you are full asian, I am magnificent half asian , I am descended from british aristocracy"

"Of course ugly subhumans like you will stay virgin, but me ? I am the superior one, I look wonderful, why aren't women attracted to me ? "

he would get banned for bragging in about a week.
I remember he bought supersoaker and put orange juice in it spray a bunch of chads and stacies because he was jealous of them having a good time in front of him and other time he saw porn for first time and started crying. That dude was a fucking joke. :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::lul::lul:
I remember he bought supersoaker and put orange juice in it spray a bunch of chads and stacies because he was jealous of them having a good time in front of him and other time he saw porn for first time and started crying. That dude was a fucking joke. :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::lul::lul:
LMFAO the dude fucks with chads and stacies literally the people that fuck with us and you laught at him? He was doing god WORK
LMFAO the dude fucks with chads and stacies literally the people that fuck with us and you laught at him? He was doing god WORK
He couldn't did better then orange juice now, c'mon and ran away like a bitch too on top of that.
>I am superior to them all. I am Elliot Rodger... Magnificent, glorious, supreme, eminent... Divine! I am the closest thing there is to a living god.

what a delusional idiot lmao

>I will purify the world of everything that is wrong with it. On the Day of Retribution, I will truly be a powerful god, punishing everyone I deem to be impure and depraved.

rofl, couldn't even get past a door. what a god.

ER is famous because he has become a meme.
St elliot is famous because he was a visionary
It's a great piece of literature. I find his conclusion about being superior to everyone else, a god in his own words, completely stupid. He was coping hard there. Other than that, I can relate to a lot of things he wrote.
I've listened to the audio book narrated by Mumkey Jones, ER had an interesting writing style, but he was autistic as fuck. The delusions of grandeur are also priceless.
yes, humanity has rejected me. I am an outcast in this world. I am well over 30 and girls never socialized with me. I never had a chance to spend any meaningful time with girls. Instead I watched from afar when other boys messed around with girls. Today, the lives of normies are so far removed from mine that they are from a different world.
The Manifesto is such a great piece of literature
first part is MAJESTIC

second is ruined and repetative

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