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Serious Smiling is the most beta thing that you can do, if a girl sees you smile you will never fuck her

Total Imbecile

Total Imbecile

Honorary ethnic
Dec 19, 2017
Every Chad I know is serious 100% of the time, if you smile women will linearly see that as a sign of weakness

I try hardcore not to smile cause my teeth are fucked up anyway, but sometimes when Im focusing on something else I forget to be serious and I smile and I know its over
Every Chad I know is serious 100% of the time, if you smile women will linearly see that as a sign of weakness

I try hardcore not to smile cause my teeth are fucked up anyway, but sometimes when Im focusing on something else I forget to be serious and I smile and I know its over
Depends, smiling can indicate low inhib, and you can only do it if there's something of high quality that you're giving the reward of something getting a good reaction out of you, or if a girl knows about your manipulative nature if you signal happy signals.
My smiles look faked and retarded so I don't smile.
But a lot of girls in the latter don't trust machivaellian dark triadists.
I’ve seen plenty of tall chadlites smile to work with their real or faux charisma. You aren’t wrong in that a rarely if ever see actual chads smile
A 4/10 autistic manlet subhuman never had a chance anyways. Doesn't matter if I smile or not. Still smiling should be avoided at all costs though.
I try hardcore not to smile cause my teeth are fucked up anyway
I have some oof teeth
and i never smile because my life is shit tbh
some crackwhore once asked me what was wrong
i just walked away
Depends, smiling can indicate low inhib, and you can only do it if there's something of high quality that you're giving the reward of something getting a good reaction out of you, or if a girl knows about your manipulative nature if you signal happy signals.

Examples of when it indicates low inhib?
Mainly because I have crowded teeth and am autistic, so my smile would be anything but charming :feelsUgh:
Cope. Chads smile and it's gorgeous
@Napoleon de Geso looks jewish when he smiles apparently.
Henry Cavill's smile is pussy Kryptonite, like hell Chads don't smile.
Cope. Chads smile and it's gorgeous

Even Chads smiling look better when theyre serious

The only reason they can get away with it is bc if youre an 8/10 and smiling deducts one point from your rating theyre still 7/10s which is acceptable to most girls
Chad look like action movie stars in their pictures
An incel who smiles jfl that’s the weirdest thing I heard in 2020
I never teeth smile. Doesn’t feel natural.
I legit scare normies and foids away when I smile, no joke. I look like a deranged rampage killer when I smile. I can’t help it :feelsrope:
And yet when women tell you to smile more they're just saying you're ugly
And yet when women tell you to smile more they're just saying you're ugly
My onitis once said she liked my smile because it was contagious :feelsree: :feelsrope:

Hardcore cope
I have small lips so when I smile my lips stretch out like hell and make me look like a thrift shop version of the Joker. My face isn't meant to smile. its over
Opposite for me, smile decreases my psl by a bit. Makes it worth to not smile in pictures no matter how edgy I look
Smiling requires teeth
Examples of when it indicates low inhib?
When you're good looking or someone a foid would want to look up to.
Chad, artist, etc.
Without any value, or prompt, you're fucked.
No action is taken in a vacuum and you need ot know the cues.
You're not really expected to though unless the foids care about you of course. In fact they want you to be aspie and fail if you are able to.
WHat you do does not matter.

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