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Venting Singlemoms & their bastard kids ruin Everything

BabyFuck McGirlsex

BabyFuck McGirlsex

Sep 23, 2019
  • I tried to churchmaxx last sunday and i sat in the back so my toxic personality(ugly face) wouldn't draw too much attention - but the back rows were full of single moms in whorish fakeup who had wailing kids who were kicking and screaming and i couldn't even concentrate on what the minister was preaching about
  • Foids are ruining everything. All social circles are being infiltrated by foids who destabilise them in their search for chads to fuck and betas to raise chads kids. Churches, subways, Malls, stores, online gaming communities, instagram, foids are even trying to infiltrate incel communities jfl ---- nowhere is safe from the greedy foid clutches. Singlemoms are the lowest form of life - the absolute scum of the earth. How can one have so much poor pussy management so much so that they raise a bastard fatherless child? Birth control exists, condoms exist, abortions exist - whats their excuse?!. Such greed.
All Foids need to be exterminated (not just single mothers) like cockroaches. Once we get rid of the delusional idea that a person can be sentient without a Y chromosome, humanity will have a few orders of magnitude of increase in living standards.
All Foids need to be exterminated (not just single mothers) like cockroaches. Once we get rid of the delusional idea that a person can be sentient without a Y chromosome, humanity will have a few orders of magnitude of increase in living standards.
Mystical Indian Guru IQ
But instead of exterminating foids (in minecraft) we could just enslave them and distribute them evenly and equally to all male members of the human population

All Foids need to be exterminated (not just single mothers) like cockroaches. Once we get rid of the delusional idea that a person can be sentient without a Y chromosome, humanity will have a few orders of magnitude of increase in living standards.
But instead of exterminating foids (in minecraft) we could just enslave them and distribute them evenly and equally to all male members of the human population

No. They resemble humans too closely and low IQ males will give them rights. Females need to go. Everybody getting a AI sexbot would be fine.
No. They resemble humans too closely and low IQ males will give them rights. Females need to go. Everybody getting a AI sexbot would be fine.
22nd Century IQ
Biofoids need to be cancelled asap ngl
Foid slaughter houses are what's needed.
Foids should be considered a natural resource and evenly distributed among the population.

Single motherhood should be a capital crime.
Foid slaughter houses are what's needed.
Before being slaughtered - incels should be given a chance to fuck her holes in any way they see fit. Then they can slaughter the foid in minecraft ofcourse
Foids should be considered a natural resource and evenly distributed among the population.

Single motherhood should be a capital crime.
High IQ
Foids are a natural resource and a tool to be used by men. We need to reinforce this ideal

Singlemoms are the devil incarnate ngl
I am bastard child of a single mother or as I like to call them single whores deserving death
it's over if you didn't have a father figure your future is set in stone, become insane, drug addict or both
I saw some ricecel on a bus with his noodle “girlfriend” and guess what 3 fucking hapa kids come along straight behind them JFL. I was gonna start laughing out loud. Jesus fucking Christ ricecels, imagine raising some loser white guys abominations.
I saw some ricecel on a bus with his noodle “girlfriend” and guess what 3 fucking hapa kids come along straight behind them JFL. I was gonna start laughing out loud. Jesus fucking Christ ricecels, imagine raising some loser white guys abominations.
Thats the state of the modern Normie - either wife up a roastie whore who has chads kids or postmaxxx on incels.co
I am bastard child of a single mother or as I like to call them single whores deserving death
it's over if you didn't have a father figure your future is set in stone, become insane, drug addict or both
Having a father figure in your formative years is CRUCIAL & ESSENTIAL
I was "raised" by a single mother that put me on the fast track to misery.

There is a foid single mother at my job that goes on about her kids a lot and one day I just let her have it and told her I think single mothers are a plague and make life Hell for innocent children. She tried playing the pity card "what about if he was physically abusive like my ex?" and I responded that he was that bad and she still decided to propagate his genes? It was her job to find a good father and she failed and now her boys have to suffer for it.

She didn't really have a respose after that. Her foidbrain probably shorted out because it was the first time someone held her responsible for her actions, especially in regards to motherhood.
Agree on that it's understandable
They should’ve never normalized that shit
If I find out a foid is a single mom I ghost her immediately.
Just ban porn bruh!
If a single mother is not a widow then she is worthless whore. (If a real rapist (of virgins) is caught he will be forced to marry her in a mock ceromony 10 minutes before his firing squad assembles.)
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  • I tried to churchmaxx last sunday and i sat in the back so my toxic personality(ugly face) wouldn't draw too much attention - but the back rows were full of single moms in whorish fakeup who had wailing kids who were kicking and screaming and i couldn't even concentrate on what the minister was preaching about.
This is the worst. When I churchmaxxed this happened to me on a weekly basis. The screaming and noise making is utterly intolerable. Its impossible to pay attention. People act like they're in their living room and exhibit no consideration whatsoever for the people around them. Obviously they don't discipline their children either. Ridiculous. Single mothers take the prize for all the above.

The worst was this time I was at church last year for a distant family member's first communion. I was kind of looking forward to it Tbh because it was my first time attending a Latin mass.

Never again. Non stop wailing, screaming, etc. and all these people had at least five kids a piece. There was this one kid who crawled under the pew behind me and was trying to take my shoe off for half the service. I should have kicked it in the face. Following the experience, I remember nothing about the actual service at all.
Look at all the bastards!

Are you mommies little bastard?

Yes you are!

Yes you are#
Look at all the bastards!

Are you mommies little bastard?

Yes you are!

Yes you are#
Why does a PATRIARCHAL society get a bad rep nowadays? In the golden, based days of the PATRIARCHY singlemomdom was shunned and abortions weren't celebrated. Pre pubescent kids werent forced to take hormones to suppress their testosterone and told to cut off their dick & balls so that they LARP as foids. The PATRIARCHY brought and maintained sanity. Restore it NOW!
IncelTears is just a bastardised version of Incels.co where incels in denial, male to female trannies, singlemom scum, post wall carousel riders with incurable sexhaver diseases and paedophiles congregate
This is the worst. When I churchmaxxed this happened to me on a weekly basis. The screaming and noise making is utterly intolerable. Its impossible to pay attention. People act like they're in their living room and exhibit no consideration whatsoever for the people around them. Obviously they don't discipline their children either. Ridiculous. Single mothers take the prize for all the above.

The worst was this time I was at church last year for a distant family member's first communion. I was kind of looking forward to it Tbh because it was my first time attending a Latin mass.

Never again. Non stop wailing, screaming, etc. and all these people had at least five kids a piece. There was this one kid who crawled under the pew behind me and was trying to take my shoe off for half the service. I should have kicked it in the face. Following the experience, I remember nothing about the actual service at all.
Singlemoms trully are antiChrist - why would they bring small kids who cant even understand language to church ? Its to draw attention to themselves so a "captain-save-a-ho" chad or a betabuxxxx would notice them. Most foids dont go to church to worship - they go there to virtue signal and hunt for Chads/soy orbiters
Just ban porn bruh!
If a single mother is not a widow then she is worthless whore. (If a real rapist (of virgins) is caught he will be forced to marry her in a mock ceromony 10 minutes before his firing squad assembles.)
Cancel Singlemoms
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This is the worst. When I churchmaxxed this happened to me on a weekly basis. The screaming and noise making is utterly intolerable. Its impossible to pay attention. People act like they're in their living room and exhibit no consideration whatsoever for the people around them. Obviously they don't discipline their children either. Ridiculous. Single mothers take the prize for all the above.

The worst was this time I was at church last year for a distant family member's first communion. I was kind of looking forward to it Tbh because it was my first time attending a Latin mass.

Never again. Non stop wailing, screaming, etc. and all these people had at least five kids a piece. There was this one kid who crawled under the pew behind me and was trying to take my shoe off for half the service. I should have kicked it in the face. Following the experience, I remember nothing about the actual service at all.
a catholic latin mass?
  • I tried to churchmaxx last sunday and i sat in the back so my toxic personality(ugly face) wouldn't draw too much attention - but the back rows were full of single moms in whorish fakeup who had wailing kids who were kicking and screaming and i couldn't even concentrate on what the minister was preaching about
  • Foids are ruining everything. All social circles are being infiltrated by foids who destabilise them in their search for chads to fuck and betas to raise chads kids. Churches, subways, Malls, stores, online gaming communities, instagram, foids are even trying to infiltrate incel communities jfl ---- nowhere is safe from the greedy foid clutches. Singlemoms are the lowest form of life - the absolute scum of the earth. How can one have so much poor pussy management so much so that they raise a bastard fatherless child? Birth control exists, condoms exist, abortions exist - whats their excuse?!. Such greed.
was it a catholic church?
-single moms


All Foids need to be exterminated (not just single mothers) like cockroaches. Once we get rid of the delusional idea that a person can be sentient without a Y chromosome, humanity will have a few orders of magnitude of increase in living standards.
I remember thinking a church going single mom would give a dirty inkwell like myself a chance.

Kill all single moms (in red dead redemption 2)
Plague, a scourge to everyone.
Singlemoms are the lowest form of life - the absolute scum of the earth.
Idk why this sentence made me laugh so much :feelskek:
All Foids need to be exterminated (not just single mothers) like cockroaches. Once we get rid of the delusional idea that a person can be sentient without a Y chromosome, humanity will have a few orders of magnitude of increase in living standards.

In the past we needed women for biological reproduction. Now with electronics and microchips we can begin to engineer a solution to this. The era of women is over, once robots are created that can breed humans man will be able to achieve science and space exploration without all shackles of society that keeps us running wasteful industries. That will be the end of the age of the primitive man.
I remember thinking a church going single mom would give a dirty inkwell like myself a chance.

I too considered that ploy. Lol!

Luckily i couldn't stand the idea of sitting through hours of jewsus drivel! (Or putting up with the zionbies)
Idk why this sentence made me laugh so much :feelskek:
Its because its true......
I too considered that ploy. Lol!

Luckily i couldn't stand the idea of sitting through hours of jewsus drivel! (Or putting up with the zionbies)
Church thesedays is full of retired prostitutes and post wall carousel riders who are looking for a betabuxxx
In the past we needed women for biological reproduction. Now with electronics and microchips we can begin to engineer a solution to this. The era of women is over, once robots are created that can breed humans man will be able to achieve science and space exploration without all shackles of society that keeps us running wasteful industries. That will be the end of the age of the primitive man.
Science is the be all end all answer to inceldom
Based based baseeeeed!
Kill all single moms (in red dead redemption 2)
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Single mother needs to be killed.
My step brother have 6 y old and dosent even know to speck and he still have pampers on his ass and drink milk from the bottle.
In my case i was raised by the Father and i hate women thank you..
Single mother needs to be killed.
My step brother have 6 y old and dosent even know to speck and he still have pampers on his ass and drink milk from the bottle.
In my case i was raised by the Father and i hate women thank you..
Death to all single moms in minecraft ofcourse

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