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Discussion Single mothers and Inceldom is a incorrect correlation.



May 12, 2019
I see guys who don't even know their fathers, who are tall, handsome, attractive, yes, they're mentally fucked up in certain ways from having no father around, but despite having no father raise them, they have no problem getting women, because they're good looking and tall, and women just want to be with them, no matter what.

I use to think that being raised by a single mother was advantage, because I falsely presumed that being raised by just a female, would make you able to get other females easier, but this is WRONG, and I came to the opposite conclusion of what most people do. I believe what caused me to find this trend, is because "Chad" fathers often fuck beckies, and then leave them to raise the kid on their own, so a becky can be fucked by a Chad, and end up having a tall and handsome son, who despite having a terrible single-mother upbringing, has no issues with getting women, women come to him, due to his face and height.

Redpill conclusion = Single Mothers cause Incels
My conclusion = Single Mothers cause Chads

Reality: The general consensus, and my own autistic conclusion, are both incorrect. An incel is caused by primarily by 2 factors: Unattractive face and being Short.

Reasons for the Redpill population conclusion that Single mothers cause Incels - Redpill worldview thinks that you just need to be raised by a good man, so he can teach you to be a good worker/provider, and teaches you how you need to act and talk to women to get them to want you. This conclusion use to be somewhat true back in the boomer days, when you just had to have a job, and be able to talk to the foids parents and get them to want you to marry their daughter, but not in today's world, this may have had truth to it in the baby-boomer generation, but not after.

Reasons for my conclusion that Single mothers cause Chads: I saw a lot of good looking tall guys raised by single mothers getting pussy easy, despite never having met their father, I completely ignored the unattractive and short guys raised by single mothers, so I wrongly assumed that single mothers cause Chads. But again - there is SOME TRUTH to how I came to my conclusion (as explained earlier, with Chads fucking foids and impregnating them with a Chad kid, and then disappearing from their the foids life) - so even though I am wrong, there is some truth in the conclusion, if you have a beta simp father who stays around forever with your mother, chances are he is not a tall, handsome, and attractive chad, that can get any women, so he takes what he can get and sticks with it, so if your father and mother are still together after many decades, there is a higher chance that your father is not a Chad, as Chads have many options and aren't just going to stick with a foid if he pisses her off.

If you're wondering about my situation, my parents have been married for 35+ years, my dad is a definitely a beta. maybe if my dad had the Chad-gene, that he would have left my mother decades ago. But I know other guys who are raised by single mothers, who have Chad fathers, and they ended up Chads, and they have access to more pussy than they can handle, but I also know short unattractive guys raised by Single mothers who are trucels. So ultimately the conclusion is that Face & Height determine your success, and that talking about single mothers causing incels is redpill cope and incorrectly applying causation/correlation from historical aspects of society to modern aspects of society.
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interstellar IQ
My single mother never told me how extreme the effects of acne waould have on my face, had she told me my life would be determined by my acne, it might have made a difference. What do you have to say about this?
My single mother never told me how extreme the effects of acne waould have on my face, had she told me my life would be determined by my acne, it might have made a difference. What do you have to say about this?

It doesn't matter if you father was around to tell you that, it wouldn't have changed if your father looks-maxxed your shitty starting character, it wouldn't have changed anything for you, if you're an incel, youre unattractive/short and nothing could be done about it, it wouldn't have changed if you had a PUA God father who told you all the PUA secrets of seduction, no matter what, if your father was the best father of the year every year for your entire life and development, it wouldn't have made a difference in today's world if your face is fucked and you're not tall.

A father can redpill you about women, looks, life, jews and everything, but the reality is this redpill doesn't stand chance in 2010s and forward. Maybe this redpill stood chance and was helpful to boys before, but not anymore. To have a happy and successful life as a male today you need to be attractive and tall, it doesn't matter even if you have the most based & redpilled father telling you "how it is" and redpilling you about women, jews, and anything else, because all of that advice and bonding between a father and son is COMPLETELY USELESS in current times, women dont give a FUCK about how well you and your father bonded (or didn't bond at all), all they care about is your face and height.
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It doesn't matter if you father was around to tell you that, it wouldn't have changed if your father looks-maxxed your shitty starting character, it wouldn't have changed anything for you, if you're an incel, youre unattractive/short and nothing could be done about it, it wouldn't have changed if you had a PUA God father who told you all the PUA secrets of seduction, no matter what, if your father was the best father of the year every year for your entire life and development, it wouldn't have made a difference in today's world if your face is fucked and you're not tall.

A father can redpill you about women, life, and everything, but the reality is this redpill doesn't stand chance in 2010s and forward. Maybe this redpill stood chance and was helpful to boys before, but not anymore. To have a happy and successful life as a male today you need to be attractive and tall, it doesn't matter even if you have the most based & redpilled father telling you "how it is" and redpilling you about women, jews, and anything else, because all of that advice and bonding between a father and son is COMPLETELY USELESS in current times, women dont give a FUCK about how well you and your father bonded, all they care about is your face and height.

So you're saying acne doesn't make a difference? If I were to post a picture here of me with the acne scars photoshopped out I have a strong feeling the "fakecel :chad: :banhammer: " would be raining upon me. No, I'm not saying I would become a Chad slayer, but my Dad did well in his youth, and my main failo is my skin.

EDIT: And my height is 5'11 3/4", slightly above average, so my face is what's fucking me, not my height.
Every fatherless guy I've met is atleast Chadlite.
So you're saying acne doesn't make a difference? If I were to post a picture here of me with the acne scars photoshopped out I have a strong feeling the "fakecel :chad: :banhammer: " would be raining upon me. No, I'm not saying I would become a Chad slayer, but my Dad did well in his youth, and my main failo is my skin.

Your acne would still be there fucking you up even if your father was around telling you everything about the world and how to maximize your success in it and winning father of the year awards. Your dad can tell you everything, but he can't make your face look better, he can't make you taller, acne would be part of face. Whether or not you were told about face and height makes no difference to the end result.
Acne is a product of modern environment, it hasn't existed for a large part of human history
Every fatherless guy I've met is atleast Chadlite.

Yeah, that is why I came to the conclusion that single-mothers were raising Chads, but the reality is they're just being fucked and impregnated by Chads who then run off and dont stick around for the baby, who can end up growing up into a Chad himself because of his fathers genetics.

I explained in the original post how this is how I came to the conclusion that single mothers = make Chads, not incels. But again, I explain how I am also incorrect about it, because I ignored the unattractive and short incels raised by single mothers, who didn't have Chad fathers, or did have Chad fathers, but got their mothers shit genetics and ended up incels because of face & height.

The conclusion is having a father around to raise you would help you in boomer-generation days, but not in today's world where the 2 factors of Face and Height make up for 100% of your success with women. The redpill boomer advice would have worked in the <1960s, maybe 1980s, but specifically this "father makes chad sons" advice is primarily a pre1960s truth that doesn't apply to how society works today with how males and females interact.

But even then - you can see, in this ABC special, is it from the 1990s? You can already see how hypergamy women here are, long before social media/dating apps.

This is why I say the redpiller boomer advice for having a stable father in the home only applicable to pre 1960s society.

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Chad is chad whatever parents he have and an incel is an incel whatever parents he have
Ultimately it's about a chad sperm entering the egg and hope the genes expressed are the superior ones.

Having a good family with both parents is better than a single mom, definitely helps the child mentally but still little to do with with his ability to attract a female.

The single mom producing tyrone n chad athletes(or any media accepted success) stereotype is fueled by media n personal bias to root for the good looking 'underdogs'
Chad is chad whatever parents he have and an incel is an incel whatever parents he have
You still haven't explained why better parenting wouldn't reduce acne. The fact is while genetics are the main factor, environment is also huge, if you have the baseline genetic quality certain things can make or break you. This topic is kinda soy as well as you're downplaying the effects of single motherhood, when countless studies have shown its humongous negative effects.
You still haven't explained why better parenting wouldn't reduce acne. The fact is while genetics are the main factor, environment is also huge, if you have the baseline genetic quality certain things can make or break you. This topic is kinda soy as well as you're downplaying the effects of single motherhood, when countless studies have shown its humongous negative effects.

Copeing hard. I explained everything.

You either have it or you dont. There is no "well if my father did X it would be different for me when it comes to women"
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And no, you didn't explain why parents can't have control over factors like acne.

And no, you didn't explain why parents can't have control over factors like acne.

The only way they can do that is by them both not having acne themselves and hoping the acne gene doesn't express in the kids. My parents never had it, I, nor any of my siblings got it, there was no magic special routine or trick, its genetics. Some people are just fucked with acne no matter what they do.
Perhaps you're right.

Doesn't matter though, can't go back in time. All I can do is surgerymaxx to hopefully remove the scarring.
Perhaps you're right.

Doesn't matter though, can't go back in time. All I can do is surgerymaxx to hopefully remove the scarring.

You're having this god image of the father, as being a figure that can pull you up from nothingness, and make everything in your life winning and better. This does happen, but not how you think it happens. This happens at conception, if your father is a Chad, and you get his Chad genetics at conception. But this does NOT WORK later in life, if you were born with Incel genetics, even a Chad Father cannot take an Incel son under his wings and make him Chad, because he just doesn't have the Chad gene in him, he got fucked, the Chad gene (good face, tall) didn't express in the son, its over for him in this day and age.

You either have it or you don't. You got fucked with acne which damaged your facial attractiveness, im not sure what else you got fucked with, but those are the reasons youre here, not because of your father.

Tyrones grew up sniffing toxic paint chips and mold raised by single mother drug addicts in section 8 housing who are under-fed and malnourished and still grew to 6'8 BBC slayers (their fathers who are dead/they didnt ever know being thugmaxxed tyrones)

Now I am posting confusing stuff, just to clarify.

1) You're here not because of your father not being present in your life, and being raised by a single mother.

2) You're here because of your father/mothers DNA that spawned you as a unattractive male, whether or not your father was around or not, has no influence on your Face/Height

Face/Height are what determine your success in today's sexual market, nothing else a father can "teach" post-construction of your incel traits (at conception), can ever change this. You could have the most optimal advice and bonding with your father, but if your DNA is to have a shit face and short height, at least in today's sexual market, it's over. No amount of bootstrap redpill advice and help from a father will ever fix your face and height, it's really that simple. That advice worked pre-1960s boomer world, not in today's world, and this is why redpill content is decades too late, the redpill hasn't caught up with the modern sexual market, and to be honest, I dont see how it ever would, because the redpill doesn't address the 2 primary factors of success with life and women today, which is face and height.

If you had 10 possible stats to grind up, but I told you 2 of the stats (which you cannot level up) would be possible for 99% of your success, would you still see the point in grinding away at the other remaining 8 stats which you can grind up, but will see no return from?
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Face/Height are what determine your success in today's sexual market, nothing else a father can "teach" post-construction of your incel traits (at conception), can ever change this. You could have the most optimal advice and bonding with your father, but if your DNA is to have a shit face and short height, at least in today's sexual market, it's over.

You're using too many extremes. Cleary genes are above all else, but it's absolutely ridiculous to say "no amount of fatherly advice" could have helped with acne. That would only make sense you thought of acne as incurable. If you accept that there was a way to prevent @Personalityinkwell type of acne or at least treat it reduce the severe of it, then having twice as many people (two parents) working with him toward that goal would at least increase the probability of finding a solution to the acne before it become too bad.
Chad's kids with single moms are provided and taken care of by the state. Remove the welfare state and these kids would starve and die of disease. Just as nature intended. Unfortunately, we treat lives like these as valuable.

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