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NSFW Simp kills curry cashier for swinging a broom at him and his sister



Had it with these cucks!
Jan 6, 2018

Screen Shot 2020 08 26 at 72514 AM
jfl at offering the fruits of your productivity with people that don't even value your life.
jfl at offering the fruits of your productivity with people that don't even value your life.
I bet if he was a foid that cuck wouldn't have tried to act alpha and shoot her.
I bet if he was a foid that cuck wouldn't have tried to act alpha and shoot her.
Black people in the ghetto hate Asians. Asians should move out and stop offering their productivity in those areas.
these nigs will likely have kids and create single mother trash perpetually creating subhuman thugs for eons to come and leeching off welfare.
Black people in the ghetto hate Asians. Asians should move out and stop offering their productivity in those areas.
They probably try to save money on rent in those areas.
They probably try to save money on rent in those areas.
Whatever it's not worth it. Ghettos are for black and latino people from the way people there see it.
Whatever it's not worth it. Ghettos are for black and latino people from the way people there see it.
I wonder what would happen if they all left. These cucks just need to be blackpilled and stop being simps for used rosties.
curry got blacked
I wonder what would happen if they all left. These cucks just need to be blackpilled and stop being simps for used rosties.
Too many ethnic males are too bluepilled for their own good. It's not their fault. It worked for them for centuries but it doesn't work in a place like burgerland. Least of all in a ghetto or urban area with a lot of other minorities that consider that place their "turf".

What exactly was he expecting?
Too many ethnic males are too bluepilled for their own good. It's not their fault. It worked for them for centuries but it doesn't work in a place like burgerland. Least of all in a ghetto or urban area with a lot of other minorities that consider that place their "turf".
Being bluepilled will be weeded out by nature in the next few decades, then humanity can finally progress.
Being bluepilled will be weeded out by nature in the next few decades, then humanity can finally progress.
tbh idgaf about humanity and feel bad for bluepilled ethnics that get treated this way. It isn't their fault but it takes a long to arrive at an answer that makes sense in face of constant gaslighting from everyone around you that the problem is YOU and not society.
He relaxed around the ape race.
tbh idgaf about humanity and feel bad for bluepilled ethnics that get treated this way. It isn't their fault but it takes a long to arrive at an answer that makes sense in face of constant gaslighting from everyone around you that the problem is YOU and not society.
I don't feel bad for the bluepillers, I was never bluepilled to the where even after I found out about the blackpill I still chose to remain cucked. Their cuckdom might be genetic at this point, and must be removed from the gene pool.
I don't feel bad for the bluepillers, I was never bluepilled to the point where I found out about the blackpill and still chose to remain cucked. Their cuckdom might be genetic at this point, and must be removed from the gene pool.
Most of us will be removed from the gene pool and we're not really part of society. We're just forced to participate and fund society. Bluepilled guys don't bother me if they aren't trying to put me down to impress a woman or shut me up from venting.
Many wannabe tough guy redpillers are way worse.
I don't feel bad for the bluepillers, I was never bluepilled to the where even after I found out about the blackpill I still chose to remain cucked. Their cuckdom might be genetic at this point, and must be removed from the gene pool.
Especially if they witness it countless times and play it off as something else while completely denying the blackpill. That’s just a special type of retarded.
Most of us will be removed from the gene pool and we're not really part of society. We're just forced to participate and fund society. Bluepilled guys don't bother me if they aren't trying to put me down to impress a woman or shut me up from venting.
Many wannabe tough guy redpillers are way worse.
Bluepilled cucks are the ones who force uncucked men to fund society, so they are big detriment to us.
Bluepilled cucks are the ones who force uncucked men to fund society, so they are big detriment to us.
So did redpilled cucks like TRP and tradcuck white nationalists tbh

But what I was saying is if a bluepiller only simps and acts pathetic to women but doesn't do anything to me I really don't care tbh
Hating on them for doing that when it doesn't involve me would just be a waste of time.
It's an easy thing to do like so many do with effeminate soyboy looking males but I don't expect them to live up to some standard I impose just as long as they don't do that to me.

Plus many women secretely hate effeminate soyboy looking males that don't completely cuck and it's kind of funny seeing that tbhngl
Especially if they witness it countless times and play it off as something else while completely denying the blackpill. That’s just a special type of retarded.
They're pathetic excuses for humans, they should be downgraded to snails.
So did redpilled cucks like TRP and tradcuck white nationalists tbh
I consider them bluepilled cucks too.
But what I was saying is if a bluepiller only simps and acts pathetic to women but doesn't do anything to me I really don't care tbh
Hating on them for doing that when it doesn't involve me would just be a waste of time.
It's an easy thing to do like so many do with effeminate soyboy looking males but I don't expect them to live up to some standard I impose just as long as they don't do that to me.
They inflate rostie smv, which increases inceldom. That's another reason they should be hated.
Plus many women secretely hate effeminate soyboy looking males that don't completely cuck and it's kind of funny seeing that tbhngl
Those guys are based. Foids get angry that they can't cuck them. They only want chads to be uncucked.
They're pathetic excuses for humans, they should be downgraded to snails.
They will happily kiss the feet of their oppressors. They are basically the jews that side with the nazis and turn against the others jews
I remember this from a while ago. My co worker told me that the woman was demanding the cashier to give her some loose cigars (cigared sold individually from the pack) but the chaser said he couldn’t do it because it isn’t legal for businesses to do it. So the woman said that she was going to get her boyfriend to kill him and well...there you go.

Two colossal black retards threw their lives away and took someone else’s over nothing. In terms of morality, ghetto blacks are possibly the lowest life forms known to science
I remember this from a while ago. My co worker told me that the woman was demanding the cashier to give her some loose cigars (cigared sold individually from the pack) but the chaser said he couldn’t do it because it isn’t legal for businesses to do it. So the woman said that she was going to get her boyfriend to kill him and well...there you go.

Two colossal black retards threw their lives away and took someone else’s over nothing. In terms of morality, ghetto blacks are possibly the lowest life forms known to science
If she's the one who instigated the simp to kill him then she should be charged with murder as well.
In terms of morality, ghetto blacks are possibly the lowest life forms known to science

They're given power by society and institutions, probably out of some sense of retributive justice and public appeasement. Your typical ghetto thug (loud, dumb, arrogant) in the US is practically guaranteed to be armed, especially in such parts of large metropolitan cities. Then when they act like animals and people stand up to them they get gunned down over the most bullshit of reasons, like we're seeing here. The only realistic and sensible course of action for anyone is to either be armed and on guard for this kind of violent outburst, or to be away from them altogether. Education and other idealistic notions aren't a solution here. Many of these thugs enjoy being thugs and revel in the public fear and their localized power. The typical curry, like the one in the video, aspires to be his own businessman or to studymaxx and careermaxx, while the typical ghetto hoodlum aspires to be Marlo Stanfield from The Wire. But your typical liberal SJW faggot would have you believe that it's poverty and lack of opportunity and other bullshit reasons.

And people wonder why hating niggers is so common. It's exactly because of the kind of shit we're seeing here.
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wheres the outrage lmao oops its a nigga that killed them can't blame them or its racist
Curry lives don't matter to them
Curry lives don't matter to them
We should start a protest in his honor and name it #currylivesmatter. Nobody gives a shit if some random negro kills a currycel trying to support himself
Curry lives don't matter to them
Hope ethnic males looking to move to burgerland and other anglo nations see these stories and get the message loud and clear of how much irrational hatred and targeting of them there is.
They're given power by society and institutions, probably out of some sense of retributive justice and public appeasement. Your typical ghetto thug (loud, dumb, arrogant) in the US is practically guaranteed to be armed, especially in such parts of large metropolitan cities. Then when they act like animals and people stand up to them they get gunned down over the most bullshit of reasons, like we're seeing here. The only realistic and sensible course of action for anyone is to either be armed and on guard for this kind of violent outburst, or to be away from them altogether. Education and other idealistic notions aren't a solution here. Many of these thugs enjoy being thugs and revel in the public fear and their localized power. The typical curry, like the one in the video, aspires to be his own businessman or to studymaxx and careermaxx, while the typical ghetto hoodlum aspires to be Marlo Stanfield from The Wire. But your typical liberal SJW faggot would have you believe that it's poverty and lack of opportunity and other bullshit reasons.

And people wonder why hating niggers is so common. It's exactly because of the kind of shit we're seeing here.

Well said. I'm black and I see this behavior all the time in our environments. It's probably because of some intrinsic feature within us, but what do I know. I'm nothing like these niggas

SJWS are a problem. Not necessarily because of what they believe in, but because of their willful ignorance to anything that doesn't support their beliefs. How the hell are blacks supposed to get better when we act like blacks have no issues?
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I guess his life didn't matter
Well said. I'm black and I see this behavior all the time in our environments. It's probably because of some intrinsic feature within us, but what do I know. I'm nothing like these niggas

This is obviously a complex issue. What steps would you want to see taken at the communal level all the way to the institutional level to help minimize this sort of thing to the point where people's attitudes start changing? Right now, many people all over the world view most young black Americans like the ones in this video precisely because of the prevalence of this kind of behavior, and tbh I don't blame them for having this view.
This is obviously a complex issue. What steps would you want to see taken at the communal level all the way to the institutional level to help minimize this sort of thing to the point where people's attitudes start changing? Right now, many people all over the world view most young black Americans like the ones in this video precisely because of the prevalence of this kind of behavior, and tbh I don't blame them for having this view.
I don't think it's complex at all, otherwise this behavior wouldn't be so prevalent through out most societies. I think this is just how most blacks are.

That's fine. It's justified so I don't really care
I don't think it's complex at all, otherwise this behavior wouldn't be so prevalent through out most societies. I think this is just how most blacks are.

That's fine. It's justified so I don't really care

If any non-black person says this in the West, they're asking to be crucified in public. If you believe that it's inherent, then that means everybody else has to adjust to this and just live with it. Trying to do this without coming off as racist in Western societies is quite literally impossible. The moment you're labeled a racist, anything you do or say is automatically invalidated and disregarded. Doesn't matter if it's feeding and sheltering 10,000 homeless kids or curing cancer. If a white person walking down a street at night sees a group of four 20 year old black men saying "nigga" every third word and turns around to go a different way, people will call him a racist when it reality he's playing the odds (that at least one of them is packing and they'll probably flex on him and attack/rob him) and being cautious. It just seems like a lose/lose situation for everyone.
If any non-black person says this in the West, they're asking to be crucified in public. If you believe that it's inherent, then that means everybody else has to adjust to this and just live with it. Trying to do this without coming off as racist in Western societies is quite literally impossible. The moment you're labeled a racist, anything you do or say is automatically invalidated and disregarded. Doesn't matter if it's feeding and sheltering 10,000 homeless kids or curing cancer. If a white person walking down a street at night sees a group of four 20 year old black men saying "nigga" every third word and turns around to go a different way, people will call him a racist when it reality he's playing the odds (that at least one of them is packing and they'll probably flex on him and attack/rob him) and being cautious. It just seems like a lose/lose situation for everyone.

I believe we are on the same page here. See my point regarding sjws for example
these nigs will likely have kids and create single mother trash perpetually creating subhuman thugs for eons to come and leeching off welfare.
Just like women
We need to get rid off welfare
I believe we are on the same page here. See my point regarding sjws for example

I guess what I'm trying to get at is to try and find a solution. If we both agree that there's a problem (and there is), then we all need to try and find a way to solve it. With the current state of the West, especially the shit going in America right now, I don't know how any solution could work.
I guess what I'm trying to get at is to try and find a solution. If we both agree that there's a problem (and there is), then we all need to try and find a way to solve it. With the current state of the West, especially the shit going in America right now, I don't know how any solution could work.
Maybe it's not a grim as i'm making out to be. It's probably not even most, but there are far too many. If the problems do not stem from whatever traits us blacks inherit, then it's most definitely the toxic culture that promotes thuggery. I'm not really sure, maybe I was being a little too harsh in my initial reaction
Maybe it's not a grim as i'm making out to be. It's probably not even most, but there are far too many. If the problems do not stem from whatever traits us blacks inherit, then it's most definitely the toxic culture that promotes thuggery. I'm not really sure, maybe I was being a little too harsh in my initial reaction
When you relax at work.
Somehow a cracka is to blame if the news runs it lol.
When you relax at work.
More like when you work in the ghetto. All these incidents make it clear they don't want Asians there except to rob them and for the spicy foreign food.

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