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Blackpill Should intelligent people die? Yes IMHO



Jun 29, 2022
You look at ugly people and beautiful people. What I'm about to describe is a parallel to these read and you'll understand.

When you look at ugly people you think the world is bothered by them if it's not hatred. You too, are bothered by ugly faces because it's simply not human, to look at ugly faces with a smile, regardless of the social construct.

Stupid people like ugly people are a bother, you need to teach them and waste your time and effort again and again, they never learn.

The world wouldn't like them, if not would be better off without them.

Let's take a look on the other side where beautiful and intelligent people exist.

Every redpill or bluepill coper thinks he can learn something from chad, everyone. The justify chad's existence by pointing out to what they may be able to gain, the problem is obviously, they can't gain shit, or this gain is not certain.

Just like such a gain from chad isn't certain. Like what else do you have? Stylemaxxing? Beardmaxxing? Prettyboymaxxing? None of these things will work for you, therefore you simply DO NOT NEED CHAD.

Now chad is just a bother, like ugly and stupid people.

The problem here is, many of us without even questioning it make these excuses for intelligent people while being mogged by them intellectually.

Just like goodlooking people, intelligent people mog you too.

The thing that's brutal, is the fact that your intelligence is mostly genetic. You can cope by saying intelligent people teach you stuff and all that bullshit delusional people say. Okay, they just teach you 30% of the stuff (teach you? you teach yourself anyway), but the 70% of intelligence is genetic intelligence, therefore you don't need that mogger, you're essentially being mogged all the time and making excuses for this retard. Oh I can't even say retard, because we're talking about intelligent people.

You will be better off with intelligent people, all the moggers, being dead at this point, cause you don't need them mogging you all the time.

Everyone thinks they can learn jestermaxxing from chad when they're young, they simply can't. You may think intelligent people will provide you with brain capacity, they simply don't, it's genetic.
No thanks, I'd prefer our average intelligence to be higher than lower right now. :smonk:

Not to mention there are plenty of intelligent truecels, who could wealthmaxx and make a more solid argument for the blackpill than others here. :feelsclown:
Every redpill or bluepill coper thinks he can learn something from chad, everyone. The justify chad's existence by pointing out to what they may be able to gain, the problem is obviously, they can't gain shit, or this gain is not certain.

Just like such a gain from chad isn't certain. Like what else do you have? Stylemaxxing? Beardmaxxing? Prettyboymaxxing? None of these things will work for you, therefore you simply DO NOT NEED CHAD.
Attempting to looksmax by using techniques that only work on Chad is different from gaining knowledge from a more intelligent person that you can then actually use. :feelsaww:
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Anyone have anything INTELLIGENT to say? I will address PLA in a minute
No thanks, I'd prefer our average intelligence to be higher than lower right now. :smonk:

Not to mention there are plenty of intelligent truecels, who could wealthmaxx and make a more solid argument for the blackpill than others here. :feelsclown:
ah so you say I'm a clown

I don't care if it's a truecel, if I'm being completely honest, I want anyone who knows better than me about something to die, simply because they can hurt me later on.
Attempting to looksmax by using techniques that only work on Chad is different from gaining knowledge from a more intelligent person that you can then actually use. :feelsaww:
I never debated that it's different. You becoming intelligent is something you have genetically or you develop yourself. My point is, you don't NEED this person, other than for mogging you to oblivion.
ah so you say I'm a clown

I don't care if it's a truecel, if I'm being completely honest, I want anyone who knows better than me about something to die, simply because they can hurt me later on.
I'm not calling you a clown, I'm calling the overall situation of intelligent truecels part of the clown world. :feelsjuice:
I'm not calling you a clown, I'm calling the overall situation of intelligent truecels part of the clown world. :feelsjuice:
I'm sorry for misinterpreting and misquoting you. Yes, it is clownworld indeed, I still stand with what I said earlier though (not the clown part obviously but), I do want intelligent people to die, truecel or not.
Anyone have anything INTELLIGENT to say? I will address PLA in a minute
Your point is that you don't like people mogging you/knowing more than you, so intelligent people should be killed. :feelsjuice:

I never debated that it's different. You becoming intelligent is something you have genetically or you develop yourself. My point is, you don't NEED this person, other than for mogging you to oblivion.
Lowering the average intelligence in this world will only result in more bluepilled copes, and shuttering of more people's eyes to all ideas even remotely related to the blackpill. :feelsaww:
Didn't ask but okay
Intelligence is more important than physical attractiveness to me.
Again, didn't ask
I would trade my left eyeball and kidney if it meant adding 10 points to my base IQ score.
Good for you
The fact that intelligence is genetic makes me want to blunder my face violently with a chainsaw because it's already unfair enough that you have no control over your physicals appearance, but to add intelligence on top of that messy pile is a spit in the face.
Brutal man but it really do be like that ALL THE TIME in this world ]. Intelligence is 70% genetic.
We have intelligent people to thank for because they are the ones who created a civilized and peaceful society for us. The reason why we have such good copes like internet and video games. If it weren't for intelligent people existing , we would still be dwelling inside our caves banging rocks together and hunting animals like Paleolithic caveman.
Sure, yeah agree but these same people can hurt you later on. Doesn't it bother you? They're just a bother even if they're not useless, I would love to be selfish and become the most intelligent person to be envied by others.
I have nothing but bitter envy and jealousy for Ashekanshi Jews and Ricecels for IQ mogging the fuck out of me. Maybe gene editing technologies will eliminate all low IQ's from the genepool and lead to a peaceful utopia someday in the future.
someday man brutal genepill
Lowering the average intelligence in this world will only result in more bluepilled copes, and shuttering of more people's eyes to all ideas even remotely related to the blackpill. :feelsaww:
Your point is that you don't like people mogging you/knowing more than you, so intelligent people should be killed. :feelsjuice:
That's exactly my point. They're just a bother, just round them up and beat them with a stick while they're tied. (I'm obviously joking)

Since, this is a chance to change my stance I will, you didn't ask I know:

Look, just because it wouldn't benefit me if someone exists doesn't mean I will feel better if they died :feelswhat: I do b loving my fellow high iq cels but I just don't like that they exist, doesn't mean I don't consider it immoral to kill them. They still mog me to oblivion.
You asked in the title if intelligent people should die and I responded with no you dyslexic curry.
1. I'm not dyslexic
2. I never asked for your opinion
3. I answered my question by myself it was for me
4. I wasn't talking to you
I do b loving my fellow high iq cels but I just don't like that they exist
Understandable... :feelshehe:

A large part of intelligence being genetic is brutal. :feelswhat:
Retarded fucking curry.

If you posted this on a public forum you're leaving it open for other members to criticize and respond to your post.
1. You never criticized MY OPINION
2. I never asked YOU a question it was for me, to answer
3. I'm leaving it open for people to criticize my opinion, not answer the question
4. I criticized your criticism buddy boyo therefore you should shut up stop whining like a child you faggot racist fuck
5. Dude I explained to you clearly what you're wrong about, I just disregard the "No" part because I deem it childish and offensive.
6. If you want to know how I truly feel about you saying "No." to my face, I feel offended, I feel hurt, I feel disgusted I'm interacting with someone so childish.
7. I'm ashamed of you
8. You should've known better
9. If you have any further enquiries I can sort them out
To anyone who doesn't know "IMHO" is short for "In my honest opinion" not heavenly, in case you thought I was god which people do be thinking a lot of times
I did in fact criticize your opinion. Read what I quoted below very carefully.
Except I said what you quoted? Wtf is this crap?
You argued in your post that intelligent people would be better off dead, and I made an attempt to refute that claim through arguing that we wouldn't have a peaceful and civilized society without them.
I never said anything bad about what you said. Those paragraphs were appropriate, you're just being childish when you're saying "No" out context
Also, don't call me a racist you piece of shit. I refer to all Indian incels on this website as curries the same way I refer to white skins as mayos and asians as rice. It is an easy way to label races without using overtly hateful terms like "nigger" and "cow piss drinker".
Retarded fucking curry.
No one's as dumb as you to think this wasn't racist, okay? This was racist, I know you don't outright say all curries are retarded, it's still racist, because I said so, you added the f slur before it therefore it's racist and meant to offend someone as innocent as I am.
You don't get to decide what's racist "because you said so".

What kind of broken logic and arbitrary reasoning does your autistic brain operate on.

I use profanity to convey urgency in my messages; I'm sorry you think adding an F-Bomb before identifying what subset of ethnic-cels you belong to is considered racist.
1. Read my post again
2. You added the f slur therefore it's racist and offensive
3. I don't have time for you.
4. I'm not autistic
5. It's still offensive if not racist to me, therefore you're even more useless to me now
Honestly I disagree (no one asked) watching this now (you watch? don't watch), I feel like intelligent people make use of their time better than dumb people (opinion + you operate on feelings instead of facts and logic!!) but it's still just a bother to me (no one asked, obviously).
Poorly written argument. I'm not gonna waste my time arguing with someone who won't even bother to write down coherent sentences.
This is not an argument, it's a response to lies and defamation and deliberate misquoting and misrepresentation from you.

I'm not writing in numbers anymore, I'll ignore you if you say one more thing about this. We've discussed this enough, I criticised you, you criticized me.

If you want to stay ignorant "I'm not gonna waste my time" stay ignorant and don't post here.
About inteligence.
There's a strong correlation between races and IQ.
According to IQ map. territories inhabited by darker-skinned races have lower average IQ and lighter ones are... brighter.


We can find both high and low IQ people among incels, same with physically attractive people.
AND, what's the use of IQ if one doesn't use it to secure resources and make his life more comfortable and/or fulfilled?

Intelligence is more important than physical attractiveness to me. I would trade my left eyeball and kidney if it meant adding 10 points to my base IQ score. The fact that intelligence is genetic makes me want to blunder my face violently with a chainsaw (In Video Game) because it's already unfair enough that you have no control over your physicals appearance, but to add intelligence on top of that messy pile is a spit in the face.

We have intelligent people to thank for because they are the ones who created a civilized and peaceful society for us. The reason why we have such good copes like internet and video games. If it weren't for intelligent people existing , we would still be dwelling inside our caves banging rocks together and hunting animals like Paleolithic caveman.

I have nothing but bitter envy and jealousy for Ashekanshi Jews and Ricecels for IQ mogging the fuck out of me. Maybe gene editing technologies will eliminate all low IQ's from the genepool and lead to a peaceful utopia someday in the future.
intelligent people could go the other way and be warlike too
Everyone thinks they can learn jestermaxxing from chad when they're young, they simply can't. You may think intelligent people will provide you with brain capacity, they simply don't, it's genetic.
ya i dislike smartasses,
even if they're fat and ugly
As an above-average intelligence incel, I would not mind if I were to die, tbh. :feelsjuice:
Incels are intelligent.
You want all incels to die then. :feelssus:

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