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Serious Should I runawayfromhomemaxx and orphanagemaxx?

First loss

First loss

I call unto the Lady of the Night
Dec 3, 2018
Tbh I'm tired of living with my parents. Me going to orphanage would be extremely hard but I'd learn to do shit and to stand on my own and fast forward two years I'm an independent 18 year old with skills to make a living.

Should I try this tbh? I'll have to explore law in my country and get a good low end job even while I'm in the orphanage to save up for my place after getting released.

What do you think?
That's retarded. Really retarded.
i felt like that as a teen. id get a job while living at home and then try to move out.
i felt like that as a teen. id get a job while living at home and then try to move out.
Due to circumstances, I can't.

Easier said then done tbh I need to prepare myself and know what I'm getting into as well as exercisemaxx a bit to throw on some strength because some shit is bound to happen in that disgusting institution.
Bro you should comefindmemax and we could slay foidnpcs in mmorpgs
Cope. And a stupid one at that. I would write a long thing on why you shouldn't do that and how you're just being a satanic edgelord but CBA tbh so I'll sum it up in a few shorter paragraphs...

Orphanage won't accept you without death certificates.
Adoption homes are rough and have no space; they wouldn't accept a runaway with a home to go back to. You have to be at least 17 to leave home without parental permission. Also you're 5'2. You'd get bullied in social services...

You will not get enough money to afford accomodation at you're age. That's low IQ. You won't even have finished education so good luck at getting a job. And all the other necessary living expenses you most likely overlook.

Basically it's a stupid idea as you'll be back within 72 hours without your parents and you wouldn't make it in the world... Yet at least.

Just stay at home. You are probably unaware of how easy it is for you, despite your parents fighting, not understanding you, not being there etc. It's still free accomodation and food and school is bad but you've only got a short time left (depending on where you live)

I don't mean to come off as rude but you're likely just looking for attention, from us or in real life, and I doubt you would seriously cut all ties, even moreso without being returned. This is a retarded fantasy as the world is nothing like you believe. You can't simply just "leave" and make a successful living. You're not Chad and this isn't the dating market. You have to work hard to get what you want tangibly. Minimum wage is nowhere nearly enough to sustain you, especially as you're so young.

Why do you want to run away from home
To do what ? A shit paid job is a well paid job when you're 15 and all your peers don't make a single buck. But if you begin a shit paid job at that age, beware to not get stuck there forever. You'll see all the normies you know ascending in life while you'll remain stuck here, only with regrets and hate.
Cope. And a stupid one at that. I would write a long thing on why you shouldn't do that and how you're just being a satanic edgelord but CBA tbh so I'll sum it up in a few shorter paragraphs...

Orphanage won't accept you without death certificates.
Adoption homes are rough and have no space; they wouldn't accept a runaway with a home to go back to. You have to be at least 17 to leave home without parental permission. Also you're 5'2. You'd get bullied in social services...

You will not get enough money to afford accomodation at you're age. That's low IQ. You won't even have finished education so good luck at getting a job. And all the other necessary living expenses you most likely overlook.

Basically it's a stupid idea as you'll be back within 72 hours without your parents and you wouldn't make it in the world... Yet at least.

Just stay at home. You are probably unaware of how easy it is for you, despite your parents fighting, not understanding you, not being there etc. It's still free accomodation and food and school is bad but you've only got a short time left (depending on where you live)

I don't mean to come off as rude but you're likely just looking for attention, from us or in real life, and I doubt you would seriously cut all ties, even moreso without being returned. This is a retarded fantasy as the world is nothing like you believe. You can't simply just "leave" and make a successful living. You're not Chad and this isn't the dating market. You have to work hard to get what you want tangibly. Minimum wage is nowhere nearly enough to sustain you, especially as you're so young.

Orphanages will accept me if I don't have a place to stay and I'm a minor. I know I'd get bullied but fuck it I'd fight back.

Financially wise it is easy for me but mentally wise I can't stand it and I will probably kill myself because my parents are mentally abusing me.

I know a girl that found a cheap apartment and is working and she handles herself very well tbh. I will have to find a good paying job and that's the biggest problem tbh.
To do what ? A shit paid job is a well paid job when you're 15 and all your peers don't make a single buck. But if you begin a shit paid job at that age, beware to not get stuck there forever. You'll see all the normies you know ascending in life while you'll remain stuck here, only with regrets and hate.
I wouldn't eternally stay in it tbh.
Orphanages will accept me if I don't have a place to stay and I'm a minor. I know I'd get bullied but fuck it I'd fight back.
They won't because you have a place to stay. They are overcrowded anyway.

Unfortunately for you my friend, being 5'2 means you cannot realistically fight back... It doesn't matter how many martial arts moves you've remembered, you can't win against a strong 6 foot boy or man. And you can't go stabbing people either, if that was your plan. Just give up on the idea man.

Just completely distance yourself from your parents, that's what I've done. They may be retarded and fuck with you because of mental disorders or whatever, but you simply have to deal with it. If you don't have the mental resistance to deal with life at home, there's no way you could survive in the world.
Fucking hell I'm only a few months older than you and I feel like an old man...
They won't because you have a place to stay. They are overcrowded anyway.

Unfortunately for you my friend, being 5'2 means you cannot realistically fight back... It doesn't matter how many martial arts moves you've remembered, you can't win against a strong 6 foot boy or man. And you can't go stabbing people either, if that was your plan. Just give up on the idea man.

Just completely distance yourself from your parents, that's what I've done. They may be retarded and fuck with you because of mental disorders or whatever, but you simply have to deal with it. If you don't have the mental resistance to deal with life at home, there's no way you could survive in the world.
Fucking hell I'm only a few months older than you and I feel like an old man...
We will see. Maybe I can find another way to live independently or some shit.
So you basically want to run from a place you can LDAR and be provided things to a place where you can be neglected and become someones bitch this early?

Atleast wait till 18
So you basically want to run from a place you can LDAR and be provided things to a place where you can be neglected and become someones bitch this early?

Atleast wait till 18
Yes. Also fuck that animu avi gib back communist pepe.
We will see. Maybe I can find another way to live independently or some shit.
Just learn how to trade cryptos buddy
Its basically money 2.0

But srsly you will have more chance for autonomy and bigger options if you just wait.Those runaway teens usually died before they reached 18 because of drugmaxxing or being molested.
Incels will probably die in the first week we step outside because we are too ugly to be molested and too weak to fightmaxx
I tried to run away when I was a kid too, in the middle of school too, it was a big deal, one time they called the cops, my social anxiety was that bad. Are you still in public school OP? If so just wait it out, or get a after school job or something so you only have to go home to sleep if things are bad there. GL
You should run away and go to Tahiti
Its knajjd old avi
IK. It doesn't suit you tbh gib back pepe pepe is our god.
Just learn how to trade cryptos buddy
Its basically money 2.0

But srsly you will have more chance for autonomy and bigger options if you just wait.Those runaway teens usually died before they reached 18 because of drugmaxxing or being molested.
Incels will probably die in the first week we step outside because we are too ugly to be molested and too weak to fightmaxx
I was thinking about stocks tbh.

Are you seriously a jew or just LARPing?
IK. It doesn't suit you tbh gib back pepe pepe is our god.

I was thinking about stocks tbh.

Are you seriously a jew or just LARPing?
I did mate i gib back to soviet pepe moscow
You should run away and go to Tahiti

Tahiti 11
Dont do it it will not worth it and you will feel worse tbh.
Daily reminder a thread about orphanages was the one who got the most replies ever on cucktears.
Someone else wanted to orphanagemaxx?
The idea was adopting a really young foid and turning her into your wife by raising her alone, isolated from western cucked civilization.

That's the most efficient game ever, no wonder cucktears got so pissed.
Found it!

THEY GET SO TRIGGERED :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

It sucks that a cucktear managed to sneak into an incel discord. Either that, or he wrote that himself as a false flag, which is more likely. That's even worse because these cucktears believe it and they eat it up like soy sauce.
THEY GET SO TRIGGERED :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

It sucks that a cucktear managed to sneak into an incel discord. Either that, or he wrote that himself as a false flag, which is more likely. That's even worse because these cucktears believe it and they eat it up like soy sauce.
Not sure, the site which it came from was pretty high powerlevel.
The idea was adopting a really young foid and turning her into your wife by raising her alone, isolated from western cucked civilization.

That's the most efficient game ever, no wonder cucktears got so pissed.
Dammit that's 10/10 :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

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