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It's Over Should I do an all or nothing approachmaxxing spree?

Should I try to approachmaxx

  • Yes, I nothing to lose.

    Votes: 47 78.3%
  • No, I should save myself the embarrassment.

    Votes: 13 21.7%

  • Total voters


Niggas iffy
Jul 27, 2018
I am a legit 2.5/10 truecel with realistically no chance, but I know that in technical terms I would be a volcel until I atleast tried to approach. Im also nearing the end of HS so I really am at the do or die point for having any semblance of "Young love." So what should I do, since I know that I basically have 0 chance of success but at the same time I dont want to think I'm a pussy volcel who never appoached.
Go and approach but be careful that you don’t get reported for supposed ‘harassment’.
do it, jail is comfy these days there are only based muslim woman beaters there
pull yourself togethER
Whatever you do don't approach in a way that makes you a local legend
Pros and cons to each brother, generally speaking though there are more long term cons than long term pros if you pull out all of the stops
You might get reported to the police. Take that into consideration before deciding. Also there's the embarrassment from the countless rejections.
Go and approach but be careful that you don’t get reported for supposed ‘harassment’.
I would likely do it to foids I've been aquainted with/online messages to avoid this.
Fuck it, if you're low-inhib go for it.
I would likely do it to foids I've been aquainted with/online messages to avoid this.
Actually, yeah, just message girls you know in real life online. I should of thought of that.
Approaching a female as an ethnic man is a crime where I live.
Approaching is and has always been a meme.
ask out every girl in school bro fuck it you’ll literally never see anyone from high school again in like 2 years
Approaching is and has always been a meme.
Except for Chad yes, but I cant let myself lumped in the same catagory as the retard known as Elliot Rodger who expected blond stacies to approach HIM.
Im also nearing the end of HS

No seriously, this is probably your last chance at finding anything with a resemblance to "real love". Your competition might be easier too because some young foids might still be not aware of the easy availability of chad these days.
Jfl teencels
In a few months on r/Inceltears:
"I used to be an incel but then I started being more social, and these guys should just put themselves out there and..."
if you haven't cold approached many times then you can't know for sure if you're incel. I know I'm incel because I approached tons of times with brutal rejections every time

Do it, maybe you'll get lucky, you're still young.
if you haven't cold approached many times then you can't know for sure if you're incel. I know I'm incel because I approached tons of times with brutal rejections every time

Do it, maybe you'll get lucky, you're still young.
Just how bluepilled are you?

Do you honestly believe cold-approaching will work for an INCEL, if it doesnt even work at times for chadlites?
Jfl teencels
In a few months on r/Inceltears:
"I used to be an incel but then I started being more social, and these guys should just put themselves out there and..."
I would never become a cuck and even though I wish it could work out but lookswise I'm undeniably a truecel.
1.Do it
2.Hide and cry
if you haven't cold approached many times then you can't know for sure if you're incel. I know I'm incel because I approached tons of times with brutal rejections every time

Do it, maybe you'll get lucky, you're still young.
Well if you want to get technical you do need to have tried to ascend even if youre sub 4 to be considered a truecel by definition, but cold approaching isnt the way to go.
Just how bluepilled are you?

Do you honestly believe cold-approaching will work for an INCEL, if it doesnt even work at times for chadlites?

You're not an "incel" if you've never approached a girl, ran social circle game or even tried to befriend a female. There are too many "socially awkward" teens on this site who will probably get laid in 2-3 years. You can't know if you're subhuman till you actually try to have sex and fail, like I did many times.
I personally would spare myself the embarrassment. But you can do whatever you want. Good luck and try not to get charged with sexual harassment or something.
You're not an "incel" if you've never approached a girl, ran social circle game or even tried to befriend a female. There are too many "socially awkward" teens on this site who will probably get laid in 2-3 years. You can't know if you're subhuman till you actually try to have sex and fail, like I did many times.
There's a difference between warm approaching and cold approaching.

If warm approaching yields no results for you, in what planet do you think cold approaching will be any better?
Go for it.

But don't get your expectations up.
No man, don't approach foids. They will reject if you're a sub 8 male unless you have money so you can be their betabuxx cuck while they're fucking Chad. You are not a volcel if you don't approach. You only have to recognize the blackpill, don't be a cuck and be a sub 8 male to be an incel. You better don't give foids any validity.
Do it and film this shit for our entertainment boyo
Wb arab foids ?
There I very very few of them where I live and I dont particularly know any of them.
No man, don't approach foids. They will reject if you're a sub 8 male unless you have money so you can be their betabuxx cuck while they're fucking Chad. You are not a volcel if you don't approach. You only have to recognize the blackpill, don't be a cuck and be a sub 8 male to be an incel. You better don't give foids any validity.
Sub 8 is the piniccle of lowIQ, and having a disgusting subhuman approach isnt going to vladate any foid if anything it will make them reconsider their value.
Do it and film this shit for our entertainment boyo
I'm going to start off with only online attempts
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There I very very few of them where I live and I dont particularly know any of them.
so you live in a very white area? My area is like 75% white
If you have spare time on your hands yes you have nothing to loose if you aware of what you are 100+ rejections wont change that. but if you feel like you ego is on the line then maybe no so much
Yeah, go for it.
I should save myself the embarrassment
Do it. And then kill yourself if you get nothing after 1000 approaches.
If you have spare time on your hands yes you have nothing to loose if you aware of what you are 100+ rejections wont change that. but if you feel like you ego is on the line then maybe no so much
I have no ego at this point, all the blackpills have gotten I've taken are as good as DMT for killing an ego.
It depends on how you go about it. How many do you want to approach? Where do you want to approach them? Do you have the time, motivation and stamina to see it through?

The main positives and negatives are:

  • Approaching will lower your inhibition.
  • You'll know you've tried.

  • Constant rejections will likely wear you down.
  • You could get in trouble with mall security or, worse, police.

Overall, if you go about it in a careful way, I would say you've nothing to lose by doing some approaches. But you'll know when you've had enough. I've approached nearly 200 girls and now I'm at a point where I just can't bring myself to do it. I'm not saying I'll never approach again, but any time I try to motivate myself to do it, I just can't. I know it will never work, so I just don't see the point anymore.

Good luck if you decide to go ahead with it.
It depends on how you go about it. How many do you want to approach? Where do you want to approach them? Do you have the time, motivation and stamina to see it through?

The main positives and negatives are:

  • Approaching will lower your inhibition.
  • You'll know you've tried.

  • Constant rejections will likely wear you down.
  • You could get in trouble with mall security or, worse, police.
Overall, if you go about it in a careful way, I would say you've nothing to lose by doing some approaches. But you'll know when you've had enough. I've approached nearly 200 girls and now I'm at a point where I just can't bring myself to do it. I'm not saying I'll never approach again, but any time I try to motivate myself to do it, I just can't. I know it will never work, so I just don't see the point anymore.

Good luck if you decide to go ahead with it.
I will only appoach foids I have been acquainted with, and I will do it online to avoid trouble and hope them not directly looking at my face will help. Thanks for the advice, I hope you can get the energy to get out there aswell.
I would recommend you not to do it, if its true that u are 2.5/10 truecel
everyone will remember u as a "creep", if you want to do it, then do it smart. Carefully plan which foids you have a chance with otherwise its some lazy BS destined to fail, word spreads fast with foids btw every foid will find out you are trying to pick up ever foid and they might humiliate u

PUA is cope/scam, dont bother tbh
I would recommend you not to do it, if its true that u are 2.5/10 truecel
everyone will remember u as a "creep", if you want to do it, then do it smart. Carefully plan which foids you have a chance with otherwise its some lazy BS destined to fail, word spreads fast with foids btw every foid will find out you are trying to pick up ever foid and they might humiliate u

PUA is cope/scam, dont bother tbh
High IQ tbh
If you're young, do it. You'll have tons of time to LDAR with a clean consciousness later.
Jfl teencels
In a few months on r/Inceltears:
"I used to be an incel but then I started being more social, and these guys should just put themselves out there and..."
I would never become a cuck and even though I wish it could work out but lookswise I'm undeniably a truecel.
I wouldn't call myself an incel if I hadn't been universally rejected by women. Looking at yourself in the mirror can give you hints about what's going to happen but ultimately you can't know until you have a ton of rejections under your belt.
Approach maxxing is the Cuckiest thing one can DO.
I mean every time you approach a girl she'll set a new bar for her hypergamy irrespective of whether she accepts you or not.
This generally accumulates and only feeds her ego.
If you as a 2.5 approach a 2 or even a 1.5 she'll either say Yes but more likely say NO. But despite what her answer is she'll have a new confidence BOOST simply due to the fact that she was approached.

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