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JFL Shortcells banned


Deleted member 140

outnumbered KHHV minority of sexhavers.co
Nov 8, 2017
RIP another one :cryfeels:
Never been on there, but rest in peace tbh.
idk why u faggots still use reddit for incel related discussion
When will people learn that reddit will never allowed oppressed minorities such as incels on their site.
IWH is the last incel colony on reddit
Was posting there a lot during the great .co server migration, ngl.
Ye just refreshed the page and saw that it's banned. RIP.
im so surprised
They will just flood r/short, though they'll have to be subtle about what they write.
Rip probably only one based subreddit in that cucked site
r/Cuckswithouthate next.
Le soyyit will ban any sub that is close to being based. Nope can't have that on my wholesum 100 Keanu Chungus site. I hate how every cursed soycial media site is incredibly PC and ban happy.
Fun fact: Many subreddits filled a petition for the reddit administration to 'fight racism in the site'(i.e. be even more ban-heavy than it already was) around a month ago. Normshits unironically think that mass censorship is a good thing.
An hour ago I saw some of them talking about shooting stacies and chads so i'm not surprised. RIP to the last blackpilled reddit community.
foids and cucks dont want us to have any space to ourselves, they want us to rope. We dont even want to interact with them most of the time.
RIP to the only surviving blackpilled sub. There are no longer anymore incel subs. :cryfeels: :cryfeels:
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RIP to the only surging blackpilled sub. There are no longer anymore incel subs. :cryfeels: :cryfeels:
We might have to end up in Tor in a few years given how bad the situation is.
Yep. We might have to end up in Darknet.
Yeah. This might happen if incels.co gets taken down. Let’s hope this sub lasts atleast for 10 more years
Yeah. This might happen if incels.co gets taken down. Let’s hope this sub lasts atleast for 10 more years
It's increasing real. Make sure you have Tor if you don't Jewgle to track your actual stuff.
of course it got banned soydit bans everything incel
It's increasing real. Make sure you have Tor if you don't Jewgle to track your actual stuff.
I currently use DuckDuckGo since jewgle will track me down. I will download tor to be extra safe
I currently use DuckDuckGo since jewgle will track me down. I will download tor to be extra safe
Pretty much I use DuckDuckGo here as well. If I ever had to use Jewgle I will open incognito.
Pretty much I use DuckDuckGo here as well. If I ever had to use Jewgle I will open incognito.
I use DuckDuckGo on incognito. I just downloaded Tor but it is really slow and there are a fuck ton of ads. I guess DuckDuckGo is safe for now
Inevitable since it was pretty much a replica of the banned subreddit r/braincels (other than being slightly more height oriented), was good while it lasted.

idk why u faggots still use reddit for incel related discussion
Because it's funny and makes the soys seethe faster, we'll always just come back with another sub
wait what they got banned?
It's time to accept that reddit is website for faggots, cunts, pedos, and trannies to circle jerk eachother about how awesome women are and complain about Trump. Thats the whole purpose of the website and anything contrary to these themes will be banned.

So just stop posting on reddit. Stop creating blackpill subs like some cuck.
wait what they got banned?
It's time to accept that reddit is website for faggots, cunts, pedos, and trannies to circle jerk eachother about how awesome women are and complain about Trump. Thats the whole purpose of the website and anything contrary to these themes will be banned.

So just stop posting on reddit. Stop creating blackpill subs like some cuck.
At this point reddit is pathetic but I think it can still be useful, incel communities just need to become more organized and operate more backups in the event shit like this transpires. Keep in mind we have a lot of history on that site, and we should have just as much of a right to post as any of the batshit anarcho-antifa-troon-feminist-dyke-soy subhumans that currently make up such a large percentage of the userbase do. It may take some trial and error but something will eventually stick.

Certainly they should reconsider their naming choices and avoid obvious references to shortcels for the time being. I'd help make some myself but soydit has some 30 day rule before you can make a sub I believe.
Not really surprised, and I'm honestly astonished with how long it lasted. Also why do people still use that landfill reddit? That place is one of the most cucked websites on Earth next to the other landfill known as Twitter.

It looks like an influx of new members are upon us soon. I'm fine with them coming as long as they don't attack tallcels, and all will be good.

Next up r/incelswithouthate and after that ALL incel subs will be purged from reddit.
idk why u faggots still use reddit for incel related discussion
I liked going on incel subreddits because they post memes and silly stuff sometimes. Everyone here posts the same shit over and over again.
At this point reddit is pathetic but I think it can still be useful, incel communities just need to become more organized and operate more backups in the event shit like this transpires. Keep in mind we have a lot of history on that site, and we should have just as much of a right to post as any of the batshit anarcho-antifa-troon-feminist-dyke-soy subhumans that currently make up such a large percentage of the userbase do. It may take some trial and error but something will eventually stick.
It is pretty useful. It can help people who are sub8 to become blackpilled and join this forum. If it weren’t for reddit I wouldn’t have even found out about this forum
Certainly they should reconsider their naming choices and avoid obvious references to shortcels for the time being. I'd help make some myself but soydit has some 30 day rule before you can make a sub I believe.
Jfl my accounts keep getting banned every 10 days for stupid reasons
When they are done purging all the subs and another site like reddit but without the censorship becomes popular enough (like ruqqus) they'll go their too and do the same thing with banning wrongthink subs.

They won't stop there either, they've tried to come after this site too. At some point you can't keep running.

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