I've been where you're going. Keep in mind I am a true mentalcel
I received a lot of unwanted attention and super fake concerns. I've been to multiple mental wards, and what not.
You'll have a tiny bit of fake concern about you for a day or two then everything will go back to the same.
No family members can actually do anything to help, they can only act worried for like two days, then go back to being triggering assholes again.
The results were negative for me and I became a social pariah, it's almost like you end up being punished. You really have to pursue medical attention and any referrals if you actually care to keep going through the motions, to further the illusion that there is something a doctor can do.
If you have any friends then some of your them might even start avoiding you.
I've called suicide hotline so many times it's just a joke... Try that out a few times, if you're in crisis and crying or whatever.
That is the extent of suicide help really. Just having some normie pretend to care for 5 minutes on the phone. When I did it I would tell them how I was feeling, what I was planning to do etc. And cry, and sometimes that actually did relieve some of what I was feeling to a minor degree.
There is no real "help" or anything someone else can do to change how you feel ngl. Single males are pretty much cannon fodder, you wont get any leverage or anything, even if you're homeless.
I still think about killing myself on a regular basis, I failed and chickened out too many times to realize I am too much of a coward to ever go through with it.
It truly sucks to feel this way so often. SSRI meds aren't helping btw