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Experiment Sexuality significance spots. Like tits and ass for us. Where do you think they are for women?



Jan 2, 2018
Do you think women feel shit about bones the way we feel about flesh like ass and tits?
Do you think a good jaw is equivalent to tits, and good height is as prominent as ass? does this shit even matter more than what we feel?
Probably face first then height second ONLY if face is good first.
I like a girl even if she has a flat ass. But they are all or nothing. If you don't have the height then you're dead to women. If you don't have the face, then .... etc.
I like a girl even if she has a flat ass. But they are all or nothing. If you don't have the height then you're dead to women. If you don't have the face, then .... etc.
Their sexual qualification schema is different. Men have the spatial intelligence to fuck a single feature as if it was a whole body. Women are not into just a feature to fuck. They're into the alpha-resonance, which means you ahve to be better htan most men.
They get wet over height
They get wet over height
It makes mega impressions to their dense/ reptillian brains that think of perceived fighting potential/ ability.
I'd say height is a good tonesetter. And some grlscan be conscientious enough to not want it.
But being a squat indian is fetishized by nothing.
Shoulder to waist ratio in males is proven to increase attraction heavily, so that's your closest/best, give or take. Face is not really an equivalent, since both sexes are attracted to beautiful faces of opposites, but men are much hornier and always ready to go below looksmatch.
Shoulder to waist ratio in males is proven to increase attraction heavily, so that's your closest/best, give or take. Face is not really an equivalent, since both sexes are attracted to beautiful faces of opposites, but men are much hornier and always ready to go below looksmatch.
I'd say men wanna fuck like being starving for food.
Women wanna fuck like having a very strict passion for only talking with their idol. The person is aloof to most, but when they find their idol it's a fucking hoorah homecoming party. And then they feel happy or lukewarm about it once they get comfortable.
Face first, dick second.
@Evildoer is my old account, yet much older than yours, i see.
I don't believe that tbh, if that was your old account why didn't you go on it in the first place? I'll take this with a grain of salt. I'm also talking about the account that you're currently using, which is @Evildоer
I don't believe that tbh, if that was your old account why didn't you go on it in the first place? I'll take this with a grain of salt. I'm also talking about the account that you're currently using, which is @Evildоer
I've lost access to it, IP ranges would be the same for both accounts, i'm going to regain it soon, if similar IPs would be enough evidence for mods. But i understand you nevertheless.
I've lost access to it, IP ranges would be the same for both accounts, i'm going to regain it soon, if similar IPs would be enough evidence for mods. But i understand you nevertheless.
If you're really @Evildoer please contact me on that account once you get it back.
This cope still lives, Jesus. Chad may have smallest cock on planet, femoids will beg him to finger them instead.
Probably true, no likely true.
Women care more about displayability, and the pedigree/ primarchy points of having everything but dick size on his side will still offset the downside of an unremarkable cock.
It just needs to be average at least imo.
Other bodily traits females are attracted to include long clavicle length, thick shoulder width, leanness/lack of belly fat and 6 pack abs, all of which are mostly genetically determined and very difficult to change. Of course women are vastly more attracted to male faces than bodies, whereas the opposite is true for men.
Other bodily traits females are attracted to include long clavicle length, thick shoulder width, leanness/lack of belly fat and 6 pack abs, all of which are mostly genetically determined and very difficult to change. Of course women are vastly more attracted to male faces than bodies, whereas the opposite is true for men.
men can want female faces but almost usually it's for non-general configuration based men.
Female faces need to be attractive to ensure good genetic prominence. BUt yes if men are just into carnal fucking, then that's another story. BUt women want thigns to fit a social prominence agenda, and not just to fuck like neanderthals as men do.
Abs aren't difficult to change as clavicle not by a long shot.
But women want to have the identity/ physio implication, and lineal implication/ life story that the person didnt' bust ass and switch course. Women want born dominators. The pedigree of a born dominator is about non changeable traits.
Women want finesse from the highest denominator.
Novelty not effectiveness. Even a gymcel who could beat down a chad in a fight when he martial art maxxed himself ot power will still have females not on his side.Women want to be divine/ godhood, so the pedigree of someone having potential for that matters more than a well-made prodigy.
Fucked up.
Women want winning sidedness from men not just from his own life, but to have the super resonation of it being from his genes/ pureblood that would stem from an unbroken line of genetic perfeciton to make even the most meticulous and detailed measurement of a face in effect.
IT's the delicateness of bone structure in the face, and how much impression it makes about what kind of person you are, your life, etc. that makes the physioimplication of it so prominent.
God cursed the world when he made the skullshape so variating that it's the barometer for genetic distinction, along with making the world fileld with so many flat/ round featured nonwhite negroids/ mongoloids.
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face and height
Shoulder to waist ratio in males is proven to increase attraction heavily, so that's your closest/best, give or take. Face is not really an equivalent, since both sexes are attracted to beautiful faces of opposites, but men are much hornier and always ready to go below looksmatch.
Sounds about right
men can want female faces but almost usually it's for non-general configuration based men.
Female faces need to be attractive to ensure good genetic prominence.
Men are much more forgiving of female facial flaws, and many have fetishes for ugly women with good bodies, whereas this is practically nonexistent for females.
Abs aren't difficult to change as clavicle not by a long shot.
Both have a significant genetic determinant, someone with poor fat distribution or bad genetics, would either be unable to lose the weight or have almost invisible abs at low body fat, of course cosmetic surgery exists for both.

Women want born dominators. The pedigree of a born dominator is about non changeable traits.
Women want finesse from the highest denominator.
This is absolutely fucking true, it's the main reason why cosmetic surgery is reviled and shamed in men, because women want genetically unattractive men to die alone or stay in their own league, which due to juggernaut law means being condemned to life long virginity. Basically they are extremely shallow and their role is to be genetic filters and eugenicists, this means condemning men with below average bone structure, height or low status ethnicities to lifelong loneliness and misery. This is why female advice is always bluepilled subconsciously or consciously they want unattractive men to fail sexually and romantically.
As long as you don't have high cortisol it's very unlikely that you won't get these at least some ab work combined with cutting down.
Curry genetics are a bitch, even at low body fat it's nearly impossible to lose enough belly and abdominal fat, to be considered lean and have a genuine 6 pack.
Curry genetics are a bitch, even at low body fat it's nearly impossible to lose enough belly and abdominal fat, to be considered lean and have a genuine 6 pack.
Curry is advantage in terms of darker skin, you don't have to tan as your muscles are pretty much defined if being low bodyfat anyway. As to belly fat genetics, it's equally repulsive for all races, so even as an Indian, you aren't selected by evolution to be predisposed to it, actually it's quite the opposite. It's certainly possible, to lose it, but cortisol belly fat would be the hardest to get rid of.
Curry is advantage in terms of darker skin, you don't have to tan as your muscles are pretty much defined if being low bodyfat anyway. As to belly fat genetics, it's equally repulsive for all races, so even as an Indian, you aren't selected by evolution to be predisposed to it, actually it's quite the opposite. It's certainly possible, to lose it, but cortisol belly fat would be the hardest to get rid of.
Kek, curry is never an advantage :lul:
Curry is advantage in terms of darker skin, you don't have to tan as your muscles are pretty much defined if being low bodyfat anyway. As to belly fat genetics, it's equally repulsive for all races, so even as an Indian, you aren't selected by evolution to be predisposed to it, actually it's quite the opposite. It's certainly possible, to lose it, but cortisol belly fat would be the hardest to get rid of.
Dark skin is a huge disadvantage in dating and all aspects of life , vast majority of curries don't have a mediterranean tan which is considered most attractive, they have extremely dark skin. Look at these built south indian guys for example they are at a low bodyfat and muscular yet still retain significant levels of bloat on the belly, chest and abdomen . They have that disgusting skinny fat look, most guys from other races would never look that way after significant time working out, but the typical Indian guy does.
Face/hair> ASS > height > pack > frame > arms.

I don't know why you guys skip this crutial part.
Men are much more forgiving of female facial flaws, and many have fetishes for ugly women with good bodies, whereas this is practically nonexistent for females.

Both have a significant genetic determinant, someone with poor fat distribution or bad genetics, would either be unable to lose the weight or have almost invisible abs at low body fat, of course cosmetic surgery exists for both.

This is absolutely fucking true, it's the main reason why cosmetic surgery is reviled and shamed in men, because women want genetically unattractive men to die alone or stay in their own league, which due to juggernaut law means being condemned to life long virginity. Basically they are extremely shallow and their role is to be genetic filters and eugenicists, this means condemning men with below average bone structure, height or low status ethnicities to lifelong loneliness and misery. This is why female advice is always bluepilled subconsciously or consciously they want unattractive men to fail sexually and romantically.
Do you think that fat has to do with organ function and operation. And if people have the wrong kind of operation it makes it nearly impossible to lose weight?

And yes female advice is tiptoe-termed in order to confuse you.
Confidence for attractive.
Creepy for ugly.
Not my type for I think you are not that attractive and my personal position/ agenda doesn't want someone like you.
Their terminology was born out of the trend-slope of coming out with the most safe-stepping allusions to ensure they control the PHYSICAL WORLD through fabricated abstracts.
A girl could be on the spot asked from some guy who she rejected, "why didn't you like me". She won't say anythign that will get her mauled. She will say something "oh you uhhh ummm........ weren't confident enough"
Do you think that fat has to do with organ function and operation. And if people have the wrong kind of operation it makes it nearly impossible to lose weight?
Being moderately to significantly overweight can have an impact on overall health, including organ function. I think most females are evolved to prefer thinness, because skinnier men have greater strength, better hormonal profile and more athleticism.
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Being moderately to significantly overweight can have an impact on overall health, including organ function. I think most females are evolved to prefer thinness, because skinnier men have greater strength, better hormonal profile and more athleticism.
its also what is propagated by movies, tv, their little fantasy worlds.
Women amy be into nerdy stuff as much as men. they emphasiszedifferent things tho.
I wonder about this shit all the time too. Hot foid at work was drooling over one of the dudes who was mowing the lawn and doing the landscaping. She even said to me, “He’s hot.” I told her “Why don’t you go tell him that?” She laughed it off. I would have thought she was out of his league. He just looked like a regular Mexican dude to me.
fucking chads needs to start wearing bras for chin or foids needs to stop wearing bras for tits so everyone is equal
All about face first and foremost boyo, the other attributes don't start to matter before you have an attractive face.
This cope still lives, Jesus. Chad may have smallest cock on planet, femoids will beg him to finger them instead.
Absolutely. Always said this, dick size is probably the biggest gigacope on here to be honest.
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face, height, bulge (cock)
woman like nice asses, broad shoulders, even nice large hands to name a few.
There're numerous accounts on instagram soley dedicated to the jaws of hot guys, so i guess they do actually get wet over good bone structures.
Gotta have bigger legs than a foid.
Unimportant, like at all. It's more like foid will be insecure about herself "i have fat legs teehee", rather than blame guy for having smaller legs. But they do love nice defined quads though.
Unimportant, like at all. It's more like foid will be insecure about herself "i have fat legs teehee", rather than blame guy for having smaller legs. But they do love nice defined quads though.
I have an Auntie (still very attractive, not fat), and she said that she married her husband because of his legs... She sounded horny and very convincing when she was talking about his legs... So i quoted her when she said "I married him because he had bigger legs than me".
I should also mention that he's no twink either. He's got ripped arms too, he's a big strong dude...
My auntie is just a dumb foid.
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If there was such a place, we would know it by now. Sure there's AskReddit compilations where women are asked this, but facts is facts: If women liked anything about men like we like tiddy and booty, there'd be a market for it. And there just isn't.

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