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Serious Sexual Communism



captive elephant
Nov 9, 2020
Do you believe this is a viable solution to 99.9/0.1 rule?
What laws could be written to encourage monogamous relationships and discourage casual sex?
- ban online dating
- make all sexual contact outside of marriage illegal
- make divorce illegal (except for extreme circumstances like fraud)
You would probably have to force people to accept this even beyond an initial transitional phase. Direct sexual "communism" doesn't really work tbh. Sounds overal more like simple conservatism, which failed, people just weren't really aware in the past.

It's probably more communist to de-commodify things like plastic surgery, nutrition, hormone screenings, prostitution, sex therapists and Vbuxx and teach people about blackpill and lookism.

Movies could have more average people. For profit dating sited leaving you into the dark abput its statistics using carrot on a stick tactics could be forbidden.

Abort incel men.
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- ban online dating
- make all sexual contact outside of marriage illegal
- make divorce illegal (except for extreme circumstances like fraud)
Pretty much this also penalize women who refuse to marry. Hypergamy would be fixed almost instantly
You would probably have to force people to accept this even beyond an initial transitional phase. Direct sexual "communism" doesn't really work tbh. Sounds overal more like conservatism.

It's probably more communist to de-commodify things like plastic surgery, nutrition, hormone screenings, prostitution, sex therapists and Vbuxx and teach people about blackpill and lookism.

Movies could have more average people.

Wouldn’t spreading the blackpill make the problem worse? That would encourage the idea that discriminating by looks is natural. Any exogamous system that exposes foids to a plethora of chads will encourage lookism to become more prominent, as they will believe they have more options.
Wouldn’t spreading the blackpill make the problem worse? That would encourage the idea that discriminating by looks is natural. Any exogamous system that exposes foids to a plethora of chads will encourage lookism to become more prominent, as they will believe they have more options.
Just because it is natural doesn't mean it is good. Spreading thee blackpill would lead to more awareness in society about the issue and make them maybe work on their biases plus it would ensure society to proceed with mentioned assistance programs.

Well they would know that the options are a lie, if they knew the dating statistics; how chad spins plates and how average she really is.

In old times people could see, that its village's chad is already in a relationship. You would have to recreate this online.
Do you believe this is a viable solution to 99.9/0.1 rule?
Uh no. When you force people to work, as in communism, you get shitty labor. They do the absolute minimum possible. So what you propose, "sexual communism" would result in you getting a voucher for "one free sex" each week (or whatever) but when you try to cash it in, you'd be disappointed by the foid you're assigned to fuck, and you'd be disappointed by her performance in bed.

You'd find it to be worse than your current situation, quite frankly.

What laws could be written to encourage monogamous relationships and discourage casual sex?
This one is easy to answer:
  1. no more birth control (except possibly to married couples).
  2. no more child support for unmarried women (except in cases of rape, and you'd also need to reform rape laws so actual proof of actual rape is actually required - none of this mattress girl shit)
  3. no more government welfare for single moms. A foid who chooses to have sex without first securing commitment from a man is choosing to raise the child on her own. It should be a difficult life for her and the child.
  4. no more easy divorce. The current system is called "no-fault divorce" and that means the court grants the divorce and doesn't give a shit who torpedoed the marriage. Under the old system, the court would make a determination that one party or the other was at fault, and that party would get basically nothing. Under the old system, foids couldn't just cash-out of the marriage on a whim.
  5. no more sex quotas for education or employment. Allow companies to hire only men if they choose. Reducing the number of women in the workforce would make marriage more attractive
That's it. Doing those things would restore a culture in which marriage was the norm. People in this thread suggesting things like, "just outlaw online dating" are retards. Promiscuity and 80/20 existed long before the internet (particularly in the black community). Online dating made it worse, sure, but it's obviously not the cause.

The cause is that we have removed all negative consequences for promiscuity. If you want women to stop behaving that way, taking away their phones isn't going to help. You must institute consequences for their choices.
Would just create more cucks and sexually humiliated men.
- ban online dating
- make all sexual contact outside of marriage illegal
- make divorce illegal (except for extreme circumstances like fraud)
Also ban porn, it's the jews' tool to psychologically enslave men. You won't need that with a wife to fuck.
Education reform, have people graduate HS a year earlier at least. make classes more efficient and engaging. Less homework less bullshit courses, more to the point. Less stress and boredom, less degenerate coping behavior.

Free university, (all-sexes) but segregated living spaces.

Free healthcare.

Raise minimum wage, protection and promotion of labor unions.

The sooner people can make a proper living, the sooner they marry.

Less working hours, maximum 35 hour work weeks. Burnout from work and financial issues are the biggest relationship killers.

(Stress leads to coping with degenerate behaviour.)

No sex quotas for education or employment.

Ban dating apps and social media, people should meet in real life.

Ban porn.

Restrict sexuality portrayed in media.

Ban divorce except in cases of absolutely proven physical abuse, adultery, or partner impotence.

Marital rap is legal.

Custody of children goes automatically to the biological father or his side of family, no contest.

Prison time for adultery, polyamory etc.

Prison time and seizure of assets for prostitution, selling or distributing nude images or services of affection etc. (incl. taking advantage of simps) I would say punish simps too, but simps produce real value and do real labour in society, and losing their money is enough.

No copyrights for media content portraying real humans, to discourage artists from using their looks as halo, this will result in greater quality art and music, and significantly less celebrity worship and status.

Ban contraception for unmarried people

Ban abortions except in cases of rape in which the woman is married, then abortion is mandatory.

In case of pregnancy by a single woman, forceful marriage to the biological father.

Penalty tax on unmarried women after the age of 21, increasing every year. Full seizure of assets on non-divorced single women over 30.

Reduced taxes and free services for married couples with children.

Marriages require a ceremony to be legitimate, and a supervisor will check the mood of the celebration to see if it’s legit.

Prison time for faux marriages.

Compulsory paternity testing.

People not married by the age of 26 compulsory entrance to a state supervised match-making programme.

In the programme you must partake in a minimum amount of dates, no more than a maximum limit amount. All dates must be in public.

Prison-time for public sex.
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Education reform, have people graduate HS a year earlier at least. make classes more efficient and engaging. Less homework less bullshit courses, more to the point. Less stress and boredom, less degenerate coping behavior.

Raise minimum wage, protection and promotion of labor unions.

The sooner people can make a proper living, the sooner they marry.

Less working hours, maximum 35 hour work weeks. Burnout from work and financial issues are the biggest relationship killers.

(Stress leads to coping with degenerate behaviour.)

No sex quotas for education or employment.

Ban dating apps and social media, people should meet in real life.

Ban porn.

Restrict sexuality portrayed in media.

Ban divorce except in cases of absolutely proven physical abuse or adultery.

Custody of children goes automatically to the biological father or his side of family, no contest.

Prison time for adultery, polyamory etc.

Prison time and seizure of assets for prostitution, selling or distributing nude images or services of affection etc. (incl. taking advantage of simps) I would say punish simps too, but simps produce real value and do real labour in society, and losing their money is enough.

No copyrights for media content portraying real humans, to discourage artists from using their looks as halo, this will result in greater quality art and music, and significantly less celebrity worship and status.

High IQ post overall, but don’t you think setting max hr work week to 35 will increase financial issues and decrease necessary labor/services available? This rule doesn’t make sense for truck drivers, doctors, hard laborers, engineers, pretty much any profession that is necessary to upkeep society.
Bildschirmfoto 2020 11 12 um 105411
This rule doesn’t make sense for truck drivers, doctors, hard laborers, engineers, pretty much any profession that is necessary to upkeep society.

Hire more hard labourers and engineers... Why overwork a few people when many are unemployed?
Hire more hard labourers and engineers... Why overwork a few people when many are unemployed?
Because 35 hrs isn’t enough to make a living for a family. It would encourage dual income households, which will keep women in the workforce. If women remain in the workforce, this would deincentivize marriage and childrearing.
Because 35 hrs isn’t enough to make a living for a family.

Yes it is when the economy isn’t controlled by jews.

When you base an economy’s production on needs first, rather than an auction-based capitalist economy.

Luxuries shouldn’t be produced for the rich before basic necessities are produced for the working-class.

In capitalism you have malnourished children without shoes producing iPhones.

Poverty comes from lack of fairness and priorities. Not because we can’t produce enough, we have insane levels of industry and technology, it’s an allocation problem.

Tell me, hunter-gatherers with sticks and stones can provide for themselves, but modern humans with mass agriculture and construction machinery can’t provide for themselves? How tf do we have to work more.
Yes it is when the economy isn’t controlled by jews.

When you base an economy’s production on needs first, rather than an auction-based capitalist economy.

Luxuries shouldn’t be produced for the rich before basic necessities are produced for the working-class.

In capitalism you have malnourished children without shoes producing iPhones.

Poverty comes from lack of fairness and priorities. Not because we can’t produce enough, we have insane levels of industry and technology, it’s an allocation problem.

Tell me, hunter-gatherers with sticks and stones can provide for themselves, but modern humans with mass agriculture and construction machinery can’t provide for themselves? How tf do we have to work more.

hunter gatherers had a shit quality of life compared to what we have
If women remain in the workforce, this would deincentivize marriage and childrearing.

Burnout from work deincentivizes sex, childrearing. Not employment itself, there is a cap on working hours for a reason.

Having careers don’t deincentivize marriage, people marry so much more when they have a stable career. Look at statistics.
hunter gatherers had a shit quality of life compared to what we have

Nah they had it better than most of the world’s population today,

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