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JFL Sexhavers are given free $30k per kid and free loans in Hungary



Nov 4, 2019

can't make this shit up ahahaha. imagine waging so you can be taxed 50% on your wagie bux then 27% on the remaining on anything you buy so you can be a paypig for normans and their used up whores :feelskek: (only applies after the second kid). this is basically $200k equivalent in a piss Eastern European country where the minimum wage is $2.6/hr :feelskek:

@based_meme @Atavistic Autist @OutcompetedByRoomba @Zat @UramiSan @Mainländer @Gymcelled
Incels should be exempt from these kinds of taxes, if we don't get to play then there is not reason to pay.
I will personally go there and breed a dozen jbs for them
Its a loan not free money
Incels should be exempt from these kinds of taxes, if we don't get to play then there is not reason to pay.
nooo you don't understand:feels: holes must be giga bankrolled to even entertain the idea of not being a worthless catlady whore:feels: :feelskek:
couldn't be me :feelskek:
I will personally go there and breed a dozen jbs for them
Its a loan not free money
it is free money.
It says in the article it's included with a 3 percent interest rate. Not bad but they still have to pay it back plus extra
lilbro I recommend starting to read if you gon shit up my thread :feelskek:
For the second and subsequent children, 10 million forints of the principal amount are forgiven.
literally in big bold letters :feelskek: :feelsUgh: :feelsYall:

btw 3% is lower than the inflation of the piss currency so they're essentially gaining money on that as well
lilbro I recommend starting to read if you gon shit up my thread :feelskek:

literally in big bold letters :feelskek: :feelsUgh: :feelsYall:

btw 3% is lower than the inflation of the piss currency so they're essentially gaining money on that as well
26k per kid housing subsidy after the second one is still misleading compared to the original thread title :shhh:
26k per kid housing subsidy after the second one is still misleading compared to the original thread title :shhh:
28.8k to be exact :feelsUgh: why you gotta be a lil nigga :feelsUgh: sexhavers can easily shit out 5 kids it's no issue for them
Governments are such pussies with piss poor solutions of giving foids more money, Its only going to work short term. How about they just strip them of all their rights and make these whores into temporary sex slaves during their teen years. After they've done their job of breeding. They can just fuck off.
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If you have more than 1 kid in Russia, you are spared from draft. Governments would rather spoil sexhaver breeders, than to remove inceldom.
Governments are such pussies with piss poor solutions of giving foids more money, Its only going to work short term. How about they just strip them of all their rights and make these whore into temporary sex slaves during their teen years. After they've done their job of breeding. They can just fuck off.
boomers have zero fucking clue about anything :feelskek: :feelsYall:
If you have more than 1 kid in Russia, you are spared from draft. Governments would rather spoil sexhaver breeders, than to remove inceldom.
brutal imagine slowly bleeding out in a trench with your limbs missing while Chadovich is in the process of impregnating your oneitis :feelskek: :feelswhat:
If you have more than 1 kid in Russia, you are spared from draft. Governments would rather spoil sexhaver breeders, than to remove inceldom.
Tradcuck moment
Nuke Hungary.
B-but Orban-sama surely has plans to mate incels with cute Hungarian gfs to breed, r-right?
Better than importing browns
I thought Hungary was fascist?
I thought Hungary was fascist?
nah that's just leftoid cuck propaganda. Hungary is as tradcuck as it gets while simulatenously sucking chinese and russian dick
Better than importing browns
ain't no shortage of brown gypsies :feelskek: but yeah I guess. it's also better than getting hydrogen bombed or gassed. your point? :feelshmm: :feelsYall:

can't make this shit up ahahaha. imagine waging so you can be taxed 50% on your wagie bux then 27% on the remaining on anything you buy so you can be a paypig for normans and their used up whores :feelskek: (only applies after the second kid). this is basically $200k equivalent in a piss Eastern European country where the minimum wage is $2.6/hr :feelskek:

@based_meme @Atavistic Autist @OutcompetedByRoomba @Zat @UramiSan @Mainländer @Gymcelled
Fuck this world

can't make this shit up ahahaha. imagine waging so you can be taxed 50% on your wagie bux then 27% on the remaining on anything you buy so you can be a paypig for normans and their used up whores :feelskek: (only applies after the second kid). this is basically $200k equivalent in a piss Eastern European country where the minimum wage is $2.6/hr :feelskek:

@based_meme @Atavistic Autist @OutcompetedByRoomba @Zat @UramiSan @Mainländer @Gymcelled
It's time for loli breeding
Gypsies here will get this for having 10 kids

can't make this shit up ahahaha. imagine waging so you can be taxed 50% on your wagie bux then 27% on the remaining on anything you buy so you can be a paypig for normans and their used up whores :feelskek: (only applies after the second kid). this is basically $200k equivalent in a piss Eastern European country where the minimum wage is $2.6/hr :feelskek:

@based_meme @Atavistic Autist @OutcompetedByRoomba @Zat @UramiSan @Mainländer @Gymcelled
I rather see their money spent on ethnic Europeans. Then be given to muslim invaders being paraded around as refugees like they do in the west.
Incels should be exempt from these kinds of taxes, if we don't get to play then there is not reason to pay.

Paying women to breed is retarded. The problem isn't money, its that young women want to fuck chads in their youth and settle with betabux when they hit 30. They should just ban birth control. Far easier to increase birth rates that way versus incentives. But then women would be inconvienced.
Romania has the most camwhores per capita in the entire world. I guess now they moved to OF but competition there is much more harsh.
If you have more than 1 kid in Russia, you are spared from draft. Governments would rather spoil sexhaver breeders, than to remove inceldom.
Ofc course they want subhumans to die while Chads going to breed entire population.
Incel joins the army
Paying women to breed is retarded. The problem isn't money, its that young women want to fuck chads in their youth and settle with betabux when they hit 30. They should just ban birth control. Far easier to increase birth rates that way versus incentives. But then women would be inconvienced.
they are retarded boomers they have no idea how bad we have it now with those hypergamous foids

Paying women to breed is retarded. The problem isn't money, its that young women want to fuck chads in their youth and settle with betabux when they hit 30. They should just ban birth control. Far easier to increase birth rates that way versus incentives. But then women would be inconvienced.
A lot of chads are like mini-genghis khans already. The generation after alpha is going to all look very similar.
Fuck this natalist society, burn it all down to the ground and end it all

Paying women to breed is retarded. The problem isn't money, its that young women want to fuck chads in their youth and settle with betabux when they hit 30. They should just ban birth control. Far easier to increase birth rates that way versus incentives. But then women would be inconvienced.
thing is tradcucks have internalized the meme that it's fine to be a used up roast. they see no issue with that. and if you do you're a disgusting inkler who is just salty he didn't get any :feelskek: the hollywood indoctrination goes deep and this is one such unquestionable taboo even for supposedly "based" tradcucks. the point of this shit is to cuck anyone who won't reproduce so it's working as intended as far as boomers are concerned. but for chad only catlady roasts that's a self imposed limitation. it also leads to more bureaucracy and inflation where unless you're a sexhaver you can't buy property because all the free money of sexhavers has destroyed the market and you need daddy gubmint's support and approval to do anything ever :feelspuke:
We need this for White People
I actually agree with this. You want to incentivize people to have kids and not fuck around and make society worse
I actually agree with this. You want to incentivize people to have kids and not fuck around and make society worse
cringe. the goyim that are bankrolled the hardest by this are exactly the type of droids you don't want reproducing. I should be breeding, not normalfag zoghole-approved simpletons. state enforced cuckoldry is what it is with the highest taxes in the world!
Destroy sexhavers

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