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LifeFuel Sexbots already triggering feminists

imagine a future where women have to beg men to get their dick and not the other way around
oh how im looking forward to it
and im still rather gonna fuck my sexbot waifu fuck off cunt enjoy life as a virgin bitch
feminists hate a world where subchad men can actually have sex
I don't need a sexbot, but I enjoy everything that triggeres feminists.
I think the big difference is women only want males as a status symbole while we want girls for our actual own pleasure/happiness.
Women can't have sexbots because they don't give a shit about riding dick when its not CHADS dick. Even if it was a chad sex robot, 1) everyone would have that chad bot and so 2) it wouldn't grand you any kind of status or their deep primitive satisfaction of fucking someone that looks better than the vast majority of men. Not being able to fuck chads would turn them insane while we would have the time of our lives enjoying foidfree land.
Sexbots are the answer for the overpowered women phenomenon in sex and relationship because they can work instead of staying at home. They have no reason to date decent ugly guy now. Now men would have no reason to betabuxx and wait for scraps of Chad sex slaves that go by the name of women. They can fuck Chad for all men care. Rape would decrease. Ugly guy approaching and PUA style game would cease to exist. Women should be happy for this
In the end it will probably result in all sub8 men owning sexbots and Chads continuing to slay all top8 women.

So in the end not much change.
In the end it will probably result in all sub8 men owning sexbots and Chads continuing to slay all top8 women.

So in the end not much change.
The sub8 foids will be screwed, and only have incels or low tier normies to fuck.
The sub8 foids will be screwed, and only have incels or low tier normies to fuck.
How would this be any different to the current situation with the majority of the male population getting scraps/ nothing. Foids can and do take turns with Chad, that's a given.
How would this be any different to the current situation with the majority of the male population getting scraps/ nothing. Foids can and do take turns with Chad, that's a given.
A lot of guys wouldn't mind fucking sub8's who aren't landwhales. It will be a lot different from today because chads and normies will be pickier about fucking ugly foids and landwhales. And obviously men will be much less likely to marry any kind of foid.

Ted talk cunts are getting triggered by them too.

Story of rostie getting cucked by a sexbot.

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A lot of guys wouldn't mind fucking sub8's who aren't landwhales. It will be a lot different from today because chads and normies will be pickier about fucking ugly foids and landwhales. And obviously men will be much less likely to marry any kind of foid.

Ted talk cunts are getting triggered by them too.

Story of rostie getting cucked by a sexbot.

I don't see it happening - Chad is already fucking most women according to our data. I don't see any reason for Chad to get a sex bot, he has ready access to superior bio-pussy. Perhaps it will even it out very slightly as Chad can be more selective, like 70/30 but still that cuts us out of the game.

Now if you start talking about sex bots better than real foids, that's a whole different topic, but probably literally centuries down the line.
I don't see it happening - Chad is already fucking most women according to our data. I don't see any reason for Chad to get a sex bot, he has ready access to superior bio-pussy. Perhaps it will even it out very slightly as Chad can be more selective, like 70/30 but still that cuts us out of the game.
There will be a lot less simps and cucks, because when they don't get pussy instead of them pussy pandering they'll just go fuck their sex bot.
but probably literally centuries down the line.
No, technology improves exponentially, look at how far video games and phones got in a short amount of time.
No, technology improves exponentially, look at how far video games and phones got in a short amount of time.
Have you talked to a mechanical engineer lately, or seen any literature on soft robotics, this technology is a long way from getting realistic to the point of superiority of even equality.
Have you talked to a mechanical engineer lately, or seen any literature on soft robotics, this technology is a long way from getting realistic to the point of superiority of even equality.
That's what they thought about the old huge Macintosh computers never being able to get smaller or faster until hundreds of years, but now after only 20 years a computer can fit in your pocket.
That's what they thought about the old huge Macintosh computers never being able to get smaller or faster until hundreds of years, but now after only 20 years a computer can fit in your pocket.
What the actual fuck are you talking about, MaCintosh computers arrived in 1984 are were smaller than an average desktop now. Moreover plenty of people foresaw the rise of portable computing and explosion of semiconductor technology. Not just in a speculative sense.

You can always bring up these bullshit examples of people being wrong, this is not just some crap someone pulled out of their arse you brainlet.
Who would buy a sexbot? They are expensive as fuck, better use your hand.
What the actual fuck are you talking about, MaCintosh computers arrived in 1984 are were smaller than an average desktop now. Moreover plenty of people foresaw the rise of portable computing and explosion of semiconductor technology. Not just in a speculative sense.

You can always bring up these bullshit examples of people being wrong, this is not just some crap someone pulled out of their arse you brainlet.
Well in this case you're one of the people who are wrong. This is a robot we have today.

Same one as this.

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Well in this case you're one of the people who are wrong. This is a robot we have today.

Same one as this.

Ah nice, ok that first video is clearly a fucking computer graphics project so I'm convinced you're baiting, which is epic!

Second, how is Atlas at all conducive to human like soft robotics who self heat, respond to conversational stimuli and have working vaginas. That is a machine with a short battery life designed to clean up nuclear waste sites in areas tracked and wheeled vehicles can't reach.

The technologies that allow such fine motor control at an affordable (<100k) price don't exist mate, keep fucking dreaming.
Hmmmmm so...... we're not entitled to sex, foids are repulsed by ugly men approaching as they internalise it as us saying they're ugly enough to the point that we think we have a shot with them, this angers & disgusts them as we're the mirror telling the truth rather than lying. They won't accept manlets or non NT men so we have an alternative that also has the potential to lower rape rates yet they're still not happy BUTTTTT they have the right to only choose chad 'cos her body her choice right.

Absolute fucking demonic children, only want our money, attention & energy to do things for them but cannot allow us to have any happiness independent of them even to the point we're not allowed to be left alone free of shaming & ridicule. Nah, poke the nasty perma virgins with the stick looooool.

Fucksake man, Auschwitz for feminists tbf.
Second, how is Atlas at all conducive to human like soft robotics who self heat, respond to conversational stimuli and have working vaginas. That is a machine with a short battery life designed to clean up nuclear waste sites in areas tracked and wheeled vehicles can't reach.
This goes to show you don't know what you're talking about. They already have sexbots with heated bodies and genitals. https://www.labdoll.com/en/doll-rea...-doll-high-end-heated-body-silicone-p152.html

They respond to you in a conversational way the same way alexa does or google home, but much more improved. The batteries will get more efficient and lighter in a few years, and the costs will be substantially lower. Btw the cucks who support robots having rights are the same cucks who are pro abortion.
feminists hate a world where subchad men can actually have sex
Feminists: Have Sex! Have Sex! Have Sex! Have Sex! Have Sex!
*Incel gets sexbot*
Feminists: Don't Have Sex! Don't Have Sex! Don't Have Sex! Don't Have Sex!
A lot of guys wouldn't mind fucking sub8's who aren't landwhales. It will be a lot different from today because chads and normies will be pickier about fucking ugly foids and landwhales. And obviously men will be much less likely to marry any kind of foid.

Ted talk cunts are getting triggered by them too.

Story of rostie getting cucked by a sexbot.

Imagine being mogged by a doll, and femoids think they have "deep" personality, JFL

Imagine being mogged by a doll, and femoids think they have "deep" personality, JFL

I'll take the cheapest sex doll before being in a relationship with that ugly old hag any day.
In the end it will probably result in all sub8 men owning sexbots and Chads continuing to slay all women.

So in the end not much change.
I used to think sexbots were cool.

Now I think they are sad and pathetic.

(((They))) take away love and family via fake "equality" and fake debt money, and sell you a piece of plastic to fuck and "love."

How fucked up is that?

I don't like it one bit.
imagine a future where women have to beg men to get their dick and not the other way around
oh how im looking forward to it
and im still rather gonna fuck my sexbot waifu fuck off cunt enjoy life as a virgin bitch
No , its not going to work out that way .
Sex dolls and robots will just divide Society into ugly males and Chads , the remaining women will just flock to Chad even more than they do now .
All this will do is further establish a society , where your class is decided by your Genetics .
Cause Chad will not buy a sexbot , cause he doesnt have to , women will literally throw themselves at him .
No , its not going to work out that way .
Sex dolls and robots will just divide Society into ugly males and Chads , the remaining women will just flock to Chad even more than they do now .
All this will do is further establish a society , where your class is decided by your Genetics .
Cause Chad will not buy a sexbot , cause he doesnt have to , women will literally throw themselves at him .
Even chad realizes that fucking sexbots is significantly better. We aren't talking about the dogshit kind of sexbots we have today. Possibly in the future you can upload your brain into a simulation alltogether.
Possibly in the future you can upload your brain into a simulation alltogether.
It would be funny if in the future feminists get triggered that the data of male brains uploaded to machines are 100 times larger in file size than the foid brains.
Ah nice, ok that first video is clearly a fucking computer graphics project so I'm convinced you're baiting, which is epic!

Second, how is Atlas at all conducive to human like soft robotics who self heat, respond to conversational stimuli and have working vaginas. That is a machine with a short battery life designed to clean up nuclear waste sites in areas tracked and wheeled vehicles can't reach.

The technologies that allow such fine motor control at an affordable (<100k) price don't exist mate, keep fucking dreaming.

Everything related to tech is a factor of money and time. We have probably 2 billion sub 5 men in the world. Lets assume they each put in $1k for the development of a hyperrealistic wifebot. That's 2 Trillion Fucking Dollars of dev money. Boston Dynamics isn't even a multibillion dollar company iirc, and RealDoll and other such companies aren't anywhere close to a billion. You need to understand that there is an enormous market for this, and potentially more money to be made than any other commercial venture in human history besides banking.

Now lets scale back to reasonable numbers. Lets assume one million men put $1k each into wifebot development. That is a billion dollars. Not a tremendous amount of money, but enough to definitely spur rapid development. There is a serious market about to be unlocked by these things.

And finally, to those who continue to pound away at the "chad still gets all the pussy" drum. Surrogate mothers exist, and artificial wombs are on their way. Biofoid sex will be limited to chad, but reproduction won't. Our genes will still pass. The only losing party in this is foids, since they'll lose their orbiters. This is why it is so important to spread the blackpill as far as possible. More men need to get on board with this.
It would be funny if in the future feminists get triggered that the data of male brains uploaded to machines are 100 times larger in file size than the foid brains.
To get it to work i suppose you also have to upload the "empty" part of the brain equally so probably both would be the same file size regardless.
To get it to work i suppose you also have to upload the "empty" part of the brain equally so probably both would be the same file size regardless.
But the males will hold less empty data.
Any woman who prevents me from getting a sexbot should be obligated to fuck me in its place.
Who knows foids brain might be full of memories of dicks or 10.000 ways on how to suck chads dick.
We'd need to put that in the sex robots.

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