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SuicideFuel "Sex isn't that good, bro"

  • Thread starter TheProphetMuscle
  • Start date


Big Papí
Jun 11, 2018
I've heard this come from several Chads and normies who claim to have been laid lots of times, and it is fucking bullshit. I've never done it, but Imagine having a sexy naked female body right next to yours and getting to feel her warm silky skin. Getting to kiss her and sensing the aroma of her pleasant female scent. You get to truly connect with each other during the act while looking each other in the eyes and moaning from the pleasure. Having real sex is the most heavenly experience that most of us will never get to have. I've had a foid hold my hand and sit on my lap for a second, and that was by far the best feeling I have ever felt. Now hiring a prostitute isn't the same because it's you paying for a service from a gross stranger rather than both partners getting to connect on another level.
Yup, the same people who can’t go a month without sex or a gf or bf. You can’t make that shit up I swear:feelskek::feelskek:
Who cares if sex isn't that good.we want to feel this "not that good" feeling.that's all
True. Whenever I hear someone say that sex is nothing special I wander what disgusting trash foid they must have been fucking.
Having sex with a woman who you love and she loves you is the best experience on this world.
True. Whenever I hear someone say that sex is nothing special I wander what disgusting trash foid they must have been fucking.
Having sex with a woman who you love and she loves you is the best experience on this world.
Depressionfuel. It's more than sex. It's about loving someone and connecting so intimately with them as a couple. Every time I think of this I get horribly depressed

"Money isn't even that important, bro. Just ask me, I have money all the time but it doesn't solve all of my problems."
Depressionfuel. It's more than sex. It's about loving someone and connecting so intimately with them as a couple. Every time I think of this I get horribly depressed
what kills me is seeing other people do it or even hearing about how they did it
Sex is overrated bro.
-gargles on pussy- :feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh:
That's why I don't watch movies or tv shows. Just seeing a relationship puts me down

money would solve all my problems fr
I usually fast forward the sex and kissing scenes or just watch something else if it pisses me off enough

"Money isn't even that important, bro. Just ask me, I have money all the time but it doesn't solve all of my problems."

Pretty much, except the wealthy person is saying that to a street bum.
I've heard this come from several Chads and normies who claim to have been laid lots of times, and it is fucking bullshit. I've never done it, but Imagine having a sexy naked female body right next to yours and getting to feel her warm silky skin. Getting to kiss her and sensing the aroma of her pleasant female scent. You get to truly connect with each other during the act while looking each other in the eyes and moaning from the pleasure. Having real sex is the most heavenly experience that most of us will never get to have. I've had a foid hold my hand and sit on my lap for a second, and that was by far the best feeling I have ever felt. Now hiring a prostitute isn't the same because it's you paying for a service from a gross stranger rather than both partners getting to connect on another level.

Yup, the same people who can’t go a month without sex or a gf or bf. You can’t make that shit up I swear:feelskek::feelskek:


"Money isn't even that important, bro. Just ask me, I have money all the time but it doesn't solve all of my problems."

This is rage fuel tbh. Ngl.
Depressionfuel. It's more than sex. It's about loving someone and connecting so intimately with them as a couple. Every time I think of this I get horribly depressed

I've heard this come from several Chads and normies who claim to have been laid lots of times, and it is fucking bullshit. I've never done it, but Imagine having a sexy naked female body right next to yours and getting to feel her warm silky skin. Getting to kiss her and sensing the aroma of her pleasant female scent. You get to truly connect with each other during the act while looking each other in the eyes and moaning from the pleasure. Having real sex is the most heavenly experience that most of us will never get to have. I've had a foid hold my hand and sit on my lap for a second, and that was by far the best feeling I have ever felt. Now hiring a prostitute isn't the same because it's you paying for a service from a gross stranger rather than both partners getting to connect on another level.

It goes without saying that the phrase: "sex is overrated" is particularly offensive in the ears of any man for whom sexual affection is an impossibility. One can't help but imagine some grotesquely obese glutton who no longer finds pleasure in food after spending a lifetime shoving it down his gullet turning to some emaciated ghoul, its body and mind wracked by the pain of deprivation, and sullenly complaining sustenance doesn't make him smile anymore. That though his belly is fully there's nothing that can fill the void in his soul. We're supposed to sympathize with him, look at his gut after taking stock of the ribs pushing against our paper-thin flesh, and weep for him.

Strangely enough, I find myself doing so every-so-often. Sex was never meant to be cheap, even for those healthy and attractive people it was reserved for. There had always been a price to pay that kept it precious. Sex meant children and all of the responsibilities and sacrifices necessitated by them and so indulging in it required something of a risk. One could try to circumvent all of that by engaging in adultery but, traditionally, having one's infidelity discovered had very severe consequences. Gentler societies would shame the guilty parties, harsher ones would expatiate that shame by spilling their blood. Continence conferred magical power and there was the belief one could trade sexual pleasure for divinity. Even the ancient Hebrews, who eschewed such oriental sentiments, offered up the example of poor King Solomon. Sure, he had his legions of wives and concubines. But in order to secure them, the king sacrificed to foreign gods and, in the process, turned away from Yahweh. For all intents and purposes, Solomon traded the temple for the palace harem; all of his sexual pleasure came at the price of his soul.

But we no longer believe in the soul; we've exorcised it along with all of the other angels and devils that used to haunt our world. Contraception has largely eliminated the threat of unwanted children. Adultery, once regarded as a terrible crime, has been reduced to fodder for romantic comedies, tabloid gossip, and the testimonies of the devastated men who have decided to go their own way. Sex has lost its mystery for the vast majority; the only stewards of its dignity remaining are the incels who are forbidden to step into its presence. Bizarre irony that the only ones who still acknowledge the god's power are the demons said deity so fiercely despises but, well, here we are. The geometry of Heaven is now nothing more than a shadow cast by Hellfire; the Devil is the only one left who still trembles at the name of God.

The lovable still have some primal intuition that their beauty has some greater meaning. It should make them happy. Yet, much to their despair, it doesn't. They fuck as voraciously as the glutton eats and find themselves feeling just as hollow. So they try to sweeten their cuisine with kinks and fetishes, they adopt all varieties of perversions trying to make sex something special yet again. The men fuck woman after woman, the women man after man. Variety is the spice of life, after all. Sadly, when all is said and done, the result is the same nausea suffered by the fat man who tries to recapture his love of eating by consuming nothing but candies.

So they come to us, concealing themselves with all of the anonymity the internet affords. God has forsaken Saul, so the desperate king disguises his face and seeks out the Witch of Endor for a miracle, even a diabolic one, in order to convince himself there's something like magic left in an otherwise grey and barren world. They condemn us, insult us, demonize us but are strangely incapable of ignoring us. They consume articles dedicated to us, watch videos decrying us. How could they not? We alone have made the topic of sex meaningful, and thus exciting, once again.

So yes, I pity the fuckers who claim sex is of no great consequence. How could I not feel just a little bit of sadness for the men and women who are so desperate for God that they're willing to spend day and night reading scriptures penned by the Devil?
I've heard this come from several Chads and normies who claim to have been laid lots of times, and it is fucking bullshit. I've never done it, but Imagine having a sexy naked female body right next to yours and getting to feel her warm silky skin. Getting to kiss her and sensing the aroma of her pleasant female scent. You get to truly connect with each other during the act while looking each other in the eyes and moaning from the pleasure. Having real sex is the most heavenly experience that most of us will never get to have. I've had a foid hold my hand and sit on my lap for a second, and that was by far the best feeling I have ever felt. Now hiring a prostitute isn't the same because it's you paying for a service from a gross stranger rather than both partners getting to connect on another level.

I want way more than that. I want to dive my face in her sweaty Japanese butt.
they are full of shit
Oddly enough they get defensive when you suggest monogamy should be returned to society, because apparently it's "restrictive" and "oppressive" if Chad can't bang MULTIPLE women at a time, but when incel men can't even get ONE, apparently we just "need to seek therapy."

Here is the kicker, most people who attack monogamy online are in semi-monogamous relationships themselves, this is why their partners get mad if they catch them cheating. But due to normies being pathologically addicted to drama to keep their feeble minds entertained, monogamy in 2018 is something like this "okay, we're in a monogamous relationship, so here are the rules; you have to cheat behind my back without getting caught, and I have to try to catch you. And I'll cheat behind your back, and you have to catch me." I think it's a general fucking expectation these days (but it's that elephant in the room your not supposed to openly talk about, kinda like inceldom, everyone knows it's true but nobody wants to acknowledge it).
True. Whenever I hear someone say that sex is nothing special I wander what disgusting trash foid they must have been fucking.
Having sex with a woman who you love and she loves you is the best experience on this world.
Funny how they tell people they think are angry and frustrated:

"You need to get laid dude"
normally its the individuals who dont lack for it who say this shit
Oddly enough they get defensive when you suggest monogamy should be returned to society, because apparently it's "restrictive" and "oppressive" if Chad can't bang MULTIPLE women at a time, but when incel men can't even get ONE, apparently we just "need to seek therapy."

As if therapy could solve our emptiness for not getting even one woman
They wouldn't say that if they could never experience it. Sex would be great but a true connection is what I want. It's the connection with your partner that makes sex meaningful.
They're right. It's not about the sex. It's the feeling and the knowledge that you are valued by someone. That your life is not completely worthless, that you actually mean something to somebody. Sex just makes your penis feel good, but so does masturbating. Otherwise all incels would have to do is just get a hooker and they would be happy. Which is not the case
It is like with air or food. It is not big deal until you don't get any. Than it becomes big deal.
They're right. It's not about the sex. It's the feeling and the knowledge that you are valued by someone. That your life is not completely worthless, that you actually mean something to somebody. Sex just makes your penis feel good, but so does masturbating. Otherwise all incels would have to do is just get a hooker and they would be happy. Which is not the case
They're right. It's not about the sex. It's the feeling and the knowledge that you are valued by someone. That your life is not completely worthless, that you actually mean something to somebody. Sex just makes your penis feel good, but so does masturbating. Otherwise all incels would have to do is just get a hooker and they would be happy. Which is not the case
I know what you mean, but sex if done right can be a heavenly experience. It's not just about being valued by someone. It's fun and feels fucking amazing along with relieving stress. It can be about connecting with and being loved by the partner, and I'm sure some people want sex for that. But a lot of guys just want to it with people they like because it feels good and relives our desire to do it. The desire to do it is so strong and if they never get to experience it then it makes it hell for some people. Chads and normies just do it so much that they get used to it. Paying for a hooker and jerking off aren't the same because neither are nearly as good. Jerking off gets old for most guys and a hooker is a stranger you don't even get to know first. Doing it with a person you like definitely makes it better in my opinion. It also isn't as good because you didn't earn it, you just paid for a service. Paying for it can really hurt a man's ego. It's like paying for a trophy rather than winning one.
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Who cares if sex isn't that good.we want to feel this "not that good" feeling.that's all
They're right. It's not about the sex. It's the feeling and the knowledge that you are valued by someone. That your life is not completely worthless, that you actually mean something to somebody. Sex just makes your penis feel good, but so does masturbating. Otherwise all incels would have to do is just get a hooker and they would be happy. Which is not the case
Both of these.
True. Whenever I hear someone say that sex is nothing special I wander what disgusting trash foid they must have been fucking.
Having sex with a woman who you love and she loves you is the best experience on this world.

This is right. They say sex isn't good, because they have thousands of foids trying to get pumped and dumped by them and they just agree to it. Sex + intimacy is the best feeling in the world for a guy. Girls just have heavenly orgasms, so they could care less about intimacy.
As if therapy could solve our emptiness for not getting even one woman

Yeah it's implying something is wrong with us because we object to psychological and emotional torture. But isn't objection the normal fucking response?
I've heard this come from several Chads and normies who claim to have been laid lots of times, and it is fucking bullshit. I've never done it, but Imagine having a sexy naked female body right next to yours and getting to feel her warm silky skin. Getting to kiss her and sensing the aroma of her pleasant female scent. You get to truly connect with each other during the act while looking each other in the eyes and moaning from the pleasure. Having real sex is the most heavenly experience that most of us will never get to have. I've had a foid hold my hand and sit on my lap for a second, and that was by far the best feeling I have ever felt. Now hiring a prostitute isn't the same because it's you paying for a service from a gross stranger rather than both partners getting to connect on another level.
"Sex" like alot of things largely depends on the subjective experience. If it's a 30-second hump with a one-night stand, it would probably suck, or just be "routine". But if it's with someone you've had a crush on for awhile, and/ or it's a LTR, then it could be awesome.
Yeah it's implying something is wrong with us because we object to psychological and emotional torture. But isn't objection the normal fucking response?
I've gotten the "therapy" angle from one woman. As opposed to, I don't know, interacting with me and getting to know me before the rejection.
Yeah it's implying something is wrong with us because we object to psychological and emotional torture. But isn't objection the normal fucking response?
Of course it's normal. Trying to give therapy to us is like giving moral studies to starving children in Africa
Of course it's normal. Trying to give therapy to us is like giving moral studies to starving children in Africa

Just more proof we are seen as a subspecies, a lowe tier species from normal society. There are Chad rules, there are normie rules, and there are subhuman rules. Nobody has a problem with chad being entitled to multiple women. We're deemed mentally ill for just being human.
> Oxygen isn't even all that br0

Images 2
I've gotten the "therapy" angle from one woman. As opposed to, I don't know, interacting with me and getting to know me before the rejection.

yeah I remember in my more blupilled younger years I used to cope by telling myself they were afraid to get to know me because they might fall for me if they did LOL....
> Oxygen isn't even all that br0

View attachment 39349

Oxygen isn't that important bro, go seek professional help instead of acting like a pussy and dying on the ground! lol
Food isn't that good bro
I agree it's like with food, only it doesn't kill you. Just imagine working many hours without eating, you came back to home and you eat something delicious or hell even something average but it taste like heaven regadless because you are so hungry. Sex makes you hungry like that, only it doesn't kill you but you still feel the hunger
wut OP just agreed with the statement himself
sex with love
sex without love
2 completely different things and I think chads mean that the emotionless sex is what ain't that good.
fleshlight is better than loveless sex I bet
wut OP just agreed with the statement himself
sex with love
sex without love
2 completely different things and I think chads mean that the emotionless sex is what ain't that good.
fleshlight is better than loveless sex I bet
yeah, it must suuuuck hard to know that a female is willingly being your sex toy for nothing in return beyond eating your dick when most people have to do countless things just to see a vagina. booooo hooooooo hooooooooooo for them, they must really lack validation in their lives.
yeah, it must suuuuck hard to know that a female is willingly being your sex toy for nothing in return beyond eating your dick when most people have to do countless things just to see a vagina. booooo hooooooo hooooooooooo for them, they must really lack validation in their lives.
Yup, the same people who can’t go a month without sex or a gf or bf. You can’t make that shit up I swear:feelskek::feelskek:
I hear that all the time from people I know but then they complain about not getting any. If it isn't that good, why complain? Use your hand like the rest of us.

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