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It's Over Sex bots, VR...tech won't save us.



Risperdal gave me tits
Jul 14, 2024
Nothing unifies the public like suppressing low value men. Even if the technology existed for artificial wombs, sex bots, fully immersive VR, or other sufficient copes, a narrative would develop that giving men access to this is toxic, immoral, fosters a misogynistic attitude, blah blah blah: they'll find a way to shame you. Women and troons will be allowed to use sex tech to "satisfy their mental needs :foidSoy:," but men will be subject to legal red tape, say a background check that coincidentally correlates with looks.

This applies to plastic surgery, too. If techniques advanced such that patients were indistinguishable from natural attractive people, this would only be allowed for women and troons for the sake of their "body dysmorphia." Men with dysmorphia would be told the same old bromides of working out, loving yourself, and all that bullshit. No technology will change base psychology: If women have their way, they will NEVER allow ugly men any satisfaction.
I'll take what I can have.
In Spain they want you to access to watch porn by entering your ID and in limited time. :feelskek:

Search "Pajaporte" in Google.
The Brain humanizes things pretty fast, truecels would ascend if they manage to make 3d robot waifus like in bladerunners
The Brain humanizes things pretty fast, truecels would ascend if they manage to make 3d robot waifus like in bladerunners
Good luck keeping that legal. The only viable path I see is for some small countries to keep it legal so they can become sex tourism hubs and rake in the dough, like a Las Vegas for incels. The West won't allow that shit.
Nothing unifies the public like suppressing low value men. Even if the technology existed for artificial wombs, sex bots, fully immersive VR, or other sufficient copes, a narrative would develop that giving men access to this is toxic, immoral, fosters a misogynistic attitude, blah blah blah: they'll find a way to shame you. Women and troons will be allowed to use sex tech to "satisfy their mental needs :foidSoy:," but men will be subject to legal red tape, say a background check that coincidentally correlates with looks.

This applies to plastic surgery, too. If techniques advanced such that patients were indistinguishable from natural attractive people, this would only be allowed for women and troons for the sake of their "body dysmorphia." Men with dysmorphia would be told the same old bromides of working out, loving yourself, and all that bullshit. No technology will change base psychology: If women have their way, they will NEVER allow ugly men any satisfaction.
Even suggesting the idea of a conventionally attractive replica of a woman, that is used solely for sex can shake up the asses of leftist so hard, it would register as a 15 magnitude earthquake. With current trends I don't see it being accesible in any way. Perhaps when the technology is more accesible and widespread some factories in china or elsewhere will be producing them, but there is no way you would be able to legally acquire it in the west.
Good luck keeping that legal. The only viable path I see is for some small countries to keep it legal so they can become sex tourism hubs and rake in the dough, like a Las Vegas for incels. The West won't allow that shit.
They definetly will, the west only cares about slaveworkers and their Slavemasters will slowly realize, that without pussy incels will just hang themselves which in return hurts there pocket. They will invent a Sexpuppet/Waifu in the near future that provides all the needs for a truecel like in Detroit: Become Human and sell them overpriced to their goyim Costumers
That is my biggest concern and what I've always said about waifubots. Not a single law in the last recent years has benefitted men at all, let alone loners. If you're born with the XY chromosome in 2024 you're nothing but a disposable slave to society unless you're chad and live in tutorial mode.

Just look at how feminists seethe and mald about basic porn, now imagine that but with something that can completely replace them and destroy their pussy monopoly in the blink of an eye. They have already banned porn and anime before in some countries (Spain, Australia, etc.) under the guise of ''degenerate behavior'', what would make you think that waifubots would be any different? Knowing these gynocentric governments, they'd put shame on it just like genetic engineering or cloning by saying it's not ''ethical''.

Deep down inside foids know they need their beta providers to simp for them. Without these, they have NO resources at all since most of their wealth is stolen from men, either through direct or indirect means.
In Spain they want you to access to watch porn by entering your ID and in limited time. :feelskek:

Search "Pajaporte" in Google.
I've looked it up, they are literally radicalizing men for being incels. Nvm the new law in UK that labels ''misogyny'' as terrorism, and won't allow you to speak shit about women.

Whoever stays in first world countries at this point is incredibly dumb and cucked, only the US has a chance in Trump if they don't manage to kill him before the elections.
Whoever stays in first world countries at this point is incredibly dumb and cucked, only the US has a chance in Trump if they don't manage to kill him before the elections.
Bro, I'd rather be in the shithole I'm in than in the USA.
There would be soys and roasties who would try to defend robots and virtuals "rights" lol but i think that law would allow it. You can now buy childish looking anime sex dolls and not many care. Men who would prefer orbiting real foids would shame a lot, roasties also, but who cares what they think.
Nothing unifies the public like suppressing low value men. Even if the technology existed for artificial wombs, sex bots, fully immersive VR, or other sufficient copes, a narrative would develop that giving men access to this is toxic, immoral, fosters a misogynistic attitude, blah blah blah: they'll find a way to shame you. Women and troons will be allowed to use sex tech to "satisfy their mental needs :foidSoy:," but men will be subject to legal red tape, say a background check that coincidentally correlates with looks.

This applies to plastic surgery, too. If techniques advanced such that patients were indistinguishable from natural attractive people, this would only be allowed for women and troons for the sake of their "body dysmorphia." Men with dysmorphia would be told the same old bromides of working out, loving yourself, and all that bullshit. No technology will change base psychology: If women have their way, they will NEVER allow ugly men any satisfaction.
usual bullshit (no offense) they said the same thing about books, comics, video games, movies but no. No one will be able to influence the other to the point of erasing the one next to it, ergo it's nonsense

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