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Seriously being serious for a sec why do blacks get respected more by normies when curries have been ass raped for a while ?



Julias dracul romanov the 2 eyed abyss
May 20, 2019
Like no 1 talks about the British empire no 1 talks about half the suffering curries went through no 1 talks about the ass rape that occurred to us yes you have small viral vedios here or there but everyone just looks at it and goes back to their normal days with niggers people actually remember they actually care about the suffering going down but with us it's softly ignored even by curries imagine.

Adding to that from what i'm aware blacks commit more crimes than curries in the west at-least I don't know back home but those in the bloody west they commit way less crime yet blacks get more sympathy for their fucking prison sentences.

Like ded serious Indian lives don't matter i guess
Cause we are ugly and have bad stereotypes (to normies) so no one cares about us
Cause we are ugly and have bad stereotypes (to normies) so no one cares about us

Bruhhhhh niggers are disgusting on average.

Look at these things there on most curries looks levels
I don't know man, but while I am not a fan of curries, I prefer them 1000 times over niggers. Curries may be sneaky fuckers, but at least they don't go looking for fights to pick when they're bored and then cry "racism and oppression" when someone fights back.
Blacks have had this strange position for a while of being in a sort of high social status but a low economic bracket. In america, black culture has always been the “cool” thing to do. Slang that black people were using 10 years ago is now common among white people. Black music was always considered the coolest music, all the way back to blues, then rock and roll, and then funk and then hip hop/rap and recently trap music.

I cannot say exactly what it is that people like about black culture, but here, black culture is idolized while other cultures are just unknown. I think it also helps that black culture is not super foreign and unknown to the west like indian culture.

But no matter what it just comes down to the fact that people want to act like black people and because of their higher social status the normies want to be like them. Its especially common among young people to want to take part in black culture. Normies dont actually care about anyone they just do what they are told or what everyone else does so they can be socially accepted.
Probably because curries are the "model minorities" they don't chimp out like Niggers, they are docile as fuck and study all the time. Never seen a Curry football player. Why? Curry parents are at fault here. Most of them want their kids to be subhuman spelling bee champions JFL :feelshaha: Curries should highTmaxx and sportsmaxx like Blacks but unfortunately they are physically inferior on an average. Best they can do is lift weights because every curry I've ever seen in my life was a SkinnyFatcel Computer Science coper
Blacks are more vocal and violent.
Just thugmaxx theory.
White teens thinking their inane drivel music culture is cool
Because white women are attracted to blacks and white men wanna be like them.

No one wants to touch a curry with a barge pole
curry is worst race to be tbh
Because white women are attracted to blacks and white men wanna be like them.

No one wants to touch a curry with a barge pole

They don't want indo melanids but are perfectly fine in calling Indids non curries
White teens thinking their inane drivel music culture is cool

Apparently it is not only white people who think that as rap music is popular among broad swaths of the population. As of 2020, it is the most popular music genre in America. This does not even account for the popularity of rap abroad either. JFL
Blacks are considered genetically superior.

You see them in sports and rap which are considered cool. Also they are high T plus Low inhib and thugmaxx

Also look at the guys who got shot. George Floyd was 6'6. Michael Brown was 6'4. Rodney king was 6'3

If those guys were pajeet manlets, the police would be praised for killing them
Because jews

/end thread.

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