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Blackpill [Serious] Blackpill in Geo-Politics. Rohingya vs Uyghurs.



May 12, 2020
Once you acknowledge the blackpill, you start to see it everywhere.

Let's take this for example... The Rohingya and the Uyghur are both Muslim minorities living in Chink nations. Both group have more caucasoid features than the chinks. Specially the Uyghur. Meanwhile, the Rohingya have more Dravidian features.

The CCP have forced put the Uyghur into re-education camps and sterilized their women. And forced the women to marry CCP Han chinese men. Brutal? Yes.

But it's nothing compared to what the Rohingyas are going through.The Burmese military has gone as far enough to burn down entire villages, and the destruction can even be seen from space, according to some sources.

And most recently:

Meanwhile, everyone is throwing tantrums about the Uyghurs. Specially foids. They're making Instagram videos and Tik Tok videos about it. Part of this is because foids like attention, and it's the muslims being killed off, and foids can virture signal. The whole water is wet package.

But let's analyze. The Uyghurs have carried Jihadi style knife attacks until quite recently. While the Rohingyas have done the same thing, it's not as brutal as the Uyghur, who as I understand it have mostly targetted civilians. Meanwhile, the Rohingyas genuinely just want to be free from the Burmese. Their resistence has not become a religous movement.

I'm not trying to defend any side. But the Rohingya have been comparatively peaceful, and have had entire villages burned down. Meanwhile the Uyghur who have been much violent are only being sterilized and re-educated. So why is everyone so riled up about the Uyghur, but not the Rohingya.

Because the Rohingyas look like this:


While the Uyghur look like this:


The Rohingyas are a bunch of Currycels, while the Uyghurs are Chads.
It's also because normies & foids want to find every single possible reason/excuse to virtue signal by circlejerking on China
I think it has more to do with china being more relevant as a target for western propaganda due to the new cold war. Also the west is known to support fascist regimes anyway.
Uyghurs do look more 'white' + china oppression = easier to get behind them
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The foid in the cap looks cute af.
I like her nose.
She has the not immediately hot but very cute look tbh
But you know something? The fact that you find her cute means millions of others guys, some much better looking than you, find her cute and have probably already made their move on her.
It's over.
The foid in the cap looks cute af.
I like her nose.
Ofc, she'd rather marry an ISIS Chehcen Chad or Jihadi Uyghur Chad or even a Russian Chad over me or a Rohingya currycel.
But you know something? The fact that you find her cute means millions of others guys, some much better looking than you, find her cute and have probably already made their move on her.
She has the not immediately hot but very cute look tbh
But you know something? The fact that you find her cute means millions of others guys, some much better looking than you, find her cute and have probably already made their move on her.
It's over.
:feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope:
The Rohingya deserve it, they've been salvaging Buddhists for decades, about time they fight back. The only thing an Islamist respects is someone more savage than he.
The Rohingya deserve it, they've been salvaging Buddhists for decades, about time they fight back. The only thing an Islamist respects is someone more savage than he.
Bruh, they burned down villages.
Besides, the people Burma is burning is not Islamists, just your average Rohingyas.
uighur are proof of the genocides commited by the fucking mongols to central asia.

fucking kazahistan and all other central asian stans (except tajiks) look totally mongols/turkic, coz fucking mongols killed everyone there. so uighur despite being further east , retained much more caucasian features while subhumans like kazahs and uzebeks are ugly subhuman north mongloids.
This is true. Steppe region , central asia was probably the most brutal place in human history. Massacre & rape by Mongol of Caucasians by Changs during Mongol conquest changed whole demography of central asia permanently. There used to be many indo European people there before .
Not a single white or Caucasian guy was left after Mongol conquest until russian captured the whole region, 600 years down the line.
Burmese are racist bunch. Do not trust them.They even killed 100 Hindus to gain sympathy from Indian right wing jokers. Since they have a bloody past with islamist & islam in general. Most people dying are just poor. islam is cancer nontheless though.
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This is true. Steppe region , central asia was probably the most brutal place in human history. Massacre & rape by Mongol of Caucasians by Changs during Mongol conquest changed whole demography of central asia permanently. There used to be many indo European people there before .
Not a single white or Caucasian guy was left after Mongol conquest until russian captured the whole region, 600 years down the line.
Burmese are racist bunch. Do not trust them.They even killed 100 Hindus to gain sympathy from Indian right wing jokers. Since they have a bloody past with islamist & islam in general. Most people dying are just poor. islam is cancer nontheless though.
it amazes me how modern day morons in the west still think hitler and stalin are the most demonic person in the world and how first half of 20th century was bloody and full of genocides....

the most bloody century would be 11th century. mongols overran central asia and in merely 2 years, entire region was depopulated. thousands of years of civilization totally ended there. all done by cold blades. 2 fucking years. a single skyscraper would take like 5 years to build and those mongols murdered literally millions of people there in just 2 years, entire regions became no man's land.

the things the mongols did.... driven an entire city population to open plain, group them by men women children, allocated to each solider with a quota of how many civilians they were to kill... and they came back to the city time to time to finish off any surviors... pure demonic.

and they didnt just do that to central asia, but to middle east, japan (Tsushima where they maanged to captured), northern china, Sichuan, Kievan Rus, Poland, Hungary. everywhere the war party went, was a trail of total destruction and deaths.

central asia was also unlucky in that population were concentrated in a few oasis cities due to geography, nowhere to run, the steppe was totally flat like the sea, a person could be seen miles away. only tajiks survived due to the mountains and caves where they could hide.

ISIS are fucking humatarians compared to mongols. and yet in todays world, nobody find it wrong to worship Genghis Khan and his sons and grandsons, and imitators like Tamerlane. clown world.
Stalin and Hitler are a lot more recent which is why people focus on them way more. Most people dont give a shit about people alive in the 11th century while there are people alive today who remember Hitler and Stalin. Also people in the west are obviously going to be more charged/angry about a person who effected their countries vs someone who slaughtered randos from some foreign land. Westerners do tend to be super western-centric (to the point of cringe/annoyance at many times) but its only natural in the end.
nah people think hitler is the devil coz hitler targeted jews. jews are extremely powerful in US, so their influence is huge.

persia and central asia were pretty western in terms of culture and appearance, until the mongols of course.

people will give a shit if the textbooks and other channels start to "educate" them about it. the great masses are always sheeple. dont overestimate their intelligence. after all, how many still believe in the books written over 2000 years ago? talking about Bible. if such old books still have such great influence today then why cant events like the mongols genocides? do you really think those retards who believe jesus cured blindness and resurrection and shit can think for themselves?
I might be biased since I live in a highly Jewish area and most have at least some relative that was effected by Hitler. I used to live around a bunch of Eastern Europeans as well (mostly Poles but also Russians) who did NOT like Stalin because they lived in countries effected by him.

I dont think westerners really care if anyone in central asia was similar to them culturally and appearance, most normies only care about their own nationality (somewhat) and their social group. The more outsider it is to them the more they dont give a shit.

the bible is a little different since its a religious text (also I doubt most of them have READ the bible, more like they parrot whatever their priest or pastor says).
Stalin and Hitler are a lot more recent which is why people focus on them way more. Most people dont give a shit about people alive in the 11th century while there are people alive today who remember Hitler and Stalin. Also people in the west are obviously going to be more charged/angry about a person who effected their countries vs someone who slaughtered randos from some foreign land. Westerners do tend to be super western-centric (to the point of cringe/annoyance at many times) but its only natural in the end.
This tbh
But at the same time, they scream eurocentrism at any criticism of their BS.
This tbh
But at the same time, they scream eurocentrism at any criticism of their BS.
oh its hypocritical for sure, western liberalism is pretty good at being hypocritical (most ideologies are but this one tends to do it pretty well)

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