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Theory Scientific Theory Of Inceldom [A Short Paper]



Le Hobbesien
Dec 11, 2023
A whole pejorative of 'Incel' has been thrown around at others on social media and social gathering. The term primarily expresses a form of contempt for a man who is not sexually and/or romantically desirable. This usage of the word undermines what Incel really means and drives attention away from the actual topic. The scientific definition of Inceldom is, "A man who is reproductively unfit or not sexually selected for by females." It becomes clear that this is not a new phenomenon at all. In fact, Inceldom has existed for as long as sexual reproduction has.

Explanations For Inceldom
According to multiple observations, there are two types of Incels: Environmental and Biological. Environmental Incels fall into inceldom via environmental factors. Bullying, humiliation, early physical trauma, burn victims, acid attack victims, early psychological trauma, can all be listed as factors which may lead one to become an environmental incel. On the other hand, Biological Incels are such due to not being genetically gifted enough for females to sexually select them. The causes for Environmental Inceldom are obvious enough, but the causes for Biological Inceldom can be attributed to social and cultural situations around mating, sex, and sexual selection.
Possible Reasons For Biological Inceldom:

  • Monogamy: The advent of monogamy has resulted in genetically unfit and ungifted men being able to reproduce through the attainment of resources. Having weak genes being reproduced results in genetically ungifted offspring being born. This has resulted in many Incels showing unattractive phenotypic expressions, likely inherited from their fathers, which indicate poor genetic quality to females. This also explains why many countries in which monogamy is enforced, the men are less attractive compared to the global average, Examples: Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, etc..
  • Male Expendability Theory + Bateman's Principle: From an anthropological perspective, males have sperm which is seen less valuable than the eggs of females. This results in females being treated better, obtaining more, having more options, etc.. This theory contributes to the notion that, "Not all men are meant to reproduce." The scarcity of female eggs results in an increase pressure from sexual selection on reproductively unfit men, letting only the most genetically gifted men to reproduce, weeding out Incels and other genetically unfit men from the human gene pool. This is enhanced by the fact that females invest more emotionally, biologically, and physically in enfants, childbirth can truly put a female in a vulnerable position, among many other reasons.
According to both of these theories, Incels are the abominations of nature. They are not meant to be alive, and are severely punished by the world, humanity, nature, and females, because they should not be existing at all. Before the advent of monogamy, the genetically unfit and ungifted men would never reproduce because nature and females did not allow them to do so. They would die and parish completely without having passed on their weak genes, exactly how it was naturally meant to be.

Female Incels (Femcels)
The question now comes to whether there are "Female Incels", or, more commonly referred to as, "Femcels". The theory of Femcels is incredibly fraught with many misconceptions and erroneous notions. Femceldom is simply a myth. First and foremost, the theory considers humans females to be similar to human males in reproductive value, which is simply not true. Female eggs are worth more in humans, and in most other mammal species. The Women-Are-Wonderful effect influences that the vast majority of people attribute more positive traits to females, than to males. This inbuilt liking and bias towards females, results in them having more sexual partners on average, being less likely to suffer social ostracization, having more friends, reporting higher life satisfaction than men, etc.. Secondly, hypergamy causes females to be only attracted to the most valuable men, and disregard (or, even, treat with disdain and contempt) the vast majority of other men. Females only have eyes for the top 20-10% of men (depending on their attractiveness), this results in them cutting down any pursuits from men who do not match up to their hypergamous standards. According to various studies, females find more than 80% of men unattractive (a direct result of hypergamy), which makes them not pay any attention to the vast majority of men. How can a female be Femcel if she does not even notice or think about the numerous amounts of attention and sexual interest she is being shown by the vast majority of male around her which she proceeds to ignore by deeming them "unattractive"? Lastly, a pick-up artist YouTuber named, "Playing With Fire", did a tinder experiment where he pretended to be an attractive man and an unattractive woman to see which profile would get more likes. The attractive man obtained around 150-200 likes, whilst the unattractive female obtained more than 400 likes.


Understanding the complex dynamics of inceldom, whether environmental or biological, necessitates a nuanced approach that transcends simplistic judgments or derogatory labels. The term "Incel" has been distorted in popular discourse, often veering into pejorative territory, detracting from the underlying issues. At its core, inceldom reflects a fundamental aspect of human reproductive biology and social dynamics that has persisted throughout history. Biological inceldom, influenced by factors such as monogamy and Bateman's Principle, underscores the harsh realities of sexual selection in the natural world. While environmental factors can contribute to inceldom, biological determinants highlight the stringent criteria imposed by evolution on reproductive success. This underscores the evolutionary pressures shaping human mating behaviors and genetic diversity. The notion of female incels, or "Femcels," remains contentious, with arguments against its validity rooted in evolutionary biology and sociocultural dynamics. The inherent value ascribed to female reproductive resources, coupled with hypergamous mating preferences, challenges the notion of female inceldom. Moreover, societal biases and gendered perceptions skew the portrayal of female experiences in the realm of sexual and romantic interactions.

Note: I am not seeking to praise or condone nature and the natural world in any way. I am an anti-natalist and am against the existence of all sentient life and nature.
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Brutal no reply pill brocel (2x! I saw the post you made on Fat Link's profile) :feelsrope:

I will read every word just give me 2 minutes :feelsstudy:
High IQ thread ngl :bigbrain:

Bateman's Principle
Christian Bale Swag GIF
Must be a slow day :feelscomfy: Nice poast.
Bookmarked, will read in a bit.
A whole pejorative of 'Incel' has been thrown around at others on social media and social gathering. The term primarily expresses a form of contempt for a man who is not sexually and/or romantically desirable. This usage of the word undermines what Incel really means and drives attention away from the actual topic. The scientific definition of Inceldom is, "A man who is reproductively unfit or not sexually selected for by females." It becomes clear that this is not a new phenomenon at all. In fact, Inceldom has existed for as long as sexual reproduction has.

Explanations For Inceldom
According to multiple observations, there are two types of Incels: Environmental and Biological. Environmental Incels fall into inceldom via environmental factors. Bullying, humiliation, early physical trauma, burn victims, acid attack victims, early psychological trauma, can all be listed as factors which may lead one to become an environmental incel. On the other hand, Biological Incels are such due to not being genetically gifted enough for females to sexually select them. The causes for Environmental Inceldom are obvious enough, but the causes for Biological Inceldom can be attributed to social and cultural situations around mating, sex, and sexual selection.
Possible Reasons For Biological Inceldom:

  • Monogamy: The advent of monogamy has resulted in genetically unfit and ungifted men being able to reproduce through the attainment of resources. Having weak genes being reproduced results in genetically ungifted offspring being born. This has resulted in many Incels showing unattractive phenotypic expressions, likely inherited from their fathers, which indicate poor genetic quality to females. This also explains why many countries in which monogamy is enforced, the men are less attractive compared to the global average, Examples: Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, etc..
  • Male Expendability Theory + Bateman's Principle: From an anthropological perspective, males have sperm which is seen less valuable than the eggs of females. This results in females being treated better, obtaining more, having more options, etc.. This theory contributes to the notion that, "Not all men are meant to reproduce." The scarcity of female eggs results in an increase pressure from sexual selection on reproductively unfit men, letting only the most genetically gifted men to reproduce, weeding out Incels and other genetically unfit men from the human gene pool. This is enhanced by the fact that females invest more emotionally, biologically, and physically in enfants, childbirth can truly put a female in a vulnerable position, among many other reasons.
According to both of these theories, Incels are the abominations of nature. They are not meant to be alive, and are severely punished by the world, humanity, nature, and females, because they should not be existing at all. Before the advent of monogamy, the genetically unfit and ungifted men would never reproduce because nature and females did not allow them to do so. They would die and parish completely without having passed on their weak genes, exactly how it was naturally meant to be.

Female Incels (Femcels)
The question now comes to whether there are "Female Incels", or, more commonly referred to as, "Femcels". The theory of Femcels is incredibly fraught with many misconceptions and erroneous notions. Femceldom is simply a myth. First and foremost, the theory considers humans females to be similar to human males in reproductive value, which is simply not true. Female eggs are worth more in humans, and in most other mammal species. The Women-Are-Wonderful effect influences that the vast majority of people attribute more positive traits to females, than to males. This inbuilt liking and bias towards females, results in them having more sexual partners on average, being less likely to suffer social ostracization, having more friends, reporting higher life satisfaction than men, etc.. Secondly, hypergamy causes females to be only attracted to the most valuable men, and disregard (or, even, treat with disdain and contempt) the vast majority of other men. Females only have eyes for the top 20-10% of men (depending on their attractiveness), this results in them cutting down any pursuits from men who do not match up to their hypergamous standards. According to various studies, females find more than 80% of men unattractive (a direct result of hypergamy), which makes them not pay any attention to the vast majority of men. How can a female be Femcel if she does not even notice or think about the numerous amounts of attention and sexual interest she is being shown by the vast majority of male around her which she proceeds to ignore by deeming them "unattractive"? Lastly, a pick-up artist YouTuber named, "Playing With Fire", did a tinder experiment where he pretended to be an attractive man and an unattractive woman to see which profile would get more likes. The attractive man obtained around 150-200 likes, whilst the unattractive female obtained more than 400 likes.


Understanding the complex dynamics of inceldom, whether environmental or biological, necessitates a nuanced approach that transcends simplistic judgments or derogatory labels. The term "Incel" has been distorted in popular discourse, often veering into pejorative territory, detracting from the underlying issues. At its core, inceldom reflects a fundamental aspect of human reproductive biology and social dynamics that has persisted throughout history. Biological inceldom, influenced by factors such as monogamy and Bateman's Principle, underscores the harsh realities of sexual selection in the natural world. While environmental factors can contribute to inceldom, biological determinants highlight the stringent criteria imposed by evolution on reproductive success. This underscores the evolutionary pressures shaping human mating behaviors and genetic diversity. The notion of female incels, or "Femcels," remains contentious, with arguments against its validity rooted in evolutionary biology and sociocultural dynamics. The inherent value ascribed to female reproductive resources, coupled with hypergamous mating preferences, challenges the notion of female inceldom. Moreover, societal biases and gendered perceptions skew the portrayal of female experiences in the realm of sexual and romantic interactions.

Note: I am not seeking to praise or condone nature and the natural world in any way. I am an anti-natalist and am against the existence of all sentient life and nature.
Not a bad general effort. However the note at the end is a bit, strange.
The inceldom issue does not necessarily stem from monogamy, people on this forum overlook two major factors when it comes to inceldom and hypergamy.

After the industrial revolution, children with tons of dysgenic mutations can now be supported medically and live longer lives, allowing for these faulty genes to be passed to the next generation. Ever since, with each successive generation the mutational load increases, leading to a greater number of mutated, dysgenic folks.

It's also universal now for foids to fraud every aspect of their genetic fitness through makeup, extensions and other such smoke and mirrors... something that has been the case for a long time now. Without their fakeup foids would look very similar to the average man and would likely have a less inflated sense of self worth. Hypergamy might not be nearly as bad if makeup was abolished and men may be more hesitant to chase and breed dysgenic foids. Foids hijack our biological addiction to fertility signals to gain social leverage which imo is one of the main reasons hypergamy even exists.

I would be willing to bet that foids are the main dysgenic source, given that men do not universally cover up signs of ill genetics (and are such excluded from the gene pool). This is also why femcels cannot really exist as a genetically bankrupt foid can cover up poor genetics with clown paint.
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I would be willing to bet that foids are the main dysgenic source, given that men do not universally cover up signs of ill genetics (and are such excluded from the gene pool). This is also why femcels cannot really exist as a genetically bankrupt foid can cover up poor genetics with clown paint.
Good point, should've mentioned that
read every pixel
I honestly wonder if female animals (mammals only) can be incels.

You can look up "deer with warts" and see a lot of really pitiful looking deer covered in warts. If a doe was totally warted up, would bucks still engage in antler battles for her?
Note: I am not seeking to praise or condone nature and the natural world in any way. I am an anti-natalist and am against the existence of all sentient life and nature.
based and I agree
The scientific theory of inceldom is this:
Foids desire chads => Foids do NOT desire nonchads => If you are not a chad - you are an incel
Kill them [infiltrators] wherever you find them, and drive them out from where they drove you out, as Infiltration is more severe than killing. However, do not fight them in their threads (to not bump them) unless they fight you there. However, if they fight you (there) you may kill them. Such is the reward of the infiltrators.
Kill them [infiltrators] wherever you find them, and drive them out from where they drove you out, as Infiltration is more severe than killing. However, do not fight them in their threads (to not bump them) unless they fight you there. However, if they fight you (there) you may kill them. Such is the reward of the infiltrators.
Kill them [infiltrators] wherever you find them, and drive them out from where they drove you out, as Infiltration is more severe than killing. However, do not fight them in their threads (to not bump them) unless they fight you there. However, if they fight you (there) you may kill them. Such is the reward of the infiltrators.
JFL the incel quran
did not understand a single word but probably is high iq. sad this nigga is probably an infiltrator
In the state of nature poor defective or otherwise any unnecessary or undesirable genes unfit for the good of the whole species were filtered out. This is true basically in every single complex enough species. All primates killed off weak members of the population. Natural selection, evolution just basic principles of Darwinism. Nature is not any emotion, or pity, or empathy, or good and evil. Nature has no concern whatsoever for the condition of an individual, only for the good of whole population. Nature is nature
Interesting that the conclusion is AI generated

I remember last year someone mentioned a Blackpill AI tool, but I don't remember the exact name. Or maybe he just asked an AI to summarize what he said because he was lazy, but it should've violated their terms and policies so not sure how he bypassed it.
Interesting that the conclusion is AI generated
View attachment 1159516
I remember last year someone mentioned a Blackpill AI tool, but I don't remember the exact name. Or maybe he just asked an AI to summarize what he said because he was lazy, but it should've violated their terms and policies so not sure how he bypassed it.
interesting indeed :feelswhere:
High IQ thread and I also like your choice of words and how you explain things. I wish to be this well-spoken
A whole pejorative of 'Incel' has been thrown around at others on social media and social gathering. The term primarily expresses a form of contempt for a man who is not sexually and/or romantically desirable. This usage of the word undermines what Incel really means and drives attention away from the actual topic. The scientific definition of Inceldom is, "A man who is reproductively unfit or not sexually selected for by females." It becomes clear that this is not a new phenomenon at all. In fact, Inceldom has existed for as long as sexual reproduction has.

Explanations For Inceldom
According to multiple observations, there are two types of Incels: Environmental and Biological. Environmental Incels fall into inceldom via environmental factors. Bullying, humiliation, early physical trauma, burn victims, acid attack victims, early psychological trauma, can all be listed as factors which may lead one to become an environmental incel. On the other hand, Biological Incels are such due to not being genetically gifted enough for females to sexually select them. The causes for Environmental Inceldom are obvious enough, but the causes for Biological Inceldom can be attributed to social and cultural situations around mating, sex, and sexual selection.
Possible Reasons For Biological Inceldom:

  • Monogamy: The advent of monogamy has resulted in genetically unfit and ungifted men being able to reproduce through the attainment of resources. Having weak genes being reproduced results in genetically ungifted offspring being born. This has resulted in many Incels showing unattractive phenotypic expressions, likely inherited from their fathers, which indicate poor genetic quality to females. This also explains why many countries in which monogamy is enforced, the men are less attractive compared to the global average, Examples: Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, etc..
  • Male Expendability Theory + Bateman's Principle: From an anthropological perspective, males have sperm which is seen less valuable than the eggs of females. This results in females being treated better, obtaining more, having more options, etc.. This theory contributes to the notion that, "Not all men are meant to reproduce." The scarcity of female eggs results in an increase pressure from sexual selection on reproductively unfit men, letting only the most genetically gifted men to reproduce, weeding out Incels and other genetically unfit men from the human gene pool. This is enhanced by the fact that females invest more emotionally, biologically, and physically in enfants, childbirth can truly put a female in a vulnerable position, among many other reasons.
According to both of these theories, Incels are the abominations of nature. They are not meant to be alive, and are severely punished by the world, humanity, nature, and females, because they should not be existing at all. Before the advent of monogamy, the genetically unfit and ungifted men would never reproduce because nature and females did not allow them to do so. They would die and parish completely without having passed on their weak genes, exactly how it was naturally meant to be.

Female Incels (Femcels)
The question now comes to whether there are "Female Incels", or, more commonly referred to as, "Femcels". The theory of Femcels is incredibly fraught with many misconceptions and erroneous notions. Femceldom is simply a myth. First and foremost, the theory considers humans females to be similar to human males in reproductive value, which is simply not true. Female eggs are worth more in humans, and in most other mammal species. The Women-Are-Wonderful effect influences that the vast majority of people attribute more positive traits to females, than to males. This inbuilt liking and bias towards females, results in them having more sexual partners on average, being less likely to suffer social ostracization, having more friends, reporting higher life satisfaction than men, etc.. Secondly, hypergamy causes females to be only attracted to the most valuable men, and disregard (or, even, treat with disdain and contempt) the vast majority of other men. Females only have eyes for the top 20-10% of men (depending on their attractiveness), this results in them cutting down any pursuits from men who do not match up to their hypergamous standards. According to various studies, females find more than 80% of men unattractive (a direct result of hypergamy), which makes them not pay any attention to the vast majority of men. How can a female be Femcel if she does not even notice or think about the numerous amounts of attention and sexual interest she is being shown by the vast majority of male around her which she proceeds to ignore by deeming them "unattractive"? Lastly, a pick-up artist YouTuber named, "Playing With Fire", did a tinder experiment where he pretended to be an attractive man and an unattractive woman to see which profile would get more likes. The attractive man obtained around 150-200 likes, whilst the unattractive female obtained more than 400 likes.


Understanding the complex dynamics of inceldom, whether environmental or biological, necessitates a nuanced approach that transcends simplistic judgments or derogatory labels. The term "Incel" has been distorted in popular discourse, often veering into pejorative territory, detracting from the underlying issues. At its core, inceldom reflects a fundamental aspect of human reproductive biology and social dynamics that has persisted throughout history. Biological inceldom, influenced by factors such as monogamy and Bateman's Principle, underscores the harsh realities of sexual selection in the natural world. While environmental factors can contribute to inceldom, biological determinants highlight the stringent criteria imposed by evolution on reproductive success. This underscores the evolutionary pressures shaping human mating behaviors and genetic diversity. The notion of female incels, or "Femcels," remains contentious, with arguments against its validity rooted in evolutionary biology and sociocultural dynamics. The inherent value ascribed to female reproductive resources, coupled with hypergamous mating preferences, challenges the notion of female inceldom. Moreover, societal biases and gendered perceptions skew the portrayal of female experiences in the realm of sexual and romantic interactions.

Note: I am not seeking to praise or condone nature and the natural world in any way. I am an anti-natalist and am against the existence of all sentient life and nature.
dnrd muh disposability, kys, too many men are shabbos goy simp protectors of foids, in a good world we would all keep women as submissive rapeslaves who are forced to give up and accept their fate as free use or be tortured and mutilated

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